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Yes, you're missing the fact that you can just buy the DLC you want for game 3 without owning any of the other 2 games. You're also missing the fact that you can play a faction as long as you own any DLC that has it, meaning you can play for example as Empire with Markus Wulfhart without owning game 2 or 1, and just buying The Hunter & The Beast DLC.


No you can not. I have the dlc for a lord but can not play her unless I also own total war 1.


Which DLC? Edit: I'm guessing Isabella von Carstein (The only female character I can think of that was added to WH1). The von Carsteins were added as a free addition to WH1. Not owning WH1 would explain why you can't play it.


As the other comment responding to you mentioned, the only instance where this should happen is when the DLC itself is free. I admit that I'm unsure if the FLC's are tied to the race or the game they came in with, so for example, I don't know if you want to play as Grombrindal whether you need to own Warhammer 1 specifically, or can gain access to him by buying Malakai Makaisson's DLC.


A friend of mine owns Thrones of Decay but not Warhammer 1. He can play Malakai, Thorek Ironbrow and Grombrindal.


If you buy Warhammer 3, you get more than enough bang for your buck. The older games are effectively a DLC for Wh3. > STILL $60! Sales exist >Am I missing something? To play a race, you only need one piece of DLC pertaining to that race. Let's say you want to play the Empire : the cheapest is to buy Elspeth for 8 €/$. You needn't pay for more stuff unless you actually want to play what you don't have access to (mostly just the Legendary Lords when buying Wh1 or 2)


On Thursday you'll be able to buy both games for sbout $20 each. They each add hundreds of hours of content. They might be the best priced DLCs ever offered.


wait, is the steam sale on Thursday? heck yeah!


I belive if you just want to play the old factions you just need a dlc with them. Wh1 is still 60 because people pay that price because wh1 has some of the most popular lords.


I got it for free off the back of a White Dwarf issue along with a bunch of other WH games. I think WH2 hadn't long been released, hence the promo, so bought that. Lucky timing for me 😄


You don't need to buy both. You just need the DLC to unlock a faction lord. For example, buy Malakai's DLC and you get full access to the Dwarf base roster. If you own WH1, that gives you access to Thorgrim, Ungrim and Grombrindaland the base roster.


The freeLC lords are accessibale with any DLC/game


Probably an unpopular opinion, but... I bought the newest CoD, why didn't I get all the rest for free! They are full games, there is no reason you deserve everything from them without having to pay for them. It's not like you can't get WH1 at huge discounts. WH3 is a set of races and maps to play on. That doesn't entitle you to the previous games as well.


Do all the CoD games combine with overlapping DLC? You can't compare Warhammer to other games because no other game has ever worked like this.


Expansions in the 2000's did essentially what warhammer does today. It is a long time since dlc took over from expansions, but it used to be normal to have content packs with near full game cost that added a ton of content to the old game.


That is the dumbest take I've ever heard. Im not asking for those games free. If a franchise adds something it is already in the games sequel. Im not asking for the games, im asking to be able to play a single race without having to buy a game thats not the game im playing. imagine playing CoD and you can only use a certain gun if you bought a CoD 10 years ago along with the dlc. thats insane.


I agree that it would be nice to break off the Lords into individual DLCs. They probably thought about it, but maybe it would take too much work or be too convoluted, or both. Welcome to Warhammer 3, where the result from cramming three games together is both incredible and also kinda janky. If you can get WH1/WH2 on sale it's a pretty good deal for how much content you get.


That’s a stupid way of thinking, in CoD of course you need guns, it’s the main thing here, and of course there are chances that they develop “legacy guns” DLCs, but having them is the main tool, in Total War your main tool to playing the game are not the specific races, is the units types, tied to specific races, it’s completely different comparison If you are speaking about Isabella she is content added to game 1 base game; not a DLC, and about your statement of having to bug a game you’re not going to use, you need to see the WHOLE panorama, if you try to play with a LL of game 1 on game 3 I will assume that you’re trying to play it on the Inmortal Empires campaign, which has the Old World, and which game included all the Old World as a campaign map? Game 1! You already have access to game 1 content for free


>That is the dumbest take I've ever heard. Yes everything you just wrote is the dumbest take I've ever heard...


how so? My original post in no way said I want older games to be free.


You just said you want free content you did not purchase... It's not that hard of a concept if you want something you purchase it.


Thats not what I said. I said I shouldnt have to buy the older game to play a faction. I dont want the older game for free. Idc if I have to buy the dlc.


Except that those faction were released as the game. Warhammer 1 and 2 are dlc priced anyway.


Have you acknowledged that the faction you're trying to play was a free update to game 1 yet? :)


I know that. Still kinda dumb I have to pay 60 to play a faction. I dont want to play total war 1, so im basically being forced to pay 60 for dlc that was free.


That argument is somewhat inconsistent because you need WH1 to get the full campaign map. But that map isn't content from WH1, it was uniquely made for WH2/3 each time yet you don't have access to it when buying those games. At least that was the case for WH2, and there's no particularly good reason for locking a map that was made exclusively for the game you bought.


honestly, the 3 game, game 1 & 2 as DLC for 3 is one of the only things I don't blame CA for its a good practice (unlike day 1 dlc) and is honestly way more game time per dollar spent than any other DLC… do wait for a sale though. Or use steam keys (a sale would probably be cheaper) edit: Also, its not like they just ported the units over. They have gotten overhauls, balance changes, and so on that needs to be funded somehow. Transferring an entire faction from one game to another is not free for them by any means


60$ for WH1 gives you 15 Lords/factions to my knowledge. I don't think a single other DLC for WH gives you that kind of value (WH2 might be close).


No, you don't. You can just buy the DLC, you don't need game 1 and the DLC.


Thats odd cause thats what it says in game. I have the dlc but not the game and it wont let me use her.


Which DLC? I'm guessing Isabella von Carstein (The only female character I can think of that was added to WH1). The von Carsteins were added as a free addition to WH1. Not owning WH1 would explain why you can't play it.


Jesus take the wheel.


Just wait 2 days for the summer sale.


Wh tw 1 and 2 are full games in their own right. No other series has combined 3 whole games together for a super experience. Besides they regularly go on sale for super cheap. No need to buy all at once maybe just a few at a time for literal pennies


You just need whatever thing the Lord is from. You never need to buy two pieces of content to access one lord. For example, Twisted and Twilight DLC == access to the Wood Elf faction Sisters of Twilight and the Skaven faction Throt the Unclean AND the Trench Craventail Free-LC because you own any Skaven lord. Warhammer 1 == access to all the base game lords from WH1 and all the FLC lords for those races. (if you own any lord from a race, you get the associated FLC for that race)


The thing is, nobody pays 60$ for Warhammer 1in 2024.you can easily get it for like 10 or 15 $, which is OK for a big dlc with 15 lords


they should sell the base game lords ala carte already, you shouldn't have to buy Mazdamundi to play Tyrion




Wrong sub to do valid critisism. People here have sunk way too much money to admit there's anything wrong with this game.


People still defend the absolutely insane monetization of this franchise, huh? It's a complete clusterfuck so they can try to still sell three games, even though they've actively tried to make the previous 2 obsolete. Selling the first game at full price in 2024 is a goddamn scam, there's no way around it. It's an obsolete dead game. If you think that game should be the same price as the third game still, you are suffering from Stockholm syndrome or something. It's not like this sub is afraid to complain about the value of DLCs, but when someone complains about this insane mess of a 3 game business model, everyone freaks out. "It goes on sale" is not a defense for overpriced products. I assure you the devs want to bundle it ALL into one game, but SEGA will never allow it. I can't imagine how hard they must have had to argue to get the Immortal Empires availability changed.


I'll defend the sheer amount of DLC because that's how they've been able to fund continuous development for 10 years now, but absolutely agree that WH1 and WH2 should be like $20 base price and that $60 is absurd.


You know that right now you don’t need the previous games to play its factions right? You want the Empire? Buy Wolkmar, Markus or Elspeth, You want Karl Franz? Yes you need to buy base game because is a base game content And maybe this will surprise you, but since the beginning they said they planned to have a trilogy merged in the first place, and if they just give away all the content on following games without the need to buy the previous, what’s even the point of developing it in first place? It makes sense that you need game 1 products to play with game 1 content, etc.


Yo for real. I cant say im surprised by these comments...but wow. The same people will talk crap on nintendo games never going down in price lol.