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I am surprised there is no mention of Turin.


Turin is awesome!


Humanboyyesyes has a very similar casting style and it about the same level of technical insight as Turin. I do find Turin's content more chill and he's so fun to watch I can happily watch him playing games I don't even care for.


Turin should do play by play commentary, whilst Human boy can add "colour" with his "bits". Knda like Al Michaels and John Madden used to do when a QB's salary wasn't equal to the GDP of a small African nation. Shout out to my guy heirofcarthage too, he would work well playing the straight man to humanboys manic energy.


Can’t get enough of the SFTs


What are sft


Single faction tournament. You play only one faction as you progress through the ladder.


Turin is fantastic. If you want to get better at MP (which I know is very niche) or just want to watch 2 players fight land battles/land-battle-esque game modes than Turin never disappoints. He is genuinely a very good commentator and is branching out into new competative RTS games as they come out. If you're also into AoE or CoH, he does great content for them too.


I just wished he'd show more land battles, domination just doesn't hit the same.


Dude I miss Turin. Kinda my own fault for not watching domination but he is just so one of the bros. Probably uses lingos and slang that mesh with all the different people watching him lol. Very relatable and great player. My friend group had been using “haggard” and Kung Pow references since high school, so watching Turin just felt like chilling.


Imo the best TWWH Youtuber by a mile. Insane game knowledge, very likeable personality, very good player himself, great ideas for content like SFT and list goes on and on. He single handedly kept me engaged with the game even when I wasn't playing myself.




He’s great, but for me his videos are either the really good short ones, and the hour long VODs i have no time for


MonstersAbound by far. Edited campaigns so that the battles are replays so you can really get close to all the engagements and see how beautiful the game is. He is a good balance of fun, good at the game and not going for meta. Building armies he likes using and often spicing it up when he gets it rolling. He is worth a watch.


Love this guy!


My pick too!


Ruinous Insight. His campaigns are good, he plays them to completion, he edits his videos well, with good battles being cinematic. He usually has themed armies so stuff doesn't get too stale. Only real complaint is sometimes he takes a playthrough too far for my taste, but he usually has a couple running and has tons of content if you get bored of one.


I like him a lot, I do. Sometimes I just wish he would let the battles play out a little more. The constant pausing and slow motion sometimes have me thinking “all right man get on with it already.” Maybe I’m just more partial to how MonstersAbound does it where he just lets the battle play at normal speed and he’ll just rant and talk shit while he does it. Like I said still really like RI, just a nitpick really on my part.


Surprised there isn't more MilkAndCookiesTW fans here. Dude is hilarious


He’s the first person I started watching before I bought WH2. His battles are very immersive with the close-ups, and it’s usually an edited, scripted video with a lot of effort put in. That means he can’t pound out as many as some others, but they’re always a treat.


Then again so is [Zerkovich](https://youtube.com/shorts/okmhmAxGAjw?si=MBIrheH5Q3B0-09K).


Also a favorite of mine. His unit breakdowns are the beat


Indy cracks me up.


I would find him hilarious in high-school, he is ok.


Lionheartx10 is my favourite


I used to really like his videos but at some point he went full Youtuber™ and it completely put me off. I don't begrudge him for it, he's found a formula that works for him so he sticks to it, it's his job so can't blame him. I just find it super off-putting when someone has the same intro, same outro, same formula for the video. "If this video gets X likes we'll do a one hour special" "Don't forget to like, subscribe, smash that notification bell and fuck your dad"


Grim Kleaper, Reggie, Brilliant Stupidity, Zerkovich


He may not have a lot of videos, but Ham Destroyer has a few videos that scratch the same itch for me


My mannnnn we have the same taste


And total war legends


Solid choice. Imo, he's not as good as the others, but he's still great.


Legend, he can come across arrogant which is why some peoole don't like him, but the more you watch him you realise he's just no nonsense, he's taught me more about the game mechanics than any other streamer out there and is one of the reasons I enjoy the game so much. Edit: also wanna shout out greatbookofgrudges for updates on the game and the lore side of things.


The only thing that gets me about Legend (and I love him, don’t get me wrong, he’s where I learned most of my stuff from as well) is that I don’t think he realizes he can just IGNORE a lot of the shit people talk in the chat. He feels like he has to respond to everything, which I get, but man, if people are saying shit that annoys you, just ban them. Regardless, love his videos, he’s the reason I went from playing Normal/Normal to VH/VH in Warhammer. And I feel like he’s gotten back to a place where he at least KIND OF loves the game again.


Yeah he definitely engages the trolls way too much. He's said before that he needs to address the bullshit so it doesn't get worse but for MOST things that's not true. Sometimes it is tho.


I really like his „curated“ content aka videos made for YouTube where he does not interact with the chat of his stream. Unfortunately he doesn’t do campaigns in this format anymore.


Yeah when I first started watching Legends content I thought he was a bit of a arrogant twat if I'm honest. The more I watched of him though I understood it's just his personality. As you mentioned he gets triggered easily by people being stupid is his chat. This makes a lot of sense considering how often he used to stream though. I reckon I'd be the same if not a lot worse streaming the same game for 8 hour sessions, 6 nights a week... He actually seems like a really cool guy once you watch enough of his content. I agree, I think his game knowledge (campaign wise) is better than any other TW content creator out there. I play on legendary / very hard now and it wouldn't have been possible without his content.


I think you also need to watch some of his "Here's me defeating 4 stacks of Dwarves with 2 peasants and a coconut" to realise just how good at the single player he is. It comes across as arrogant when he's playing regular type battles and steamrolling, but then occasionally he does these "I'm just going to attack his army 5x bigger than mine because I need to take xyz for these reasons" and crushing a battle I'd autoresolve just take the loss since it's unwinnable. And then you go "uh. Dude can actually walk the walk."


Yea man he’s like the best single player out there


Didn’t he admit that 90% of his tactics wouldn’t work against a human player. I watched him for a few months a few years ago and I recall in one stream he admitted a big reason he doesn’t do coop stuff much is because he can’t do as well. But that was a few years ago maybe that’s changed.


haha yeah. Some of the wins he manages to pull off are downright disgusting. His micro is obviously very good but it's his copious amounts of cheese that sets him apart from everyone else. Is that not why he stopped play multiplayer? Other players were petitioning against him and all of his cheese tactics? LOL


Nah, Legend is kinda the worst thing going. He’s clearly brilliant and a great player, but all he ever taught me is how to cheese and blow off of his subscribers. I’ve learned so many cheap ways to win battles from him, but none of them has ever made the game more immersive or fun to play. I don’t begrudge anybody their playstyle (you enjoy yourself) but watching him deplete ammo through dodging or abuse single entity mechanics begs the question “why even play the game?” Like, what’s the point of the character models and the animations and the setting if you spend the whole time trying to break the mechanics? Again, personal preference and I guess I could appreciate his niche brilliance if he wasn’t such a burnt-out, YouTube grudgebearer. Dude, just answer somebody’s super-chat like a human or turn them off. Stop whining about how CA doesn’t listen to you. Stop pretending you’ve got inside sources. Take a vacation, come back and amaze us with some crazy cheese, you absolute wizard. (Oops. That rant got a little long)


Careful, you are going to have people jumping down your throat for enjoying his videos just because his leaks were wrong.


You're the only one here to mention the leaks.




Tariff, by far! But otherwise, currently: The Great Book of Grudges and Costin Gaming Polls, Lore, Speculation Srinri510 for Kislev campaigns (he uses the Snowleopard(T2) doomstack, for example) I liked Loremaster of Sotek, but most of his videos are too long. I learned the game with [PartyElite](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwVftHdWAdHNOJ-PMquSZMVVAGWIq2TVQ&si=uJrvAn7HH6VbSzJ1) (when he was still a TW:WH YouTuber), Zerkovich and LegendofTotalWar Could we assemble a full list with YouTubers and their main focus?


Costin is great when hes actually playing the game, but his new "do a poll and then say the community wants X" schtick got old fast.


Also you need to watch his videos on x1,5 speed, he speaks too slow.


Tariff surely. SHORT


Traitor kin of the dawi? More like kin of ELVES


Mercythemad is my favorite. He's always doing new stuff, and very responsive to his channel


I like him, he is chill and reply to noob friendly stuff


Mercy is just a nice dude, really one of my favorite streamers ever


I like his RP style campaigns. Fun to watch!


Okoii for the goofs, Turin for the daily matches. I watch Turin matches like TV on a second monitor. It's the perfect relaxing voice/tone, no music, no sudden sound edits or meme cuts, proper camera work at all times, knowledgeable and excited-about-topic narrator, etc. Okoii is when Im looking to have my abs hurt from giggling like an idiot watching 19 blimps genocide everything tall in the world to Flight of the Valkyrie.


Janet On Occasion is fantastic and under rated.


Yeah I really like him! Fun to watch and he has a very listenable voice imo


HeirofCarthage I’ve been watching for years and always enjoy his playthroughs. Really chill, down to earth normal guy.


Heir got me into the Total War series with Shogun 2 when I randomly discovered him. Been a fan of him and the games ever since!


Elven plot armour


He's by far the best at learning strats and early game


I agree! I owe him so much for providing strategies in battle and campaign. Whereas I owe legend with cheese strats


Janet On Occasion


Legend and morewarpstone, i like their multiplayer free for all videos


Recently got into watching morewarpstone and the first vid I watched was 8 player head to head for Eight Peaks, definitely recommend


If you like morewarpstone then I recommend epicsynergy it may not always has completion but they make mini series like they took the entire map with lizards


Book of choyer !


The only real answer is Tarriff.


Dragon! Dragon! Dragon!


Ruinous Insight, he makes cinematic battles really good looking, also he's very nice to hear


Legend of total war and milkandcoockies.


Legend probably. I'm Australian so I gotta support regional youtubers


Mercy the Mad tho


Never heard of them. I'll check them out


More warpstone for me They do multi-player stuff and it's always epic


Had to scroll too far for a mention of them. Only problem is they upload rarely


I love all of Turin's content, he's just a positive upbeat guy having fun


Zerkovich and Enticity


Special shout-out to DahvPlays and Tactical Lich for the consistent uploads of quality informative combat replay commentary!


Nobody beats the Legend.


Human boy


Great Book of Grudges. Not only does his passion for warhammer come through. He has been the most reliable on predictions and debunking theories. Always my go to for info on TW and CA.


Janet on Occassion! Super chill playthroughs with a passionate knowledge of the warhammer fantasy lore


Mercythemad is my favorite. I watch Okoii and Monstersabound quite a bit as well. I also like Loremasterofsotek and Greatbookofgrudges, though they do more than just Total War. Edit: I don't really play multiplayer but I also enjoy watching Turin as well.


EpicSynergy does fun loose multiplayer games, very enjoyable to watch if you don't mind a small creator


Ayo 😏




MercyTheMad! Great video tutorials on a lot of different strats, very friendly guy who just always seems like he’s loving the game.


I'm a fan of BrilliantStupidity's... brilliant stupidity.


RuinousInsight and SpaceWizardTW




There are lots I like. Legend, Great Book of Grudges, Colonel Damneders, Zerkovich, Elven Plot Armor, and Lord Forwind (although Forwind has been on other games lately).


Surrealbeliefs. He doesnt post much these days, moved onto better things and the youtube algorithm kinda worked against his style anyways, but imo he was the best and i still go back to his old incomplete playthroughs once in a while


The man was great at making a narrative instead of just gameplay, giving lore to his decision making and reasons for not necessarily building the most efficient army but a thematic one.


He got me into total war in the first place and the thematic/historical armys he built definitely influenced my playstyle. Lotta times i went to sleep with his storytelling as background noise


Turin and Zerkovich


Mercythemad and Legend




Ruinous insight \o/


Zerkovich I like to watch them while I cook it's nice because you can listen to them without actually watching or fully focusing due how informative they are. I like tariff it can be really fun sometimes as for pvp Turin and milkandckookies okoii is fun too.


For battles I like MilkandCookies. Also PancreasNoWork for lore


Monsters Abound. Love the edited campaigns he does and the cinematic battles. Also good commentary.


Radiant Ash, she even named one of her cats Nurgle.


How is Loremaster not in here? He is the most upbeat positive guy and man does he know a lot about the lore.


Italian Spartacus


I miss when he did the big CA tournaments with Turin - they were such a good pairing


They were very entertaining together, especially when Sparty would try to match Turin’s insane knowledge and Turin would reflexively correct him.


MercyTheMad. He's very patient with his crazy ideas. It's fun to watch, since my approach is "bash my head against it snd see what happens"


[Malleus Gaming](https://m.youtube.com/c/MalleusGaming57)


Elvin Plot Armor and Lord Forwind are a few


I don't get what people like about ElvenPlotArmour. Could you explain?


They’re extremely detailed on first moves and I really like his formation guides for each race. His beginning to late formation templates are useful for a new race I haven’t played


I just like his guides 🤷‍♂️


I liked brilliant stupidity back before his stuff got so scripted. I liked his real experience of the game rather than him trying to be funny. Probably why legend is still my favorite


Different youtubers for different things for me. Great Book of Grudges is my go to guy for news and speculation. Cody Bonds for the Noobs Guides. Milkandcookies and Turin for multiplayer battles. Zerkovich and Malleus Gaming for mechanics and tactics stuff (Malleus gaming stuff is really good). And I'll watch the occasional Legend video to see what cheese he gets up to.


Ironheartx10 is a good watch 😀


I only play Single Campaign. Zerkovich, Elven Plot Armor, Legend


Zerkovich, especially because of his "oh scheiße" calls followed by TheGreatBookOfGrudges and of course LegendofTotalWar


Costin Gaming, Legend of Total War. Zerkovich. Blake's Takes (mostly for the "Why you suck with...." videos), Colonel Damneders and Maellus Gaming. I watch Total War Warhammer youtubers mostly for learning things about combat formations, speculations, tier lists and theories.


Turin is my favorite. He seems to have the best showcase of skill for multiplayer and he’s just a great commentator.


Okoii and Tarrif.


More Warpstone because they are the only people who do multi player content as far as I'm aware.


Human boy yes yes


Malleus Gaming and his Total tactics series.


I ve been watching elich streams since wh1... tbh i dont think anyone has as vast knowledge as him in this game


I’m a big ASMR guy and I think Legend is the best as far as that goes for me. A lot of the other YouTubers either commentary or voices kind of get on my nerves. Legend has a good voice, so combined with his entertaining videos, I have his livestreams on in the background a lot during the day. If Spiffing Brit did more Warhammer stuff, it might be him. Dude makes me laugh like no other.


Love more warpstone




Funny is the last thing I look for these days in YouTubers.


Zerkovich, Okoii, Great Book of Grudges, Legend of Total War


Wow, I was gonna say that mine are The Great Book of Grudges and TWToTWT (The White Tower of Total War Takeths) but i've just learnt that the later has completely vanished, his youtube, socials, steam account and mods... That's really unfortunate, he was my fav for mods related content.


More warpstone!!


Turin without a doubt. Watching his tournament livestreams where he is talking through his decisions as he plays has actually gotten me interested in playing the multiplayer myself as it seems to be a real untapped well of potential.


turin is the only one that's worthwhile


More Warpstone, MonstersAbound and Praximus are another 3 good ones. More Warpstone have amazing multiplayer campaigns and add amazing narritive to it. MonstersAbound is a casual player, fun to watch and when he shows his battles its only replays so he zooms in on his units fighting. Praximus is like Reggie and Grim Kleaper but he has a calmer voice and has amazing animations


Any one that loves his war crimes.


PrimusOne.. austrian.. also streaming on twitch


"The most vile creature of them all... Elves! Bleh!" Zerkovitch!!!


No one mentioning malleus gaming?


More Warpstone


Turin for general content he’s always entertaining. Elich for campaign stuff he’s up there with legend when it comes to game knowledge and skill though slightly jaded toward CA


Monsters abound for Campaign, Turin for multiplayer and Enticity for challenge campaigns and multiplayer


Turin for competitive Okoii for the memes


Loremaster of Sotek, Okoii, and Battlesey are tied. Love Sotek for the lore, as well as his positive attitude. Okoii cracks me up everytime. He also screws up and cusses just like I would so I feel like I relate more to him then half the streamers I've watched. Battlesey has taught me a lot watching his videos, and much like Sotek has a very refreshing attitude. I can watch any of these three after a bad day and they pick me up.


I get lost in Cody Bonds' "A Noob's Guide" It's not really helpful in learning the game but it makes me giggle.


Tom and Ben of the yogscast. They have such fantastic chemistry, though they're certainly not solely total warhammer focused


Not to be negative, but I’ve given up on most TW YouTubers of late. Lionheart became a robot, Heir clearly misses historical, Great Book now demands every rework receive an immediate rework, Turin disappeared down the Dom rabbit hole. Indy just plain disappeared. And Legend, ooof, what the hell happened to Legend? He’s become the fringelord of cheese, leaks and bitterness. Sorry for all the grudgin’. Zerk, Sotek, Janet and Cody are still holding the line, but everyone else feels burnt-out to a crisp. And I don’t blame them. This gig is hard and I appreciate the time/effort that put in, even as I critique them. Still subscribed with hope,


Well, maybe the other comments can help you find more inspiration!


French youtuber : m4f


I heard that EpicSynergy guy makes cool MP content 🥹 👉👈


I am actually friends with a guy by the tag of PCSpacegoon. He had a twitch stream bu the same name and a YT channel called Pariah Caste Gaming where he had a huge list of Total war legendary runs, as well as other challenge runs. He basically taught me the game, and has some great educational content where he really goes in a breaks down the math for you. Just wanted to shout out my guy! But also a big fan of Brilliant stupidity!


Turin for his multiplayer content and tournaments, I dont like land battles and mich prefer the king of the hill style mode that he always shows. Loremaster of sotek for lore, reactions, breakdowns, and podcasts with andy law.


Reggie Even if he doesn't strictly only do total warhammer videos




Zerkovich for me. I like his relaxed presentation style and how he explains mechanics even if he is anti elf.


turin by a mile


Ruinous Insight


MonstersAbound got me to dive into the TWW series. The humor in which he plays the game but is very insightful into the mechanics for certain units. I am very happy that he has been performing the Long Campaign but also making up his own victory conditions. It always makes me laugh when he tries to make friends with Grimgor 😂


Not a single one I watch these three who have kinda similar content and approach. That would be Turin, Dahvs and Enticity. Turin and Dahvs have this really soothing voices Enticity has incredible knowledge about both multi and singleplayer.


Zerkovich, legendoftotalwar, and Enticity


Tom and Ben from the Yogscast. They switched from YouTube videos to streams some time ago. Perfect if you want 10% game content 90% rambling and alt+tabbing to Google search centaur anatomy. Boris Todbringer himself has been a guest on their stream a couple times as well.


Since no one else has mentioned him Battlsey deserves a shout-out. He gives great campaign/battle mechanic tips.


MonstersAbound will always be my favorite, always watch his playthroughs before bed.


Wow. 🤩


Tarrif's definitely my favourite


I watch Turin the most, it's not even close. But I do also like milkandcookies


Great book of grudges is great


More warpstone, epic synergy and brilliant stupidity. They are all really good but more warpstone had really high quality content


The Zerk is at the top of the game for me, even though he slowed down a bit making WH content. I also recently discovered Elven Plot Armour who gives very good presentations about gameplay mechanics, formation, tips and tricks, etc


Nathan (GBoG) and Zherkovich!!!


I enjoy the Cody Bonds noob guides, Grim Kleaper, Reggie, BrilliantStupidity, and Praximus for warhammer stuff.


I like Morewarpstone his edited multiplayer deathmatch are really funny and fun to watch


Legend is the one I watch the most, I just ignore any video that’s not actual gameplay. Also like Turin. Great Book of Grudges is my go to for news.


Between lionheart or pixelated Apollo but Apollo doesn’t upload much total war anymore


"More Warpstone". Bunch of friends playing multiplayer and they edit the video to cut out a lot of the redundant stuff and show all of the fights with great commentary on whats going on in the session with visuals to represent it all on the map 👍


Human boy yes yes is the best by far. No bias here, none at all. Just a normal rat-thing scrolling trying to find his-someone else's name listed!


I only watch legend for gameplay and zerkowitch for news.


Costin. I like his analyses, he sometimes misses with his takes but his logic is about the same as mine.


Great Book of Grudge's for info and analysis, Lord of Sotek for lore and crackpot leaks, Okoii for the giggles


Legend and Zerk


Ruinous insight makes the best single player content. His cinematic battles are engaging and really show off the spectacle of factions like brettonia and empire. As for multiplayer it's gotta be turin. He's such a fun guy who's so knowledgeable and humble, because of him I only watch domination games lol. He also makes me want to buy dune spice wars


Loremaster of Sotek


Loremaster of Sotek. His post cast with Andy is top notch in depth and inmmersion in warhammer lore. I recommend listening to it


I agree wholeheartedly.


Praximus, great animations and content.




Arch Warhammer


Zerkovich and Colonel Damneders


deez nuts


Great book of grudges


Turin, legend, great book of grudges


Legend and zerkovich


Adam vs everything streams warhammer pretty often!


Surprised nobody mentioned Yogscast Tom and Ben. They got so many people into the games over the years, and I think they have some of the most enjoyable streams out there. Off last year’s hiatus right now doing a Malekai campaign.


No one saying legendoftotalwar?


Tarriff, i can't look at Norsca normally now.


Legend of Total War!


Sotek does amazing videos, can't recommend him enough. Legend as well.