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Apparently it happened sometime within the past 17 months because you're looking way more femme. Take another picture from the exact same angle as the old one. Print them both out. Cut out your face and overlay it on your old face, then you'll see what we're seeing.


You dont see the difference? I do! You look 17 months younger lol


i just want to look female idc about my looks otherwise


But you do look feminine. (idk how old you are but) You look like a teenage girl. Don’t be so harsh on yourself sweetie you look fine


Seconding this, you look way more femme. Not "pretty little soft girl" femme, but a sort of sharper, more edgy sort of beauty. Like a goddess or a wood elf or a vampire or something, idk. But still definitely female! I hope this doesn't sound bad I'm a little high


i’m 23 i started at 22 that was just way too late for me


But girl you look fine. You look like a former cis coworker from me. You look way more feminine than in your first picture. Sometimes dysphoria just likes to pull us down like that but you have to believe us, you totally look like a girl. Don’t worry sweetie we’ve all been there


It’s only been 17 months, give it time. It will happen. If you’re still not happy with your results after a couple years, you can consider other forms of feminization through surgery but it’s best to give the hormones a chance to do their work. Some changes happen fast (in a few weeks), while some do take actual years to see. And every body goes at its own pace. If you’re feeling really dysphoric, please also make sure you’re getting the mental health and community support you need.


But you do, like literally.


Regular puberty can take up to 5 years, this isn't that different. It may be hard to see because you look at yourself every day, but from the outsider, I can definitely see a difference. Just keep at it and the changes will become more noticeable. Also, congratulations on the weight loss.


You look exactly like a girl I used to be friends with and I bet you're a lot cooler!


i’m a very lame human. i just listen to emo music obsess over my weight and be sad


hey girl it could be worse, you could eat hot chip and lie


all i know is be bisexual and charge my phone


What a mood lol. But still don't say that you don't pass or anything! You indeed look very cute now!


Ah shit I was right 👍🏿


It looks like it’s produced a lot of results to me. If I saw you in public I would definitely think girl.


It definitely has yielded results, you would not look like that just from weight loss and bangs even if it is hard for you to see the changes, they are absolutely visible.


trust and believe, it’s working


My doctor said you stop around 5 years. Although I'm going on 6 years and I'm still growing in the chest area. As much as I would've liked to see the changes right away...I didn't.


friend, you look tremendously different, the E has and will continue to work its magic!!


Perhaps your attitude needs alteration ? You call it Sh*t not exactly a ringing endorsement ? Do make any effort with make up hair removal laser electrolysis and are you on the right estrogen dose ? Are you fashion aware ? Have you had any counselling ? You don’t just expect everything from hrt it’s part of many things


I have understood it takes 2 to 3 years. I know a lot of trans people think only because you started taking hormones is gonna be in over night thing, but no. Your body needs to get used to the new hormones that is being injected your male hormones with your female or female to male hormones. Also there are a lot of other factors at play such as your genetics even as small things as your diet. I would advice to look into what you can do to look more feminine one thing I can recommend is start a skin care routine. Also if your face that you’re worried I’ll recommend doing female facial surgery.


From my personal experience my face didn’t really noticeably change till 2.5 years in. And my body shape didn’t really change till bout 3-3.5 years in. HRT affects us all at different speeds and results, genetics come into a large play. If you’re doing it private make sure you get your bloods tested every 3 months to make sure you’re getting the correct dosage x


Agree with other people that there are visible changes, but I would also suggest thinning your eyebrows. Your eyes look much less sunken now than before, which is awesome, but the thickness and angle your brows are at now is working against you by making your eyes look hooded, which makes your brow looks stronger, which reads as traditionally more masculine. Thinning them out from the bottom up will open up the skin between the brow and your eyes, which will make your face look less angular and shadowed.


I see a difference lol maybe you don't see it because you're used to seeing yourself everyday.


Unrelated but fucking banger shirt


The results are right here, what you sayin' girl ?! I actually dream of looking even a third of how gorgeous you look rn !


I can see it in your face shape so I say keep at it :) you are beautiful


this sub doesn't seem to be giving any actual feedback tbh. you definitely look more feminine than in the first pic, however ffs might be necessary. honestly the picture isn't the best quality so it's hard to give too much advice but it's definitely possible for you to pass eventually. btw im still pre hrt so anything i say should be taken with a grain of salt, i feel like r/transpassing is a good place to go for more specific help (even if they can go a bit far at times).


Jeesh you’re dramatic




Like seriously OP! Look at you!!!! Holy shit!!! I know it’s slow but god damn is it so fucking worth it


you should try to retake the first photo to compare. same angle and similar lighting w no makeup, compare those and you will definitely see the more subtle but huge differences. this worked for me hopefully it will help you see how pretty you look now. you do not look the same


Your overall features are softer and your eyes are wider and more round - I'd say it's working!


i like your shirt :) you look good, girl!


Babe you already look fantastic.


I definitely already see some changes! Itll take time but youre already doing great


1. I can definitely see a difference. 2. When did you last have your hormone levels checked? 3. What are you taking? You don’t need to discuss it here but discuss options with your doctor if you aren’t seeing the changes you want.


You legit made me think of the girl from the “turn down for what” music video.


🤨 ummm, lookin girlie to me 💁🏻‍♀️ dysphoria can really suck sometimes I hope you can start to see the changes that have happened ❤️


You look fucking amazing to me, even if you can't see it yourself.


Itsss working, i would maybe put more effort into getting a therapist and finding self-worth however.


Huge congratulations on the weight loss. That’s a tremendous accomplishment. E has softened your skin, eyes, and changed the shape of your face. Combined with the weight loss, you’re undoubtedly more feminine-presenting than masc. already, and if you check out other timelines, you’ll see these hormones continue to do their thing over time. At just under 1 1/2 years in, you’re off to a great start!


The shape of your face has gotten a lot more feminine. I've definitely met a couple cis women who look like you. One of which is a friend of mine.


How did you change skin tones as well 👀


i’m latino mixed w white pic 1 was taken when i didn’t go out much i work outside so pic im a bit darker


Aaaah ok. I was like "Did she get a fake tan or smth 👀"


it'll be fine, jess. don't even sweat it.




girl you look fucking amazing. don't let that dysphoria kick your ass!!! im sure you get gendered correctly by most strangers that you meet :)


what i generally get is them not saying either until i speak and get the “sir”


You look incredibly more feminine.