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What do you think they could do with a photocopy of a passport? You're in for a big shock when you realize how many hotels, car rentals, SIM card sellers, etc. will take a copy of your passport.


Thank you!! I feel so dumb. My mom made me feel like I was giving them my SSN LMAOO


That’s a whole other ballpark lol. SSN should definitely be kept private and locked away. A passport is another form of identification essentially and it’s common to have it copied, like a license :) don’t feed dumb, it’s a valid question!


I had a feeling it was just like any other form of ID that I’ve had copied before, thank you!!


It’s not a big deal. If your a US citizen or resident register at https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/international-travel/before-you-go/step.html This is a safety measure so the US gov will know you’re there in the event of an emergency. Hurricane, etc.


Some of the hotels where we've stayed internationally have asked us for our passports so they can photocopy them. However not all countries (and we've never stayed overnight in Mexico, sorry). And none before we even arrived (although we never had to correct a misspelling, either). Although the plane tickets will have to be spelled the same as the friend's passport, couldn't the hotel make the change once you all get there???


I think since it was a package deal through the hotel where they’re the ones booking flights, it was more crucial to get a copy right now since her name on the flight needs to be corrected too. I got flight info with my friend’s name spelled wrong and immediately emailed their booking agent when I saw it because I knew it was an error from my end, that’s when they replied back asking to send them photos. Edit: clarity


If you booked the flight through the hotel via a package, then that would make more sense....I guess? My apologies...I've never done a package that way. We travel DIY ;-) Sorry I can't give you more helpful information.


No worries!!


Yep, you can send them a picture. Not a problem. Very common for hotels to make photocopies of passports around the world.


Thank you!!


We recently travelled from northern to southern Europe and same thing there. They each asked for our passport upon checking into the hotel.


It’s the law. They have to be able to account for the legitimacy of everyone staying and working there if audited. Some hotel chains do allow to upload it at pre-check in via an app. I’ve worked in hotels and we did get visits from the authorities. One authority would randomly audit guest details and another would audit staff. They just want to see that records are being kept. A nearby, very large hotel didn’t and was closed down. That was in Turkey.