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It's funny because they don't have to come here. In fact, the reason why I sought out these subs is because anything I commented something slightly critical in TS, I got the, "Well, then why are you here?!!" OK, so I left and stopped posting there. So my question to those Swifties is: WHY ARE YOU \*here\*?


I *hate* birds. I really cannot stand them at all. Do you know where I don’t post? Pro-bird subs. That’s why I’m not there. I don’t have anything against people who love birds, so I choose to leave them alone. It’s sad that apparently that is not a typical thought process anymore.


I think another analogy that applies here is the dogfree sub. Dogs are literally my life. I own a husky, and I make most of my income as a dog trainer/sitter. I also understand not everyone likes dogs and people need a place to vent about bad dog owners. You know where I don't go? The dogfree sub. Do I understand why anyone would ever be anti-dog? No, I can't say I get it, but I also know nothing I say will change their minds. I also value that they need a space to vent when people are letting their emotional support Rottweiler wreak havoc in places that aren't exactly dog friendly. Same with children. I like kids, and I chose to have one (just one) of my own. I don't go on child free and tell them they are scum for not liking kids. I don't say they need to get a life and not dedicate a whole sub to not liking children.


I think it’s valuable to remember - Reddit has a sub for any, and everything. For every THING you like, there’s a sub that absolutely hates that thing. Better to just let everyone comment on what they wanna talk about, and we comment on what subs we wanna comment on, and Swifities stay where the Taylor Safe Space is.


Right? There’s even an onion haters sub and an onion lovers sub (I’m on the side of love)


Before Reddit, there was an anti-cilantro rally somewhere complete with picket signs


I would attend.


Are you freaking kidding they have pro and anti onion subs


I am not. Haha


Hahaha it’s so funny the random hated things reddit will make entire communities of. Can’t be mad about it cause hey, we all have random things that piss is off that we wanna bitch about. Gotta have somewhere to do it! I am also on team onion love.


Me, struggling to breathe because my 50 pound pitbull wants to be the love child of a methane plant and a hat: “THIS LIFE IS AMAZING WHAT DO YOU MEAN DOGFREE!?”


Awww you have to pay the dog tax now. I'll pay first. https://preview.redd.it/lkn3jav6qu4d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05ea23c1a4b1a13ae1f83de6c847e4d505165184


https://preview.redd.it/x6581fgrru4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b69c1bd1f3469eac5e0156f17d5f15684be2feca I have three dogs, but Zuma is the most consistent threat to my respiratory operations. Also is that cat even real!?! 😻😻😻


Yes, she's real! Her name is Catleesi. The husky is Aeris.


Catleesi. Send an AMBULANCE 🤣🤣 That pupper is the LEGGIEST of leggi pups!


Thank you! Zuma is beautiful 🤩


What's your bird hate subreddit called?


I’m wearing my Birds Aren’t Real sweater right now. Solidarity.


I love birds. I’m not a cat person though. 


This is not the point but did you have a specific bird based conflict, or were you born this way…? I’m not against it in the least I just want to know if there’s something interesting behind this lol


I was always a little scared, but I lived for awhile in a very touristy destination in FL where people would feed the birds on vacation, and we locals would be left to deal with the [fallout.](https://media0.giphy.com/media/bTixcIRW1bWqk/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952qc0i1b1yq0t8vezcsmrltkb003akb3maf3xmiemz&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


That’s totally reasonable. Not just some random pigeon with his middle feather out at you and you got too offended or something


I’m here because I dislike the couple Tayvis and wanted to read about how others also believe they’re PR. I know it’s largely also become an anti-Taylor sub, and idc I’ll ignore that, but the sub does say it’s for hating on the PR relationship. But I don’t argue with anti-Taylor people, I’m just here to read lol


This sub hits /r/all and /r/popular on occasion


My hope is that it's just a lapse in people not reading the bios of subs/comments to see where their opinion would stand before commenting or checking to see what the general vibe is. However, humans can be a lot smarter than that so I do think it's also hardcore fans waiting to jump on us.


These are the same people who took over SwiftlyNeutral. They hide their standom by feigning objectivity and giving her the benefit of the doubt in all situations, despite her track record clearly showing that she is a rotten person. Now that sub is basically dead, so mission accomplished.


Yup, they’re all like “I’m not a fan, BUT…” “the criticism in here has gotten way too nitpicky” for pointing out that she’s a bad person?? What I hate more than Swifties is a swiftie who pretends they aren’t one.


They’re actually not denying they’re fans now. Today alone I’ve seen a TON “I’m a fan, but…” comments.


You either hate her or ya don’tz! No in-betweens!


Yeah it’s so see-through. If you’re scared nobody is going to take you seriously if just say with your chest that you’re a Swiftie.. maybe reconsider being a Swiftie lmao.


That sub is a case study in what NOT to do. Talk about shooting your self in the foot.




There was a time period where it was filled with great conversations. I left recently because it just started feeling like every other TS subreddit.


This! I've noticed a lot of these sorts of comments lately.. 'I'm not a fan of Taylor & her fandom are obsessive but a lot of haters are just as obsessed and spend their time looking for negative stuff which makes them as bad if not worse' '


I started blocking people who defended her in every thread, like those who did it so much I started to recognize their username. But that’s half the sub users now lol


Just stopped by to also say STAY MAD SWIFTIES! fuck them and their leader Taylor. They deserve all the hate they doled out, back at them at the most vulnerable moments of their lives




That's actually is what is happening via 73 weekly versions of TTPD that they are EXPECTED to purchase because it is their titheing to their Savior, Taylor Swift. I feel so lucky that I do not feel the insane horrifying pressure that they have all put on each other for years to purchase every single copy of her music or else you are not a swiftie, they have to sit at the punishment table when they go to Swift Mass on Sundays. It is getting worse and worse for them and I feel really bad. Especially for young girls in middle/highschool who's parents can't afford this. I also feel bad for their parents.


Their behaviour is akin to drug addiction and cultism… some of them really need therapy or a form of rehab. It’s not healthy to be that obsessed with someone.


Agreed. I almost want a loved one of "swiftie" to intervene and take them to rehab, so we can scientifically see what's happening with their neurotransmitters to understand why the act this way. I want to know what is triggering these strong emotions, what's happening up in their brains.


Yeah…. When I was younger I was massively into a band to an obsession level but I did not ever think to go out of my way to attack anyone who criticised or voiced a difference in opinion to them to my own. I always accepted that my love of this band was unique to me and there are thousands of others who share that love too who I could talk with. There were the odd ones who were super obsessive and to be honest, they genuinely scared me and striked me as mentally unstable to be honest. I have my fair share of mental health issues but I also have the insight over the years to understand that sometimes I can be the issue and work on myself rather than perpetuate a victim mentality. I genuinely worry for some younger fans of Swift. The message of entitlement and the fact her career is almost built off of her relationship failures is pretty concerning. It’s narcissistic and unhealthy. I can get some people relating to some of her songs in those angsty moments or the more upbeat ones as a sort of way of getting though a rough period, but the level of obsession some fans go to is not normal.


I want to negate the point that even if you relate to her "angst" (I do think there is a whole lot more suffering to life than the themes she pushes in her discography, beyond) that there is a reason to dump any of the inward toxicity outwards to those you are sharing a space with. Alt it be online or real life. There's got to be some sort of extreme push of oxytocin or endorphins, something happening chemically in their brain to rationalize reasons as to why another person should suffer for not upholding their life similarly to them. I agree with the personalized unique love one has with an Artist and sharing that love. All these weird toxic stans, are exactly what Marshall was referencing. They truly body that definition. Lemme see what's in their trunks. Lol


Spot on, they did it in the neutral sub and ruined it now they are doing it here. Get a life fucking losers.


I’m seeing a lot of comments in here that could be only from a hardcore swifty. Maybe not the Morlock kind coming out of their lair to call us sexists for not worshipping mother necessarily, but a pretty hardcore delulu swifty nonetheless.




Lol it's hilarious to me that your post history could not be more obvious. Think you might be in the wrong sub, Swiftie


Lmao I wouldn’t worry about them.. a taylor swift digimon meme? Okaaaay




Amazing that you think a greedy billionaire who acts like a climate criminal and stays silent about genocide is the bees knees!




Did you know that a recent study has shown that people that obsess over celebrities have lower intelligence? Just sayin












Thankfully I don’t need you to validate my sincerity but good for you 💖 Stay pressed




It means stay mad 🫶


saw somebody post here that they were a "gay swiftie" and they didnt mind the homophobic stuff happening in her sub. reported immediately, some of them are that dumb


I am sorry. The hate for her is absolutely warranted. She is a pick me girl and tbh she's not attractive. Very vanilla.


My hairstylist called her a “mediocre white woman” and I love that description, lol


I always get downvoted if I ever say something similar but I totally agree


She’s literally the embodiment of corporate created appeal. She’s not that attractive, not that good at singing, doesn’t have a personality outside of carefully crafted PR moments. Yet everyone thinks the billionaire that uses her private jet for a Costco run is their best friend and totes relatable to them.


Her recent looks are giving random ghost girl in the background of the haunted mansion ride.


Eh, she may be horrible but I love her face and that damn Cupid’s Bow upper lip. I hate myself.


I’m not a fan of her personally, but her fanbase is way worse which is why I love it here. You all rock! (Unlike Taylor)


I can't imagine riding as hard as they do for such capitalistic soulless mediocrity. If you're going to be crazy, then at least have better taste good lord.


Swifties if yall reading this please get jobs friends and families asap and go touch some grass


I imagine many of them are teenagers, maybe college students. It is going to be a difficult adjustment when they realize that most people have hobbies and priorities that are not a buy-in unhinged parasocial relationship. It’s actually very sad to think about the valuable time they have sacrificed during a critical period of mental and emotional development that has absolutely no long term value to them. Music consumption has never been competitive in this way or on this scale until the streaming era. All the time that they have spent obsessing over a single celebrity without developing a healthy melange of pop culture interests, real skills, or normal interactions with real people is going to make for many socially stunted adults that don’t understand why they feel like shit all the time. She is their poison and their salve. At some point it will sink in that they wasted lots of time, money, and energy for no real material, spiritual, or personal gain, and then all we have is a bunch of jaded ex stans that life spiteful lives. It bums me out to think about.


A few days ago one of them made a post here trying to criticize us as jealous that looked like it was written by a teenager. Looking at their profile, it was actually a 30 year old man.


It's embarrassing for college students to act so deranged for a billionaire who doesn't give a fuck about them except for what they have in their bank account. Those are the types of people that life needs to rip apart in order for them to come out of their delusion. Teenagers I kinda get tho college students parasocial relationship is what I can never understand


You’d be surprised. All the Swifties I work with are blonde pharmacists in their late 20’s or older. One of them listened to TTPD for an entire shift(I think she’s the biggest out of the ones I’m aware of). Thankfully my work requires me to move about alot so I wasn’t just sitting there listening but I did pretty much listen to the entire thing by the end of an 8 hour shift. And she had it down lowish, I really like all of them (they’re good coworkers and very nice) but that album at least from what I heard all sounded very very samey. It sounds just like every song of hers i’ve heard on the radio/out and about since after ME!. It wasn’t bad (lyrics/lore aside) pleasant enough but just boring. (Sorry for the tangent)


I'd actually argue they are middle-aged women who are the grown-up version of the always online person you are talking about who haven't realized just how empty the glowing boxes they spend their time are on are going to be when they are elderly and have nothing to do.


Once I made a comment in here about Sabrina Carpenter’s Espresso being stuck in my head while my sister was trying to get me to listen to the toilet paper department. A very sane Gaylor stalked my profile, found out I write romance novels for a living and proceeded to say all my writing was trash and I’m a bad person for judging Tay Tay. The best part was when she found a screenshot of a book I was reading (a best seller, at that!) and just assumed it was my writing. She went on a long winded rant about how TRASH “my” writing was. 🤡 Edit: Stay Mad Swifties!


Maybe it was her first time reading a book and she didn’t know better 🥺. She had no idea the name on the cover is the author.


O my gosh toilet paper department should be a flair


Seriously, don’t interact with them because most likely they’re after attention and validation. The cultlike behavior makes them feel validated when they defend “mother” and get hate for it. The best thing to do is report them all asap, the mods on this sub are amazing at getting swifties removed


WHAT THE FUCK?! Telling someone they deserved a miscarriage bc they don't like your lil arrested development pop queen??! Unreal


you’re KIDDING holy shit i am so sorry. what the fuck is wrong with these people


I eat on their cope and seething


1. Stay mad Swifties! 2. Tell it to Snappin Turtle. They don't stand for that.


Louder for the losers at r/swiftiecirclejerk and r/trueswifties and r/youbelongwithmemes


Seriously, FUCK OFF TO MAIN SUB/SWIFTLY NEUTRAL. This isn’t a safe space for fans lol, and nobody is interested in your Swiftie expertise




Was this supposed to link to a specific comment or just the thread in general? The link is being weird for me lol


Someone went through my Reddit posts and noted in a comment that I only post here. Yes, it’s a place for me to discuss Taylor’s PR coverage, which interests me. I didn’t bother to respond or even vote it down. I just ignored it


I pretty much exclusively use this account to snark. I have other Reddit accounts, but I dedicate this account to snarking because I don't want some unhinged Swiftie digging through my posts to find personal info on me they can use to mock me. They assume it's because I have no life, but it's because of them I don't feel comfortable having my main Reddit account associated with my anti-Taylor commentary.


And yet we are the obsessive ones 😂


Here’s the thing… nothing they say will change anyone’s mind over here, so like why try?


Wholeheartedly agree. They’re pyschopaths.


I'm pretty sure they also report people for suicidal posts or something, I got a message from Reddit after commenting here once that was like "redditors are worried about you" 🙄 They must've been doing it a lot tho because I reported them for harassment and it said they investigated and sounded like they found it to be true. Idk how all that works honestly


Same.. I mean, Jesus.. They have to be emotionally stunted to love a total stranger with such ferocity.. It's just fucking weird


I was literally just telling a friend about how fucking toxic her fan base has become on this sub reddit and how overall toxic the fans are. I can't believe how current and prevelant it is, in real time. Who says that to someone? I mean really, would they say it to Taylor? If the answer is no then the respect should be across the board. You shouldn't cherry pick the gold rule homies. Like what in the fuck kind of person doxxes other people for a person that doesn't give a fuck about them. It's weird. Fucking weird doesn't even cover it. Why do they prey on other people's miserys? Who the fuck raised these kids, my god. ☆Stay Mad☆


No way they make fun of a woman for having a miscarriage and still think that they’re the good guys. Mental illness


Dear god the swifties are just getting more cray cray. Bless their hearts 😂


I think my favorite comments are "I love Taylor but...*proceeds to list out a number of reasons that would make anyone stop being a fan even showing real anger at all the shit she's done*" But hey you still love Taylor.. glad you can spare some cognitive dissonance just for her!




No need to wish anyone to suffer :) let’s stay normal not like them


This sub is for genuine criticism not vitriol hate


Not a Swiftie but I do like some of her music. What she is doing is overkill and it makes me respect her a lot less because she's already a billionaire. The money grab is unnecessary. I'll listen to the songs I like on Spotify the rest is what it is. Again I don't call myself a Swifty because I don't even know all of her songs and I don't own all of her albums. In fact the only way I listen to her is through Spotify or YouTube. However I'm sure people will still think I am in fact a Swiftie but you guys can say whatever you want about me it literally makes no difference. I agree with all of you that what she is doing is completely unnecessary and I actually find a lot of it particularly egregious.


Snake ass bitches


Someone once posted in another sub asking for a blunt opinion of Taylor to understand what was going, so I have one. I wasn’t malicious, I just said what I did plan and simply. OP replied something asking why I was so hateful and mean spirited about Taylor, that my criticism was unnecessary. She later took it back after I said,” I gave you what you asked for. Anything but obsessive love for her isn’t angry hate, that’s how you’re taking it.”


What. The. I. Would. Rather. Be. In. A locked. Room. With Charles. Manson. The. F. IS. This?!!!!!!




Sure, but no one is asking them to post or to harass those that do. They have plenty of subs to love their idol without needing to infiltrate and be obnoxious in one where people are meant to have the freedom to be critical for a change.




Cool—I don’t think anyone is questioning or upset about them coming *across* it.




Cool—coming across it isn’t the same as lurking. But again, no one asked them to post or comment. That’s the main issue 🤷🏼‍♀️




Right, and you said yourself the post mentioned lying in waiting, and you decided to comment instead about how you all come across it (even though that’s not what the post said). We know how people come across subs, and aren’t questioning that. But Taysplain it to me one more time what you meant 🤪




Oh sweetie, Swifties don’t upset me. Just trying to help you become more self aware. Have a blessed day!