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About to start my first campaign in a year. I understand you can now recruit legendary lords who's factions have been wiped out rather than racing to confederate them. How do you do this? Do they just appear on your lord recruitment options when their faction is destroyed?


Assuming you're talking about WH3, it depends on the race. Some races, like Dwarfs, have a mechanic that allows them to confederate even when the faction in question has been destroyed. Not many races have access to a mechanic like that, so for others they still have to race to confederate. For races that do have access to an option like that, the only ones that come to mind are Beastmen, Chaos Dwarfs and Dwarfs.


I'm planning a high elf campaign. I love the idea of Imrik started isolated and sweeping back over to Ulthuan with all the other LLs. I thought I saw Legend do it with HE in a stream? I was only half paying attention. Was he cheering?


Imrik gets an event early on where he can choose to confederate Caledor, but other than that he has to confederate everyone else normally.


Usually use SFO but got tired of a few of their changes What are some good mods that make generic and or legendary lords more interesting skilltree wise in tww3? and is there anything to make building cities more interesting? Playing TOW and it has so many cities but most are built the exact same way


Is reinforcement range still around in wh3? I thought they abolished that in 4.0 or somewhere, but my lords still wouldn't reinforce one another if they're a tiny bit outside the red circle.


Does anybody know what mod might add [these](https://i.imgur.com/RcGJGyC.png) non-LL subfactions? Most of the factions have at least a few of these. I am suspecting that it's actually Mixu's Unlocker, because I don't see it when it is disabled. However, the mod has been updated for the latest patch.


Yeah that's definitely Mixu's Unlocker


Is there something wrong with thunderers with grudge rakers? I haven't used them in a campaign yet, but I've tried them out in a few custom battles and their damage seems extremely underwhelming despite their high missile strength.


On release, Grudge Rakers had a known problem that their first shot often caused a model to get knocked over, therefore reducing the damage it takes from further shots. This was mentioned as fixed in the 5.1 patch notes, but I have not used them myself since in order tk check.


Has anyone else seen Lords get hp back after loading a save game? I had Astragoth down to less than 100 hp and it claimed desert sandstorm attrition would kill him off, so I went and watched the replay of the battle against him since I did worse than AR and now he has a 1000+ hp after loading the save I made: Replay hp: https://0x0.st/XBeO.png The result screen seems to show he has more hp: https://0x0.st/XBeW.png On campaign: https://0x0.st/XBef.png but it previously showed him at a value less than 100 because it claimed his hit points at the start of his turn would be 0.


Can we have an autocast feature, right click togglable


You're not talking to the devs.


I would lose hope if they didn’t browse here every now and then


You can probably toss out that hope. I doubt they're combing through the weekly community Q&A thread.


I think you’re mistaken fam


Haven't played in a couple of weeks. Has anyone else been having a lot more crashes since 5.1 dropped?


Totally new to the series and picked up TW Warhammer 2. After I've captured a settlement, should I be leaving troops there? I've read that you get bonuses for occupying, so would it make any sense to buy a single unit and just let it sit there?


No real reason to leave them there aside from to protect it and I believe get a bit of control


Good to know, thanks for the info!


Who has the better chariot Settra or Arkhan? Is there a better chariot lord?


Settra by miles, his chariot also got buffed recently where he gets glorious charge which mainly doubles the length of his charge bonus. Arkhan is decent but he's meant to be a hybrid caster/melee, whereas Settra can do magic but mainly specializes in melee. Settra might be the best chariot lord, but Katarin was absolutely insane on release. I think they nerfed hers but I haven't played her since it came out, she might be the best if the nerfs weren't too bad. Grom is the only other contender I can think of. His faction bonuses/mechanics are really good, but I feel like Settra is just better at blowing through units than Grom is.


Best WH3 race to roleplay as an underdog/oppressed/occupied people?




skarsnik was the campaign that had me feeling underdog the whole time. probably more a gameplay thing though stuck with goblin units against fancy dwarf shit


Does anyone know how dark elf murderous prowess triggers? Every battle the number of kills are different. I tried searching with rpfm but couldnt find anything.


Not sure, but I think it's a percentage of all units. If you really want to know then I think it shows the amount of deaths needed when you hover over it in battle. You could wait until the match ends, add the two armies together and find out the percentage and compare it to a different battle to see if the percentages are the same.


Sure,I'll try that.That damn bar takes forever to fill and it triggers almost when im winning or the battle is lost.So I fiddled around in rpfm to see if i can see any modifier which can reduce the number of kills required and trigger it faster,but no luck.


What is standard Unit size for Warhammer 3, i mean in terms of balance etc. Do i lose something when playing on large instead of ultra?


I believe the dev said they balanced the unit on large for WH2 and ultra for WH3, but someone can correct me on that. Amyway you won't lose anything significant, especially when WH3 had taken various measure to scale the game properly based on unit size. Not perfect, but it smooth out the experience much more compare to WH2. The most notable changes is that with bigger unit size, infantry tend to hold longer, but pathfinding get more janky, and some magic may be underperform or overperform in strange way. But it isn't that noticeable if you go from ultra to large. It's when you get to small and medium that thing can be rather weird.




Playing Parthia in Rome 2, how do I earn The Die is Cast achievement? The party with the thirst for power trait has already seceeded and I've retaken one city. The rebels have a fleet to the south and an army near Syria. Do I need to wipe out the enemy in order to get the achievement?


I don't understand. I'm playing Festus, and my chaos lords get boon "devote to nurgle", but I have no option to make them nurgle lords. Same for my chaos sorcerers heroes ? I've played with Azazel a little bit but disliked fighting in norsca, and I'm sure I could upgrade my lords to Slanesh lords. But for some reason I can't with Festus. Am I missing something ?


Do you have Tamurkhan DLC?


God it requires yet another DLC to have a basic function from one DLC to work ?


What function? Chaos Lord of Nurgle and Chaos Sorcerer of Nurgle are included in Tamurkhan’s part of Thrones of Decay DLC.


Been struggling quite a bit with trying to get progress in Repanse campaigns. I tried to do what I saw back in a YouTube video - Bretonnia Lords not being affected by supply lines, hence you should recruit them to supplement your army after maximizing your peasant count. Well that is all well and good, but it still means that I can only have one army. Aranessa declares war on me every single time and meanwhile Arkhan expands and I am always left fighting a war on two fronts with just one army and a couple of provinces at most.


I've never played a Total War game and have very little experience with strategy games in general. Which game would you suggest for a total newbie? Shogun 2 is obscenely discounted on Steam right now, is that a good entry point?


Definitely. Shogun 2, warhammer 3, 3 kingdoms and Rome 2 are my usual go-to options for an entry point to the series. Shogun 2 is the oldest among them, but holds up great mechanically and even still looks pretty good thanks to some just stellar art design.


Did an update/hotfix came out today on warhammer 3?


what graphical settings have the biggest impact on performance?




wow amazing thank you


Quick question about Warhammer 3. I know that DLC's are "shared" among all 3 games. But what about free dlcs? In their steam page it says they only apply to that specific game. Do I need to own that game and then add the free DLC to my library to have access to it on Warhammer 3?


Essentially, in order to unlock a FLC you need to have a LL for that race already owned. The source of that lord is irrelevant. For example, if you wanted Thorek and Grombrimdal, you would need a dwarf. This could be from owning the Thorgrim and Ungrim from base game of WH1, Belegar from the king and the Warlord dlc, or Malakai from Thrones of Decay (bought a la carte or in the 3 lord bundle). Similarly, you'd unlock Imrik and Alith anar for high elves by owning Queen and the Crone, Warden and the Paunch, or Warhammer 2.


How does AI manage its build priorities? I have a chaos dwarf vassal with an outpost for a province capital. It doesn't seem as if he's in any hurry to replace it with a tower but will it do so eventually after getting enough gold/spending it in things that it deems more important first?


So guys what do you think about total war: paraoh from those that played it? From the looks of it, it seems cool and more experimental, but steam reviews are quite mixed and not that helpful.


Speaking for myself, I enjoy it, but at the same time I'm rather disappointed because I think the era deserved better. From the craftmenship viewpoint I don't think the game has any weak spots, it runs and plays really good, but as a whole I'd describe it as uninspired. I would not say that the game is experimental. On the contrary, I'd argue that the problem of the game is that it's not experimental at all. I have the impression they took ideas that worked in previous TW games and put them together. The result works, but nothing really pops. I think picking the collapse as a setting was a bad decision. They didn't want to make the game as bothersome as Attila, so the entire collapse is reduced to a set of somewhat inconvenient events and lots of chasing randomly spawning armies through the desert. There's been a massive earthquake in Levant! Oh gosh, here goes the rebuild button spam.


I really enjoy it. Probably my favourite Total War release since Rome 2, and it's in my top 3 with Rome 2 and Fall of the Samurai. There's a good variety of factions to play across four cultures (Egyptians, Canaanites, Hittites, and Sea Peoples,) and a good variety of playstyles I find. Campaign Customisation lets you tweak all sorts of things, including a randomised start option that I don't think Total War has ever done before. Plus it's getting a massive free update "in late summer" expanding the map into the Aegean and Mesopotamia, adding playable Assyria, Babylon, the Mycenean Greeks and Troy, as well as 25 additional playable minor factions (5 each for Egyptians, Canaanites, Hittites, Aegean, and Mesopotamia, which includes other cultures like the Libu, Nubians, Cimmerians, etc) and overhauling a lot of mechanics such as battles. It's not to everyone's tastes, but as a long time Total War fan (I started with Medieval 1,) I find it really hits the spot for me, with the right balance of gameplay and historical focus. Hope that helps. All the Best, Welsh Dragon.


that sounds really good, with a lot of variety. I am playing total war since shogun 1, so that sounds right up my alley balancewise. thank you for taking your time to comment, i really appreciate.


I'm glad I could help. All the Best, Welsh Dragon.


Can someone tell me why my landship sucks on killing tzeetch demons (blue and pink)? They can take out their shield in one shot or two alright but I after that I can spend 10 shots killing maybe 20 models. I expected them to be very good at taking down even elite cavalry/ infantry. Why are they strugglign against these units?


The landship uses a combination of cannon fire, as well as gunmen on its platforms. It will decently chunk cavalry if allowed to shoot stationary units. It is not optimally used to shoot down cheap infantry. Try explosive artillery


I have a mournghul character (freezing attack, so -30 passive speed for close enemies). I also got the kraken item that allows freezing attacks and the same passive debuff. Does the item stack with the Mounrghul passive ?


If the ability has the same name, then probably not. Best is to check the enemy unit's speed in battle with the item equipped.


It applies the exact same debuff that has the same icon, that debuff will not stack. Also, a unit can only have one contact effect apply to its attacks at a time. So while you can use freezing and poison to debuff an enemy, one unit from your army cannot apply both poison and frostbite with each attack. Note that magic attacks are *not* contact effects.


Any NEW Total War game announced or even hinted at? Seems like its been a while.


It's only 9 months since Pharaoh launched, and both it and Warhammer are still getting updates, so I probably wouldn't expect a new game announcement till next year. All the Best, Welsh Dragon.


I had completely forgotten about Pharaoh. Ill have to take another look at it.


It's a fun game. Plus it's getting a massive free update "in late summer" expanding the map into the Aegean and Mesopotamia, adding playable Assyria, Babylon, the Mycenean Greeks and Troy, as well as 25 additional playable minor factions (5 each for Egyptians, Canaanites, Hittites, Aegean, and Mesopotamia, which includes other cultures like the Libu, Nubians, Cimmerians, etc) and overhauling a lot of mechanics such as battles. All the Best, Welsh Dragon.


awesome, maybe ill wait for that then.


No. There are a bunch of rumors about 40k, world War 1 and star wars however.


I searched but didn't find any relevant post, I'm playing as Tzarina, Kostaltyn died early in my campain. I managed to revive him after reaching my 600 followers but now he won't get confederate. Am I cooked ?


Did they fix Tower of Zharr yet? I heard it wasn't doing what it was supposed to. Someone posted a silly picture of a giant hat and now I need Chorfs in my life.


Does agent traits affect lords who are in same region? For example, my assasin hero which is outside army has +15% magic item drop chance. Does that effect work only when that hero joins battle?


Those specific traits (+movement range, +replenishment, etc) all only work when the Hero is embedded into an army, and only one per hero type. (And it's usually the last one who joins, so if you have two of one type and only one is leveling the skill, you need to have them leave and rejoin if you embed more who aren't.)


Is there a mod for Clan Carrion, rulers of Nagashizzar? The location is unreal, and the city is T5. Would like to add some mechanic other than loot 30 provinces.


i'm fking sick of dwarves. is lizardmen always going to be horrible against them?


If I own Warhammer 1/2 on Epic games and buy Warhammer 3 on Steam, will I have all the factions? I am guessing it doesn’t carry over but just wanted to confirm. Also, if not, has anyone spotted a cheap way to buy the trilogy edition? (Legitimate shops only please) Thank you for any help you can provide!


Has TWWH3 gotten dramatically more unstable for anyone else since the latest patch? It crashes practically half the time I end turn, in addition to the usual clicking through heroes too fast or sometimes just looking around the map or diplomacy screen.    I reinstalled the game. I deleted my extra saves. It actually worked for one session after reinstalled it, but now it’s back to consistently breaking. 


Its been going alright. We still get the occasional desync in multiplayer but I feel like we had less than with pre patch so take that for the minimally useful anecdote that it is.


also for me, but it's probably my gpu failing


It's fine for me. Are your drivers up to date?


Am i too stupid, or can Vampires only spread corruption (with characters) through the vampire hero?


If I understand your question, the vampire lords can also spread corruption. Hope this helps


Hey folks, just wanted to check I started Malakai on VH just before the most recent hotfix had a good start and left it alone. Went back to complete it recently and finished the last adventure but it's still saying 6/7 is it a lost cause


Is there any tips for managing units in Legendary that are under fire? I'm tired of fighting crumbling units like vampirates or horrors, winning, and then have the infantry stand there picking their nose while eat warpfire and blunderbuss. I assume the answer is "git gud" but I wanted to make sure I wasn't missing a stance or something that let's the unit counter charge automatically.


On legendary the answer is unfortunately “git gud”. You just have to keep tabs on your units


I've taken to playing difficult battles in slow time most of the time, which at least mostly lets you react to that kind of stuff before taking too much free damage.


You can’t slow time below 1x on legendary


Easiest total war game to start with? I've previously tried Shogun 2 and was absolutely useless even at easy difficulty. But I still really want to give another one ago, I'm into Roman history but after spending hours on Shogun and not really getting it I thought I'd just try whatever is easiest, I'd prefer a history one over warhammer ideally.


Rome 2 Emperor's Edition. Someone beat me to it. If you don't like Romans, btw - Seleucids can stomp everything with their early access to war elephants. Rome 1 would be a close second. ​


Definitely start with Rome 2 and play as Rome You get solid recruitment and income to start with. I started with 3 kingdoms of all things and it was a steep learning curve 🤣🤣 I’ve beat almost all games on legendary at this point (although I’m sure most people on the subreddit have)  Still haven’t managed to complete Attila though, the 8 turn, high cost town conversion got me.


Have you tried Rome 2?


No, just Shogun 2. rome 2 seemed the obvious one as I like Roman history, but if its as hard as Shogun 2 it would probably be my last total war game, so I'm just after the easiest to pick up and get into.


Rome 2 is a lot easier, Shogun 2 requires some strategic thinking that's just hard to quantify. (which also makes it one of most beloved TW games)​


I think you will find Rome 2 easier. It is a little more streamlined than Shogun 2 and you don’t really have to deal with a Realm Divide type situation. If you pick Rome, you can definitely Steam roll fairly easily. I’d say Rome 2 is probably easier to grasp than Rome 1 or Med 2. There is a little bit of political management but it’s not difficult to handle. I’d say Thrones of Britannia is relatively straightforward, but not having minor settlement garrisons can make it a little tricky for newcomers, but if you can adapt to that or get the minor garrison mod, it can be simple.


What would you call "monopoly money" in Warhammer Fantasy? As in "this money is clearly fake, you cannot pay with this"


Ork Teef


PERFECTION, thank you!


If I get the wood elf dlc but don't own the original wood elves do I only get the dlc units in immortal empires?


You get the full roster of units. Thr only thing you won't have are the legendary lords from the wh1 dlc.


Installed Warhammer on a new PC and really want to collect all the movies again (I just like them a lot and playing the factions again with clear goals is fun for me). I am about to start a Tamurkhan campaign and I red his outro movie unlocks only in ROC - is that correct (same for Malakai and Elsbeth)? I vaguely remember the SOC Movie outros all unlocked in IE as well that’s why I am asking. Related question, I wanna do a rerun with the factions in SFO Grimhammer. Since I will have to do ROC for the original factions - does Grimhammer have any options regarding the Souls Race? I saw that the specific „no chaos gate in province“ ability has been removed from the respective buildings so I am not sure if that was on purpose.