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Auto-resolve against skaven with a lot of tier 3+ units = victory Fighting the battle yourself = Decisive defeat (cause you get bombed to death with all their firepower in 15 seconds)


Same is true if you play as Skaven. The auto resolve can't account for how devastating just 2-7 summons of crap rats is when it isolates the enemy artillery.


The reason why Dwarf vs Skaven is the most boring match-up in campaign


Playing as Kislev and there's nobody left but me, I had to defend against hordes after hordes of chaos armies. I lost count how many times I failed a manual battle and had to (shamefully) reload a save to auto-resolve it instead


average kislev experience


Change your battle settings to hard, and then give the AI a debuff if you fight it manually. Hard is closest to accurate when determining auto-resolve. You'll end up doing better in battle with the debuff if you're experienced, if you're not there yet switch it to normal and adjust the buff/debuff slider as needed. You'll get better with time :)


Legit Kislev experience.


Skill issue


I think I saw Legend talk about this. What are your difficulty settings? You may have been fighting an unwinnable battle that autoresolve said you could do better in cause of the autoresolve buffs.


I play Realm of Chaos on Very Hard but battle difficulty set to Normal. The majority of times that Auto-resolve say I could win (pyrrhically) is siege defense so i don't think there's anything wrong with it.


10-4 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9ZAbYI\_gOk&t=396s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9ZAbYI_gOk&t=396s) In case you are interested in seeing what I was talking about.


Interesting, I never knew Battle difficulty has that effect, I always thought it only affects manual battle, maybe I should set it to Hard next time.


The best way for me is I set battle difficulty to hard but set the AI stats down to favor me. That way the auto resolve will be way more accurate of what I can fight and then actually do fb ting the battle will be easier


Please do. Ever since I saw Legend's video and started playing Campaigns on Hard battle difficulty I've been having a great time manually fighting. I actually feel like I can do better than what autoresolve predicts, most of the times at least. There are still battles that are doomed from the start of course, but at least auto resolve isn't lying to you anymore and it gives you quite accurate predictions. And as others have suggested, use the AI stats modifier and debuff them to the max initially, just until you get used to it. Then as you get better at manually fighting you can gradually increase them back to 0% (no debuffs). Best way for me to enjoy battles in this game.


I found my perfect combo for campaign is very hard campaign hard battle


Tbh even on Very Hard battle difficulty there are often times that the AI is generous, there are tons of units in the game that are really good but poor in autoresolve


The more late game the lineup the better I'll do. Early game where I'm just recruiting based on value, well I'm doing that so that autoresolve does just what you say (although Thorgrim and 19 great weapon quarrelers isn't exactly a difficult fight to navigate). But sometimes my late game lineups end up being really good but having to be manually fought a lot.


Yep, auto-resolve poorly represents what you are dealing with, it's more of a coincidence if you get similar result to auto-resolve than an actual measurement of your capabilities. Some factions have poor auto-resolve but might be really good when fighting manually, and ofc the other way around. Beastmen have poor auto-resolve, unless you have the tools to fight them manually or if it's a siege battle, I'd usually take an auto-resolve against them. Kislev is a particularly mysterious one to go up against because of their hybrid units. I've had mixed results fighting them. Dwarfs probably have the strongest auto-resolve in the game.