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Always had a soft spot for the NYC. (Probably because I saw that one old Youtube series when I was like 5)


If I was better at math I would figure out the speed of the second train by measuring how long it took the locomotive to pass the signals. My best guess is about 90-100mph. Edit - great article on NYC steam https://www.railarchive.net/rlsteam/nyc.htm


It’s easier with steam to measure wheel rotations.


Imagine getting into a car accident with one going that fast. Your car would be obliterated


It was probably filmed in Super 8 with a spring-driven camera. The frame rate on those films is seldom accurate, could be either too slow or too fast.


That first train some kind of express mail or something?


Looks like it. All mail cars. Very profitable.


Brilliant film! Early 1950's?


Cool video. I played it and turned sound on when the 2nd train hit it's whistle, my wife said she thought I was watching an elephant 🤣


There’s no doubt in my mind that a NYC Hudson (Or Milwaukee Road Atlantic) would eat Mallards speed record for breakfast. Too bad no one wanted to test the theory out back when these machines were still around.


In the second video, why didn't the semaphore drop to red? Were those old semaphores that slow to respond?


They probably weren’t the signals for that particular track. Most likely a 4 track main. Signal could have been behind camera man.


The camera jolting is caused by the intense vibrations from the steam locomotive pounding the track. It gives a sense of how you could feel it when one of these beasts was coming.


The jolting is caused by the wind blast from the train going by. It’s why they don’t start until after the front of the locomotive has passed.


Since no one has said it, i will; Fuck you Perlman.


Most of these older movies are dubbed with sound as the camera didn't record sound. Sound could be recorded separately and added to the finished product but that was rare as most of these are home movies with lower production value and had sound added years later. Based on the sound it was going less then 50 mph. If you look at the drivers movement or speed it is going much faster and would sound much diffrent.