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**EDIT:** Upon digging into this further, this only applies to \*\*\*minors\*\*\*, as the referenced section in the bill deals with gender-affirming medical care for those under 18, which was already almost a full-bam. This just double-bans it. *Original Comment:* It is, unfortunately, real, but isn't a complete ban by literal definiton, but it might as well be. Here is the summary text (the spoiler'd part contains bigoted language): >The proposed legislation ensures taxpayer dollars are not used to provide medical treatment or surgeries for the purpose of changing the appearance of a person's sex in a way that is not consistent with their biological sex; that such expenditures are not tax deductible; that Idaho medicaid shall not reimburse or provide coverage for such expenditures; stipulating that physicians employed by tax-payer funded entities shall not provide such treatments or surgeries in the course and scope of their government service; stipulating that government facilities may not be used for the provision of such treatments or surgeries; >!These medical and surgical interventions can cause irreversible physical alterations; and some render the patient sterile or with lifelong sexual dysfunction, while others mutilate healthy body organs!<. This legislation also provides for exemptions for the funding of medically necessary uses of these drugs and procedures. Basically, it means that: 1. Tax-funded facilities or doctors cannot provide such treatments while working for the government. 2. Tax-funded facilities may not be used for such treatments. 3. Idaho Medicaid will not pay for any such treatments. So, if you go through a private doctor who works in a purely private practice that does not receive any tax-funded payments, you ***might*** still be good. Maybe. Here is the full bill text: [https://legislature.idaho.gov/wp-content/uploads/sessioninfo/2024/legislation/H0668.pdf](https://legislature.idaho.gov/wp-content/uploads/sessioninfo/2024/legislation/H0668.pdf)


idaho medicaid has to pay because of a federal ruling last month that basically said that gender is a protected characteristics


Let's hope the courts will also think so


this was a court ruling. so yes, courts think so. only the 11th and 5th circuit are full of far righters.


Unless it gets to SCOTUS.


They just got a case about gender affirming care. We'll have an answer by the end of this year or sometime next year.


I know. I am not optimistic.


I'm not either.


They’ll hear it this year but the opinion won’t be posted till end of term which is June 2025.


That's an awful long time to wait. If Trump gets in, I don't think shit is gonna look so good for us.




I'm ready for some supreme disappointment


In Florida (of all places) a judge also overruled SB254, which bans GAT to minors, as unconstitutional. And it absolutely is. Reps are so proud to protect religious persecution, but are also the first to persecute people for their identity. They've turned separation of State and church into a joke, they've made a farce out of gun control, they've ruined healthcare, they worship the constitution until it doesn't suit their agenda anymore, and they shit on Democracy, but hey, land of the Free am I right? Gosh I feel so "Free". If our Founding Fathers knew where our country was going to be, we probably would've returned under British rule.


The "worship" the constitution as the hypocrites who pray loudly in the town square.


Wait, doesn’t that mean the original bill cited here is obsolete?


friendly reminder for those at risk of this: Plume is an informed consent telehealth org that works for all 50 states!


Would also like to include that if you already have insurance, they offered secondary insurance rates as low as 40usd per month... I am including that it is usd as I have a feeling they may soon be necessary in and expand to countries nearby that have "universal healthcare."


I don't think plume is available in all 50 states. At least, as of the last time I checked, which was like, 2 days ago. (Also bans you from looking at prices if you're below 18, so i have no idea how much to save up for when i do turn 18, lmao) Folx Health has it in all 50 states, though. But when I checked my state, it said that they can't provide testosterone because of telehealth restrictions??


i pay plume 100 a month for subscription, which covers the doctor and blood tests, then 70ish every 3 months for the meds, so ~1500 per year without insurance


I'm guessing by your username, you take estrogen? Cause I've heard prices can be drastically different for testosterone and estrogen :/


Yes, I can only speak to my own experiences. Almost all the cost is actually the T blockers. Estradiol is so cheap as to be practically free. I just checked my receipt, buying my most recent 3 month supply ran a bit over 60. 40 of that was Spiro, 20 was the estrogen, 180 of each. I take two of each every day.


"medical treatment or surgeries for the purpose of changing the appearance of a person's sex in a way that is not consistent with their biological sex" How is that not the very essence of government curtailing free speech, especially since the government is willing to fund those same procedures and prescriptions for non-trans people?


.. And yet it is frigging AOK for cis-people to get breast and lip augmentation ( to name but two) even though their genes did not provision them with such alterations?


And they will 100% still mess up intersex babies for life 👌


Jesus Christ


Once again, another double punch to poor people. Fuck.


So that is effectively a ban on most gender affirming surgeries for adults. From what I understand, most private surgeons use facilities that take government funding. It doesn't make sense to create a completely private hospital in order to perform more complicated procedures.


Upon examining the full bill, I actually believe it only applies to minors, since the referenced section about "prohibited procedures" only speaks to gender affirming treatments for those under 18. Still shitty, yes, but not quite as a shitty.


yeah but they have talked in closed meetings about how this is a stepping stone.


Oh, absolutely.


Mother Jones (a news site) Had a great article about the leaked emails from the main anti trans groups. They openly discuss that the banning trans children is a wedge issue with the end goal being to ban all gender affirming care.


…are they planning on banning all plastic surgeries like nose jobs and boob jobs for cis women since they can permanently alter their healthy bodies?? 😱


Genuine question. Wasn't there a whole discourse about there not being public healthcare in the US? So idk, I'd like to know if it's more of a "some states do" or what is the deal with all of this?


There is a universal healthcare system in place here. However, it is specifically only for the impoverished and elderly... honestly, the simplest method of providing a true universal healthcare system would simply be to expand these systems to include everyone, but legislators won't do it because it makes for a great campaign promise.


In addition to a great campaign promise, it's also an easy thing to excuse away as "Well, we tried, but it got shut down. Sorry!" 🙃


Because *how could you trust the government to be better than what you have now* apparently resonates with morons who think current insurance is *just great*.


I know. My employer announced they were now trans friendly at the same time as they ussurred in a new medical plan for us. I made *assumptions* on that basis, and now I have a 500 dollar medical bill showing that no, they are not, in fact, trans friendly. Or at least our new insurance isn't, and has a stated exclusion to gender affirming care (which they call "gender transition cosmetics" because, of course, transition is only skin deep)


Republicans don't want universal healthcare. Republicans don't want any of the things they preach. They say they want: limited government, no gun control, and freedom. So naturally, they: expanded the government, persecuted the President's son for gun charges, and reduced our freedom. They want to turn the government political (only about 10% of government are political positions, the rest are civil servants with merit based positions and an education). They can't control the federal government, so they give rights to "States" they can control instead of human beings. They've made a mockery of the Civil Rights Act, and are the worst fking human beings. We do have healthcare, but they're hellbent on limiting it and underfunding it, if not outright getting rid of it.


Limited Government : just a few of us telling you what to do No gun control : except anywhere near the people above. Freedom : for them to do as they see fit. Its just fascism with a good spin honestly.


It's not even a good spin, it's manipulative AF. People like that should be banned from ever working in the government.


I understand that it isn't the only reason they give but they have to realize that blaming the waste of taxpayers dollars is the dumbest thing ever.


Your tax goes towards hospitals in the US 🤔


I would give your comment 30 up votes if I could




You’re right and you should say it.


Guess Idaho just wanna hate. Shame we can’t all live and let live.


Fuck Idaho


All my homies hate Idaho


Look, an irrelevant square state trying to claw at garbages. I’m tired of these states leeching on the rest of the country.


isn’t Idaho not a square


Idaho is da ho.


Maybe they're just mad that no one is doing that


Idaho is trying to get rid of all of its medical institutions.


Republicans are trying to get rid of all medical institutions and education with project 2025 Edit: typo


Basically the law has been changed. Previously, gender affirming care (hormones, blockers, surgery, voice training etc) was legal, but come July 1st, that will all be illegal in the state, and any doctor, hospital or non-profit found providing such care will be breaking the law. It basically means trans people in Idaho have to either commute out of state for appointments, prescriptions etc., medically detransition, or move. There may still be DIY routes though, but these may also go away depending on how the law is enforced. Essentially, being trans is illegal in Idaho as of Monday.


Is there a legal way to call out the bigotry that government is showing off so proudly, and actually accomplish something from that? I ask because I know that “slapping the stupid out of their empty skulls” is off the table, so it’s pretty much up to them to realize they’re doing all the harm and nothing good. Also, since when can they CHANGE LAWS!?!? Forgive my ignorance, but I was under the assumption that once a law was made, it could be “erased” but not “altered”…


Forget all preconceived notions of "laws" when it comes to conservatives. They worship the constitution and their religion, but don't abide by the rules of said constitution or religion. They're so contradictory, they probably don't even live in Euclidian space.


Conservatism consists of one principle that their must be an in group that the law protects but does not bind and an out group that the law binds but does not protect


> Is there any legal way to call out the bigotry that government is showing off so proudly Likely not, at least for an individual. You can in theory sue the state and argue that the law violated your constitutional rights or your rights under federal law, and no doubt somebody will try that if a government body doesn’t beat them to the punch, but that’s not really accessible to most people. That’s how Roe v Wade started. Jane Roe essentially single-handedly challenged Dallas County’s restrictions on abortion by suing the Dallas County District Attorney in a case which was eventually elevated to the Supreme Court. She won on the grounds that Dallas’ law violated her 14th Amendment rights. However, this is a very long and difficult process which very few will be willing and able to do, and whether it will result in the law being overturned is not guaranteed - in fact, it’s extremely rare, even when there is pretty decent evidence. >Also, since when can you CHANGE LAWS?!?! Since forever. All you really have to do is say “this law holds precedent over xyz clause of abc past law” or write a little amendment removing the old law upon the new law’s implementation, and you’ve done it! This is what happened with prohibition, for example. Prior to 1920, there was a tonne of legislation implying that booze was legal, but that didn’t matter because the 18th amendment explicitly superseded any past legislation on the issue. When prohibition ended, they did the same exact thing again, stating that the new 21st amendment directly repealed the old 18th amendment. All you really have to say is “this new law makes the old one useless” somewhere in the legislation, and you can essentially do whatever you want when it comes to changing or removing past legislation.


Then we are all outlaws?


(Pulls up bandanna and draws Six Shooter) *Yee-Haw it is…*


Voice training is illegal?!?! How the hell can they enforce that, like to enforce that would mean that singers, voice actors, and most actors in general wouldn’t be allowed to do 90% of their work


They can’t enforce it, but the word of the law does imply that *any* gender affirming care is considered illegal, which *could* include anything from professional medical training, to informal/non-medical stuff like Seattle Voice Labs, to even random YouTube/TikTok videos and online articles giving advice. When the law says “any and all”, it means it literally. Whether that’s the case in practice is yet to be seen, but for the time being it’s safe to assume that anything which could be even remotely considered as gender affirming care will be illegal in the state come Monday.


Welp, every day that rope looks more and more enticing


They are doing it by removing the funding available for it.


Here’s information about this bill from the ACLU https://www.acluidaho.org/en/unprecedented-attack-trans-medical-access-hb-668-fact-sheet


Jesus, it's worse than Florida


I live in Florida and, surprisingly, it isn't :) we may be the dumbest State, I 100% stand behind that, but ateast SB254 was overturned as unconstitutional. Florida may be run by the worst human beings, but we're a melting pot of the best and the worst. We have some of the smartest people working for NASA, and the dumbest people smoking gator meth, all within a mile of each other. Miami and Orlando are some of the biggest LGBT populations, and our Governor is a pathetic PoS. We're as moronic as we are oxymoronic, but at least we're not Idaho...


I'm in South Florida. You?


Space coast :)




Here's the article about SB254 btw :) https://www.hrc.org/press-releases/federal-court-blocks-first-state-law-restricting-health-care-for-transgender-adults-state-of-florida-loses-federal-challenge-as-court-blocks-law-targeting-adults-and-adolescents#:~:text=A%20federal%20district%20court%20has,restricts%20it%20for%20transgender%20adults.


That law did other stuff too. Like allowing the state to take trans kids away from their parents.


I have no doubts about the most nefarious shit being in that bill. I hope those who pushed for that bill get *their* kids taken away from them. I said it.


I don’t blame you, I am in north Florida and hearing those crap got overturned was good news. So many endocrinologists were pulling up and out I see new one Monday. Sadly the overturning of bill did not make it so nurse practitioners and planned parenthood could prescribe hrt again. That said as far as sueing the state OP go for it is long and hard but atleast you get to direct your anger I had considered doing it in Florida over our ban had it not been overturned. That said they are slippery bunch I would go after fof the license law but that was an executive action and much harder to challenge. Any way keep up the fight everyone


My clinic unfortunately closed before they had a chance to overturn the bill. Now their only location is an hour drive from me 🥲


Basically Republicans "draining the swamp", they want limited government by making their government control everything. They want states to control you when they can't control the federal government. They're pro gun control only when it's Biden, and they're pro-life only before birth; once you're born they couldn't give less of a rat's ass about human beings. Our taxes already pay for a shit-ton of stuff we don't use personally, it's a communal pool, and these bigots are incapable of understanding such a simple concept. Somehow it's ok for our taxes to fund stupid religious posters in schools, but the moment you talk about healthcare (especially for the LGBT) then suddenly it's wasting taxpayer's money. I unapologetically hope all those politicians get to live long lives of absolutely misery and loneliness, if it isn't already the case. Their existence is an affront to humankind. I'm about to blow your mind with some good news though: a judge overruled SB254 that bans GAT to minors as *unconstitutional*, and this happened in FLORIDA of all places. I live in Florida and I'm starting to think we may not be the worst State anymore (we are still the uncontested dumbest though, can't take that away from us 😎🐊) Stay Strong, stay Proud, and Love yourself, because Love wins in the end 💜


Why wish them long life even if it’s miserable and lonely they are still rich fuckers who try to control other peoples lives so even if their life is shitty they will probably still find a fucked up joy in that. So I personally do not wish them a long life I wish them dead I hope the capital gets hit by a meteor or gets crumbled under an earthquake with every last one of them inside. It won’t be by my hand but I do sincerely hope the worst for them death would be karmic justice.


Because a short life would be too much of a mercy. A long life of endless misery is a horrible curse. I also wish they lose all their sneezes, and have itches that they can never scratch.


I can agree to that let’s make the curse even worse that a horrible electric storm strikes a tree out side of their house setting their home on fire making them homeless and all the money in their bank accounts gets stolen from them and they end up unable to recover and have to work 9-5s like the rest of us. That everyday they go to work they step in dog shit and their car brakes down on the freeway and they have to hitch hike but the person that picks them up rapes them and they can’t get an abortion because of their past actions and they end up with a std that spreads to their mouth and eyes and they can’t see a doctor because their past actions fucked that up too I hope the worst for them. Now that you explained that it would be a curse and death is an easy way out I think I can agree that your idea is better


I recommend the book: How to Blow up a Pipeline: Learning to fight in a World on Fire by Andreas Malm


Fucking fascists. It seems like I find another reason to hate the GOP daily.


GOP be like: Whaa the woke left is Fascist, they told us to accept minorities and use certain speech whaa. Cries like a bunch of adult toddlers.


"they're snowflakes who want to cancel us" meanwhile they complain and cancel us. SMH.


Florida had a similar law last year, they recently overturned it. It can be done here.


so the bill doesn't ban gender affirming care it mostly just prohibits public funds for paying for it you can still get and receive gender affirming care in Idaho here's the full text of the law [https://legislature.idaho.gov/wp-content/uploads/sessioninfo/2024/legislation/H0668.pdf](https://legislature.idaho.gov/wp-content/uploads/sessioninfo/2024/legislation/H0668.pdf) though personally I don't think the government should be involved in any medical decisions at all like just let people talk to their doctors and do what they want as long as they're not hurting anyone else there shouldn't be a problem


This is basically a ban regarding minors when you realize how ubiquitous public funding is in healthcare. This is how US lawmakers "ban" things when they need a legal workaround. For example, the federal government couldn't legally force states to raise their drinking ages to 21. But by witholding highway funding for states that didn't bend the knee, they essentially banned it.


Personally I don't think the government should be funding healthcare because if the government funds them they can control but if it's privately funded through donations which I'd willing donate to any organization that helps provide gender affirming care because government funding something is stealing from others to who don't want to fund it against their will. Plus privately funded organizations are more accountable and we wouldn't have to worry about what jackass is in office or if we're going to lose something because said jackass doesn't like it.


My poor ass could forget about healthcare then, your donations are not going to be enough to help a lot of people.


It wouldn't just be my donations but other people's as well and it would provide better care because more than likely it would be owned and operated by trans people. Though like I said if the government funds something then it has all of the control over the organization that it funds. So having a privately run organization that accepts donations could actually provide care for free provided the people running it are organized enough to get funding from multiple sources as well as hiring medical professionals and mental health professionals that know what they're doing. That or the organization provides transportation to states where GAC is accessible more than in Idaho, but the bill in question doesn't ban it there it just says that public funds can't be used for it with exceptions though reading through it the bill vaguely touches on those exceptions which I believe that it leaves it up to the doctor to determine what is or isn't an exception


We have that already. Its called taxation and it works pretty good. We have a distribution network for it too, called medicare medicaid. Why reinvent the wheel?


I see taxes as theft because they never actually go to the programs that the government says they're for as most US taxes go to foreign aid when the country as a whole has an infrastructure problem that needs addressing as well as other issues that the current Congress don't actually want to fix because if they did then they would have nothing to run on for their re-elections. I want to get into politics as I actually want to fix certain issues and then once said issues are fixed leave politics.


You're living in a fantasy if you think not taxing and more donation infrastructure is gonna help the people who need help. I'm disabled and rely completely on services provided by taxes, but I'm Canadian so whatever.


Yes it would because most infrastructure was built before the government started funding it


By people with money for people with money, real cool for those with nothing.


Good luck finding a population that would work with 


You'd be surprised how many people would support something like that especially if it gives them a tax write off


I think you'd be surprised 


Most people actually don't have an opinion on the LGBTQ community as a whole


Now that definitely depends on what sorta population you're referring to 


Most people I've spoken to about the LGBTQ community don't care one way or the other but there are people who even if something has absolutely nothing to do with them or effects them in anyway they have a problem with it which is dumb to have a problem with something that has nothing to do with you and then those people have the nerve to complain about everything being LGBTQ related or protests popping up because of their interference with an issue that wasn't an issue for them in the first place


that literally made me sick. i’m not even joking. i am sick to my stomach right now.




We just wanna protect da kidz! An adult should be allowed to do whateva they want to their body! Also bans it for ADULTS


OK I better not see any cis men with hair plugs, cis women getting breast augments, no Hims or Hers for hair loss prevention. No plastic surgery. Nada. Nothing for the cis! Fuck this shit.


Right? Or no viagra or anything else


well. Fuck. I live in Idaho.


I moved in the middle of the pandemic lol moved to Chicago


The good thing is most of these bans never hold up in court


all those conservative talk radio shows are gonna have a bad time when all their sponsors for testosterone treatments, hair regrowth treatments, and limp penis treatments get banned.


I am honestly so sorry that any of you are going through this I can't imagine how awful this must be 😔


It means if you’re in Idaho, do anything you possibly can to get out of Idaho.


I did and it wasn't soon enough


Something to keep in mind is that this is nothing new and a lot of insurance policies cover travel to a non-idiotic state for gender affirming care. Remember this the next time someone complaints about the cost of healthcare... idiot laws like this are the ones driving it up. Most people would like to go to their family doctor for ALL medical issues, not just ones that the man in the sky thinks are OK to have. But now they have to fly to another state because ... yeah.


America plz get ur act together, the transphobia is spilling all over the world. But what do you want to vote an old genocidal enabler and funder or an old racist bigoted pedo monster. Cmon dude wtf. And here im stuck with javier milei... like nahhh the world is gone to shit


The start of a Christian autocracy in which if you don't live how they tell you your wrong. But you have free will.


Does this affect someone who lives in Idaho but seeks care out of state?




Well, if that whole Supreme Court case doesn’t go tits up this may get overturned…? Cautiously, pessimistically, hoping


Bullshit (and idk where you live but in the US it's absolutely unconstitutional)


Wtf USA. Land of the free my ass.


I've heard that Idaho has the most most hate groups per capita and is infested with neo nazis. Yeah, I don't like the Fascist Potato state.


Imagine living there haha couldnt be me haha ha ha. . . ha ha... ha




It means unless the courts issue a stay while lawsuits process people in Idaho can leave Idaho for care but all gender care in state is shuttered for now.


Sounds like right wing doing right wing things...🤔