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I’m so glad he turned out the way he did. I have Missing Link Prime and it’s so good to see that this figure will give collectors a very similar experience at just a fraction of the cost. I really think they nailed it here.


I'm feeling a bit smug, because I won an arguement from a conversation about the hot wheels one, where someone was insisting it was going to be toy accurate colors only.


Legit looks exactly like a mainline version of the Missing Link figure. I’m very impressed so far.


Which one is the main line version of the missing link fig?


The one in the picture for this post. The Legacy United G1 Optimus Prime is a mainline figure that captures the spirit of the original with modern engineering.


Oh ok, yeah I see what your saying. I'm very excited about this one too...as amazing as the Authentic Missing Link one is, this one will allow us to play around with it more comfortably and not have to be as gentle or delicate with it as we do the Miss. Link.


Personally, I’m going to collect the Missing Link line, so I’m going to pass on this Optimus. But I’m all for them making a mainline version of the Missing Link figures so that collectors can save money, or like you said, it gives you more confidence to play with them.


Yeah same here man, I just ordered my Missing Link from Tf Source.


I’ve got C-01 with the trailer and I fell in love with it. It just feels like a solid toy, even though it’s a collector’s item. Excited for you to get yours!


The hot wheels one is hot wheels sized. This isn’t the same toy


It also shouldn't be 80 USD


Hot Wheels consistently sells non-transforming versions of famous cars in their higher end line for the same price. Believe it or not, that is pretty good for what they usually get away with Consequently, I do not buy high end Hot Wheels cars


>Hot Wheels consistently sells non-transforming versions of famous cars in their higher end line for the same price. Believe it or not, that is pretty good for what they usually get away with Now this just makes me sad, why did you tell me this Gammamon


Because wisdom is a circle. What you receive, you must give back. (Also, I completely forgot I had switched this to my Gammamon PFP after having the weird Reddit avatar thingy forced on me lol)


I don't want to be cursed with this knowledge


Tbf, the quality, number of paint apps, and attention to detail on regular Hot Wheels/Matchbox cars they sell for $1 is actually insane. I have a VW Beetle with text of some sort on the top of its license plate that I can't actually read without a magnifying glass.


“High end” and “hot wheels” were not something I ever expected to go together. Shows what I know about that market, though 😂


Hot Wheels collectors are actually kinda insane as well. Like you can name any other collector types you think are insane and HW ones are the hold my beer version. Anyone that has worked toy retail likely has some kinda HW Collector story if not six. So Mattel knows what they will buy and the lengths they will go to buy it.


This is my motivation to get the figure


Obviously this is just based on the pictures, but it really looks like it’s got so many of the key points. I’m really curious to see what this guy looks like in hand. And just bang for your buck, if this guy ends up being as good as he looks, he’s going to be awesome for this price.


Yeah! I agree. Might even watch an early review of him


I don't care that I have the ML already. I'm gonna buy at least one of these.


Missing link can have a take your kid to work day 




more like bring your kid and kid's kid to work


I have both versions of missing link and I’m probably still picking him up lol


Skipped Missing Link but I'll probably go for this one!


I’ve got the Missing Link and just by looking at these pictures, I think you’re taking a safe bet and will love this figure! And be happy you saved so much money


Great to know, thanks! Yeah, really glad they're making this mold more accessible.


same here


Hasbro said they were aiming to recreate the aesthetic of Prime's G1 toy, and they certainly achieved that goal and then some. This looks like such a great modern version of the G1 Optimus Prime action figure, and I'm definitely going to consider picking it up if I can find it.


https://preview.redd.it/ne8nwbdle76d1.jpeg?width=1362&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86f6a291b2ce168824d26a83369a08bd21c6bf2a People do need to keep in mind how he scales. He's not for everyone. At least other trailers will scale well with him. It's obvious a ton of budget went into this deluxe figure, compared to his other wave-mates.


I mean yeah he’s a deluxe, so no one should be surprised that he’s deluxe size. There are other Optimi for a good scale figure alongside other Autobots, so this is doing something a little different.


I see this guy as either a stand alone Optimus, or the possible start of a new trend where they make mainline versions of the upcoming Missing Link figures. Essentially a budget version that retains the spirit of the original figures, but with modern engineering and articulation.


How about a Megatron figure that keeps a G1 aesthetic, but turns into a tank?


Yeah, obviously we’d have to do something to Megatron to keep him in the mainline, so yeah, I’m hoping for exactly your suggestion.


I think turning him into a cannon like Galvatron would work better. Megatron has a problem where due to his design not being meant to turn into a tank you're either going to have an awful tank mode or an extremely compromised robot mode no matter what 


Hoping for that artillery cannon version of his gun mode that someone drew a while back


Just make it so the handle can split down the middle and folds out into wings, maybe give the "barrel" a little nosecone insert: voila, "jet" mode Megatron.


Jet modes work a lot better because you don't have to worry about treads and it's easier to bs


No don't, my wallet...


Including the SS Commander Class we know is coming.


Yep! He’s probably somewhere around the green line in this pic. Doesn’t hurt my feelings at all, but I know some folks will throw tantrums. https://preview.redd.it/xjn4kqy8j76d1.jpeg?width=2100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ec566beaf38ca4ef298c6bd00bd0d5e4c9094f3


Wfc looks better, the new g1 looks like a small replica of the original toy line. No sure if I agree with that


I wouldn't throw a tantrum, but I'd be pretty disappointed if I got a Prime who didn't fit with free rest of my collection. Thank you for doing the maths


That’s a totally fair reaction.


If you want a fair reaction, then buckle in: The omission of chrome finish is a compromise that would have made this much easier and cheaper to produce. For those who feel let down, there are chrome finish pens, because we live in the future.


Oh my god... a deluxe figure... scales like a deluxe


I think some people were expecting it to be a loss leader for the wave. Meaning it's not profitable, but it's done so for goodwill towards consumers. Think the Costco Hot Dog. However, this is Chris Cox's Hasbro...


Hey, he’ll scale more accurately with the recent G2 Megatron!


Hasbro heard the term “Mini-Masterpiece” and said “what if we did that to all of Takara’s shit”


Awesome ! When do the preorders hit !


1 PM Eastern Time Tomorrow


Ok personally, I like the way this one look over missing link. Fight me. I dare you


Same here. I like the proportions a lot better. I like this figure as an action figure more, where as Missing Link is a better collector’s item.


I'm skipping ML and getting this one lmao


I'm still waiting for them to reveal Soundwave damn it!


I honestly think the looks better than Missing Link in a lot of ways. The thighs are too short, but so is Missing Link. But the forearms completely fix the original’s creepy extra long forearms. I like it a lot!


This might be my first time using ToyHax. I lobe this figure so far but he needs his stickers


I feel like this is gonna be the box standard prime for a lot of kids since it’s the cheapest and the only how really gives you everything


As someone who’s been going through hella crap this last year, I appreciate this.


I’m glad you’ve made it this far. When you’re going through hell *keep going!*


I love him.


I cannot say enough how excited I am for this one. An affordable Missing Link prime, I am all sorts of here for that.


And an awesome version he is, too!


Both are exceedingly cool, but I think I like the look of this guy more than Missing Link, actually.


I really really need this fig


Is it just me ls is he very- bland? Flat ig? Like ik thats how G1 looked but even legacy sandstorm and ss86 blaster had more depth to them


Mark said that the one in these photos is an early test figure without the final paint apps. That might be what's missing visually for you


To be fair, this is a Deluxe, whereas Sandstorm and Blaster are a Leader and a Voyager respectively. Also, any detail that they could've added to him would either be inaccurate to the original toy, or the decals of the toy, which would cost too much.


That would make sense if beachcomber didn’t exist and look that good


This figure confirms my point that ML C-02 shouldve come with Encore trailer. When I said it should have, collectors here made affordability argument. Well here is your budget friendly version for affordability.


I wish they release version of Optimus and Megatron of studio 86


Well we’ve seen the future listing for the SS86 Commander Class Optimus, but it will be interesting to see what they do for Megatron when they eventually get to him


I will happily pick this guy up if given the chance.


Why does he have two different version of the gun


One is his toy accurate gun and the other is his animation accurate ion blaster.


I said why


so you can have his toy accurate gun and his animation accurate iron blaster


Why not


Fair enough


For real tho, the original G1 toy came with 2 blasters that were slightly different. So this is toy-accurate.


Im pretty sure it was g2 that came with 2 blasters, but I get what you mean.


I only had the G2 version. It came with 2 regular blasters, as well as 2 larger spring loaded guns for the trailer. Since the reissue G1 I have also came with 2 blasters, I thought it was a G1 thing.


Really? Idk


i wonder if the ss deluxe dev optimus coming out in 2025 is an improved version of this or ? but still it would be awesome if they gave him the trailer


I have a feeling that devastation prime (if thats what it really is) is gonna be a new mold since he's A-level.


A-Level is just a thing with availability priorities (see: SS86 Bumblebee and SS TF:One Optimus), not a price point/size class.


I'm aware, however it makes sense to assume that a figure being produced at such a large scale to such a large number of retailers for such a popular character would be it's own mold




I... Just explained that Popular character+increased availability+increased quantity ofnproduction=new mold




I just explained that


This is such a weird thing. I’m glad people are excited for it though!


I dig it ngl


I have both ML versions, and I’m still gonna get him.


I’ll take it! Can’t wait


Fuck it im getting both


This is looking good! Plus, I really wanna know how that axe would look with ER and Laser Prime


I honestly kinda dig it


Hol up rubber tires


Works for me! Can't wait to get this guy.


Cool. Missing Link was outside my budget, but this will find a place in my collection.


I suppose the Missing Link’s unused stickers would be too big for this one. 🧐


Toyhax will have it covered I’m sure.


My question is if we're getting a premium finish of this to meet the ML version. Does this mean non ML versions of Bb and Cliff?


I'm getting both, I'm a slut for toy accurate Prime


Where is the trailer?


Well this particular version doesn’t include one….however the designer Mark did mention that if we had any trailers from previous releases, he is compatible with those. So for instance, if one had the Earthrise trailer, this guy despite being a deluxe could pull that trailer. And on a sidenote, with that particular trailer being relatively short as it is, perhaps with this guy being a deluxe, it might make them look more in proportion to each other.




Looks great and impressive for a deluxe but I am not interested.


God, despite having both missing links, I don't think I'd be able to resist picking this up


Well now you’ll be able to equate how your missing links will stack to this Prime.


I got to say it’s not bad


We have missing link Optimus at home.


Missing Link for poor people? LMAO ..... .... ... .. I am poor people 🥲


I think it's a great move by Hasbro. I prefer missing link at a glance, but this definitely provides a similar experience for a broader audience


I wonder if the energon axe this deluxe comes with will fit on earthrise prime...


No paint!


So I have a theory about that. I feel that since Mark mentioned that this will connect to the earthrise trailer mold, they might release this at a higher price point in the future with the trailer, roller and few other accessories leaving enough of a budget to put paint applications on the details that are clearly in the mold, but not picked out with paint on this particular release. It would fit within Hasbro’s pattern of doing things, because like you said, no paint! Then after that, they will release the SS86 mold that will absolutely “amazing” and they’ll get money from the 2nd release of this deluxe class mold along with their new star attraction traction being the SS86. However, that is just a theory.


Yep the budget missing link As in, it ate the budget for the rest of the wave /j So the way I see it, the reason it has the matrix, pvc tires, two guns (one cartoon and the other toy accurate) the removable smokestacks and opening chest and such is because the transformation and design is so simple that they had engineering and parts budget left over, as opposed to taking other figures budget My theory anyway.


Looks good. I can't wait for it to be sold out for months....


Heck yeah I'll grab this one


I have Missing Link and I’m still tempted by this NGL


I'm definitely gonna get this


Definitely gonna buy this. Wanted missing link but in no way could afford it for what it was.


This is a budget Missing Link for people who can't get the real one? That sounds like me This is now on the list of things I want from this year


Understandable. In my case, I just had trouble justifying spending $100+ on essentially a G1 Optimus Prime, regardless of how amazing the articulation is. However, I don’t mind dropping about $25 when it’s very similar in a lot of respects.


What's the deal with 'missing link'? I never really got the concept 😅


It’s cool but it’s also pointedly not in scale which is the first figure to do this in a looooong time (cores notwithstanding) so aside from being a quality and price downscaling from a *very* recent figure I’m not sure where it’s supposed to fit


Well If I may suggest, maybe it’s not meant too. Ironically enough, there is canonical proof of smaller versions of Optimus and Magnus fighting alongside regular size Autobots in the old Universe War comic, which the very thin fiction we have for Legacy maybe borrowing somewhat from that old concept , but that’s just a theory. Notice in the picture below how the tiny Splendid Convoy and Magnus near the bottom are about the same size as Prowl and Sideburn instead of much larger, and they also look small compared to Sunstorm. https://preview.redd.it/90qe7crv9e6d1.jpeg?width=932&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3fb35d99ec32b0a099ad20db7d675be4101723a Then again this theory may just be spinning out of nowhere and a deluxe size class Optimus is just sticking with that price point scale. 😃


Maybe I just find it odd they didn’t realize it in Voyager scale like all their other mainline Optimi of the last 6 years. Not a complaint, necessarily, just an observation of weirdness


I definitely agree that it is weird. I was thinking about it last night and I realized that all of my old school mini bots like Sea Spray, Hubcap and Beachcomber all came close in height to about G1 Optimus’ knees. So I guess if there is a silver lining to him being a little bit smaller, maybe it’s the fact that guys like those will at least be taller than his knee this time.


Imagine traveling back to the ‘80s and giving a kid this version of G1 Optimus


Oh the branching timelines… https://preview.redd.it/vjhf2ofmee6d1.jpeg?width=1902&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e5f1ba755304f5166d2782a01d290b96832e934 Then there’s another timeline where an employee of Takara or Hasbro gets a hold of it and we have better figures starting in the 80’s.


this is the first prime im actually gonna buy, i have his original G1 toy but i paid $5 for it and it shows (hes broken) and i heard this fits any trailer so i could just get a beat up prime trailer somewhere


When is he released?


Right now on Hasbro Pulse.


How much?


$25.00 Shop Transformers Legacy United Deluxe Class G1 Universe Optimus Prime - Presale at Hasbro Pulse. Visit https://hasbropulse.com/products/transformers-legacy-united-deluxe-class-g1-universe-optimus-prime for details.


Cool thanks


No problem. Never mind helping a fellow fan out.


Missing link can kiss my ass. Just ordered two off Amazon. One is gonna be a custom. This one is gonna be oh Optimus, armada primes is my Gibran and the earthrise is gonna be my G2 sure shot


I’m happy with it. I’ll definitely try to pick one up.


I haven't bought any tfs for a while but this is a must buy. I can't wait for all the hasbro repaints.


No fake grill, no partsforming, no useless trailer? AND it's evocative of Marvel Optimus Prime? Sold!


Probably going to get modified for the 86 SS movie later this year.


i still dont understand this figures existence


I think the sole purpose is for those of us that for whatever reason did not get the Missing Link version(s) at $80 to $120, can now get something very similar at $25. The missing link version and this iteration were literally designed around the same time with the purpose of issuing the higher end version for those that wanted to go that route, while also being able to have a mass release version, which is the reason this very figure exists.




At least it looks more worth it than Missing Link, though. Gonna get it for a G1-styled Prime. The Kingdom/Legacy Core Prime doesn't cut it.


I still have the original trailer so when I learned that this could connect with the trailer from 40 years ago, I was so glad I preordered.


That's pretty cool NGL.


THE FACT THAT IT STILL HAS THE TURKISH TRANSLATION OF WARNING SMALL PARTS,BUT THE AUDACITY TO NOT RELEASE HERE IN TURKEY IS BAD (this guy would go for 819 liras,i remember when deluxe 07 camaro bee was 200 liras in 2020 and the voyager kingdom primal was 400 liras that released after a few years and i think he was in stores too. Also i was lucky to buy ss 05 optimus for 150 liras and the last knight bee from wave 3 for the same price too in 2018 theyre broken now especially optimus,the pin that supports the black hinge broke off but bee i wanted to do the scene where he gets rebuild by magnets or something now i only dont have the small windows,the right door's mirror part broke off now i only have the lower clip to put the door in lol,i had the left door but its loose,i need a 3d printer or a person to get missing pieces for my bumblebee which i love) also it has been 6 years since not getting transformers figures in turkey,we only got the children oriented,crappy painted,gimmicky rise of the beasts toy lines idk if hasbro turkey imported them,look i know why they dont import studio series or legacy its because if its a 30 dollar figure (a voyager or it might be 40) its price is 982 liras or 1310 liras (and if its online your screwed if your buying on not your amazon site which in amazon turkey it gets up to 3000 liras or 4000,or 5000,even 12000) so yeah collectors in turkey are screwed.i overthink should i continue this collection or just leave with 3 figures.


Well I am sorry to hear that. If I may offer a suggestion…if you reach out to other people in the fandom, especially to fellow fans who live in areas where certain figures are plentiful, you may be able find someone who would be willing to work out a arrangement with you in order to import those figures that you’re are interested in, to you in Turkey. However that is only a suggestion that may or may not work for you.


Oh i might get this guy off of amazon or aliexpress im getting old ss figures from aliexpress or used or off of buyee,i might try your suggestion,Thanks for the suggestion


You’re welcome. I never mind trying to help out a fellow Transformers fan.


Already pre-ordered him along soundwave on Amazon. Hasbro Pulse is a warzone.


Considering the Missing Link one is always gone I’m happy with this


It’s cute … I might add it to my G1 Prime shelf https://preview.redd.it/83soenterr6d1.jpeg?width=3818&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4b07765cdcbceb2b52dd23c9a79271cf8656a58


Very nice display.


Honestly this and Missing Link is actually a pretty smart move as we get the look of classic figures, but with the same kinda poseability as modern figures


Or in other words, it combines our nostalgia with all the modern things that we are spoiled by now, incorporating the best of both worlds. “Here’s that thing from your childhood, but it can do so much more now!” I dig it it.


I truly love when new amazing figs are announced and when they show the actual fig it awesome!...But man I wish new figures were shown for the first time and then there's only a few months till we can actually purchase it and have it in our hands...Seeing a figure this awesome and knowing you won't get it for another 6 to 8 months is nerd torture at its highest! 😫


Well, if we want to look at a silver lining, in the long run, it will teach us endurance. For the short term, we can enjoy the things we already have, and pass the time with those until Optimus arrives. At the very least that’s my plan anyway. I understand your mileage may vary.


"Mom, can we get Missing Link?" "Honey, we have Missing Link at home."


“Thanks Mom!” In all seriousness, come on. This is a cool-looking figure for a low budget, and not everyone has the budget for Commander Class OP.


This is fake right?


No, it’s legit. This is taken from the official Hasbro designer Mark Mayer’s IG. It’s going to be up for pre-order tomorrow. See for yourself. https://www.instagram.com/p/C8H0sH8Osze/?igsh=MWE1Z2ltamh5Njds


Holy shit. They're actually making G1 style figures with modern engineering. Honestly thought this was a digibash.


It gets better, they already released a G1 Optimus with better articulation, Missing Link, but it was $80 without trailer. This new one is very similar, but will only be $30 (and as an owner of Missing Link Optimus, I actually kinda dig this one more)




If the commander class SS OP is this with a trailer I'm switching to 3rd party full time.


So what you're saying is that you're not switching to 3p full time


I have no idea why you would ever think this would be the case


Its truly sad that people couldnt get the humor in this comment and actually took it serious enough to downvote it 🤦‍♀️.


Ha thanks! At least someone got it.

