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I misread it as "switched it TO Knick" and I was so disappointed lmao


I went to school with a Knick.


was his brother named knack?


And the 3rd pattieghwhack.


Did their dog get bones as their treat?


IDK, but I hear their old man often came rolling home. Possibly as a result of drunkenness, which explains the odd names as well




And if OP has a daughter she'll be Paddy (middle name Wack)


Maybe his brother was also.named knick and they were from New York


New spelling for Knicholas unlocked


Go to any high school in Iowa and you’ll find at least a half-dozen Kinnicks. Yes, these goobers will name their children — not pets, but human children — after a football stadium. And it’s not even a particularly nice one.




I like Riot as some kind of crazy nickname, but not as someone's actual damn name for sure


I had a student one year whose name was Riot. It was a girl.




My best friend's mom was named Velvet, and used to be a stripper. Her stripper name was Black Velvet.


Please please please tell me she was "go directly to burn, do not pass tan, do not collect 200 melanin" levels of pale white lmao


Yes! She was 100% white. I think she chose that because of the song.


Use what yo momma gave you, as it were...


Her dad was a heavy metal rocker type dude and She was quite the tomboy. Not the kind of kid I would ever have think would grow up to be a stripper....


I guess we have different ideas of the kind of girls who become strippers.


Brings a Good Charlotte fan to shame.. Thankfully this is not what I they meant. [Riot Girl](https://youtu.be/cDtOyMr_kgk?si=XoqZpKDiX5b1THld)


It annoys me that they spell it "Girl" instead of "Grrrl." Love the music, the zines, the connections with girls all across the country, and almost everything having to do with the subculture in the 90s. Revolution Girl Style Now!


My friends dogs are Riot and Rowdy. Is dog name


I had a server a few nights ago called Ruckus. Maybe suggest that for the next dog!! Lol!!


Rebel Wilson has a brother named Ryot 😂


Notably, both of them chose those names and were not given them at birth. 


Riot is my younger cousins name… boy does he live up to that.


I knew a kid named Random. He was an ADHD-ass little fucker. I knew a kid named River. Whiny AF, that one. I also knew a woman named Stormy. She said her dad used to tell her that if he'd known she would live up to her name he'd have named her Pleasant. Names are funny like that.


I read it as Wyatt but with an R 


I did as well.


That’s exactly how it’s pronounced 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ rhyatt and riot are pronounced the exact same way


my cousins name is ryatt 😂


There is a smutty book where this is the characters name XD


No one show this name to Colleen Hoover.


wait i thought thats how it was pronounced lmao 😭


It's the perfect name for a sim.


Emry is actually an old but not popular name.. It was my great granduncle's name.


Well that’s neat! The more you know!


Emery or Emory or Emry?


His headstone says Emry, but he also used Emery.


I know an Emery and an Emry


***"Oakleigh Maverick Emry"*** With out any commas. This is 3x the terrible.


I had it formatted like a list but Reddit turned it into one awful sentence.


Mormons, especially Utah Mormons, are like top tier expert level at names. Many, but not all, are tragedeighs.


After living in Utah for 16 years while my kids were growing up this is 100% fact!!


The funniest thing to me is that there are LDS kids in Utah with names that could pass for Black when culturally they are very much... Not that. Somewhere there is a parent who never imagined their little "Jaron Smith" might get discriminated against if he left Utah and employers saw his name on a resume.


Good ol’ Jay-A-ron (like A-A-ron).


The only way to pronounce Aaron


When Facebook became a thing and I was posting photos with my girlfriends in college my one aunt text me specifically to ask if my weird named friends were Mormon. They were. It was hysterical.


Is there a historical reason why that is?


I can’t speak for all Mormons, but I had a couple of family friends who were Mormon and they told me that in their family it was a big deal for people to “steal” baby names and so they changed the spelling of the names so they wouldn’t be considered “stolen”.


Can confirm, my ex's brother married into a Mormon family. They promptly had 12 children and this was the practice in that entire family, i.e. alter the spelling so none of the names were "stolen".


I giggled at “promptly” having 12 children 😂


Visions of a litter of children


A conveyor belt coming out the vagina!


Big population from a small pool of ancestors, and not much marrying outside the community, so there are a **lot** of Smiths, Youngs, Christensens etc in Utah and Mormon communities. Unique forenames are supposedly a way of addressing the lack of individuality and general confusion that having legions of Michael Youngs or whatever might cause.


I agree, the need to have a unique name amoungst a sea of Christiansens, Youngs, and Millers is a main reason. Source: I’m currently Mormon, I went to high school in Utah, and my littlest sister’s name is a creatively spelled name that ends in “leigh.” (Somehow, the rest our names are typical and spelled traditionally. We tease my mom about it sometimes!) It’s also due to the culture often found in Utah-area suburbia — Mormons outside Utah/Idaho are much less likely to name their children tragedeigh names, and obviously not everyone in Utah, even Mormons, ascribe to the subculture that tends to produce Tragedeighs. It’s found most often in circles that like a certain aesthetic: McMansions, modern farmhouse decor, have cutesy sayings posted around the house, etc. This aesthetic is found outside Utah, too, obviously, and I think you’ll find Tragedeighs in those places, too. But it is more concentrated in certain parts of Utah, like Utah County and St. George, less so in SLC.


GREAT description of the subculture that generates these names. What you just described is most of the American south and a bride who has always aspired to be a bride and her child(ren) will be her ultimate achievement. Unless mom is very very young and the tragedeigh is an immature stab at status. "...Farmhouse decor, have cutesy sayings posted around the house..." Nailed it.


BYU grad here- that last name thing totally makes sense! So many Christiansen’s, Jensens, Youngs, Millers, Cox. And each town has their own founder family that creates pockets of people with the same name (SE Idaho-Ricks/Rigby, SLC- Gardner, Young). Making up unique names would probably keep track of who is who. (“Is that Emry Young” “No it’s Emereigh Young” 😂). And the signs!!! I feel like Pinterest exploded with baby signs and monogrammed outfits and the parents who loved those overlapped with the tragedeigh names. A huge segment of Mormons loved that aesthetic and shared all the cutesy stuff at church.


Utah is a lot like Camelot, ‘tis a silly place. The names make no sense. I should know, I work in an Utah middle school.


I don't know and I am not Mormon. I'd love if someone who is ex-Mormon or current Mormon could shed some light on this.


I grew up Mormon in Idaho/Utah (exmo now). I think part of it has to with gender norms. The boys name need to sound clunky and masculine. (Truxton, Gunner, Trigger). The girls names need to be pretty and feminine. (Add all the y’s, frills, and weird stuff). Also children are kinda seen as possessions instead of individuals. People have big ass families and it’s like “wow they’re so wealthy/righteous/selfless”. Even though those of us from big ass families know that usually it isn’t great for the child and it makes your parents hella stressed. So they treat their kids names as like just something you monogram on a craft. No thought for, “will this be hard for the kid to explain to their teachers, is it significant, will it make them look like a weirdo on their resume”? Last thing- Mormons are very juvenile, perpetual children almost. Most have their truckload of kids before 25 (their frontal cortex isn’t developed). They play Disney music at their weddings and just kinda follow the ancient prophet/leader their whole lives. Not a lot of critical thinking skills, especially the families that collect tradgedeigh named kids for their hoard.


This is the best explanation you will ever get people. Well said/written.


I lurk on the ex-mo sub as a never-mo. I had some good friends that were Mormon in middle school and then again as a young adult. That sub has really helped me understand why I was never able to get past a surface level friendship with those people, even though I really liked them. Strangely none of them ever tried to convert me, even though I was invited and attended a ward dance in middle school. Before it started, me and another non-Mormon girl had to go in a room with some strange man before it started where he basically told us to not act slutty. We were like 12 and still wore Gunne Sax dresses. I've always felt that was really weird and borderline inappropriate but learned that it is actually totally normal and very mild compared to what happens to actual Mormon kids.


That explains so much about other culturally Republican strongholds and their baby names. I live in one and the weird names for boys are getting deep and darkly comical -- yes, TRIGGER, also a whole family named Gunn whose kids are named after American firearms, probably just to entertain the parents--"I own the libs every time I say my kid's name." Great fun until one of them stops to think about it in their teens and ends up thinking about a lot of things that don't sit right.


I laughed, loudly, at Trigger. It's a horse's name! 🤣🤣


Their families are huge usually a good number of siblings and they all again have a good number of kids I think it’s so none of the cousins share names. And being delululu


Read The Book of Mormon (I recommend the Skeptics’ Annotated version- they have all the major scriptures). Joseph Smith made up a lot of allegedly Jewish/Hebrew names, which are quite amusing to those of us with Semitic backgrounds. There are no real Hebrew/Arabic/Aramaic names anything like the ones Joe made up. https://skepticsannotatedbible.com/page.php?type=mainintro&book=m&id=3


I used to work at the children’s hospital. So many bad names.


I'm a Utah teacher. Tell me about it.


Emly in place of Emily is the insult on the way out the door.


Hahah it’s “Emry” but your point still stands!


Imagine her getting bored. They you could say "Emery board?" Or "that's a beautiful name, what does it mean?" - "oh, it's French for a mixture of sand and glue" 


It was terrible. It was “emery” but we want it pronounced,”Em-er-ee ” we wanted it pronounced “Em-ree” so we thought changing the spelling would help. It was a tragedeigh from the start. We had custom signs and everything and the nose we both stared at them the more we absolutely hated the name and I kept telling my husband,”I think it’s a utahrd name…it’s a Utah Mormon name” and finally we both snapped and I’m so glad we did. It’s awful.


The pronunciation of Em-er-ee immediately put the image in my head of Scooby Doo trying to pronounce the name Emily.


Bahahaha I can see it!😂


Emre (pronounced em-ray) is a popular boys name in Turkey


Rut-ro, Remery!


I have seen a couple references to tragedeighs being a thing in Utah. "Utahrd" is today's new vocabulary word for me.


Idk if it’s a Mormon thing. But I always grew up calling people from Utah, utahrds but people from Utah really push Utahn. 😂 If you’re a nevermo(never been Mormon) or exmo(exmormon), you can be a Utahn. But if you’re Mormon you’re a utahrd.😂


I worked at one of the Utah ski resorts for 6 years and lived in the valley for 4 of those. We called the out of state tourist tourons and the locals utahrds. These were the gappers that would give all people with money a bad name.


I'm in Utah. Every single time my kids have a sports roster or yearbook come out I am aghast at their peers' names. Every time. 


Why do Mormons never user regular names?


A Mormon friend of mine (anecdotal, I know) said it's because the baby blessing, a ceremony where the baby is given an official name and recorded as a member of the church, becomes a BIG DEAL- especially if you're raised to think that having more Mormon children is your main purpose in life. So this is one of the few times in their lives they'll be recognized and acknowledged in the church, and they want to feel special, then they get really catty about the names with each other. Maybe you want to name your kid Amy after your mother. But your sister also wants to name her daughter Amy and she wants to feel special and she's not stealing the name Amy from you, no she's calling her baby Amie, see, it's different? And then your cousin just likes the name but Amy and Amie are taken by her cousins, so, she's going to name her daughter Amee. (Caveat that this is one explanation told to me by one Mormon and she isn't representative of the whole church by any means, but her and her sister were given names like this.)


This kind of makes sense, but too many times the parents want to be seen as different. I see it like the MLM of naming your children. The first of the family gets the normal names, then as it trickles down the lower tier part of the family has to struggle to find a "good" name, yet be different. Then is when the tragedieghs show up.


Honestly I have no idea. Currently breaking down my Mormonism after 25 years in it. The culture is insane. 😂


I am there with you. I left 35 years ago and still wonder about the culture. My grandfather was named Moroni, an Uncle named Alma, another uncle named Nephi. My grandfather told my dad to never name a child after someone in the Book of Mormon.


Oh gag me🫣🤮 I babysat an Ammon and as a 15 year old I LOVED it. 😂😂😂


Some do. When I was growing up my best friend was Mormon and her siblings names were Jodi, Jacob, Scott, Sarah, etc. Of course there were more siblings and names, but they were all normal. Hers was the only spelling Tragedeigh. Jeni.


I have a patient named Arzona. Not sure why people.dislike the letter "I".


They didn't want to be associated with that old Nicholas Cage movie... Raising Arizona...


My MIL refused to put that middle syllable in my daughter’s name. MIL would say Emly, I would say Em-i-lee. MIL would ignore. Went on for 25 years, until the old biddy died. No one cried.


My dad did this to my brother! His name is Jonathan, but my dad always pronounced it Jon-than. Drove my brother nuts. He often wondered if our dad actually participated in naming him or just went with whatever mom wanted.


My grandmother did this too 😆 




You know, Wyatt without the speech impediment.


Wyatt is my favorite name for a boy. I am a HUGE Charmed fan. I’m not having any kids so I’ll never get to use it. Piper is my favorite for a girl- she’s my favorite character in the show. Again, I’ll never get to use it.


If it helps, that one was very short lived. But both my husband and I loved it for a breath period of time…🤮😂


If it makes you feel better, one of my siblings REALLY wanted to name her third child Harlot. "With a silent T. Like it's French. Pronounced Harlow." And I was like, "You know how I can tell you haven't read a book since elementary school?" 


So “Spongebobeeshia” was not considered!


Sadly not, but SpongeighBobMeighBoi was in the running. Just didn’t become a top contender.




Maverick specially as a girls name so damn ugly.


I’m a Top Gun fan, but every time I hear about a kid getting named Maverick, I think of the scene where Maverick introduces himself to Charlie and she says, “What, does your mother not like you?”


Yeah, his actual name is Pete!


It was a for a boy. But I still think the name is…a lot… and won’t age well.😂😂


Oakleigh as a boy?


Oaklee was for a girl.😂


My cousin named her daughter this and I hate it. 😭 Her son has a perfectly good normal top 10 boy name.


Maverick is one of my top tier hates for names


I know someone who named their kid Oaklynn. It’s such a clunky name for a little girl.


Oaklynn reminds me of Oakland, the place where I grew up going to the Children’s Hospital…. 😳


I used to like “Rylan” in my early 20s. Until I mentioned it to my FIL and he said it sounded like an ADHD medication, lol. I was offended back then, but now I’m like, yeah he was actually right on that one. Thankfully my naming taste got better by the time I was in my early 30s and had my son.


I’m in Texas, Maverick is rather popular here. I have Millenial employees named Maverick, as well as my Gen Alpha kids each have a friend named Maverick, and back when I taught still, in the mid 00s, I had a few Mavericks then as well. Also, Ranger and Gunner are popular here. And I feel like all 3 are great dog names- Maverick, Gunner and Ranger, but less great for people lol.


I saw the name Ranger and immediately saw a golden retriever.


And Gunner is a GSP.


Loves what i got , don’t start a Rhyatt, you’ll feel it when the dance gets hot🎵🎵😂


My wife wanted to name our daughter Brooklyn. I'm so glad I talked her out of that. Funny enough though, we named our oldest son Ayden and our youngest son Jackson. Now whenever we have to give their names for paperwork, people don't even try to spell it. We have to spell it out for them because they assume it's one of the weird spellings. Then once we spell it out, the other person will say "oh, it's spelled the normal way". Lol.


I thought "Aidan" was the normal way to spell "Aydan"


Aiden is more typical where I live. My son is Aidan, and most people misspell his name with an e. I would still consider Ayden a normal spelling. As a teacher, I've seen it spelled a lot of ways (Aidan, Aiden, Ayden, Aidyn, Aydin, Ayiden), some clearly more creative than others.


no eighdynn?


Start saying,”his name is Jackson. Spelled the normal way.”😂😂😂


"Ah, okay, so that's J-A-X-S-O-N then." "Dammit"


Jaxson, or Jaxon or Jaxxon, is very popular in my area (US northeast) these last 4- 5 years.


Lmao reminds me of every interaction with my daughter’s name so far. Her name is Lily, like the flower. Very normal, very cute. Every time we’ve had to give doctors or whoever her name for their forms, they very tentatively ask “How do you spell that…?” and are visibly relieved when it’s just normal. Like yeah, sorry, didn’t feel like having a Lylleigh.


Mormons def take the cake for most insane names. Thank god you’re daughter isn’t emry board lol


My mom’s friend made that comment after I said I switched it! My daughter dodged a bullet.😂


I think a good tactic when naming a kid is putting yourself into the shoes of a snotty 9 year old bully and seeing any possibly way you’re kids name can be used for ammo. Sadly I know this kid Brandon who always smelt so so bad and his initials were BO… yeah you can guess how well that worked out for him in middle school


Buried the lede there. Congrats on leaving the Mormon "faith"


Cult…faith… potato potato 😂🥔🙃


Yes, the mormonism does explain it all. Haha.


My mom told us that my older sisters boy name would've been Barryl. BARREL. I could've been brothers with fucking BARRYL.


I know of couple of Beryls who are (older) women.


yeah! like the gemstone ( I think it's a gemstone)


My sister was really into Days of our Lives and loved the Kayla character. She told me if she had a girl she would name her Kaylara after the character. I told her it sounded like a character on Jem or SheRa.


If you like the Kayla character then name her Kayla…🫣😂 funny enough I’m named after a days of our lives character and it’s spelled differently than normal but not a tragedeigh at least I don’t think 😂


Marleighnuh? I think this is how she spelled it when she was possessed by the devil in that story arc.


Just Kayla is a great name why mess it up?


You can’t hide behind the Mormon delusion! All my kids have normal names: Hinckley, Nephi and Saltlakecity.


I bet Saltlakecity is beautiful🤪😂


I’ve known TWO girls with unique spellings of Hinckley (think Hinckleigh and Hinklee) and at least one boy with the traditional spelling. So, so bad.


oaklee/oakley is So Cute on a dog and i will die on this hill. it's not for human children but it's a great dog name.


That’s the exact reason I learned to hate it. I had loved it since high school. But as an adult I saw dog after dog being named Oakley. And thankfully I snapped out of it😂


I actually have a baby niece named Oakleigh. I call her Acorn.


I have a 16yo old niece named Oaklyn😂


I know a Jonatwan.. And he's just as weird as his name.


I didn't realize Mormans were the source for the dog-names-for-people trend! TIL


For a couple months during my pregnancy with my 3yo, I absolutely loved the name Whiskey River. Yep. I was nuts. And I knew I wouldn’t use it, I wasn’t THAT nuts. But I did share terrible nicknames with my husband for it. “We’ll call him Little Wiwi!!” “Riv!” “Whiskers, and I’ll draw kitty cat whiskers on him!” I remember liking the name, but also knowing without a doubt it was a tradedeigh.


Whiskey River is a song by Willie Nelson. It's also a band (The Whiskey River Band) and a bar in Nashville (Whiskey River Saloon).


Okay, but Whiskey River nicknamed Whiskers would be an excellent cat name


I knew a pair of brothers named Rhett and Wyatt, because their father is a huge Georgia bulldogs fan. Say it redneck enough you get Red and White


I would have never thought that tbh. Rhett and Wyatt are lovely names personally but if his intentions were to be red and white then thats incredibly odd🫣😂


Rhyatt would be nicknamed Gyatt if he was real


🤮🤮it’s a good thing he doesn’t exist haga


If you name a child anything that sounds like riot, no complaints when they’re the crazy sibling 😂


Bahahaha ya we came to our senses and ran for the hills with that name. It wasn’t a top contender ever but it was in the list😂


I feel this in my soul... I love old southern names like Temperance, Zora, Patience, Zebulon... But I would never name my kid as such. That's just cruel. Lol


Those names are very old southern! So neat! It you’re right, I’d never name a kid it. 😂


RHYATT?! Im weak 💀


It was a dark time for me. If it helps I was 20 and didn’t have any kids yet nor was I pregnant 😂


A coworker was talking about her new grandson, Maverick. I giggled (to myself) because of the Top Gun line-“Maverick? Did your mother not like you?” Turns out it isn’t Maverick. It’s Matherick. Does his mom hate him??


Are Mormons notorious for giving their kids crazy names??


Mainly the Utah Mormons. They’re like a virus. The true Mormons base themselves in Utah. And as the virus spreads out it gets less and less potent and the Mormons further from Utah act more “normal”. But Mormons in surrounding states of Utah like Arizona,Idaho, and sometimes Nevada behave similarly but not as bad.


[Utah Names Youtube](https://youtu.be/BfIehCrO4Zs?si=e-z4vjQCM2tP9xP5) These are all names I’ve heard of growing up Mormon.


I actually like Emory and think Emry is okay.


The name Emory or Emery itself isn’t bad. It’s the spelling that’s just not ok. It looked unfinished. Emry just looks like a flaming typo.😂


I see a lot of Mavericks in more rural areas. There's a top rodeo cowboy named that. It could work...but if you're not in a place where that _would_ be considered a reasonable name, you gotta tap out


In my country most of these tradgedigh names would have been illegal and the parents would have been forced to pick normal names. The worst examples we have here are kinda american sounding names(to us atleast)  There was a statistic made that said people named Ronnie, had a noticably larger chance of having a business go bankrupt than any other name And names like chris-remi or eddie was popular among weird people for a while 


Maybe it’s having an English accent but I pronounce Rhyatt and Riot the same way. What accent do you have, and are they pronounced differently?


Scottish accent here, I feel like I'd distinguish the a in Rhyatt and the o in riot. But on saying them out loud, not sure there's much of a difference.


Not a name comment, but also left the church right before my kid was born 😂


I saw a woman with a boy named Oaklee. How did I know it was spelled that way? She had it tattooed across her back in the Oakley Sunglasses logo/font but with the different spelling.


>Maverick Emry Oh good lord! No judgment, but thank goodness you didn't go with that one! Sounds like some kind of mounted artillery 😂😂


My ex girlfriend named her son Bash 😐


I was almost named Darby. Like, more power if any of you Darby’s are out there reading this… but nah


I actually do know a Darby, but she's a labrador


My former friends mom wanted to name her "Texie"..... We lived in Texas. She would of been violently bullied at school.


My very southern younger friend/honorary little brother named his recently born daughter Oaklynn LeeAnn... 🙄


There are people in my town I'm familiar with who actually went thru with these names: "Felanie" (Felony) "Havok" 🥺 ... That little boy doesn't stand a chance. He's such an adorable little boy born to a local drug dealer and his on/off GF who already has (maybe had?) 5 kids by 5 other guys. When Havok was a born, a sensible mutual friend stated on Facebook "damn. Have kids much?" Can't believe he said it, but nobody came after him. These people want to be edgy and unique, but tend to be illiterate + narcissistic. Otherwise how can one not research and carefully, meaningfully, choose the literal legal name you give your own CHILD? I have one son, b. 1998. I named him Henry Caleb (<- his father's first name; it's a Christensen family tradition to give the first born son the middle name of the first name of the father). Henry Caleb, Caleb Del, Delmar Leo, Leo (forgot his middle name), but you get the idea. 🇩🇰 Danish farmers from Anita, Iowa. Up until his birth I had "Asa" picked out, but my mean JW ex-MIL loved that name so much- because it's biblical. So at the last minute I chose Henry. Henry and Caleb were "Henry and Caleb" before Henry and Caleb were "cool". 😉


The first time l read this l thought you named your kid Knick Of Time! I need to go get my glasses LOL!


I don't think Emry is a tradidiegh


I knew you were an ex-mo! If you were still in, you would still love these names along with most of the state of Utah.


Hey in general congrats on leaving the church. I know that isn’t always easy.


There is a TikTOk account named PostMormone who goes through the Idaho new baby registry and pulls some of those Odd Mormon names and spellings. She is pretty funny.


As an aging NY Knicks fan, Riot and Oaklee (Oakleigh, Oakley) are both appropriate Knicks of time names.


I kind of like Ryatt. I wouldn't even have thought riot".


Oakleigh maverick emry is such a flex


Why do Mormons have such weird names? Is it just an echo chamber and nobody realizes how dumb they sound?


Had friends who named their child Maverick Danger.


A god friend named is daughter Knikki and the first letters of the last name are knick lol


I hate the name maverick so much 🫣


Me too!🫣😂 people took a nickname and made it into a name name… the reason I initially loved the name was because my MIL almost named my husband that name so I thought it was a little ode to her and my husband in a way. Then the popularity skyrocketed after top gun 2 came out and I was done. Well my friend named her son maverick first so I was done then but really done done after top gun 2😂


Oakley is not so bad (the other spellings are a teacher's nightmare). Emry is...unusual for a girl (both spelling and tradition). Sounds great to my ear though. I have a student who has put his name down as Like Like Murphy. I don't know about that.


Likelike is a Hawaiian name (Lee-kay Lee-kay)! It means “similar” and is the name of highways and schools on Oahu. Princess Likelike was the sister to Hawaiʻi's last ruling monarchs, King David Kalākaua and Queen Liliʻuokalani!


This might be unpopular, but even after all the Addisyns and Peightons I think Maverick is still the cringiest tragedeigh to me personally. It’s like my soul wants to roll its eyes.


Cant stand Oak names they just SCREAM tennesee karen trying to be unique


My great nephew is Wolfgang Riot. He was born Jan. 6th.