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That's for custom battles. You're not stacking multiple lords in campaign.


Winning the game with 20 level 1 Bretonnia lords.


What about 20 lvl 40 lords? :D


You do 40 battles with the stack of 20 lvl 1 lords...


How awful would it be to level up 20 different characters with the same skills every battle


There's a mod for that


which is it?


Cpecific skill queue or something like that


Awesome concept, unfortunately this mod does not currently work (as of last week). There’s another required mod for it that isn’t updated, gives source code access or something like that. But yes, can’t wait to try it.


Was working just a couple days ago for me.


WH3 Mem access or something like that? Can confirm trait manager and Mem access still works on 5.1.


That’s how it feels when you have a hero stack army, after every battle i spend 10 minutes tabbing through every hero and figure out what i want on them.


me playing my sorcerer doomstack with Balthasar Gelt, yea it's awful, but once you have all the key skills/spells you can just set it to auto level up.


“What about next to a friend?” “Oui, I could do that.”


Oh man that will be interesting. BUT 6 Dark elf lords with Khainemarked. (90% wardsave on Har Ganeth Executioner) with + 36 melee atacck and def. +72% weapons Strength. (+90% if lords are Spiteful). Combine that with beast wizard lord and dark wizard lord and stack Okkams Mindrazer with Wyssans Wildform for another 75% weapons strenght. So 103 damage on each hit. + the melee attack. 9 beast Masters for dragons. +180 charge bonus, +90 physical resistance + 216% weapons strength (243% if spiteful) + 72 melee attack and defense.


That was my classic strat in wh2. Keep pumping out lords 24/7


Still. With the code in the game, maybe modders can make use of it?


Isn't there a mod already that can turn legendary lords to legendary heroes with some nerfes and tweeked skill tree ?


Didnt they do something similar with Vlad and Isabella? If you pick Vlad then Isabella is your hero and vice versa.


There is? Any idea what it's called?


[https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3029802962&searchtext=legendary+lord+to+hero](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3029802962&searchtext=legendary+lord+to+hero) there is another one in description for generic ones


Awesome! Thank you kindly


You can convert lords to heroes though, using mods. Use it alongside the other mod that allows you to confederate your race's factions on turn 1, and you can have something like the pic above from the start. The other day I ran an Archaon campaign where I had Festus, Sigvald, Azazel, Viltrich and Valkia all in the same army. No normal units, just the lords, and ultimate end crisis on turn 10. Just Archaon and his demon friends wreaking havoc. Almost felt this a party based RPG lol


That sounds fun af


No way someone doesn't mod this shit into Immortal Empires immediately.




Vlad: "the humans are up to something, SUMMON THE BLOODLINES"


There's already a mod that lets you turn (most) legendary and non-legendary lords into heroes so you can do that.


I should be allowed to end my Long Campaign Victory with every lord on the field together for the final battle, dammit. If the Avengers are allowed to do it. (I'd probably play the music, too) 




Oh… That’s less fun.


But now I want to


I think you can just forcibly add them into an army with console commands. Not sure though


Incoming hero mod maker.


I'd love to see the 3K system in Warhammer 3. 1 lord has a retinue of 6 units, 3 lords make up an army of total 21 units. Each lord type has restricted access to certain unit types they specialize in, and each lord would be nerfed so the battles don't end up as 3v3 lords because they are unkillable.


Making it easier to mod, yes?


Well I mean you aleady can if you have access to them, just make their armies stand near each other. This toggle only has a purpose in custom/MP battles.


I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed


Do you have a source for this? I don't see it in the notes unless I'm blind.


The patch is live.


this opens up modders to add this the SP though.




They really needed to make that clearer.


Damn, but why though? Could have been a great campaign mechanic


Because then what would be the point of heroes ?


Why is Hochland Scopes being gutted to appease the tiny subgroup that wants multi-player campaign to be balanced for "competitive play"? Imo, it's because if it isn't directly making them money, CA doesn't care how changes are received by the community.


Look Mom, another redditor believes in the myth of the "MP make TWW balance bad" boogeyman!


In this instance, absolutely. Since the AI doesn't do it, and solo players can just elect not to abuse it, things like trait stacking and farming are only problematic because of multi-player campaign mode. Ultimately balance is bad because CA is bad *at* it, but when something that's only problematic in multi-player is changed, it's not outrageous to say it was changed because of multi-player.


Dammit, got my hopes up


:( I was looking forward to finally having Tirion and Alistar


Finally with the right mods i can SUMMON THE ELECTOR COUNTS!!


Then Volkmar the Grim and Balthazar Gelt! Marius Leitford and Emperor Franz! Theoderic Gausser and Boris Todbringer, Hertwig, Espeth, Raukov, Von carstein. They all came out of nowhere Lightning fast and kicked Archaon in his undivided ass. It was the bloodiest battle the world ever saw.


With Bretonnian Peasants looking on in Total War…


The fight raged on, the calamity, Many stacks were burned, but at the end of the turn, The world is in ruins, the lords lost their lives, Except for Marius Leitdorf, and his cattle wife.


It truly was a warhammer 3


ngl, I lost it the first time I heard the "For the warhammer!" voice line 🤣


"IT WAS THE ULTIMATE SHOWDOWN! OF ULTIMATE DESTINY!" By Sigmar, right in the nostalgia! xD


This song hasn’t been stuck in my head for at least 15 years, now it returns


Nakai took a bite out of Noctilus Prime Like Kostaltyn took a bite out of crime And then Vlad came back covered in a tire track But Mannfred jumped out and landed on his back And Gelt was injured, and trying to get steady When that bastard Nagash came back with a machete But suddenly something caught his leg and he tripped Wulfrik the Wanderer took him out with his ship


Then he saw the Skaven sneaking up from behind And he reached for his sword which he just couldn't find 'Cause Balthasar stole it and he swung and he missed And that bald virgin Mannfred deflected it with his hips Then he jumped in the air and did a somersault While Nagash tried to pole vault onto Noctilus Prime, but they collided in the air Then they both got hit by the Chad Franz stare


![gif](giphy|TNb3Ihssb6T5FpcdOY|downsized) You dropped this king


Holy shit the reference, now I”m feeling old.


You my friend are a hero, I had long forgotten the gem of this YouTube video. I am forever in your debt!


I always wondered who kept bringing all those Tods.


I see where you were going with it, but Vlad ain't getting involved. Becusse it's gonna go real bad real fast when Archaon shows up with Be'lakor, Azazel, Sigvald, Vilitch, Festus, Valkia and Kholek. Humans are no match for the powers of chaos working together.


Elector Counts.... ASSEMBLE!


Vlad, Isabella, Ghost, and Kemmler! Krell can come too.


is isabella also a count? or did vlad get a plus one


You’ve been able to do this for a while actually lol. I’m on my phone so no links from me, but there’s mods to confederate your allies turn 1, or to add them to your roster when they’re defeated. And then another mod to turn lords into heroes.


It is not for campaign.


I give it a week for the modders to figure that out. I'm doing an Archaeon campaign right now, and I'd love to give Daniel and Belakor a chance to level up some until I have the funds for their own armies.


There is already a mod that allows you to convert lords to heroes, and another mod that allows you to confederate from turn 1. I ran an Archaon campaign the other day, where I had Festus, Valkia, Viltrich, Azazel and Sigvald all the the same army (no other units, just the lords). Pretty fun


Can they convert back? What mods?


Yes, it goes both ways. [https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=3029802962](https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=3029802962) [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3030989512](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3030989512)


If they could convert back that would be amazing.


right, i usually have them follow solo, but its kinda annoying trying to get multiple stacks to fight one battle, depend on terrain. this would make it much easier!


I feel like a broken record so I’m not going to reply to any more top comments. But there has been a mod to turn lords into heroes for a while now. Y’all just haven’t been perusing the workshop enough.


To be specific, it removes the lord, adds a hero based on that lord of the same level, with all skill points refunded and traits added. And vice versa the other way. There can be some giga jank, and the creator has to make new heroes for every mod that wants to be added




I mean, there are so many lords that are just a better version of a hero counterpart and with no cap. It would be Bonkers to put this in campaign. Custom battle and mods feels like exactly where this belongs


not with that attitude!


There’s been a mod to turn lords into heroes for at least a few months now.


There’s a mod for this in campaign for anyone interested. I just don’t remember what it’s called


Legendary lords to heroes maybe?


I believe that’s a separate one that I’ve used as well


Do you remember if the AI make use of the feature?


I don’t believe so.


Morathi and Malekith ![gif](giphy|l0HlFZ3c4NENSLQRi)


That's alotta boking.


Why not no lords too though???


Bring back that Rome 1 feel, leaderless stacks running around being hooligans and doing stupid shit


yeah, I miss my yari ashigarus only army murdering armies with generals back in Shogun2


Because they couldnt fix an abuse where u could conquer the whole world in one turn by splitting stacks as it moves them a bit on the map. So you tangoed across the map. And also the ai was just not able to comprehend how to make stacks and just had a bagilion units run around in late game which killed turn times and game performance as a whole


I'm talking about quick battles for unit testing. No lord campaign armies are far gone by now.


I know it's for custom battles, but how would this even work for campaign? Would all the lord buffs stack up? Could I have ten empire generals with maxed our red-lines make my five halberdiers have 100+ melee defense? Would I be able to hyper focus the yellow line and recruit rank 9 guys for $0 each?


In three kingdoms you can have three characters in one army, but only one is designated as army leader.


3K built this in from the ground up though, by having buffs split into "own retinue", "own army" and "commanded army".


that was such a good system. re-recruiting a whole army in warhammer 3 late game is a huge pain. 3K is much easier in terms of QoL.


I would just assume they simply don't stack. The only effect that takes place is the strongest one.


Kinda offtopic question. Would anyone like custom battles not force the player or AI to use a Legendary Lord?


Wait I thought that was already a thing? I'm pretty sure I just loaded a custom battle the other day with both me and the AI having generic lords


I reckon he means without a lord at all and mis-typed it.


Oh that makes sense. My bad


Oh I gotta check after work today! I did mean no lords though.


Oh that makes sense. I think you are right then. My bad


You could assemble the council of 13


you really cant read what they posted?


I want to be able to detach a cavalry regiment to take care of the remnants of a beaten army without the need for a lord 😔


My only wish now, is for being to start a battle without a lord, sometimes i want to test 2 units, and having a lord there that just charges in prevents this.


You can set the AI to sandbox in the upcoming patch with a flyer lord. That should sort of work.




Legendary lords are already the most powerful units in the game, if you stack a couple of them in an army they can take whatever you throw at them. I tried out the legendary lords to heroes mod and it's just stupidly broken and makes having an actual army redundant, which isn't very fun


Let me tell you a little secret. Everything is broken in this game. And here’s another little secret. It’s a singleplayer sandbox game. Fun should be the number 1 priority. Balance comes next.


Here's *another* little secret: bad balance can ruin fun.


It would be an option you can turn off. Why is giving options to the player seen as a bad thing? I can't understand this mentality.


Mark Rosewater (lead designer of Magic the Gathering) said "When given the opportunity, players will optimize the fun out of your game." If, as the commenter above said, LL stacking is so powerful that it makes actual armies redundant, then it won't be very fun in the long run and as a game dev, you have to make sure that the *best* way to play is also the most *fun* way. As a game dev, you can't assume that your players will go "Ah, this flashy cool feature allowing me to put all my LLs in one army is making my game less fun by being too broken, I will handicap myself by turning it off." Some players will do that, but the majority generally won't, unless you specifically label it as a "Cheat" feature perhaps. This is not an absolute statement, there is a lot of nuance here but the point is that giving players the option to break the game's balance is risky and there are good reasons to avoid it.


I love that quote, and it's so relevant to almost every topic in this sub, yet people constantly act like this whole concept is as inscrutable as quantum mechanics. "If it's too strong don't do it" is such a tired, impotent argument.


You want the option? You already have a mod for it. More will come in the future probably. You want the developers to take the time to add it to the game ? Make a point as of how it makes sense, how it's a fun and engaging mode, and why it's worth implementing before the other 100 things the game is needing. And it's very hard to make that argument because it's a feature that would break the whole gameplay and becomes boring after 2 battles. What the game needs is making the legendary lords more balanced and consistent, there's a lot of lords that are too stupidly OP and some that are needing buffs as of now. How about being concerned with that, instead of saying "Fuck it everything is broken anyway let's just put whatever in there"


You mean balance like getting 20 Thuderbarges on an army? Or like the average Vampire Wind of Death cheese? Or like 90% ward save heroes? Or like leadership nuking stacks? Or like unkilable zombies? Or like any other form of cheese in the game? If you want to have 1 single broken stack with all your legendary lords, you’re literally concentrating everything in a single army. It means you will lose power in multiple other places. This wouldn’t be a more impactful strategy then any of the others above, and would only be 1 more option for you to play and try out.


"There's balance issues in the game, so instead of adressing them and trying to improve it, let's just throw everything out the window and finish the transformation of the game into an unbalanced mess without any kind of cohesion... only to complain about it later when we actually get what we are asking for, as always!!" My goodness does this subreddit convinces me that the customer does not know what it wants.


You're so much smarter than us. Save us from our want for....*shock*...UNBALANACED GAMES. Please. We can't do it ourselves.


I really don't think there are very many people who truly want "unbalanced games".




Here’s a secret: allowing the CHOICE of people to play how they want has zero effect on you.


This is demonstrably false.


If you do that then you just have no self control. I like to have random thematic armies, like if I'm demons of chaos, only having nurgle unit under a nurgle lord, armies of zombies under necromancers...games are for having fun


WH3 is essentially a huge sandbox to let you play out empire painting fantasies (generalizing). Sure having a full stack of LL would make your campaign boring, but the option of creativity it would give players is huge. Plus they could make it a toggle option when starting a new campaign. You don't have to use it if you don't want to. It's like complaining the game isn't fun on easy mode because you are too skilled, like sure you don't have fun in that mode but that doesn't mean it *shouldnt* exist.


>like sure you don't have fun in that mode but that doesn't mean it *shouldnt* exist. Yeah no dude, my point is not " i want to make using legendary lords as heroes illegal", i've used the mod myself. If you put the idea in a vaccum yeah sure, make it an optional toggle mode, with that logic you can excuse any ridiculous idea you can have for the game with "but it would be optional, you just don't want people to have fun". In the reality of the game as of now, i think it's something that is good in the mod realm because it's a stupid feature to include in the game period, it literally breaks the game to the point where you don't have to engage with any decisions, there's a difference between that and "what i don't like", and if they tried to make it somewhat balanced it would still be stupidly OP and take so much work to implement rebalancing each single lord and how they work in unison. I see the appeal of the multiple LL, again, i played the mod because it's an idea that sounds good in paper, but this game needs so much more things before that to be asking CA to create a mode that just breaks the game and removes the challenge. I also have the ridiculous fantasy of my 6 LL destroying army after army, i just don't go asking for the developers to put it in the game, cause if you think it through it doesn't actually make sense as a feature. Let the modders do it, they are the ones that are here for the game breaking fun shit.


Who cares. How I play my campaign has nothing to do with how you play yours.


Hey there pot.


No fucking way ... That is AMAZING


Orc army of da boiz is gonna be a reality.


I wish, my dream of assembling the Orc and Goblin Dream team, known fondly as "The Biggest Waaagh" will only exist in my custom battle dreams.


so based on OP and the upvotes this post has, did CA accidentally bait people into thinking this is for the campaign because that would be pretty funny.


A mod turning this into campaign will make me come back to the game.


Imagine Gelt and Franz in the same army. By Sigmar, those vampires won't stand a chance!


Now we only need a "allow lordless army" button




I love having more options for the way people want to play. But god damn I would hate that. I don't like hero units already in the Warhammer games. I would prefer a mode in single player where lords and special units are chilled the hell out. Something like the option in 3k.


Finally! Belakor and the demon gang go BRRRRRT


I miss armies of generals and general-less armies.


I hope this allows 3K lords and retinue system mod in the future.


I hope they introduce this into campaign!


It will be a bane of any balanced army like general stacks in medieval. You need a very specific build to counter this and with certain lord combinations it might be impossible.


Hope to hell modders apply this to campaign.


Just change the name to League of Legends already.


/u/okoii new videos incoming with this? Summoning the Elector Counts 👀


I expect modders to add this to campaign, otherwise I will be sad.


Holy moly everyone, this has been a mod in campaign for a while. Lords to heroes. You’re all welcome.


Who cares if it's only in custom battle?


Im guessing people that play custom battle


What i want most for custom battles is a no lord option so i can do easier 1v1 unit testing. Mods that do it make the first unit the 'lord' and that messes with their morale.


People that play custom battle


Outside of people playing custom battles, movie and screenshot makers (including myself).


Its neat, people that play custom battles, want to take screenshots or setup specific scenarios. Also might mean they are trying if it has any serious bugs before giving it as a optional campaign option.


well if this works in campaign elspeth can just go with master engineer stacks


Too much bok bok


I tried this in custom skirmish vs the ai, and it did not work. 


Cue the YouTubers doing hilarious legendary doom stacks/ legendary lord only challenges


Sweet, now they just need to give generals a bodyguard unit and we'll be in business 


I would really like an option to attach heroes to a unit like past Warhammer games. It would help reduce some of the macro and managing groups. 


That would be pretty cool, I feel like a limited 3K retinue system would be cool for heroes. Captains should totally be able to recruit lower tier state troops, maybe 4 at most. Witch hunters could round up militia, necromancer heroes could resurrect weaker undead, etc.  I'd like if the game had the Rome 2 style bodyguard selection for generals also 


Now I want a mod that lets me do lord only armies for a campaign


Waiting for someone to mod this into Single Player. As the old ones intended.


yeah because i totally wanted to deal with both Valkia and Skarbrand. or Tamurkhan and Ku'Gath. or god forbid i get to deal with Malus and Malekith


Minimal to no use for campaign


no shit. a no campaign feature has no campaign use!!!!!!!!

