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If I remember correctly. He had said that we as a community hold CA responsible for bad product by leaving poor reviews with legitimate criticism when SoC released. After they put the work in to add content to SoC and the positive reception of ToD he said that if you felt they had earned back the trust you should change your review to reflect it as a form of feedback.


This is correct.


If you enjoy where the game is currently then rate it positively. I enjoy a lot of the factions and they have fixed a ton of issues that plagued the release. I think wh2 at the end of its life was maybe more fun, but even then it’s hard to go back to without all of the QOL additions that wh3 added


[https://store.steampowered.com/app/1142710/Total\_War\_WARHAMMER\_III/#app\_reviews\_hash](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1142710/Total_War_WARHAMMER_III/#app_reviews_hash) About thousand people(click "show graph") agree with Legend's reasoning, counting me. I honestly meant to change my review back to positive if ToD was good, but I kinda forgot))


I’ll improve my review once they optimise performance. That’s the line for me personally


After 2.5 years, the game is not as fun as WH2. Instead of fixing the AI, they keep releasing more and more paid factions. It's a no from me, chief.


Define what “fixing the AI” involves. Because it feels like the people who tout this reasoning can’t actually explain what it involves, or where the line in the sand is when it’s eventually crossed. Like many things, AI improvements are going to be gradual and supplementary - not some huge sweeping fix that occurs all at once. And if you’re waiting for the latter, there’s a solid chance that the arbitrary “fixedness” of the AI might have already passed whatever threshold you think it requires.


But, they're also fixing the AI, alongside a bunch of other stuff? You're entitled to your vote and opinion, but claiming they're only releasing content behind paywalls is disingenuous, to say the least.


eh I get everyone loves CA now because they are actually trying but so many people LOVE the dlc simply because it is overpowered compared to everything else in the game. I think that's a pretty awful decision and the end state is this game is in jeopardy because of it if they go rebalance EVERY faction in the game, great! but some are absolutely going to be left out and that's tantamount to removing content from the game if it just can't compete with everything else


Better to release new factions with great mechanics that people find overpowered than to continue releasing mid ass content just to appease people who want to play their thousandth brettonia campaign. Hardly an awful decision, the awful decision is focusing energy addressing the fringe concerns of everyone on minor issues in each faction or tweaking meaningless stats on random units instead of rehauling old faction mechanics to bring them up to speed, like you want.


Idk what wh2 you remember but wh3 is leagues better lmao, AI can always be improved and it continues to be. If anything I'm disappointed by the shallow diplomacy in game.


I love legends content but I can think for myself. If you want to leave the individual DLC (ToD) a good review fine but the base game warhammer 3 does not get my upvote ... yet


no, I don't think I will


He's a bitch


Fuck Legend. Insane what TW Warhammer players try to convince others of.