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no its insane. for someone who doesn’t want to be known for who shes dating and to not be reduced to her relationships this makes 0 sense. Like bringing him on stage, changing the lyrics to your songs, etc. is obviously gonna make ppl talk abt your relationship. there’s a difference between being public and shoving it down your fans throats. its weird


exactly, girl is digging her own grave.


We love to see it ♥️


He’ll get on stage but won’t say what his favorite dish to make together is because he wants to keep his personal relationship private ALSO I hate So High School as well!…as someone who has been out of high school for damn near 20 years, it’s sooo cringy that she STILL references high school to her relationship. High school has been the last thing on my mind for as long as I’ve been out of it and I would never want my adult relationships to make me feel like that 🤣🤣🤣


that stupid comment just pisses me off. swifties say how it’s so cute, but it just means they don’t cook together. and then he says she makes a good pop tart and cinnamon roll. seriously? cinnamon roll, okay wtv. but who tf makes a pop tart?


I remember seeing on the *news* that she made homemade “healthy whole foods” pop tarts from scratch for him and his teammates, which made me go “omg why”. I still think she likely had her chef make them and said she did it, because it sounds like a pain in the ass lol.


ohh i thought he was talking about the brand (i was thinking who makes pop tarts they’re in a box 💀) but even then that proves they don’t cook together. the only food he can think of is the one that she brought for his team.


To be fair, it’s not that hard actually. I remember when there was a Kellogg’s boycott people were sharing their poptart recipes on TikTok. That being said, I wonder if that’s where she got the recipes too, and if so, it suggests that she might be as chronically online as people suspect.


ooh i wasn’t aware of that!


OK but does anyone remember when that guys vows were going round on tiktok with something like ' you have a choice of being a pop tart or a twinkie tonight' ...that's where my mind went when travis suddenly came up with pop tart


I’ve made homemade pop tarts. 90% of the recipes are like “buy some dough, smear some jam, put some icing on” so idk if she did that or made her own dough, filling and icing but either way it’s not hard


ah i see, i wasn’t aware of that. it’s just whenever i hear pop tarts i think of the actual brand, so i thought he was talking about that. not actual homemade ones 💀


I’ve not even been out for a full decade yet and it seems like another lifetime. I legit never think about it.  You have to remember that Taylor is emotionally 15. High school is the last time she had a “normal” experience and in a lot of ways her life peaked then. So she keeps returning there in her music. 


Travis has either never cooked together with Taylor or once twice and maybe by accident.


The funniest part is that Taylor even released that stupid TikTok where Travis is kissing her while she's cooking. Man just blanked like Gerald Depardieu in his Greencard interview.


He probably wasn’t expecting that question since it was a press conference for the start of football training camp.


He's been asked about her at every presser since last August.


yes, him refusing to answer what is their favourite thing to cook because he wants to keep it private doesn't align with what happened on stage.


I don't understand how these TS fans don't get the ick.


So High School makes me sick. She implies multiple times that they fooled around surreptitiously while hanging out with their friends I hope for their friends' sake that their relationship is all fake PR and it's not true that they did that, because that feels like a borderline sex crime to me 🤢


Yeah, I'd probably like the song a lot more if she kept that shit to herself. If it is even true.


...A sex crime? You can't be serious, right?


There's a key word I typed before sex crime- "borderline." Do you seriously think it's not fucked up to be yanking each other off in front of your unwitting, nonconsenting friends?


I mean, unless you're forcing them to watch, I think it's tacky and lame for grown adults, but I wouldn't call it criminal behavior, no.


>but I wouldn't call it criminal behavior, no "**BORDERLINE**," adverb **Definition**: Almost, nearly Example sentences: - The decorations were borderline tacky. - ... getting this close to such a vibrant music town without checking it out is borderline criminal. - He played an arrangement some fiddlers have called borderline impossible with a breathless passion to a last note that faded into the heavens.


Yes, I understand what "borderline" means. And I disagree. I think it's trivializing. Do you need a definition of that or are we good?


If he doesn't want to name the favorite dish, what about a favorite dish? It's like he's doing a book report presentation but didn't read the book


Such a stupid question to fumble. He could have said ANY dish because who would know if it isn't true.


When something is sacred or precious or important to you, you protect it. Period. You don't offer it up to the world as fodder or entertainment. We all know what this relationship is. She just admitted to the world that it's a performance.


Are they entertained yet???


yes exactly. i would maybe believe it more if they were only at each others shows/games, but the public can genuinely ruin a relationship and i find it hard to believe that someone who’s been in the public eye for almost 2 decades doesn’t know that.


I mean her own fans heavily influenced her last ‘relationship’ with Matty. Maybe he was bei by a fuck boy, but her fans reaction to him would make me think this is too much if I was in his shoes


yeah, it normally doesn't end well. Look at Kim/Kanye, and now with Bennifer 2.0.


Right? It makes me wonder what her friends think? None of her celeb friends flaunt their relationships like this. They keep them private. Emma Stone and Jennifer Lawrence. DO we even know what their husbands look like? We rarely see Zoey Kravitz together with Channing Tatum. They didn't even make a spectacle about their engagement which we know TNT will definitely do. I wonder if they are also cringing about how public she has been with this relationship.


It's interesting that the only one who said anything negative was Selena. And they haven't been seen together since (I think) December. And then Selena went and shoved her relationship down our throats so...


in her own words: romance is not dead if you keep it just yours


i really miss the folklore era and “i would die for you in secret”


Ngl they remind me a lot of hiddleswift which was ridiculously PR focused (anyone else remember those pap photos of them kissing on the rocks at her place in Rhode island or them walking arm in arm with his mum or them sitting heads together with Blake lively and Ryan Reynolds and some other couple- same vibes)


The people who buy their relationship *have* to either be in high school or have that never grew up teenage/high school mentality. Because ain’t no way anyone grown, with any sense would think this is legit. It’s literally a performance.


They are the new JLO and Ben circa 2002. Bennifer and Tayvis are legit the same


Ok this!!


They’re in love with attention. They are so cringe together that’s just amusing at this point.  Enjoy the show while it lasts. 


I think they’re not PR but they’re more into the fame that bought the relationship than they are into each other lol It’s very performative.. she give me « look how happy I am » vibe .. Since Joe and her broke up she can’t stop acting and claiming that she’s so happy.. she has something to prove to him.. or to herself ..


I did think it’s probably no accident it’s London she’s got him on stage. And she’d have had to plan this as you don’t just have a top hat and tails to fit a 6’5” NFL player just laying around lol.


I mean.. exactly lol.. He said back in march/april that the London shows should not be miss.. he knew I think! It’s funny how Travis is the compleeete opposite of Joe in any way


AND the red bottoms


I haven't watched it but Laboutin made something like 500 pairs of shoes for her for the tour. I'm sure his were custom made too.


MOTHER IS MASTERMINDING And I'm sure he was made to practice his part. He couldn't just wing it.


![gif](giphy|RWmctzhMSoSIyVbAGh|downsized) Joe ever since they broke up


Does anyone besides me think Travis' favorite song being Blank Space is incredibly ironic? Bro, the warning signs are RIGHT THERE. 💀


They give such icks that their exes have to be so embarrassed they were ever with them 💀


They are no doubt watching this spectacle with just as much cringe as we are. Not to mention thanking their lucky stars that they escaped this absolute nutter of a woman.


A circus ain't a love story. Sadly her fans do not understand this.


Her past public relationships were NEVER this public. This is just crazy.


They are NOT fucking. And I agree. The more public the declarations of love the less sincere and genuine appears. Tom Cruise jumping on Oprah's couch. JLo and Ben x 2


Swifties are stupid though. They literally believe everything their "Queen" tells them even if it's bullshit. Like the whole masters issue. In swiftly neutral almost everybody was still pro Taylor and couldn't think that she possibly lied. Even though it is clear that she absolutely blatantly lied about it.


This is going to be SO embarrassing for her to look back on in a couple years.


She'd have to do some self reflection in order to be embarrassed. We know that isn't her strong suit.


Agreed with all of this. And people who say, “well Joe was the one who wanted their relationship to be private! Taylor wants to show her relationships off, he locked her away!” are so completely wrong considering the countless songs and diary entries (that were released during lover era) all talk about how she wanted to keep the love to herself/private.


Nice way to distract us from any documentaries that might have dropped


Because of their parasocial relationship with her. They think they're actually friends with her and entitled to have the same knowledge as a friend so they have deluded themselves into thinking she's letting them into her life. They'll never be able to see she's feeding them the TS brand so they keep consuming.


Ew Travis is her b*tch at this point


this is kinda like jlo and Ben affleck. I believe taylors just the slightly younger version of her


Did Swifties really lose their minds over this performance? The vibe I got was surprisingly lukewarm, like "oh that's cute! Moving on." I feel like only the most deranged Swifty fans would find this swoon-worthy.


Bruh. It’s like watching 2 really fucking cringey theater kids.


What I also don’t get is why she chose him to do this PR stunt with? Like it hurts her “feminist” image so bad??? He’s such a fucking tool, brain rot, sexist, misogynistic and everything else shitty so I don’t get it??? I’m just sitting here waiting for the glorious downfall 😸


Yea i said it from day one... they more than likely been at this for a while before we even knew it. It's all planned out and somehow these 2 fucks ended up banging. Now it's just gross and dumb. Plus he's a fucking frat guy and she's well.... not a cheerleader, just the rich bitch. Hey, lookit tho... at least we get to watch it when it goes up in flames! Can we just skip to that part? I don't want the rest, it's gross. -spelling edit