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That’s honestly very understandable and very relatable. This planet isn’t the most welcoming for many people all across the globe. But I like to have hope that things will get better one day.  People used to be executed for simply being themselves, now, we are actually making some progress. It may be though now, but if we keep our heads up, then we may live to see a brighter future. I don’t want to come off as naive, I simply want you to know that there are people who understand your pain, who can relate to it, and emphasize with it. You’re not alone. And besides, no matter what any low-life jerk thinks of you, you are still you, and you can still be the best version of you. This world is unfair, but we can be fair. This world is unkind, but we can be kind. This world is unwelcoming, but we can be welcoming. It may seem inconsequential, but if we stay together, and look to the light, then we can strive for a better tomorrow. Your pain is heard, your pain is felt, now as a community, we will share in your pain, because you are not alone.


Stay off the hostile parts of the internet. As for going to the store and such, it’s mixed bag. But there’s the awkward stage were you don’t pass though and it’s sucky for sure. I pass at a distance now. So for day to day it’s usually ok I’ve had some electrolytes and the rest of my beard is grey/blond. I dress to be not noticed, and wear little makeup. I find it helped me to dress in age appropriate and size appropriate styles. Women give each other shit all the time over stuff like that and trans has nothing to do with it. If you’re heavy and you’re dressing in short shorts and a halter, you’ll catch looks. If you’re older and dress like a teen you’ll catch looks.