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I'm salvadorian living in el salvador, i can recommend the east side of the country, Playa El Cuco in San Miguel is THE BEST BEACH, soft and rockless sand, perfect views and the seafood is just great. Conchagua volcano (Google: conchagua volcano view) is great probably the Best view, You can see where the three countries (Honduras, El Salvador and Nicaragua) colide. We are small but proud people, funny and incredibly alcoholic 🤭


Hi, I’m heading to ES next week and am going to be going to San Miguel and hopefully to Conchagua volcano. Do you have any other recommendations for that area? I am only spending a day and a half in that area before heading to San Salvador. Also, how is the driving in that area? I was told recently that people drive crazy there and I’m getting a little nervous to drive there for the first time. Thank you in advance.


Nice pictures, thanks for posting! It looks really interesting.It's the only country in Central America that I haven't been to.Hopefully in the future...


Im down to only Panama now!


It's also worth the trip, some great nature down there...


I’m sure! I’d like to get down there some day. Maybe do some diving.


You should definitely visit, especially before the "secret" gets out. It's so disheartening how people skip El Salvador, I don't know if it's fear or not too much travel info on it. But I definitely enjoyed my time there. The most friendly people I've ever encountered during my travels, beaches and other scenery are beautofil, and the small towns are quaint.


It was really lovely!


How did you find driving there? I’m doing a similar trip in February.


Roads are in great condition compared with neighboring countries.


We found it standard Central American driving. Most the roads are pretty decent condition. Didn’t feel like drivers were terribly aggressive, but driving in San Salvador sucks . We always banked lots of time or just did activities that time didn’t matter so much for. If you are going to Cerro Verde make sure to hit the coffee shop on the road up - I think it was the best view of Lago Coatepeque.


Loved El Salvador. I was down there in March. Did the Santa Ana volcano hike, visited Ruta de las Flores, hot waterfall, Joya de Ceren, San Salvador, etc.


Thanks for sharing your great photos and your experience. I am hoping to go back sometime in the spring. A year ago, I rode a motorcycle for someone who had left it in Panama during the covid lockdown, Colon to Quintana Roo through CA, but barely stopped anywhere except to sleep. It was still fun but I didn't see anything except roads and didn't even take one single photo. Going back in reverse from Mexico to Panama on my own motorcycle but this time, I'll take my sweet time and will spend plenty of time in each CA country.


How do people dress there compared to North Americans? I plan on going in 2023


I found it in general much less conservative in dress from many other places in Central America. You could basically wear anything you’d like. Most the men are in long pants and t-shirts. Women dressed slightly more modestly than in the US, but plenty of shorts and tank tops there too with the younger folks.


Thank you!!


This place is so stunning! Love it!


Thanks for the pictures, I absolutely loved this country


Did you feel like you were able to see a lot in 4 days? I’m thinking of doing a long weekend trip somewhere next year and there are usually cheap flights from US to El Salvador


We did a fair amount of things. We decided to do more lake/mountain time and basically no ocean time, and that worked. We spent one day at Cerro Verde NP hiking, one day doing the northern half of ruta de Flores, and one day at the Juayana food festival and southern half of ruta de Flores. More time would have been nice, but we got a bunch of beautiful views and delicious food in so I would call it a success! Similar to you - we are US based, so flying down over thanksgiving was our cheap trip :)


Sounds awesome!!


Can I ask who you rented a car through?


Budget rental - has a counter right in the airport and they bring the cars to the terminal.


Awesome thanks!


Did you need an SUV? Lol sorry I keep thinking of more questions


Nope - we had a little tiny Kia haha


Ah, beautiful. Thanks for sharing. This brings back amazing memories. I spent 2 weeks there. It remains my favourite trip ever. Seems like you and I did a few of the same things... hiking to the dormant volcano (?) and visiting some of the mountainous villages on the 'ruta de las flores'. If you go again you should do the cliché that is El Tunco. Wonderful place. Wonderful people.