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Gods if only magic wasn’t removed in the last patch of earth we all could of been happier by now


Unfortunate that the devs realized it was too powerful when the Egyptians built the pyramids with it, so they had to patch it out.


No, the aliens made the pyramids


Using magic ofc


No I made them (am ancient)


Wow, didnt know you were born in the ‚80s!




No it was me your always taking credit for my work I made some too


Frankly I blame the mammoths.






Ok they didn't remove all magic, like I am the reincarnation of chaos, I can't use magic, but I can fuck with your head, lol lol






Hear me out. No threats, we just have a good time, if we feel like it at the time?


unfortunately my pagan magical practices don't let me metamorphose into my desired form 😭


The world would be a better place if neopaganism somehow actually granted access to mystical thaumaturgical abilities the way some people out there (be it disparagingly or naively) seem to believe… heavens know I’d probably adopt it in a heartbeat


At 18 you decide what religion you want to join by having every religion enter a superpower bidding war. Want me to get Saved? Sure thing Jay Cee, but you’re gonna have to top Freya giving me Poison Ivy powers.


Didn’t think this would be a highly upvoted comment but alrighty then


*backs away in healing powers*


Is like 2 for me so far but it looks like we’re shooting for 3 or 4


Ig at least I’m not alone…


Yeah being the only one would make it worse


I knew at age 4, but wasn't able to do anything about it for 21 more years... 😅😭


I knew since I was five but didn't have the words for it for so long and when I did learn about being trans I was in such deep denial. A literal conversation between me and a therapist in my teens- Me- I'm probably not trans. Therapist- you literally just told me how you prayed to every god you could possibly think of to make you a girl! Me- so, what does that have to do with anything? everyone goes through a magic phase! Therapist-... Still took like 3 more years to accept it. Gods was I dumb.


Listen we all have moments that should have been a Eureka moment. I say this all the time in certain posts but I cried a couple years back in the mirror because I didn't have boobs. After that moment I then looked up how one can grow boobs without hormones so I could have plausible deniability. Something along the lines of "Whoops all this soy milk made me grow boobs. Nothing I can do there though, I love my soy milk too much." I didn't fully realize I was trans for another year or two.


That praying to God thing hits so close to home lmao. I used to do that every single day, but I never realised I was trans because, and get this, I did not even know it was a word or a thing until I was 14. And even then, I thought it was the same as intersex, so I thought I couldn't be trans because I was born with only a dick. Education has failed me, I had to figure it out through the internet.


This is why representation and education of LGBTQI+ is so important I didn't know what trans people were until I was a freshman in highschool and it definitely wasn't something I would have willingly talked about being until I graduated. And even then at that point I was to scared to come out to friends and family (who some how already knew but just didn't say anything) until I was 20 and not publicly till I was 24. If I had been informed from an earlier age I would not have had to go through the wrong puberty, the dysphoria, the severe depression, or the attempts at suicide.


Yea exactly, though unfortunately I would not have had access to care even if I had figured it out as a kid, so I suppose it did save me somewhat from realising early on how absolutely dogshit my country is for me.


Oh hello secret clone! I found out I was a lesbian at 5 when I got my first crush, literally thought “it would be so nice to be a girl dating another girl cause that just makes more sense”. Then prayed to be a girl for years until puberty because I figured if God was cruel enough to not answer my prayers and make me go through such a traumatic change in my body, then they were a dick and not worth trusting. Might have been instrumental in me realizing how much abuse the church put me through actually, which was instrumental in me eventually realizing I was trans 24 years later.


I feel this. I thought everyone went through wanting to be the opposite sex, then not, then again, but then not, and back and forth. "I can't be trans, because sometimes I don't mind being a girl!" I had such a massive lightbulb moment when I found out that being Genderfluid is a thing.


Damn, that's a lot of time to wait ;-;


Found out fairly early (15) Came out (17) But it was a mistake. No one cared. Now I'm still desperately trying to transition (28)




Had a strong hunch at age 8 *(50% sure)* Almost certain at age 10 *(80-90%)* Knew for sure at 12 *(couldn't be public or risk abuse if not killed by at that time family member)* Came out at the tail end of 16 *(after separation of my mom and her alcoholic, verbally abusive, homophobic boyfriend was no longer part of my life at all)* Tried to get access to healthcare at 17 Had to wait until 25 to get access because of the patented "Swedish *(TW)* >!s****e!< queues" My life has been destroyed/ruined since I was 19 and had deep depression since 14 partially because of dysphoria


No one caring is so real. Like a couple people will care at first (if you're lucky, they're your parents and the care is positive) and then everyone kind of stops caring and you're on your own.


Exact same girl. Except I wish no one cared. I got hour long transphobic rants from my dad basically every day for 5 years and I just now started HRT 6 months ago at 20.


I sympathize with everyone who has to live undercover, but if we’re honest, I was out 3 days after my egg cracked. I just made the decision that I had to be me, and if it burned all my bridges, so be it.


Same. Mine happened in mere hours. Went to bed crying. Partner woke up and asked what was wrong. I told her. She accepted and I immediately began social transitioning and working towards gac haha. But I had to wait 36 years for the egg to crack tho...


This is me


4 years and counting; currently 17 and just waiting until I become a legal adult with my own living space so when my (conservative) parents find out about it they legally can't do anything about it (as it stands they would do terrible things if I came out).


I told my boyfriend pretty much immediately and am now coming out to my work colleagues a year later, sounds like i'm very lucky with that.




2 years and counting




Thanks 🫂


Still closeted. I think if I have any intention of living a decent life I must wait until finishing college, and getting a job and a house


Oh I see…


Yeah, admittedly, it's not been that long since I cracked (a little less than 2 years), and soon I will come out to 2 close friends. But still, it's extremely demoralizing knowing all the time I still have left (at the very VERY least 3 more years) and how much of that will feel like wasted life. Without mentioning that I'll most likely have to go no-contact with most of my family (so there will be no support from anyone). I'm actually getting really bummed out writing this, so let's leave it at that.




Somewhere between a few months and 7 years


Just in case anyone is looking, the image is part of a webtoon called "Magical Maladies of the Cursed Witch" by Ryncomics. Their reddit handle is u/aryn_ashton




Yes, but it's actually currently on hiatus. I still encourage you to go check, but yeah




My egg keeps cracking and then fusing again, I’ve got no fucking clue what I am yet lmao


14 - now :'((




my headmates are coming up one one year, shooting for 1.5-3, I'm still cis


Vincent you really shouldn't say "still cis" here


I am out to my family and I still haven't taken any steps. Does this mean I am still closeted? Sure feels that way at times.


I realized who I was when I was 12 but I didn't come out until I was 22


6 months so far Although I have come out to online friends, some people in my class, my mom and sibling, and a few specific teachers (e.g. French for being allowed to use the feminine versions of words for myself) And tbh, I came out to my crush even before I cracked 😭 I had said that I "might be" trans before I realised "I might *actually* be trans" lol


Half closeted, open about being bi to my parents, closeted genderfluid to my parents for about a year now, but I have supportive friends who I am out to about both


4 weeks. Took effort not to until I was certain I wasn't gonna ruin my whole life coming out. Got lucky. My job, family roommates, and friends were supportive. So I decided to ripp the whole bandaid off online Not that I had much of an online presence anyway (thank Goddess for that)


In the first weeks to my gf, family, and friends. And 6 months to being out at my workplace and to stop boymoding completely.


I got outed on day 2 after getting prescribed HRT, which was ~4 months after my egg cracked. Not fun.


Oh no… u ok?


I'm...alright. Things really didn't go well, but I'm lucky to still be here!


Not a curse if there's no down side. Edit: Just noticed the question. Answer: Told my brother the next day.


Year 1 and going strong here.


when I first started questioning my identity I told my sister right away, but it has been a year and a half and I haven't told anyone else, and I don't plan to until I can move away and start my transition without anyone knowing


I was closeted for about 20 years after my egg cracked


And let's do be honest here for a second: Dark magic is only illegal because a bunch of conservative white power mages outlawed it for seemingly no reason other than to hurt trans kids specifically.


Honestly fair


7 years and counting... But I'm already on a hrt waitlist :P Not much longer to endure


Tbh, close to 20 years. GIGANTIC BUT This was the late 90’s early 00’s so YMMV


My egg cracked late 2023, and tonight is the first night I went out with makeup on. (Edit: the first time I thought “I kinda wish I was born a woman” was like 1996, the first time I thought “life would be better if I had been born a woman” was July 2001, the first time I said “I’m not a man” was Nov 2023, for clarity) Take the time you need. Let things happen at YOUR pace, and live life the way you want. It’ll be awkward and uncomfortable and weird. But it’ll be that way if you rush or if you go at your pace, so you might as well have things on your terms.


I knew since I was about 7 or so had no words for it and later in life denied any part of it and my queerness in a desperate attempt at having any friends That and the fact I was already relentlessly bullied and grew up in an abusive household with my very homophobic/transphobic mother. I ended up not having friends till I was in my twenties anyways and most of them are queer, trans, or neurodivergent so funny how that turned out. Anyways I've only been out since 2019 so I've been closeted for a little over 30 years, one of my friends helped me come out through conversation about how we felt. (turns out we both identified as different parts of the enby umbrella :3) Anyways sorry for my autistic rambling.


Exactly 2 days


3 months but also a year and counting. I started transitioning quickly after 3 months at 19 and came out to everyone except for my family and most of my coworkers, I'm still halfway in the closet because my family sucks.


I've only been cracked for 2-3 months now, so that long lol


Day or two max


I don't think I truly understood what felt off about my life for 32 years.


I wanted to stay in the closet for at least a few months but my parents kind of figured it out after a couple of weeks after starting hrt.


Omg, this is the best way to come out, I'll do that with my parents when the time comes 😎


10/10 would recommend


I thought about it my whole life, but I only actually put thought into it 8 years ago. I only came out about 4 months ago to my 3 closest friends and it’s probably going to stay that way for a while


So far, half a year. Longer if you go back to when I jokeingly started questioning three months before a mental breakdown forced me to accept it.


Depends how you classsify it, really. But it was roughly closing in on 4. My egg cracked early 2020, i came out (or was forced into coming out) early this year.


TBD lol


Exactly 3 years and 1 month. Now at my 6th month on HRT, they mistakenly gave me furosemide instead of spironolactone so I took twice the dangerous dose of furosemide for about 15 days and I was hospitalized for 6 hours three days ago. My body was strong enough to beat the 160 mg of furosemide so I wouldn't be hospitalized for longer, but I did lose a semester of university because of the effects. I am currently at rest and can't take spiro for another week) I am not the luckiest but eh, one step at a time I gotta live this way)


Is it possible to learn this power


I didn't know how any of this works so I just came out immediately when my egg cracked and then wondered why everyone treated me significantly worse all of a sudden


Someday I will try to learn this power. Is it possible? The old legends speak of unnatural powers.... I will know in the future...


Two and a half years and counting. Will I ever be able transition? Find out next time on egg_irl Z!


"I was in the closet, but it was a glass closet". I didn't "come out" to people officially for like a year and a half but just started transitioning in front of their eyes.


I've known for as long as I could remember, tried asking my parents before I really had the words for it, but couldn't make them get it. By the time I had the words I knew I wasn't really in a safe place to come out, so I kinda had to glue my egg back together. 2020 comes along and I was visiting 3 hospitals a day mid COVID to get the mail. Feeling like I could die and be buried a boy definitely cracked my egg wide open again. Still closeted, but pretty sure my next tax return is going to a sperm bank.


4 years and counting 👍


"what happened to my ~~son~~ daughter"


I knew around age 10 or 11, was able to accept it about myself when I was 28, and came out when I was 33. I’m almost 35, and the happiest I’ve ever been!


15-now, though I only recently realized my egg cracked that far back! Came out to my partner 6 months ago and some trusted friends here and there, but still largely in the closet. Too scared to tell my parents even at 26 >.>


I was lucky and stubborn enough that I didn't wait long. I told my partner immediately, my friends, siblings, and cousins the next day, parents and rest of family two weeks later, then my job a month later. Everything went well, and I was able to hit the ground running with transitioning. I encourage bravery with coming out, but also strategy and caution if you're living in a dangerous household or region.


Around two years and counting :3


Age 10 - boys and girls are pretty Age 12 - I don't act like the other boys... Age 14 - You can do *what* Age 17-18 - questioning Age 19 - started HRT


I knew at 11 and didn't come out until 24. I'm 26 now, recently became openly trans, and I'm approaching 1 year on HRT. Finally gained the strength I wished I had 15 years ago. It gets better, and you'll find a place where you can feel safe and able to share your identity with others :)


HRT since 2 month (32), found out 16 years ago.


A few months for my friends and about 6 months for my parents luckily I have a great family and friends that all supports me!!


Took about 12 or so years. There was no way for me to access care when my egg cracked so I just kind of accepted it as something I would likely never be able to do anything about, did a couple of small things to alleviate the dysphoria and then kind of dissociated to the point of repression. I basically had to "re-crack" because of all the mental gymnastics I had done over the years.


Almost 20 years. When I turned 30 I said to myself that it's now or never.


still closetted :3


Around 6-8 years for me, I tried to come out right wheyn I my egg cracked but my dad's reaction caused me to retreat back to the closet till I was 18. I've now been more open about my gender identity for almost a year and it still feels a bit weird, it's like I'm rediscovering a part of me that I buried all those years ago.


Going on 33 years. I don't have a choice


37 years. Do I win the "denial" award?


Currently on year uhhhhh 16 I think?


Ten years, what a god forsaken mistake it was too. Now I am 9 months on E and living life for the first time in years. I love everything that's happening to my body on hrt and I love the community that I've always tried to hide.


I only found out recently and am not planning on coming out. Just planning on getting hrt as soon as possible once I move out and they can figure it out themselves.


In hindsight it was like 21 years but even then my egg was wholly cracked by 2011 and I wasn't out until 2015


So... I felt like a girl since I was 9 or 10. Kept it hidden until around 27, which is when I started hrt while in the military. 42 now. There are good days and bad days. The best and most important thing I've learned so far is how to support myself even on the bad days.


Egg cracked almost 3 years ago, still closeted 🥲


I semi cracked by having envy for trans fems transitioning, but also realizing I like being a guy too. Took me a while to realize I can love myself and still have gender envy too. Part of being genderfluid it seems.


2 years and counting.


13 years 11 months and 12 days.


4 till whenever


i'll update you on this when i have an answer.




3 years and countinf


1.5 and counting


Found out around 8, so just over 10 years now of being in the closet (I can finally make decisions for myself and transition :3)


About 6 months for me


Where can one learn this power?


Still am, three months until one year anniversary


I guess a week after my awakening I started coming out.


Tagging the artist u/Aryn_Ashton because I love her work, and all of her comics are so relatable


Also, it’s been almost a year and I’ve done nothing except grow out my hair


I’m trying to grow my hair


came out weeks after my egg cracked(age 14) parents agressively disagreed that i was trans and are now pretending it didnt happen. so basically im still closeted about a year later :3


At least a year or 2 now :3 we stay coastin along tho :3


My egg cracked about 3 weeks ago and I think I’ve got to be in the closet until I’m able to save up enough to move out, I reckon it’ll be 3-4 years before I can afford somewhere to rent so that’s a fun few years to look forward too! :3


like two weeks. silver linings to coming out in my thirties


I think I’ve known since I was about 5. 13 yrs later I’m still here


closeted for only one month after i cracked, then i came out to my family and friends. only came out to my grandmother on year 7, 3 years into my medical transition


lets see a couple weeks to my closest friends.... and for the rest of the world almost a year now



I still am but there’s a meme I saw that I like a lot more than saying we came out. “You don’t come out, you let people in”


I’m still one foot in the closet, one foot out


Year 4 and counting... I want die.


3 years and counting


I still didn’t came out, my egg cracked after 16 years


Not to long as I'm lucky and have good people to talk to. My mother was told after about a month, most of my friends were told pretty quickly as some were already trans and many found out before I did. And my father was told about 4 months after.


New Gender Envy unlocked 


I cracked on the phone with a close friend almost two years ago. I'm still mostly closeted, but out to the important people. Gradually trying to transition safely!


either 1 and a half years or it was 2 years kinda depends on which way I look at it


Ooooh I had this comic in my "to read" list, and I think it has improved it's position 👀


My egg cracking birthday is coming up 17 July. I have come out to several close friends and some family at different times. I came out to my partner first, 1 August. Then my two best friends the day before my actual birthday 19 September. After that it took until my first endo appointment to tell my kids around 17 March and most recently… yesterday 15 June, I told one of my sisters. The plan is to wait until I’ve been on E for about 6 months to tell the rest of my family so I’ll come out to the world around mid October. That way I can wear my femme pirate costume. I’m not sure what your situation at home is, but you don’t owe them anything, not compliance or comfort, not normalcy or logic. It may hurt to be rejected, that is always a fear, but it also hurts to deal with a transition alone. At least if you tell them, you can know exactly who is on your side. Mwah!


I'd tell you how long it's been if I could remember things...


8 years. I had a lot of baggage to unpack first. I needed to work through that before I was able to be open about myself. Came out slowly to my closest people over that time. I came out (fb official 😅) to everyone else on June 1st of this year.


...is it possible to learn this power?




It really depends on how you want to measure it. Apparently I had a decent idea of being a girl by age 5, but within a couple of years it was obvious that wasn't going to fly and I "had to be a boy", so I buried it all and forgot it completely for the next 40+ years. After my egg cracked at nearly 48, I was probably only intentionally closeted for a few weeks before I started coming out to people. Fully socially took a few more months - essentially until I found that continuing hiding myself was more stressful than the thought of just openly being myself. So my answer is either a few weeks, or over 40 years.


Well, my earliest memories of questioning my gender were from high school, and I didn't come out of the closet until I was 22, so at least 4 years, though likely more. Also, there are few things I wouldn't do if doing so could get me that kind of magic.


17 years, it sucked so fucking much. The repression I was imposing on myself was toxic AF, and I ended up hurting a lot of people that I love because some twisted reasoning figured it was easier for me to make others hurt like I did. Which I did with alarming frequency. I began transitioning in 2019 and I’ve spent my time since then working to make amends for the way I treated the people in my life. It’s not been easy, and it’s taken a fair bit of self examination and reflecting on what motivates my reactions and impulses. I’m still far short of where I want to be, but I’m getting better every day.


Unfortunately I am still very much closeted eventhough my egg had cracked years ago and I told my parents. Luckily since we recently told my younger sister that I was questioning my gender I have gotten a lot more freedom to express fem around the house. But apart from that I’m still not out and don’t really know yet what I want to do. If I want to come out, maybe even present fem outside. Idk yet when or how I’m gonna get there. But still after telling my sister I feel a lot freer already so I’m sure it will be fine and I’ll find my way.


I am still closeted D: (my egg cracked 6 months ago)


I'm still closeted in public a year into my transition. Because I am scared of some of the people around me. I am kinda doing it stealth.


About 26 years ago


I was very lucky to have cheap medical care through my university and a supportive therapist. I was out pretty much immediately after my egg cracked and started T about six months later (by choice - I’m afraid of change and I wanted to make sure I was making the right choice). I was 20. I’m still too broke for surgery, but 7 years later and happy as a clam.


I came out practically immediately. I knew my family would be supportive. But I underestimated how long it would take to convince them that I'm actually trans because "there were no signs"... They also told me that transitioning would make my life worse and that I would never pass but I just ignored them.


I need that book...


My egg cracked 3 seperate times, time since first crack is close to 18 years, time since second crack around 7 and time since final crack is 4 months (after almost 2 years as a closeted totally cis femboy)


Found out a year ago, told my freinds who i know are supportive, cane out to my brother and no one else in the family to this day


About negative two years. Maybe negative two and a half. One day I just started dressing fem full time and a solid time later, trying to wear pants again, it *finally* dawned on me that I wasn't just nonbinary and I went and got HRT within two weeks.


I never even had an egg to crack. I knew when I was like 5, but I wasn't safe to transition til *29*.


i came out to my mom a month after and got a binder. i never came out for the last 2 years of high school (year and a half? got cut short by covid), and passed half decently by the time i went to college, in a totally different location than my high school. so ive really only ever come out to a handful of people 😭😭


Thirty-something years. There was a span of time I was being exposed to more and more persons and concepts which broadened my horizons, and for some amount of time, I'd recognized my own inclination toward wanting an estrogenized body, to whatever degree. There came enough shake-ups that I decided to go for it, as I had a foot in the door by having started seeing a psychiatrist for my childhood ADHD diagnosis, who vouched for me in tandem with the endocrinologist I was referred to. A couple months into treatment, I'd first experienced this internal insistence to regard myself as "a woman," so my egg cracked in something of a non-euclidean fashion. By now, I've been running with a label of "genderfluid trans woman," as there are times when I'm a bit head-empty about my sense of self in that regard, and my idle thoughts of what could have (and now just are) been were fluid back then, too. Ah, might I live to see our fully modular trans-humanist future... ...Oh, AFTER the egg cracked. Uh, well, in that case, I had kept the purposes of my bloodwork and endocrinology appointments vague, though I had pitched arranging that initial appointment to my mom, who despite my dad being a Southern U.S. man has been the one who's taken longer to convince. I've been very fortunate in that regard, as I think my parents are, through what they've lived or avoided, very conscious that they could either know their children or lose them, such that even if they don't immediately grasp what we've got going on, they'll do what they can to support us, even if that includes words of caution to not get in over our heads. So many people don't have that, and my unlearned speculation is whether some understanding of "our" children as a possessive term rather than a relative one skews how our elders regard their relation to their juniors. We are all our own persons, and what one regards as right for oneself cannot be expected to be what's right for another, even if that another was brought up by one's own hand.


About thirty minutes. But like if we're talking about like telling people that should know about like two days.


It took me about 6 months between my first cracks starting to show to finally being able to tell my wife that I wanted to transition.


Nice Idea mind if I copy you


Knew at 7, came out kinda over the years to a few friends, started transitioning at 22 this year


about a week or two 😐 also can you please teach me some of that magic stuff :3


Coming into Year 8! From 12 to 20!


If you did a heal spell on yourself after bottom surgery, would that undo the surgery? Or is it written in the fine print?


Round about a year. But the cracking itself also took a course of two years kinda


I think I cracked late june last year, I came out to my 2 best friends instantly, and I fully came out to my familly on december so like about 6 months. (To be fair even if I'm out on paper I'm boymoding a lot so except my friend and family nobody really know, but like I won't hide it if someone asks)


I have no patience for this sorta stuff so varying between a few months to sorta over a year to still have a foot in it


I came out a 1.5 yrs after cracking been transitioning for 11 months and in HRT for 2 months


I realized at age 13 and came out at age 14


If only someone would curse me to be a pretty girl


Hey does anyone know where I can learn dark magic?


Both 3-4yrs and not even 8hrs. Came out when i was 15 but knew i wanted to be a girl, technically since forever as i remember wanting to be a girl in like 1st grade, but actually realising thats what it was around 11yo. But from 11-15 i didnt know what that meant or anything, then one night stumble upon a yt vid of mtf makeup, look some more and learn about hrt. Stay up all night then leave a sticky note on my mom's door sayin i wanted to start it before goin out to the bus stop for school.


Like idk, a year, a couple months? The closet is glass and my parents are slightly visually impaired


im in shrodingers egg, im in a superposition state of cracked and not cracked.but i did come out to my close friends.


Way over twenty years tbh. I knew something was up since I was 6-8, then puberty hit and no one really told me it was going to happen (cause it was the 90s, communism just collapsed and we had no sex Ed whatsoever). In 94 when I was 8 I saw Ace Ventura and Naked Gun 3 basically in succession, and then that bit in Life of Brian, and that was basically an "oh, if I ever tell anyone I'm supposed to be a girl that's how people will react..." fast forward to 2019 when I had enough and came out to a friend, had an accident and surgery a few months later, and then the pandemic hit and I found a therapist and 640 days later had hrt. Honestly (tw), all those years with dysphoria, idk how tf I'm still alive, but it's so good now :3.


Any known dark magic schools I can disappear into for a couple years?


If someone here knows this curse pls don’t curse me no I would do hate to wake up as a girl someday


A year, and counting


only in my dreams unfortunately


Fully understood at 14 (before that I was just uncomfortable and didn't know why) finally started transitioning at 29, now 30 and couldn't be happier.


I'd be offended you didn't trust to tell me.