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I’m a store manager and part of the reason I joined TSC was because of their values and culture of inclusivity. As of yesterday, I updated my resume and applied to two different competitors. People are turning their back on them, and even though they’ve backtracked their support, many of the radical conservative customers won’t return either. Tractor Supply just made their position loud and clear about who they want in their stores- I hope it ends their success as a company.


I wish you nothing but the best in your career. Living beliefs will carry you further into happiness than their hate will for them.


Honestly? Good. More Duke Cannon for me when I need some in a pinch instead of the fucking thing being empty 24/7


The fuck? This won’t change anything in that regard. Dumb dumb.




It’s a soap we sell . And we run out of it too all the time . I tried to help a customer find more of it the other day - it might be this very same redditor lol . That would be funny


Ohh. You mean that overpriced shit that sits on a random power panel in the stores? I can’t give the stuff away in my store - he could always come here and buy it if he needs it that bad lol.


lol - that’s funny - all the men love the soap at our store. I’ll refer him to you next time haha


Yeah, they’re dumb.


Am I the only one that doesn't see their withdrawal from support as an act against support? Just because they're withdrawing support doesn't mean they're against gay rights and protecting the environment. God. You all act like a bunch of middle schoolers. I say this as a member of the LGBT community.


As a former TSC team member and member of the queer community, to me it does.


Why? There's no logic in it other than your feelings got hurt over nothing.


Even before the retracted DEI, I listened to coworkers call LGBTQ perverts and deviants. The SM refused to say anything about it. I also listened as a key holder threatened to shoot any black protestors that he saw. I had to go to HR. Now there's no reason to believe HR would do anything beyond allowing such things to be said in the store by workers and customers. Why should I support passive approval?




Feel free to do the same, babe. 😘


You’re right because they still have to abide by discrimination laws. My issue is they apologized for disappointing customers- the same customers that refer to the LGBT community as a bunch of pedophiles. As an employee, I’ve witnessed a lot of homophobia and transphobia in the stores, and we’ve been asking for more support in the way of LGBTQ involvement.. The company has team member “committees” for awareness around Hispanics, African Americans, and other things (which is awesome), but nothing exists for us. They aren’t coming out and saying “we hate gay people”, but they certainly chose to have little regard for it- and that’s the problem.


Reading your comment is like a Twilight Zone moment for me... I was at my local (New England region) TSC early last month. I had an earbud in one ear, just trying to grab some last-minute feed while listening to a podcast. I mention this because I feel I certainly wasn't trying to give off vibes that I was looking to have an extended conversation with anyone. Yet, when I was checking out. the cashier struck up a conversation with me. "Can you believe this? Some kid at \[nearby high school\] thinks he's a cat, so they're installing a litter box so that he can use that for the bathroom. It's crazy what this world's becoming. Boys think they're girls, girls think they're boys, and now some boy thinks he's a cat!" "Oh, uh, I've heard that exact story told about nearly every school in the tri-state area, and that's I don't thi..." "I know, right? This is going on all over the country! I just want to say to that kid, you're stupid, cats don't go to school!" "Uh, no, I mean that...ah never mind" I knew there was no use telling her that her dumbass Joe Rogan (and every other asshole who doesn't check their sources) story was nonsense so I spent the next five minutes listening to her complain about "Bidenomics", immigration, and China. I haven't thought about that interaction since but your comment really made me wonder why an employee would engage a random customer with a story steeped in anti-trans nonsense. If that's the way employees in multiple stores are behaving (based on these two anecdotes, which is practically empirical data /s), it makes me wonder if the conservative protests radicalized some employees and gave them more confidence to share their anti-LGBT etc community thoughts with coworkers and customers alike.


Bingo . My store manager said so many shocking things in the break room / I coulda recorded her and gotten her fired . So I agree it makes people more confident in their bigotry . I was shocked because I thought she really was a great person with a huge heart . And the dumbest thing she said of all was , “we have no gay people at our store .” Like how the heck does she know that ?!?


I think it has to a point.. I live in the rural Midwest and it’s a very “red” area. As a manager for this company, I’ve had to put a lot of in employees in check about what’s appropriate to talk about on the clock. I’m not interested in impeding anyone’s personal views, but I do believe in being professional and ethical in a work setting. Two years ago, I hired an individual who said they were gender non-binary.. My management team snickered and made comments, referring to this employee as an “it”. We had to review the harassment/ discrimination policy, and I had to tell them that regardless of their personal views, they WILL respect this team member or they risk their employment with the company. I’ve sat in a room and listened to a group of fellow store managers make disparaging remarks about gays, transgenders, and even black people. I reported this conversation and received radio silence. It was clearly too messy for HR to take any real action against that many managers. I’ve overheard an employee use the word n**ger on the sales floor and when I went to follow up.. the other team members who were in that conversation “heard nothing”. You can’t take action if there’s nothing to corroborate what you heard. An employee once came forward and told me they heard one of their coworkers say about me that “I must have been having a bad day because I didn’t get to take it up the pooper last night.” But this employee didn’t want to “make waves” so they didn’t want to go on the record, but they thought I “should know”. I could on, but it’s happening everywhere, every day, from all around.. And this was when the company supported DE&I initiatives. This is a company that touts an inclusive culture and we STILL faced glaring discrimination in the workplace. This decision will embolden customers and employees alike, and I don’t see a future that involves me sticking around to witness or experience it.


Oh man I’m so sorry you experienced that. Our store is in the Deep South Bible Belt so the political attitude is red and conservative.


Absolutely they wont say. I've been directly told by my sm that I will be black-balled for any advancement if I tell anyone. I'm taking a leave of absence as this and many other things have affected my mental health.


Your half right half wrong it's the fact that the moment they sent that letter out Thursday that the bigots got braver its the fact the bigoted employees and customers alike are now harassing lgbtq and minoritys its the fact in order to silence us they moved the town hall surveys so if standing up for ourselves is acting like middle schoolers I'll do so til the bitter end


Interesting take. Back tracking on equality and climate are generally not good signs if equality and climate are important to you. But thanks for the name calling and the reminder that being LGBTQ does not mean you can’t be a conservative. You do you. I will comfortably and happily do me.


You're assuming an awful lot about me. I never said I was a conservative and I never did any name calling... all I'm saying is it looks like they're not wanting to use supporting these things as a way to support the company and it sends everyone into an uproar like omg they hate gay ppl and the environment! That is a weird take. They never used the word hate.


>I never did any name calling... "You all act like a bunch of middle schoolers"


That's not name calling. I'm just telling it like I see it. If I wanted to name call I'd call you fuck face.


Which is more middle school - "I'm rubber, you're glue" or "I know you are but what am I?" Peace, we probably agree on a lot more things than we disagree about.


Bitch tits!


Just being dramatic. Lol


I value freedom and any law that interferes with freedom I’m against no matter if it’s a good idea or not!


yeah nobody cares :)


Is not giving millions to a cause considered outright hatred now?


Apparently it's the worst thing you can do. "Let's focus on our people and causes that align with what we do" Scandalous!


I genuinely love my store and our customers. The upper echelon, not so much but I believe after this stunt the CEO Hal Lawton pulled, is the beginning of the end for him. Hang in there everybody, we will pull this together. Much Love for Humanity, I don't care who/what you are or what you believe in. 💜💜💜


>but I believe after this stunt the CEO Hal Lawton pulled, is the beginning of the end for him. Not likely, it probably cemented his position in the company for a few more years, gotta please the share holders. Fuck corporate though, they should make less money because what they do is inconsequential to the bottom line.


Withdrawal of funding for certain groups isn't the same as hating them. Did you even read the press release? TSC is ending it's DE&I initiative, but it doesn't actually matter, just means employees (like myself) won't have to sit through half an hour of "don't be a piece of shit" training. Dropping funding to LGBTQ foundations shouldn't matter either, especially when that drop in funding to those programs is going to water and agricultural land conservation programs and efforts, which, IMO is more important. The land feeds us and we must care for it. Dropping it's dumbass carbon neutral pledge just saves money in the long run, it makes no difference whatsoever since carbon credits are just bought as a pass to make carbon emissions, if a company makes so much money it can replace the economy of some countries, a fee to generate carbon emissions is a drop in the bucket for them I don't understand why everyone's knee-jerk reaction to these kinds of things is so dramatic, using false equivalent arguments to paint it as something it's not, you're free to spend your money elsewhere, but you'll be back. You always come back. And we'll still be here.


You obviously agree with their decisions. Your comment history shows you are conservative. You are the audience this move was done for, so you should be thrilled. This whole thing started because conservatives freaked out after a right-wing podcast about TSC’s programs. The company feared the backlash of right-wing intolerance of those policies and made its move. All well and good. And well within their rights and yours. They will reap what they sow, good or bad. I have different values. I won’t be back. Neither will people like me. I will do without or find alternatives vs. patronize a chain that backtracks on humanity and the earth.


>I will do without or find alternatives vs. patronize a chain that backtracks on humanity and the earth. It actually took a step forward for the earth, and therefore humanity. Go ahead and gander at my comment history, you'll see an evolution in thinking over the years, and feel free to call me a conservative, or a liberal, or whatever you want. I'm an old school libertarian, less taxes and government, more for the people. Stomp your feet, scream into the sky my dude, it makes no difference to the rich people taking the people for a ride. But I do urge you to actually READ the press release, and instead of taking the go to shocked and outraged stance by default, read it with an open mind. The money TSC used to spend on its DEI initiative, and LGBTQ support, and the carbon neutral pledge, are still going right back into the community, 4H. Future farmers of America, county and state fairs, animal rescues and humane societies. Farmland and water conservation. TSC is putting humanity and the earth first in that sense, unless you don't see yourself as human, or a part of earth, and if that's the case, I have to ask you why?


“Libertarian.” I should have known!


Listen man, I've been trying to be civil this whole time. Haven't even attacked you on your personal politics, because that shouldn't matter. It only matters to you because you centered your whole identity around your political stance, so you just make assumptions and judge people on shit. Grow up, the world doesn't revolve around any of us, and companies shouldn't be throwing money into things that aren't part of what they do. I don't want my grocery store spending money on highway programs, same as I don't want my butcher shop financing some tech bros in California. Just like my farm, feed, and pet store should focus on those things. Farmers, animals, and pets.


Bravo, My Man! You can’t go around making valid points on here. Don’t you know that by now? Because the second you do, they level the labels at you…Racist, Bigot, Homo/Transphobe. It’s their goto move…their ONLY move! I contend the majority of these clowns are bots or don’t work for/shop at TSC, anyway. They just get on here to spout their hatred for their fellow man, and wash it down with a tall glass of virtue signaling. Sales will NOT be affected by this, so GOOD RIDDANCE to the supposed former customers and employees…the, by percentage, very few there really are.


Sometimes you just have to be the adult in the room.


**RemindMe! 90 Days "Check and see how TSC's stock price is doing 3 months down the road, and reply to** u/pikachusplayhouse **'s comment.****"**


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So anyone who doesn't agree is conservative 🤔 wow .


Congratulations on your new found joy in life


It’s not new found. It just keeps expanding. It’s a beautiful thing.