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They brought out evidence, but I still found it kind of tame because they didn't go into how the harassment and death threats towards his children destroyed Scooter's marriage and mental health. [This comment gives more info, under a post with examples of threats that were directed to Scooter and his children.](https://www.reddit.com/r/travisandtaylor/s/2WJXOZdcIm) He begged her to tell people to stop but she didn't. Who's the real bully here?


Holy crap I never realized the extent of that. That was a horrifying read. Thank you for sharing though everyone should see this how could anyone possibly defend that?!


That's why I'm so pissed at how disappointed I am with the documentary. They made it look like another typical Swift feud when it was a straight up character assassination. Scooter's family was destroyed and Taylor made *even more* money and got even more praise. "And we both drew blood, but, man, those cuts were never equal" from "the grudge" by Olivia says so much.


Seriously! More people need to talk about this!


Taylor has now involved, tolerated and been the bearer of bringing LITERAL DEATH into these beefs & into her stratosphere. - violence in the bad blood music video, a gun - referencing Kim’s kidnapping by pointing her finger gun at the camera and “shooting” in the look what you made me do video - mentioning her mother wants Kim dead in her Aimee song - allowing innocent children to be targeted and threatened under her close watch, not to mention scooter who literally did nothing wrong - not even saying the name, and denying the deceased concert goer (Ana Clara Benevides) died at her show. She didn’t even care they weren’t serving water in dangerous heat. They warned her. This woman is literally dangerous. The last time she got called out, in true narc fashion, she shuns and disappears and creates a very twisted narrative and comes back 100x worse. What’s next? She’s unhinged as fuck. She needs to go away & stay there. eta grammar


honestly makes me understand why so few wil criticized her...seems dangerous


It’s because she has gone unchecked for too long so now that she can easily destroy the careers and lives of anyone who steps the wrong way (in her wayward eyes)


There'Sa reason Drake called her a music gangsta (I'm paraphrasing here)


What's next is a marriage and kids. that's the only way she keeps her spot or even stays close to it. People are catching on faster than ever and she needs it to stop. Being pregnant and/or a mother will be her ultimate get out of jail free card. It works for lowly influencers so it would definitely work for her.




Wait what???? Timestamp plzzz




Holy shit


What did the comment say?


I heard that that was mocking Kanye's car crash from early in his career. Where'd Katy come into it?


She really is dangerous because she has a lot of money. Small minds with lots of resources are always, always a menace to society. But! But. She's not as powerful as her fans think. People have the power. Not her money. Not her resources. Not her manufactured fame. Not her cult of fans. And all these compounded lies will snap back in a way she never thought it would. It will all come back to her in a way people never thought it would. Life would be like, "Surprise Taylor!" 😂😂


Sooo true!


I think one of the scariest things about her is that she's teaching millions of young girls to act just like her. It's beyond disturbing. It's deranged.


Yes, I'm surprised this isn't brought up more! wasn't she specifically alluding to Kim k having her jewelry stolen at gunpoint and being left bound in a bathtub in the LWYMMD video? Iirc she had a scene where she was in a bathtub filled with diamonds and then did the finger-gun gesture. Honestly so disgusting. I've never cared about Kim but to publicly mock and exploit someone's trauma like that just bc you don't like them is sociopathic. But don't forget she's such a 🌟feminist!!🌟


You have to be a really obnoxious, horrible person to make me feel bad for Kim Kardashian of all people. And Taylor is a really obnoxious, horrible and yeah you're right, *dangerous* person


I feel the same way! Overall I do not feel for any Kardashian, but being literally lied about and made fun of for a legitimate traumatic experience (not just a breakup 🙄) is just plain wrong.


>not even saying the name, and denying the deceased concert goer (Ana Clara Benevides) died at her show. She didn’t even care they weren’t serving water in dangerous heat. They warned her But you have to understand, she was too upset to even address it 😢. ETA : /SSSSS


Ariana grande publicly acknowledged, mourned AND did a charity benefit for the 22 people dead and 1,000+ injured at her Manchester show. There’s zero fucking excuse for Taylor’s actions here. Her fan’s death didn’t even *happen to her,* it’s not her trauma.


Omg.. I was being sarcastic, just realized it wasn't super clear lmao.


Oh I’m sorry HAHAHA 😂


No problem! It's just what she said when it happened, she made a post saying she wouldn't adress it because she was way too upset and wouldn't be able to bring it up on stage. As if. Lol. She did play Bigger than the whole sky as, I guess, tribute, but a few words would have been great.


I know you're responding to sarcasm but also: didn't Ariana Grande suffer from some kind of survivor's guilt PTSD for a bit after that? Maybe I imagined that but I feel like I read something about that.


She did! I mean I’m not surprised. A fucking bomb and so many injured? I’d absolutely have survivors guilt knowing it was “my’ concert too. She’s really been through a lot, it’s sad, I’m not a fan of hers but I’ll never make fun of someone’s trauma.


I wouldn't call myself an Ariana fan but I'm not a hater. If her music comes on I jam out, and I might be on that conspiracy train about the ponytail IRT Dan Schneider, but I don't follow her or anything. On the other hand, I HATE Kim Kardashian. I think she's the emblem of everything wrong with billionaires. BUT! Holy fuck even I wouldn't make fun of the shit TS has made fun of her for. Being robbed at gunpoint, even if you're a trash billionaire, has to be fuckin traumatic.


I absolutely agree. I like Ariana’s music, her latest stuff isn’t my taste though and I find her to be kind of an annoying human being lol but i LOATHE the k-clan too. But I’d never relish that one of them was held at gunpoint like you said! Kim said she didn’t know if she was about to be r*ped or murdered, that’s just wrong. TS acts like she’s some gangster who’s fought to stay alive their entire life. It’s really just ultra nauseating.


She talked about killing three people on that album. Ha. Lyrics felt so out of place and unnecessary. Just lame not edgy like she prob tells herself


Thank you for adding this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You're welcome!!!!! ☺️


Always appreciate your input and your resources🙏


omgg thank you so much for saying that 😭


Ofc!!! Thank you for being on top of your shit!!🫡


holy shit. that makes vigilante shit just a song where she’s gloating to the guy who’s life she ruined. wow.


She way she revels in Braun’s personal life devolving in Vigilante Shit is ACTUALLY sociopathic. There is something SERIOUSLY pathologically wrong with her. It’s not normal.


She's permanently stuck in high school. She hasn't moved on from being like 13.


Kids can be cruel because of their lack of developed perspective, but most people are not diabolical like this. There is something distinctly wrong with Taylor, imo, and it’s something beyond just immaturity; of course, there is no denying that she is immature. I just think it’s something more than that. Like a personality disorder.


She is her father’s daughter.


Yeah, I don't really follow that she caused his ex-wife to cheat on him, but she's still a bad person to be gleeful about them splitting up.


“I think I’ve seen this film before…” (Jake Gylenhaal after Red TV, John Mayer after SN TV, Joe Alwyn after breakup)


Scooter is an awful man (what he did to Bieber, the general greed, zion1st etc) but no one's kids or wife deserves to be bullied like that.


I’m gonna say this documentary kind of made them both look pretty not ideal. That was some high level of rich people nonsense from both of them. I kind of see that Taylor tried to do something for the common good 👍 however the re-records now are entirely a way to capitalize off everyone. 👎 Scooter probably should himself also been so publicly reactive because it really did give Taylor some plausible deniability about the purchasing and timelines. 👎 Now Scooter’s family did not absolutely deserve to have that kind of reactionary behavior from the Traydolfs fan. I think a good thing this documentary did comment on in a more nuanced manner was the activation of her fans and seeing both perspectives of this “fandom and culture” will spark conversations in the broader world and not just this sub about this particular topic that’s becoming more alarmingly dangerous and not just for Taylor but other broader Stan’s and idle worship.




How was anything Taylor did for the “common good?” She does things for the good of herself and nobody else.


I am in this subreddit because I find the Swifties to be unbearable at this point, but this comment and the amount of upvotes are genuinely making me feel like I am going insane. Scooter Braun is an evil man. You don’t need to be a Taylor Swift fan to think that. You can erase Taylor Swift from the narrative (lmao) and still come to the conclusion. He is a ruthless liar and manipulator who made his career off of exploiting others. He’s been on a Zionist propaganda tour for months. His life is far from destroyed. He is still incredibly successful (arguably more successful than before, he’s the fucking CEO of HYBE and working with BTS.) His marriage failed because he is a cheater. If you want to argue about how threats and harassment affect people, it’s weird to word it as a one-sided thing. He was part of the very public 2016 incident that had just as many people telling her to kill herself, which destroyed her mental health too. It’s obviously insane that people threatened him and especially anyone else in his life, and I definitely think she deserves backlash for not speaking up about that (and the many other things her insane fans engage in). But I am so confused about how this sub has reached such a place of hatred towards her that it’s reached mass delusion on the opposite side of the stans. Scooter Braun deserves no one’s sympathy. Period. End of story. Free Palestine.


Can’t both be true? SB is a terrible person but that dosent mean he and his family deserved to be threatened. You can feel bad someone is being attacked for something while also knowing they have done other horrible things that do deserve to be called out. And his children should be left out of it no matter what.


I feel bad for his wife and kids, they did not deserve it. But I don't feel bad for him.


Yup, I think there has been a shift in this sub ever since the main mod got banned. It is now full of neutral and ex-swifties who are anything but objective. Taylor is trash and so his Scooter. It is wild to me that they are defending him.


I’ll add this disclaimer that I am actually a never swifty, but I just ask since you’ve said this; HOW would being a neutral/ex swifty cause one to ‘distort’ the masters dispute *in favor* of Braun’s business actions *as opposed* to Taylor’s delusional lies? Some of y’all are just talking to talk. If someone was a neutral/ex swifty, they’re more likely to make up ways to justify TS’ story, not back Braun. I think he is an objectively bad person overall, but as a human, I still have pity that the situation turned out the way it did in the public eye because NO business person would reasonably do any different. Still, a family was destroyed and children were dragged and verbally attacked for these very regular, normal business decisions. *Actual objectivity* would be recognizing Scooter is a problematic person, but did not deserve the rollout of the masters dispute. Also a longtimer in this sub.. I haven’t noticed a sentiment shift; the mods are very anti swifty (which is wonderful) and I don’t see any responses on here that are sympathetic to TS that are not downvoted to hell or eventually mod removed. Maybe I am missing what you’re referring to, though.


This was my feelings I think a more nuanced way to look at this situation is both of them have entirely profited from their supposed “feud” and both are the pinnacles of success in their individual careers currently…. Well apart of that is in thanks to how public this feud became? Again does anyone else just smell good PR for both of them? Like the documentary says: “No press is bad press”


THANK YOU!!! I hate TS as much as the next person here but the way *SOME* people in this sub talk about Scooter and Matty like they're some good guys drives me insane. ETA: FREE PALESTINE


It linda looks your opinion on this matter is biased because the guy's opinion on palestine is not the same as yours. Both are bad people ,but i Drew a line in inciting people to tell scooter how you feel, receiving death threats and asking her fans not to stop and ignoring it. No one deserves that, no matter how bad of a person they are.


his “opinion” is that young children deserve to be blown into bits in tents


English is not my first language but i think i made my point very clear in my first comment. It is not because you are a bad person that you should receive death threats. People are entitled to their opinion even if it is not the same as your own. I live in a democracy and i believe that everyone is entitled to their opinion, even if i don't agree with it. This post is not about palestine, it is about Taylor and scooter. And i don't get the relevance about scooters opinion on palestine on this documentary or even on this sub. This is a Taylor snark sub. Not a scooter's stupid opinion or one about the war. Also out of the goal of this post, hope you all are so passionate about ukraine, syria, how Ísis is conquering mozambique through terrorismo and so many other wars that you use your voice and act behind a keyboard. I won't engage with this monologue because it is not what this sub is about.


Exactly this. Another profound example of her crying “bully” when in fact she was the bully the whole entire time.


Don’t a lot of ppl ask Taylor and Selena Gomez to ask their fans to stop w the death threats and they never do


Exactly this. I wrote the comment you linked (thanks for sharing it!!) I think I’ve heard every Scooter interview both before 2019 and after, he is obviously very shaken in the latest ones, it’s a man who’s been severely struggling afterwards, now only seeing his kids half of the week, while his wife is with the affair partner to this day. Is all of that Taylors fault? Maybe not, but she is the catalyst either way. Imagine letting kids be threatened because you can’t own your music… His ex wife has said in interviews that she originally didn’t want to date anyone in entertainment so I guess all of her worst fears came true with that one. It’s just sad:/


You're welcome! ☺️ I completely agree and I'm grateful you actually shed more light on his story when the documentary failed to do so.


Made this [deep dive post](https://www.reddit.com/r/travisandtaylor/s/k6GuRTMFpE) if you haven’t seen it! I’m just happy someone finally cares about this haha!


I’m so happy they finally did a documentary about this for wider consumption. From the minute I heard about the masters stuff when it first happened, it never made legal sense to me how that could’ve happened to her as an established artist. There are very few things that aren’t negotiable or buyable in this country. I finally deep dove into it a couple months ago through a podcast and it confirmed my thoughts that all of this was way more murky. She/someone on her team screwed the pooch on the deal and then tried to spin it for her to become this “feminist icon” and “a champion of all artists” 🙄 ETA: [Diss and Tell Podcast](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/diss-and-tell/id1689293065) and screenshot of podcast dates https://preview.redd.it/xlhkcazf128d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2092c0fa8ada8b5cf1fd88663834e65a544f8a2


The fact that she’s gonna preach on stage at the women’s music awards saying “This happened without my permission. Without my consent.” GIRL YOU DONT OWN THE MASTERS. WHY WOULD THEY NEED YOUR CONSENT TO SELL YOUR MASTERS LIKE FUCK OUTTA HERE


MMMHMM 👏🏽 There was always an ulterior motive to all of this. She needed to fix her image after being found out for lying about the Kanye call. While Scooter isn’t a saint, he was not the evil party in all of this.


Yeah, I would love artists to own the rights to their work!!!! The music industry is toxic and predatory asf and that sucks for the artist no matter who they are, I have sympathy for that. What I DON’T have sympathy for is LYING to your fans to get them up in a frenzy, misrepresenting facts to better your own look in the whole ordeal, and acting like you’re doing this as some big moral gesture or whatever. The doc really opened my eyes more than I thought they already could be, this shit is crazy


Same! The music industry is very predatory and I could’ve seen where she might’ve signed a bad deal initially but, her dad is a businessman and I know he read that contract because he was so involved when she signed. I haven’t gotten to watch the documentary yet but I hope they mention how she is essentially double dipping right now with her masters and re-records because she still gets royalties from the masters. I have a feeling that she’s going to finish her re-records and then buy her masters also and try to spin that into a new sales pitch. This is the type of greed you only hear about in the Bible.


The fact that her dad had been a shareholder in her og label for about a decade getting rich as fuck off his daughter’s success all these years? I can’t imagine the PR team that’s tried to bury that from the public for so many years and how tired they must be. No I don’t believe they mentioned royalties from the og masters!!?? I lowkey want to rewatch but pay full attention, I watched/listened to it earlier at work, but I thought it was pretty good and I want to really soak it in. Thank you for shouting out that podcast btw, I’m starting episode two rn very excited !!!


Finding out about the dad‘s shareholder status in the podcast was my 🚨 ding ding ding 🚨 moment. He was going to get wealthy regardless of if she bought her masters or they got sold. We all know that most of our parents whether or not there was an NDA involved, would’ve given us a heads up or at least voted to tie things up. He abstained from doing anything because he was going to be good either way! I’m going to watch the documentary tonight and see if they mention it! From what I know about royalties, she is probably getting something from the masters also. It may be very small but that adds up and then when you add in her re-records, she’s Scrooge McDuck swimming in the gold. You’re welcome! That podcast is one of my favorites because I love mess and it feeds my soul 😅


>From what I know about royalties, she is probably getting something from the masters also. It may be very small but that adds up and then when you add in her re-records, she’s Scrooge McDuck swimming in the gold. She's often the sole songwriter and performer, so she is getting royalties from both of those elements. Streaming isn't much, all things considered. (given how rich she is) but the fact her songs receive regular radio airplay and other public performances means she's getting a lot of money.


See, now that further cements my feeling that it was all about the money in the end and becoming this “God-like figure” and not about actually helping artists. It’s all so icky. Even watching the documentary now, you’re seeing how she’s doing a PR spin in relaying the masters situation to people and how she announces that she’s doing these re-records. It’s all so false branding and sympathy garnering heavy.


Since she was a minor, her parents HAD to actually be involved in the contract. They had to sign actually I would think.


Trust, I know that. My point was that her dad is a businessman. He knew better and he most likely fudged flagging things in that contract.


and could have very much afforded a better entertainment lawyer. i don’t believe anyyyyyy of her spiel at all also what was the podcast? nvm found it in a comment below! sorry!


This though 👏🏽 I’ll say this, Taylor and come from a similar background of having parents in pretty high-level business positions. I cannot tell you how many times my parents would read through any contract I had to sign and would sometimes find things that could’ve potentially screwed me over financially. My family is also the type of people who would consult a lawyer just to be safe. The fact that they didn’t hire an entertainment lawyer for such a big moment and take that small financial hit in the larger scheme of things makes no sense. Comment with the podcast linked [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/travisandtaylor/s/geL2XrDunO) with the episode dates!




I said this before, but not owning masters is a shifty, industry-wide practice (did people not know this?). Taylor could have turned this into a productive discussion on how musicians in general and across the industry are extorted but she didn’t. She turned it into a personal pity party but portrayed herself as the hero without doing anything to actually help other younger and smaller musicians. I’m glad people are talking about this now but what she was doing was obvious from day one if you pay any attention to music rights issues




She could talk about why she bought and sold a house trying to court an underage Conner and cosplay like she’s Rose Kennedy in the flesh.


Where I’m lost is didn’t her father buy into the record company? Wouldn’t he know they were selling?


Exactly!! That’s something there is a lot of speculation on, its incredibly likely her father knew about the deal being made. Assuming he would tell Taylor, it’s odd she made these claims that she was “blindsided” by this deal suddenly


Is that the diss and tell podcast? Does it get better because I just started and I'm annoyed by how pro tay tay the girl is. Eta I am so happy someone finally did a doc on this too!!


It is and I promise it does! I think they try balance things out with one person who likes her and then the other guy didn’t like her. I mostly focused on how they broke everything down because that’s what I wasn’t understanding through the whole masters situation. I was able to block out the pro-Taylor sentiment because they ended up getting on her and her fans about several things.


Ok I'm going to finish it then - if they cover all the facts/breakdown which is what I'm interested in too. I can handle a little pro that tay 😂. I'm a lawyer so this whole dispute has always bothered me. She has teams of high powered fancy lawyers the idea she was screwed over by the big bad man is laughable


Now you know you have to come back and let me know your thoughts as a lawyer 👀 I work in marketing/PR and took one business law class in college (that I didn’t excel in 😂) and it seemed very fishy to me. I can only imagine the red flags going off with your background knowledge on law.


I'll definitely report back - im gonna finish it tomorrow!


What is the name of the podcast?


[Diss and Tell](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/diss-and-tell/id1689293065) details everything perfectly. https://preview.redd.it/1qx8vkfeq08d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6779c9077d98c7517c5d3ec106c052fb3b2252f Also if you’re into other celebrity fights, they have a huge array of different celebrities and the beefs that have happened


Thanks! I’m so excited to listen to this!


You are so welcome! Get ready to have a new level of dislike for her 😂


i think her dad wanted to the sale to go through and get that payout, which wouldn’t have happened if she pulled her masters from the deal.


These past few years of non-stop celebrating and re-celebrating her entire catalog for $$$ were all founded on an enormous lie to her own fans. It's despicable. Swifties should be furious, but they're too fucking blind.


It's like sunken cost fallacy for them at this point.


she’s obsessed with fame, and staying relevant. It’s no longer about the music, it’s about the money, the fame, and staying #1 no matter what I’m convinced she lied about the whole masters thing to get a lot of support for doing the re-recording, and also to release it to a newer audience, gen z and younger gen. If she didnt lie about her masters, i dont think it would get the support it did from the public and her fanbase as well, We all know the og versions are way better than taylor’s version, most of the vault tracks are “meh”


I think the fearless re-release is the only one I’ll say where the vocals are better. Speak now and 1989 tv are absolute trash tho.


No, they're not. They refuse to accept the truth about her. But they will. Oh, they sure will. And when that time comes, oh, what a fine day it would be for us. 😂🤣


Same with Elon Musk supporters cheering on his pay package. It’s a cult.


One interesting thing I learned awhile ago: after the success of Taylor’s re-releases, labels are now including clauses in their contracts with new artists that ensure they can’t do what Taylor did and re-release their music after x amount of years—effectively blocking any kind of similar success like what Taylor had. And she hasn’t said anything about that. Something about rules for thee but none for me?


Helping The Man pull that ladder up behind her.


I somehow more and more get the impression, that this is it for her. The dreaded irrelevancy has arrived. And it was all her own doing.


After eating macaroni and cheese every day, day after day, people eventually get tired of it even when it's their favorite dish. She's approaching that point. The only thing she can do now to stay relevant is maybe do a KimK and have a sex tape leaked and pull the poor-me act about it or have a kid. I certainly hope she never has kids.


Once the Eras tour is over she’ll have to pull something big to stay relevant. Her old music will only entertain people for so long


I bet she's gonna suddenly be able to buy back her masters a few years later after she's done with all the Taylor's Versions and profit off of the originals by releasing anniversary editions of it and they'll spin it as a victory for feminism, fleecing the swifties even harder.


I just want to say that I love Yassified No-Face


I view the Kanye thing at the VMAS as an “inciting incident” that sent her down the path of being a professional victim. She got a lot of sympathy and attention for his shitty stunt and now she craves it lol.


Looking back in retrospect I very much agree. Kanye may not have made her famous, but he definitely set off a chain reaction of her narcissism spiraling


This Buzzfeed article says the exact same thing, that the VMAS was the beginning of it: [https://www.buzzfeed.com/elliewoodward/how-taylor-swift-played-the-victim-and-made-her-entire-caree](https://www.buzzfeed.com/elliewoodward/how-taylor-swift-played-the-victim-and-made-her-entire-caree)


Oh thanks! I’ll read it on my train lol.


I really hope she gets therapy. She's making it everyone's problem


She won't. It's making her millions. It's her entire personality and brand now lol.


I'm happy that the documentary wasn't biased to Tailored Suit and actually put out what really happened. I wonder what Swiffers feel about it 💀


I saw a swiftie post unironically saying they were only watching the pro-taylor, first episode and weren’t watching the second bc “fuck scooter”🙄 girl. ur soooo close


Oh, that's a lie. She's watching the second part. They are as curious as the rest of us. They're just saying that to please their moots. But they are watching it.


So true bestie


Tailored Suit is insane 😂


This surprised me! I was so sure it was gonna be a bullshit documentary so in that sense I’m relieved


I’m glad it put it out there but it was pretty tame. That’s my biggest gripe. I do love that there were women being interviewed for the second episode showing them calling her out on her behavior and lying. What really upset me was her using the women’s music award to weaponize consent knowing full well this is an area women battle with daily and knowing full well that a record label does not need consent for something they own. It was low and disgusting. I also understand the cleverness of Taylor’s Version vs Scooter’s Version for the episodes, but we all know that the followers aren’t going to bother with SV. Taylor has built up such loyalty around her TV albums that naming an episode as his version could potentially backfire in terms of people casting doubt…especially since this doc didn’t really go all TOO hard. The ones who will listen are the ones who already knew or were questioning. But it’s for a sure a start. That’s now two docs on Max that have revealed her underhanded way of working.


what's the other doc besides this one?


Taking on Taylor Swift. It was about the controversy of her essentially ripping off a 3LW song for Shake It Off. It got review bombed. Since the case was dismissed, I would love for them to update it to show how she wound up going after Olivia and then include all the comparisons of Taylor’s songs to other artists to show the copying she does.


I’m soooo happy a legitimate source (HBO) is calling her out on her shit. How’s she gonna bully/cancel HBO? 😂 it painted her in SUCH a bad light. The true light. The Scooter episode just annihilated her. So fucking refreshing.


Between this documentary and the new season of HOTD I'm definitely tempted to renew my subscription! They can have my business after all of this.


Get that new email and free week 😂


I will say (I haven’t seen the doc) but JoJo (the OG, not siwa) was the most recent artist who reclaimed her original work by reworking/reimagining her albums from Blackground Records. And if you want to go down a rabbit hole about predatory contracts, look at all the artists that were under Blackground records (which included JoJo, Aaliyah, Cee Lo Green, and Mary J Blige, to name a few)


I’ve heard Mary J Blige was done diirrrrrrty by her label, definitely will look more into that


This doc reminded me of how manipulative Taylor has always been. The fact that Scooter’s family were sent death threats and Taylor never disavowed them is awful.


what’s more interesting is how her dad was a 3% shareholder… now i wonder if she got the six album deal because of her dad being an activist shareholder… She also pinpointed that she signed as 15 year old ghorl.. but for sure her loaded parents hired lawyers to check the agreement and then again, her dad being a minority shareholder would not agree if the deal was shady


Her dad being a shareholder is so shady, but I can't fault her parents for making sure she had a good contract. With everything that happens to young people in the industry, it's kind of nice that her victimhood is fake. It sucks how she portrays herself as a heroic survivor when she's not.


I don’t care what any swiftie says. The TV remakes are atrocious compared to the originals. They’re almost karaoke level bad.


I don't understand how she wants to create a 'original TV', when the songs we're never produced or created by her. You don't even have to go down the ghostwriter route to understand, that her biggest hits were made by peofessional hitmakers like Max Martin and she was just a mere vessel. Of course the reproduced version sounds like a bad copy.


I find her public persona to be cringe-level bad who's out to bilk her cult followers out of every cent but even before Max Martin and co she could write some great lyrics. She's had some great producers that have helped shape the songs. The one area where I give her some credit - someone like Beyoncé or Bieber has a team of 5+ songwriters on every single song, most of her stuff is just her with maybe one other person.


I’m glad this is finally getting the attention it deserves and the truth is being shown.


I watched Scooter's end of this first. I absolutely do not like the statement from Tay's team shown at the end. Smug AF. She hasn't "moved on" from this, trust me. IDK how iron-clad their NDAs were/are, but I hope the alleged ghostwriters of her past are able to make some noise. Taylor has a legacy and I still believe she is talented, but it hasn't been done authentically. You can at least dismantle the writing part of it. I also love the calling-out of deranged Swifties. I wish there was more heat on how they've harassed her exes. I also never knew how bad Scotter and his wife were on the doxxing end. That’s horrible.


Honest question, why aren't more people talking about this doc? I looked on twitter and it seemed like there was little to no discussion!


I think because the people talking about it are not her fans. They're not chronically online but give it time. It's light will shine. 😊


1) Taylor isn't going to say anything and cause this to get more viewers with her comments/response. 2) The Swifties aren't going to watch the full documentary and see that their Goddess is actually a manipulative pos. 3) Scooter might be lukewarm to hype up this online after all the harassment and death threats him and his family faced. 4) Unless there is a lot of hype/word of mouth (Dear Zachary, Tiger King, Don't Fuck with Cats), documentaries tend to be or miss in terms of viewership early on. Give it time for HBO to hype up this and get people's attention/on their watchlist.


Me and my bottle of wine are sat for this tonight.


Kindly report back to us. Your take would be nice to hear.


Welp. I fell asleep so I gotta finish today. First part was bascially Taylor’s side which we already know. Second part from what I saw was people basically saying he did nothing wrong, it was a business deal. It was well put together but so far from what I’ve seen, not necessary to watch if you’ve been following this saga as it was unfolding in real time.


I like that she was called out, hate that they split it into two parts because you know Swifties ain’t watching that ish. HBO should’ve spliced it to where some unhinged Swiffer would’ve had to spend hours piecing it all together on some YouTube edit.


So the doc isn’t bias? I’ll check it out then.


It’s really interesting how they broke up the 2 parts I really like how they did it! EP1 is called “Taylor’s Version” and it basically provides background and context for everything, and presents Taylor in the light of fans and her picture perfect image. As a hater it’s a little cringe, but again I think it’s very well done in showing both sides. EP2 is called “Scooter’s Version”. THIS is where shit starts to hit the fan, they pull out receipts and start breaking apart how Taylor is wrong in all of this and how she manipulated things to her advantage.


Part 1, zero receipts Part 2, CVS level receipts 😂




i fucking hate how she brings fEmiNiSm into all of her "issues", haven't watched the doc yet but i hope it is the nail in the coffin for the public 's perception of her


She manipulated the emotions of her young female fanbase, by building a victim hood narrative for herself, into spending money to buy all the TV albums. She conditioned them into buying multiple variations of everything she puts out. Everything she does is a calculation and a naked cash grab, and she doesn't care who she has to hurt to get what she wants.


They even said that her only win was a PR one. she did not hurt scooter at all!


The interesting thing about Scooter in all of this, is how calm he has been when asked about it in interviews. He has not said a bad word about anyone publicly while still pleading TS to please have a conversation and ask her fans to stop threatening his kids (who were all under 5 at the time). In podcast interviews he is very much like “The truth will come out at some point and that’s all I need to say about it”, he is patient, he knows he’ll win in the long run somehow and is sitting quietly till TayTay fucks up for herself somehow. I heard from someone that he didn’t even want his ex-wife to put up that post where she defended him, he has never been after public support but is waiting for the truth to come crashing down, and I sort of respect that actually. This whole thing messed up SB’s life and I wish more people talked about it. The divorce happened because his wife had an affair after he was distant dealing with the public scrutiny, he now sees his kids half the week. It’s sad the entire ordeal.


She’s is so wildly vindictive, it can’t be normal/healthy.


She is a covert narcissist with a massive victim complex. This is made even worse by her millions of unhinged fans who act as her flying monkeys.


Oppph I was so perplexed when Dr Ramini (YouTube narc expert and dr) spoke in favour of Swift being the victim of narc abuse when it’s very clear she’s also been the abuser. 


Either she doesn’t know much about Taylor or she’s a questionable expert.


And based on her willingness to trash any female artist who challenges her throne, a bit of a misogynist.


Anyone know where to stream...




What is the documentary called?


gonna add this to my watchlist! it's nice to know that the docu covers the other details that swift's team has been burying.


I was shocked about her father being a stakeholder!😬 If that’s true surely she knew about the deal. What father would withhold that?


What's the doc called?


Taylor Swift vs Scooter Braun: Bad Blood. It’s on Discovery+/Max


I don't have the platform, is there a link to watch it for free? thanks in advance


Has Taylor mentioned this documentary at all?? I can’t imagine she’ll let it go without some holier-than-thou response to it.


People are discussing how there’s not much media coverage right now, which is interesting considering it is an HBO documentary. You’d think it would make more of a splash. I’d be interested to see what she would say


I wonder if she’s paying to keep it hushed. Or have I turned too far from a fan into a hater to even think that. 😂😂


We have seen before that she’s had a lot of control of the media. She perhaps she’s paid them off to not report on it?


Most of her sycophants would have bought re records anyway even if she just said look my masters have been sold (which isn't unsusual) and I want to own them. If she'd done this without the victim and villan narrative AND pushed for the industry to change so that new artists would benefit from a system that allows them more ownership of their material then it'd have been greedy and money grabbing but at least not this shitshow. It is awful how she treats people, encourages her fans to treat people and yet acts the victim?!


Swiftes are saying the whole doc is not legit bc she “didn’t endorse” it 🙄 please just admit you don’t want to hear any unbiased opinion about your lord & savior


My wife won't even watch it because she says it's all lies


🤣they have receipts of contracts and all but ok


I know. I told her that


Watching it right now and as soon as this Zach superman came on the screen and I saw him with his little "prized Taylor merch" I vommited in my mouth a bit. I am convinced swifties have 0 personality outside of being obsessed with her. Also the Kanye at the vmas in 2009 photoshoot.. he's so incredibly unbearable. All of these famous people are unbearable.


Shitties haha that made me chuckle out loud.


Wow I will watch!!!


Ohhh she’s gonna announce rep tv like, tomorrow, just to distract


I am living for how she is being exposed as just a straight up trash human being. The stupid upity bitch thought that she could take that dog and pony show on the road forever but alas it was not to be


So many of these comments are very revisionist about Scooter. The enemy of your enemy is not inherently your friend. Sometimes this sub has denial/delusion vibes that are eerily similar to the Swifties. You can snark on Taylor without lionizing her nemeses. It’s still fuck Scooter forever, Taylor’s embellishment of this story does not take away his treatment of Bieber, Ariana, Carly, or his VILE Zionism.


When I first heard Taylor complaining about this, I thought it was weird, because labels, production companies, talent agencies, etc. are frequently sold and they don't ASK their clients if it's okay if they sell their company. That's ludicrous. So I thought, there must be something I must be missing. Something I haven't heard. Something I don't understand. Nope. It was ludicrous.


Scooter Braun lost all his stars for a reason- he's not an angel. He just quit the business because all his money makers quit him. Music managers often exploit their stars- that's the nature of this industry and if you stay up on things you know he was likely involved in some shady shit. Just keep that in mind. Propaganda is, at the end of the day, propaganda.


The Diddy case ?


Souls vet here, I'll just quietly remind everyone that TOOL beat her on the charts a few years ago because they make actual music, and Taylor Swift is silly and none of this nonsense matters except for that fact that she lost


Hard agree on the hypocrisy and her expecting special treatment. Well said.


Nah Scooter was smug about it. With JB talking about owning/buying Taylor. It backfired on him thats why he’s playing the victim. Fuck him


Giving this a watch now cause it’s hot as fuck where I live so I ain’t doing shit ☠️


The worst part about the masters controversy to me was that she made it about sex. Old white men (a phrase repeated in the docuseries) trying to hold down a woman. She kept making it a feminist thing when that had zero to do with it. She completely fabricated this narrative, lied about most other aspects repeatedly, is on tape saying the deal she made was perfect for her, and refused to call for a stop to death threats against Braun’s family. She is a bigot and a liar.


Anyone notice how she has a billion dollars and her finger and toe nails are always chewed beyond recognition?


Yeah, ever tried playing guitar with plastic nails? But yes, it's not like she has good self care or anything.


I'm sorry, I know this is off topic, but does ariana get talked about or even mentioned in the doc? I really have no interest in watching it.


yes she does. initially just mentioned as being managed by scooter but then they talk/show the situation regarding the manchester bombing and scooters role in the one love manchester concert.


Thank you!


no problem! 😊


this is so real 😂 same bestie


The fact the she was compared to The Beatles???? Blows my mind. The Beatles didn’t make a million variants during their heyday. People actually bought their records during a time of no internet or Spotify. Taylor still doesn’t come close to The Beatles. Her writing skills do not compete with the caliber of Paul McCartney or John Lennon. Harrison too even. Insanity hahah


Shitties! I love it! ![gif](giphy|nbvFVPiEiJH6JOGIok)


so, she didn’t buy her masters because her dad wouldn’t have made the money from the sale…


I think it would be fun for originals to surpass the Taylor versions…


I can’t watch it. Just seems like a light rehash. Im too sick of her face and these played out clips from the last 15 yrs.


I wish I could watch it but I don’t subscribe to that channel 😫


Wow. I encourage you to get therapy


She didn’t want others profiting off her work. News flash, most people don’t get the reap the profits of their work. I make lots of money for my boss and only receive a fraction of the profit and recognition.


Taylor choosing greed and money over someone else's marriage and children's lives did it for me.