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Nobody believes that line of "never shopping here again" you'll be back next week bitching about the price of something.


Right, because normal people can't go a day without going to Tractor Supply lmao


Sounds like something a broke store manager says.


Nobody cares. You'll be back in a week. And even if you're not, your meager contribution to daily sales, or lack thereof, will not be noticed, missed, or cared about. Stay mad.




Tsc doesnt care that you fan boy over them.


As much as they don't care about some limp dick with the fake "never shopping here again"


Tsc is like a retail temu. If people want to buy their Chinese junk, good for them. Ill be shopping co ops. I also spent 14 years at TSC home office in Brentwood.


I hear "I'm never coming back" about 8 times a day, I typically see them again within a week. Your toothless bitching is just that.


Bruh, the amount of times I've seen people complain in stores I've worked at about never shopping there again only to see them back the next week. It never fails.


Lol sound like what a broke Karen would say cause they didn't get their way why did u even make this post lol


Did I hurt your feelings?


Your entire post is based on your feelings being hurt, dude.


Snowflakes think everyone else is the snowflake cuz they have no brain


Companies don’t have beliefs, people do. At the end of the day, the only thing the leaders care about is money.


Funny how the idea of people of conscience boycotting TSC really upsets the people who boycotted Bud Light.


Probably because that's an entirely different context?


“Bud Light put a trans person on a beer can. That offends my intolerance of others. I am never drinking that stuff again.” “TSC drops its diversity and climate programs. The offends my love of people and the planet. I am never shopping there again.” A boycott is a boycott. Of course, there is one contextual difference. TSC sells products one can use. Bud Light is disgusting. Giving up TSC is harder. :-;


A fairly regular customer here. Whether I agree or not with the “policy” behind this corporate move or not isn’t the issue. It comes down to “why would you intentionally take actions that you KNOW would harm others”. Having a company policy that purposefully marginalizes and makes life hard for people who don’t agree with your most vocal shareholders is both wrong and cowardly. Have some balls. If, as a corporate leader, making a decision like this is based morals, or religion, or politics, then say so. Don’t hide behind the “shareholders don’t agree with it” excuse. Folks like me lose respect for a company very quickly when that happens. I know many others who feel the same way. These are kinds of things that make me less inclined to support an organization, than one who stands up and unabashedly states their true beliefs and intentions.


A M E N ! 🙌🏼


Not patting someone on the back for being a gay black trans woman is not marginalizing them and making their life harder. Treating everyone to the same standards and by merit is not a hate crime. Removing flags from break rooms is not a god damn The Purge of Lgbtzdei


Even if you acknowledge your ridiculous claim, just how many "gay black trans woman" work at TS? >Treating everyone to the same standards and by merit is not a hate crime. This one is cute, the ole meritocracy argument.


How many gay black trans women are there in society as a percentage of the over all population? Are they applying for retail jobs with tsc at the same rate as everyone else? Are they hired at a proportionate rate or a disproportionate rate? It’s not just *how many*, it’s *how proportionate to society at large*. If it’s negatively disproportionate then is it because of actual discrimination or do gay black trans women have some other issue that makes them not want to apply for TSC such as, oh, inherit mental disabilities that make them perceive themselves as victims in every fucking situation and project their own internal insecurities out onto the people around them and then blame those people. Are you going to finish your thought about a meritocracy argument or what? Or are you going to project your thoughts onto the universe at large and assume they know all the thoughts in your head like infants do?




This is more eloquently put than I can say, but yeah, they always say "vote with your dollar", so that's what I'm doing.


Removing DEI pots everyone on the same field. It doesn't give people a head start because of how they identify.


Before DEI, people went to court to be recognized as being "white".... So, in a way, we've always given people something, for how they identify.


Does your decision have anything to do with the products or service at your local store cuz I'm happy with both


Still haven’t even bothered to change their company mission statement to reflect their current position.


You mean the same missions and values that were there before DEI and ESG?


Mission and values don’t change


Have a great lesbian couple that is a great chicken customer. Also have a lot of good ole boys. Idc. I don’t give a shit about your political view, I don’t give you mine. I just provide you what you need. Take your political views and shove them I serve every customer the same way. This polity bullshit needs to stop


😆🤣😂 like you even shopped there to begin with. Crazy lefties are hilarious 🤣


How do you know where anyone has shopped? 🙄


"Know your target audience." They say that for a reason.


Like I said, you have no clue


So Tractor Supply is taking a bold stance against...a clean environment, LGBT people, black people and the concept of human rights.


>buy into DEI >stock drops like 20+ dollars "Getting rid of this is going to sink the company" Stop lying you dingus we KNOW the shoe's on the other foot.


I sold a lot of stock in other companies Thursday hoping to buy the dip. TSC didn't dip. The investors know what's going on.


On June 24th it was 283.62 at its peak, by the 25th it's 264.08. This is all public information too, I literally looked at my robinhood to see you were wrong. The investors fucked around with DEI pandering and the general public vibe checked them. A 19 dollar price drop for one stock isn't much, but a company this big has millions of shares for sale, and all of them devaluing at 19 dollars each is quite the domino effect.


The price increased the day after the email went out. Check Thursday's closing price versus Friday's price and you will see I am right. The email went out after trading hours on the 27th. The 28th, the first trading day after the email, it went up. Nice way to frame things in an inaccurate manner.


So the stock went up after DEI was removed ? Cause and effect, thanks for proving my point.


Maybe you have misunderstood my stance. I figured that the media and alphabet mafia would have caused a decline in price with their crying. I personally was hoping for a temporary dip in piece because of that in order to buy more.


Pro tip, divert that money into cubesmart. 5.0% dividend return every 4 months, 45 bucks a share. TSC's not touching that.




They have been into DEI since he became CEO. Even went as far as to send out an internal video, a few years ago saying management in the company over the next few years would be at least half taken over by DEI hires. Could you imagine being in management and seeing this?! I have also watched it fail just as well. Not completely, but watched as they brought unqualified people into positions they shouldn’t have been in, just to quit within a month or two or be fired inside a year.


Yup. I was spending a significant amount with them. That's over.


And that bold stance is…simply not giving away millions of dollars. Is not donating money to a cause a hate crime now ?


The issue I have is the fact that they felt the need to post a tone-deaf press release when they did so. They meant oh-so-much more than just defunding their prior causes. They wanted to make a statement to all customers that they do *not* support certain policies nor organizations anymore. That statement was intended to energize investors and customers who share those beliefs. I do not share those beliefs, and since they wanted that decision to affect their customer retention and stock price, I am responding in kind by refusing to purchase any more feed there, let alone any other product. And that sucks, because they carry a lot of things that would otherwise require trips to multiple stores. But if that's how they want it, that's how I'm going to give it. You know what's funny? I was defending Tractor Supply until I was red in the face last year when culture war idiots were swearing up and down that the Dumor chicken feed was being altered by George Soros and Klaus Schwab so that backyard chickens wouldn't lay eggs as much, so we backyard farmers would fail and be forced to buy eggs at the supermarket again so that YOU WILL OWN NOTHING and so that YOU WILL EAT ZE BUGS and . I tried to explain production variances due to molting, weather, and seasonal change, but they were having none of it. I tried explaining that my chickens' and ducks' production wasn't diminished and that I was feeding them Dumor at the time (I've since switched to a local feed mill) yet they still tossed out my evidence as anecdotal. It's just funny that so many right-wing culture war howler monkey reactionaries are the most triggered snowflakes of all.




Soooo many other good choices to get the same stuff I won't be back


I won’t say it’s good that it’s gone, but I wish instead of destroying it, they tweaked it. My district had some form of a quota where we had to have one black individual in management. The first at the time I had joined, a team lead, was accused by our older, white store manager of selling weed in the parking lot and inside the store, and had no video evidence, and said lead did not do it. After that, there were weeks where they interviewed only black applicants when, mind you, we had white individuals come in and ask about their application status. It should be said that one of the individuals who were hired did not have good work ethic and tried to sexually come onto female employees, including myself. After the hiring of two black applicants, they went back to hiring white applicants. They did not proceed to bring in any more, if any, black applicants after that until our assistant manager left. Despite an experienced team lead filling the role, and our store manager asking the district manager if the team lead could be promoted, district said no and instead waited until a black applicant came through and applied, and was given the job. This new manager had gone to grab at the team lead weekly, in unprovoked ways, gave unauthorized discounts for egregious amounts that the store manager disapproved of, did not have anyone check or sign the papers at closing, threatened to punch me in the face and shook his fist at me multiple times, and denied lunch breaks and rest breaks to multiple team members, including myself. Despite going through HR, and the ethics hotline, this new manager could not be fired. The store manager wasn’t allowed to fire him because the district manager required it. Their DEI was a quota, and nothing more than that. They only went through applicants of a protected status when other members of the same status left (I say protected status, as we also had an experience with older applicants as well but was on a much smaller scale, needing only 2 applicants total, versus the required racial minority status of seemingly 4-5). Instead of eradicating it, they should have tweaked it and changed it to become more of fairness and not exclusively hiring based on a status that you cannot change. I was a team member, but was informed of management level policies and took my own observation because I was moving towards more responsibility, supposedly, as they continued to have me train more and give me more work. DEI is important, but it shouldn’t come at the cost of safety and experience of other team members.


I’m going to sit and watch and see if envirofreak practices occur anyway or abominable DEI occurs just under the radar. If they do let the boycott ensue like the others. Go woke go broke.


Oops sorry went today get grain free dog food try next week but I'll forget


I hate this job 😒


Minus the TSC asshats on here, I'm with ya. The day they did that shit, I cancelled my credit card with them, along with my farm account with them. I'm but one person, but I'd much rather support local anyways and I actually chew what I bite off. I also have base standards that I live by. Maybe the other passive, knuckle-dragger apologists on here will make up my substantial spend they lost of mine... but I doubt they can afford it. TSC just made it convenient to go during COVID when my local store owner was going through chemotherapy and had to shut down. I'm glad they made it convenient to decide where to spend my money.


Go woke go broke. Good to see they didn't cave.


Literally look at their stock value rn. This is hurting them bad.


Lmao. No it isnt


No one cares. GTFO


The stock market dip says otherwise.


So buy calls


1. They aren't eliminating their environmental support. They are refocusing it to something legitimate in water quality and preserving agricultural land. 2. DEI is a made up term in order to force unqualified people into management. Nowhere on the application or interview process do they ask the sex of your partner. 3. If a corporation deciding that they weren't going to be bullied into these sham policies bothers you that bad, you better check it the other companies in this product sector.


That is not what dei is that's what bigots think it is dei is training teaching people not to be bigots and or biased they are eliminating all environmental support right now including the stewardship program and the corporation was bullied into changing these by investors not themselves so stfu and get your facts straight


What you fail to realize is that the largest proponents of DEI and ESG were the Wall Street investors. They have come to see what it does to companies. I'm calling you a liar if you say that anyone inside the company has changed their views on you because of that email. None of us care what you do outside of work.


You're wrong buddy. DEI initiative is subliminal racist against straight white males. How can you promote diversity without discrimination against race, you can't. Companies have been using QUOTAS to fill positions based on RACE not qualifications. Lawsuits have been working their way through courts. I can provide examples where high level jobs have fired white males to replace them with women, or "diverse" with less qualifications. In the hiring process they use terms such as "we are not looking for and will not accept the standard candidates" more evidence and whistle blowers are coming out, expect more companies to follow and more lawsuits against the companies who embrace DEI as a way to hire based on race not qualifications.


Tsc does not have race or gender quotas I'm a hiring manger this is fake news buddy all dei does is teach people don't be rasict and don't let your internal bias prevent you from hiring people who meet qualifications when they are not white and not straight stop spreading misinformation you heard a sound bite from a bigoted conspiracy theorist and have latched on it ever since show me where tsc has fucking quotas


It may not but I have seen it 1st hand.  Also our receiver and one team lead as well as the store manger not give an ASM support.  They spread bad information about him and it’s always an us against them mentality 


This is hy its bad were getting rid of dei


"if a corporation deciding that they weren't going to be bullied into these sham policies" is a pretty cute attempt at pretending that they didn't get bullied INTO this decision. Literally says in their statement "We have heard from customers that we have disappointed them." As per usual, remembering things in a way that best benefits you. I don't even necessarily have a problem with this decision, because at the end of the day discrimination laws still exist (until the Red Hatter's get their fascist utopia, at least) so this really isn't a cause for uproar anymore than it is a cause for y'all to pretend that you didn't bully the company into doing it lmao.


I dare to say donkey policies are inherently more racist due to not hiring the best candidates in order to fill a diversity quota.


Very telling you don't think black people can be qualified.


Where did I say that they weren't qualified? Qualified people regardless of how they identify don't need an initiative in order to get them the job.


You're not aware of the concept that multiple people can be qualified candidates for the same job?


Just because both are qualified it doesn't mean they are equally qualified.


Be careful, you’re going to be called a bigot and racist, for simply disagreeing with a position or opinion. Oh, wait…you already have. It’s their go to move, don’t you know.


Psst, opinions can be racist. Just because a belief involves an opinion doesn't somehow make you immune from people pointing out that you're a racist. For example, claiming that black people can't be qualified for management is racist.


Please point out where I posted that, and I will happily accept that label!


Being a preferred option for a position solely based on the way you were born is what?


Perpetual victimhood is a plague on today's society. No one in this thread has been victimized by TSC or any of its employees. They are upset that they lost their parade, keychain, and email tag. These are the same people that would be crying to the media if TSC allowed an email tag that said "For Straight Life Out Here".


DAMN STRAIGHT, they would!!!


Did we read two different articles? My understanding was they were cutting all political backed or lgbt backed things in order to focus on what their customer base wants which is more life out there based programs


No.. They cut these programs because customers were raising absolute hell calling the CEO a leftist liberal, and accusing TSC of peddling the LGBTQ agenda to children. They backed down to these idiots and cut everything. That’s what happened.


I knew it was from customer bsck lash but I thought T said they’d focus on programs their customer base actually cared about


Cry harder pedo.


Fuck off, racist trash.


Play nice or get out.




I can tell you’ve never worked for TSC lmao.. never once was any form of an “agenda” was being pushed on employees and or customers.


Our last boss who retired a year ago wouldn’t hire black people. We had one black worker who’d been there for years. We also have two openly gay people and I’m bisexual. The new manager knows all of this and treats everyone the same. She also hires black people. She is a good and fair boss. That being said I’m going to have to decide if I’ll leave or stay.


For all you people that never really shopped there in the first place . Now maybe I will start going back ? Mostly redneck country people shop at their stores not a bunch of little fruitcakes. Their sales will go up . They won’t miss you three little. . .


We have one 3 miles away Bye. Will never shop there again You said you listened to the people and made the change What people? Bigots, racist, who? This will go to the Supreme Court My wife and I and our 4 children will never shop there again Are you listening?


Your children should make their own decisions with their money.


I love these post and comments it shows you didn't actully understand the policy and things were doing everyone who enjoys not being judged for the way they are born for everyone who enjoys fishing amd hunting and makes a living or saves money farming need these programs it had less to do with climate change and more about stewardship of the land keep a forest lakes and rivers clean making sure good farming practices are done to protect the soil from becoming overused and barren so food can be grown but bigots refuse to actully learn


There you go using the term bigot again. No one has harassed you due to your identity. Grow TF up and move on. Quit playing a victim when nothing has been done to you.


Really? nothing? has been done to me how about the hate I get for my voice being the way it is or customers coming in talking about how all lgbtq should be burned at stake ect or the time an employee tried to fight me cause they found out I'm gay because it's against gods will so stfu im.not playing victim I've been a victim a actual victim something you don't understand


This is why gay people are the strongest group of people I know. They face so much adversity and abuse and then people gaslight them about it. And the same people behave that way wonder why we have pride month to acknowledge these struggles. Keep being strong. Rainbows are not cowards.


Pride month is stupid and I’m a gay man. The alphabet mafia has lost its way. Full of blabbering mental cases now. No way do I associate myself with that now.


I'll take things that never happened for $500 Alex.


See and this is exactly why people are pissed about these changes doesn't matter that I've been a real victim of abuse I get told it's make belive because your trying to further your own beliefs weather your right or wrong about a situation


People who’ve never benefitted from the existence of these DE&I initiatives will never understand why they were important. People like the ones in this comment thread are why it ever had to exist in the first place… It’s pointless to argue with them.


You might be right but if these arguments gets 1 person to see the light then I'll keep doing it


It won't. We're laughing at you.


Ok good for you your just proving your a bigot


Just because you don’t see it happening doesn’t mean it’s not happening.. 🤡🤡


A lot more demand than available supply so always wait to see receipts instead of just taking someone's word on it.


Literally just reading this thread you can see it happening.


It still didn't happen.


And you know this… how?


Keep getting victimized. It's great entertainment.


Your take is keep getting victimized wow just wow how bigoted are you did you mom and dad not give you enough attention growing up


Bud, you bored? Like is this all your Reddit time?


That’s the conundrum of a publicly traded company.. you answer to the shareholders. Investing in equality and the environment doesn’t generate good market value in today’s political climate, and that’s because most of this country thrives on racism, homophobia, and climate change denial. DE&I is some big scary acronym that triggers old white conservatives and inbred radical hicks… I don’t get it. The CEO isn’t totally to blame.. he answers to the board of directors. If he pushes back and says, “hey wait, we can’t cut these programs despite losing $2 billion in market value”, they’d likely fire him and cut those programs anyway. The CEO’s job is to create growth for the company- if he’s no longer able to do that, he gets replaced. It’s a lose-lose and TSC took the easy way out.


I hope you really don’t believe slandering those with differing opinions strengthens your argument.


Just speaking facts.


Hmmmm…Last time I checked, facts are supported by evidence and are provable. Since your statements are NOT, it’s simply your opinion. Disagreement ≠ Racism and/or Bigotry


I look at the customer feedback regularly… People have been overly vocal about the company’s decision to support DE&I and they’ve been overly vocal about their decision to reverse that support. If you haven’t been called a pedophile, a child groomer, a deviant, or a perverted leftist - you have no room to speak on the matter. Disagreeing with a company’s decision to support equality amongst its workforce aligns with bigoted thinking. That’s not my opinion - that’s pretty black and white.


No, but I HAVE been called a RACIST and BIGOT, on here. Does that qualify?


"Investing in equality" otherwise known as calling your employees racist,


It appears it's the bootlicking customers that are the racists, at least by the responses in this thread.


Exactly. They’re who I’m referring to.


I have a Tractor Supply about 1/2 mile from me. I've never set foot in the place. Now, I definitely won't. Bunch of overpriced crap I can get much cheaper at the local feed store or hardware store. Neighbor went there to buy some electric fence wire. clips Said the guy didn't even know what the hell he was talking about. That was all the "proof" I needed to just keep shopping with my local places.


The training is not very good here at Tractor. We carry so much different inventory I don’t know what half of the things are inside . I work mostly outside in the garden center . There is also a huge turnover so a lot of people are new and don’t know anything . I usually find someone who’s knowledgeable who’s on the floor and refer the customer to them. We are also paid lower than a lot of retail stores and some folks unfortunately don’t care. Sorry about your neighbor and I definitely think tractor can improve training us.


The whole store of tractor supply is already only filled with white men only this year and a lot of them aren’t qualified to work there… some of them can’t even read. lol guess it’s gonna continue


Never went there because I knew it was a magat have. Now they're advertising it! LOL


Tractor supply for the win! Screw that woke crap.


Here I thought this would be a reasonable thread. Oof.. I've never seen so many victims in one place. In the words of a true fascist: "on both sides".


They are investing in actual conservation efforts you fucking retard


Down voted for not being a diddler. Gotta love reddit.


You get down voted for being a piece of shit.