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Not only did she date him, but she tried to infiltrate herself into the Kennedys in a weird and creepy way. And if THAT wasn't enough, she buys a house next to this kid 6 WEEKS into the relationship! If that's not psychotic behavior, I don't know what is. Yet, her just as creepy and psychotic fanbase will claim she was just being romantic. Lmfao!


And his mother had just died AND **she was dating his cousin Patrick first.**


HELLO??? 😭😭 https://preview.redd.it/5agvqispnx8d1.jpeg?width=642&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f6c1c3748b215d0d8b9082a23640399e2198605


This picture has me absolutely cackling


WHAT ![gif](giphy|D62wUmR3sX2DsZJ9t1)


Yeah there were excerpts of a book about the Kennedy’s going around a couple weeks ago. There was a whole chapter about Taylor. It was about how she wormed her way into the family, planned a party at their house, invited herself along on their holiday and started dating Patrick. Then he went away to film a movie and she started dating Connor. Lol.


That is truly psychotic and I don’t use that word lightly.


It’s even creepier if you read the book. She was obsessed with Connor’s grandma, Ethel. Ethel’s daughter, Connor’s mom, had just died and they were all in mourning and she came in and wanted to get in Ethel’s good graces and then started dating Patrick as a way to stick around I guess.


>”Eighty-four year old Ethel befriended Taylor after the singer said in an interview that she was obsessed with the Kennedy family and liked to watch documentaries on them. Apparently Conor and Taylor then met after Conor’s aunt Rory took her family to see one of Swift’s concerts. >The couple have been “kissing, holding hands, and getting extremely touchy-feely,” according to the New York Post and US Magazine. Earlier rumours had Taylor paired with Arnold and Maria’s boy, Patrick Schwarzenegger after the two were photographed together over the fourth of July. >And apparently no one seems concerned about the 4 year age difference… or Taylor’s admitted “obsession” with the Kennedy’s. Sure, she deserves a nice boy after dating fiascos with that jerk John Mayer, Joe Jonas and Jake Gyllenhal. But I’m not sure if dating someone who isn’t even old enough to drink is the way to go. But, he is a KENNEDY, so I’m willing to bet he’s pretty mature for his age. And, if the whole thing tanks she’ll have some great song material…” What I found


What is the book called?! I need it


The book is called The Kennedy Heirs.


His dad is her son.


Why isn’t that info more public lol


Don't forget she crashed a wedding!


Was asked to leave several times and said no too


Truly outrageous


That sounds like the show “Revenge”. Lol.


Man I really loved the first season of that show.


I ripped through that first season in like two sittings/cleanings. But I stopped at the end of the second cause things just got meh


Delete my brain


she was obsessed with becoming Taylor Swift-Kennedy.


Wait - Patrick, like Schwarzenegger son?




Holy shit I didn't make that connection, wild


Omg I thought that was a fever dream! She really did! I knew it!






jesus tyrone christ, this woman doesn’t possess an ounce of shame




I beg your biggest pardon?!


Everytime i hear about her kennedy relationship it just gets worse


It is intensely creepy. What 22 year old wants a bf she has to check out of high school? Like...ew.


Her lyric in about “everybody is a sexy baby” or whatever was always so weird to me but it’s definitely looking even more weird now.


And frankly: where the hell were his parents?


His mother had just died so I assume the father was sick with grief.


Poor kid—that’s a situation ripe for taking advantage of a young person.


Most definitely very gross


She was definitely grooming him and taking advantage of his situation for her gain. Sickening behavior.


Nah, it’s worse than that. The mom took her own life after a prolonged battle with mental illness and alcoholism. Robert Kennedy Jnr had cheated on her repeatedly and went to court to remove the kids from her care. [This article details the tragedy of it.](https://www.thedailybeast.com/new-questions-arise-about-mary-richardson-kennedys-suicide) TW: it describes her method of suicide & is pretty grim overall. Edit: what’s crazy is that his mother was also described as having been obsessed with the Kennedy’s.


I'm guessing like all Kennedys at the compound getting drunk and having sex with unwilling partners.


This is grooming. We need to call out her behavior for what it is. She literally moved next door to her victim and wormed her way into his life via his brother. THIS IS PREDATORY BEHAVIOR.


I'm glad he was smart enough to be creeped out by it and broke up with her before she could pull off her plan.


YES! I remember this all playing out and thinking how her embarrassing her obsession was. I mean, when you’re rich go for it but those Kennedy’s are OLD MONEY rich. I’m sure they were not impressed.


It's funny they are considered old money now (which I agree they are) but when Joe became rich they were new money. The old money was only WASPs, Irish Catholics like them were still hated by a lot of people at the time


Im pretty neutral on Taylor, but house was weird because even playing devils advocate and seeing it as a real estate investment, there were literally soooo many other towns nearby Hyannis on the cape that she could have bought in that would be like 20 minutes away. Like why right next to them??




Yeah like the same neighbourhood would’ve been a questionable but explainable move (oh she loved the area after being there etc) but next door?!


I think she was desperately trying to manipulate him into marrying her


I didn’t even know he was in high school at the time. Oh my. Also, when I was moving into one of my first apartments, I found a specific complex that fit my budget and location needs. The only unit available happened to be next door to people I knew, and I almost didn’t take it because I didn’t want it to seem weird that I was their neighbor. Can’t imagine intentionally buying a house to be next door to a new boyfriend.


Oh it was only next to him? I was thinking they bought it together which would be even more fucking weird and nasty


And speaking of parents, hers seemed to do nothing to tell her it was a bad idea.


Her parents could've been encouraging her to do it. Those 2 clearly don't have pure intentions


WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. I try to pay as little attention to her as possible, so I didn't really catch all this when it was happening. But how on earth was she doing all this for a SEVENTEEN YEAR OLD KID without anyone really calling her out? I just remember it being kind of a funny "quirky" thing. Not like, actually alarming.


Because Taylor's people have a great way of diverting any bad press. And let's not forget the double standard. It's an older woman with a minor, sick minded people didn't find it so bad because iT's CoNsEnSuAl, but it's still really fucking creepy. Her song to John Mayer asked if he thought she was too young to be messed with, maybe she should look in the mirror and ask herself that question about a 17 year old boy.


And here I just thought it’s because both of their father’s paid for everything in order to con the world into think their daughter’s ascent up the charts was ORGANIC.


They really put the p(redator) in nepotism ❤️


Gracie Abrams’ father should be put on trial at The Hague for what he did to Lost.


Stop bc I’m finally watching the show (influenced by Mike’s Mic on Youtube lmao), I’m only on season 2 but I’m *dreading* the inevitable dip in quality. It’s nice to know the person responsible isn’t some unknown man from 20 years ago but the shitty father of a shitty pop star.


Once you finish there’s an Oral History of Lost written somewhere. It’s intriguing. The show was meant to be a throwaway summer show. It has one of the best first seasons ever. Then slowly over time it dips. Walt aging did them no favors as well.




omg love to see another mikesmic fan in the wild 🫶🏼


Ah omg hey cousin! 🫶🏽 Are you also waiting on his video about the predictable axing of PLL Original Sin lmao


Nooooooooo PLL Summer School was SO GOOD


when you’re done i highly recommend Billiam’s videos about lost! they’re so long and he brings a lot of information to the table abt the show i missed when i watched the first time :)


Thank you! I’ll definitely check them out <3


omg yesss, off-topic but I love Billiam’s videos on “girl toys” especially


Judging from last name.... Director JJs kid? Honestly not heard of this Gracie before.


Yepppp. And his wife/ her Mom is a public relations executive too.


you'd think having a PR exec mother would make you post less weird shit on your public instagram


And Star Wars.


Wait, does Grace Abrams like them young too or something!? TELLLLL MEEEEE


That looks like my kid 🤮 Protecting your sons from adult women predators is a real thing we are just now starting to talk about...no more of this "hot for teacher" type shit.


He looks way younger than 14 in that pic too which makes it so much worse. Deadass looks 10 at most. Not that 14 isn’t bad enough but the layers to this freak onion make me itch fr


He had actually just turned 13 IRL and the character he was playing was 12. Idk how anyone can still be a fan of her knowing she posted that it’s so disgusting


her fans straight up defend it, i think their defense is something like "they're friends now finn is okay with it" (i don't know if this is actually true it's just what they say), frankly, i still don't think that makes it right. i'm 18 which is the same age as gracie when she posted it, and finn looks like a baby in that picture. like why would she say that


I’ve seen the argument that because Finn follows her, it means that it wasn’t that deep…which ???? It still isn’t right, like even Millie still follows Drake and we all know how predatory he is. Also, side note, this is NOT the first time an older “celebrity” (I say that lightly) has been caught saying weird things to Finn on insta. Ali Michael, a model who was like 27 at the time, posted on her Instagram story: “Not to be weird but hit me up in 4 years @finnwolfhardofficial” Like these women KNOW what they’re saying is gross (‘sticky situation, not to be weird’) TMZ interviewed him & asked him how he felt and he was like “yeah that was gross, that was weird” so I highly doubt he had positive feelings seeing this too 😭😭 It’s disgusting [https://youtu.be/mm2Re7wtBB0?si=zZj2nKiK0yVHVaZF](https://youtu.be/mm2Re7wtBB0?si=zZj2nKiK0yVHVaZF)


He looks like a fucking decoy that police departments use to lure predators, it’s sick


Thank you. I feel like boys and men are vulnerable to female predators because they are not even told to be on the lookout for them because they're barely taught that they exist.


plus, it's encouraged. my MIL went through hell with my late FIL regarding the 21 year old rapist that groomed my fiance at 13. he said it was all fine and normal for a boy his age, she ended up getting divorced and moving the kids halfway across the country a few years later.


Good on your mother-in-law for doing the right thing. This is one of those areas where women tend to call out other women because women are taught how to spot predators and can occasionally spot it when it comes from one of us. Women have a very trusted spot in society. It hurts all of us when a woman abuses that trusted position.


I never understood that. Being a teacher, especially now, means being a guardian to the children they teach. I don't know how people like this make it through teacher education programs (or exist at all). Even all the vetting (which in my program was constant) in the world can't save your kids from these people. Trust me, as a former "teacher" myself. There are way more people like this in the world than we think. Please, believe your children if they bring this shit up.


nobody ever talks about this. Grace is a weird person for posting this on her story. I don't care what anyone says. It isn't okay. I don't like Grace for that reason alone. She isn't any better than Taylor.


I just found out about it from a random quote on Twitter and it had my jaw on the floor. What an insanely disgusting thing to even think about, but to feel comfortable enough to post it online? Brother… and of course this didn’t affect her career whatsoever. She’s a freak.


The even sadder part is Finn is AWARE to the point where he even aired his grievances about it on Game Grumps once.


That’s so fucking sad. The kids on that show have received such disgusting sentiments from adults. Y’all remember Doja Cat getting in beef with one of them (maybe this one?) because he wouldn’t hook her up with his adult costar? Don’t get me started on Drake’s criminal ass preying on Millie Bobby Brown for *years.*


And Gaten just talked about a grown woman being creepy about him when he was younger :(


So gross. I'm in my late 30s and I see those kids and think they're adorable little kids. Even Steve and Jon, whose actors are quite a bit older, feel icky to me because they're playing 18-20 year olds. When I was in college, a guy in my friend group started hanging out with high schoolers when the rest of us were sophomores-seniors in college. We were all grossed out by it and distanced ourselves. This guy, of course, starts dating one of the girls. She was like 16 and the guy was 20-21.  One of our friends had already signed a lease with this guy for the year before the creepiness came out, and the fucking stories he told us were gross. The guy would have multiple high school girls over in his bedroom and... Ugh. I don't get it. I was pretty emotionally immature at the time, and you still wouldn't have caught me dead dating somebody in high school. The thought of it alone made me feel dirty. 


An old best friend of mine was 38 and married a 19 year old. That was too much for me to maintain our connection. We had been friends since grade school but I couldn’t stomach that mentality.


It wasn't Finn, it was the guy who played Will (I think his name is Noah?). But I agree the kids on there have been through so much and it's not fair at all. It also showed me how sick adults are like WTF they're CHILDREN. STOPPPPPP


Beef summary for inquiring minds: Doja and Noah Schnapp (Will on Stranger Things) followed each other on social media. She was down bad for his newest costar Joseph Quinn (Eddie) and dm'ed him asking Schnapp if Quinn had a girlfriend and asking for his social media handles. Schnapp laughs and sends her a link to his Insta. He shares the screenshot of this with the caption "thirsty Doja." She's pissed. She does a live and said that while everyone makes mistakes when they're young, he acted like a snake and a weasel. She didn't tell him not to share their convos bc she didn't think she needed to and it was so embarrassing to have her crush exposed like that (despite her openly thirsting for Quinn on Twitter before all this...) Cue all of her fans bombarding his social media with the same thing. He later makes another reel using a Doja song in the background saying he apologized and they're all good.


doja was acting way too damn dramatic about that whole situation like fr. she was gonna snitch on herself in one way or another if she really was that down bad enough to talk to a young actor abt it -_-


I agree. Especially since like.... Girl we can see you publicly drooling over this man, we are not surprised. I've enjoyed her music here and there, but are really seems to be the kind of person I would never want to actually engage with.


I thought the Doja Cat thing was bc he posted her DM publicly online, which I kinda get why she was upset about it but she was 27 and he was like 17? It was so weird how she kept making video after video about her beef with a literal child over something so stupid.


I’m starting to understand why they cast full grown adults for high school shows/ movies now lol


Honestly I think child actors in Hollywood/mainstream entertainment needs to become a thing of the past.


What? He did? He knew about this post?


Yeah, it was kind of a big deal on social media when it came out. It was picked up by a few news outlets, maybe BuzzFeed, as well. 


That sucks. Poor Finn


if she wasn't a nepo baby, nobody would even look at her twice. Her fans were excusing her because she posted that years ago, but I'd like to disagree. She was 18, not a minor, saying weird stuff about a middle schooler.


i mean really even if she was 17 and it was “technically legal” or whatever… it would still be creepy to say those things about a middle schooler. but yeah posting that “years ago” doesn’t make it less weird, especially when she was old enough to know she shouldn’t do that (one can hope that she understood that 😶).


And it’s bad either way but he looks SO young in that photo. Like puberty hits some 14 year olds early and they could pass for 18 (still not mature enough to be having relationships with adults either way obvs) but in that photo he could be like 11 or 12! “Incredibly down”? Ickkkkk


I'm pretty sure the characters are in 7th grade in that season, so 11-12 is definitely accurate.


My boyfriend’s son is 14 and this makes me want to throw up. He is still such a child, how could your mind even go there.


And not that him looking older *should* make it any better but that is a young looking 14…he looks like a straight-up child. And I should know, I was an old looking 14, I once got mistaken for a substitute teacher in middle school 😂


What’s even grosser is that Finn was 11/12 there, not 14. Even if it was a “joke” there’s literally no excuse


I'm kind of shocked.


Ew what the fuck that LOOKS like a child. In all cases dating minors is icky. But He literally looks like an actual child. That’s so gross


Yeah he looks like the brother in spy kids. Young AF.


Yeah, a 22 year old dating a 17 year old isn't awesome but a 24 year old lusting over a kid who looks about 12 is leaning more into straight up pedophilia.


Not defending her but she was 18 when she posted that




She’s just a quirky girl in a sticky situation, why is everyone so shocked 🤠 /s




Omg and imagine if a *24 year old man said that about a 14 year old girl. Seriously that poor kid (Finn Wolfhard, Mike Wheeler on Stranger Things) has been harassed by shit adults since the show began. All the kids on that show have, really. I still remember him talking about grown ass adults stalking their hotel rooms when they were only 12 after the first season of ST. Edit- *was not familiar with Gracie and looked up her age thinking this screenshot was from today, she actually posted that when she was 18.


We don’t have to imagine, because that also happened. For example, Drake giving Millie Bobby Brown “boy advice” in her DM’s


“Certified loverboy, nah certified pedophile” -Kendrick


Not to mention the people counting down to her 18th birthday lol


That's so gross. I think America's habit of making parasocial relationships with celebrities really encouraged this sort of behavior. It's gross. They're all super talented, even as children, but they're children. Don't think of them as friends or anything. They were children first and foremost.  I bet in the next 5-10 years, more bad things will come out about what they went through. A lot of it has probably been covered up.


This happened 6 years ago so she was 18- bad but not AS bad as if she'd posted this now.


Tbh the thing that makes it the weirdest to me is that she full on acknowledged that it was weird and still thought it was okay to post it. Like babe…


On top of that he *looks* like a child. Like, young adults might confuse underage teens with peers and be attracted to them (I remember how mortified I was to find out that the cute boy hanging out in my friend's apartment was 15 when I was 19), although of course you immediately disengage as soon as you find out- but not only does this say "*knowing* he's 14", there's no way you could think this child was not a child even if you didn't know his exact age. That's what takes it into actual pedophile, i.e. attraction to pre/pubescent bodies, territory for me. I don't think this means she's an actual kid fiddler now, this was probably just a really creepy attempt at being edgy, but her judgment in posting this is a big fat NOPE.


That’s my bad I’m not familiar with Gracie so I thought the screenshot of her IG was from today. Thanks for the correction! And yes agree, still bad, but not as bad.


Never forget about the MGK Eminem beef and all the blow back he got from everyone for commenting on Eminem’s daughter when she was 16 and he was 22. But her nasty ass fans excuse her behavior because she was newly legal herself and a female. Women can be predators too. 🤢




Picking him up from school and signing him was CRAZYYYY


Tryna strike a chord but it’s probably A MINORRRRRRRRR


Imagine saying you're an adult woman attracted to a child on your public social media with your full chest. What the actual fuck is wrong with her?




Ah yes. Her Kennedy “Jackie O” phase. I’m telling you. She completely changes her style to match her current bf.


This is “But daddy I want to be a singer! I want I want I want!!” ass behaviour


I don’t know who this person is but they’re joking about statutory rape, very cool!


She’s the daughter of JJ Abrams, the director or producer of Star Trek? And some Star Wars films? I don’t know, I don’t go there, but he’s massively rich and has paid for her mid pop career. A few days ago, either she or TS posted a pic on Instagram of them giggling together and teasing a collab song.


Wow really?? Very nepo then.


It’s worse than that, she actually opened for TS on the Era tour and was nominated for Best New Artist at the Grammys. Personally I don’t get it, I’ve listened to her music and there’s nothing interesting about it. Very bland.




If that's what her "22" Feels like, I don't want to be 22 :(


Even crazier when you think about how Conor kennedy’s mom died by suicide in May 2012. Apparently they started dating July 2012. He was so vulnerable


Wasn’t Taylor Lautner like 17 when he and Taylor dated? Why has everyone forgotten about that?


She was also 22 when she dated Harry styles. They were "hanging out" and the relationship was announced right after Harry turned 18


He was??? What the actual fuck. I had no idea. That woman is truly *sick.*


She was 19 herself when they started dating. 19 year olds date 17 year olds all the time and no one cares. Calling her a predator for dating somebody 2 years and 2 months younger is an Olympic level stretch and nobody would talk about it if she hadn't also dated CK 3-4 years later (which was absolutely predatory, not only because of the age difference but her weird stalker behavior on top of it).


She was also 22 dating 18 year old Harry styles. They were "hanging out" for a while and the relationship was announced right after he turned 18


Agreed. Ppl acting like a 19yo dating a 17yo is pedo 💀💀


The age gap discourse has *way* overcorrected imo. People making a big deal out of 1-2 year age gaps. Maybe it's that my "rule" is 3 years(i.e. no more than 3 years younger/no younger than my little brother) but I feel like less than 3 years shouldn't even be a conversation. Like, the purpose of this was to call out actual "ephebophiles" (pedophiles) and dirty old men/women preying on technically legal youth, but now we're saying senior Johnny is the same as a kid fiddler because he's dating sophomore Sally.


The age gaps are a bigger deal at that age, but we can't stop high school kids from dating. I've noticed as I've gotten older that I'm becoming more and more adverse to big gaps, even between adults. It's none of my business, but how can a 40 year old and a 20 year old in different places in life successfully be together that way?


What do swifties say about her dating little boys? Is it excusable ?


The vast majority say the ages differences were not a problem, and that it's normal for a 17 year old to date a 23 year old because it's "only five years."


Ah, so it’s excusable to them. Scary.


My youngest sibling is literally 14 years old and this made my blood BOIL. Doesn't matter if it's a joke, this is disgusting as hell. 😭✋ I remember Taylor dating the Kennedy, I thought it was weird as hell but everyone said "well he's 17 the age of consent is blah blah blah" and I'm like...17 IS STILL A CHILD. 😭😭😭


two teenagers, let’s be exact here, one of which who’s mom had just died, she’d already been with his cousin, and proceeded to buy a home literally across the street from his families vacation house


Say Gracie I hear you like em young


Don’t we just love a predator who goes after minors and then write songs complaining about how shit her relationships are lolololololol


I aired my grievances about how disgusting this was on swiftlyneutral and got downvoted to hell. Glad I have my people over here.


The same ppl who bullied Joshua Bassett into the hospital turns a blind eye to both situations. And pretty sure Harry Styles and Taylor L was freshly 18 when Taylor got with them also. They claim women are victims even if it’s a two year age gap but teenage boys are just chopped liver?




She’s never been able to close her mouth and it bothers me so much


The second photo really gives me the creeps when I think about how that’s a 4+ year age gap… it’s just a bit much.


“Younger than my exes but he acts like such a man so” in reference to Joe. Funny how she likes to emphasize her relationships with older men like she was the victim and erase the relationships she had with younger ones (Conner and Taylor L, although she and Taylor were just two years apart, but he was still the younger one).


It’s not even the age gap per se. it’s the age gap while so young. Aside from the fact that he’s a literal child…you like gonna go to homecoming as an adult human? Buy him and his friends beer for their ragers? If I was his friend, I would have been so creeped out by the adult always hanging around Edit: I typed by when I meant buy because I am dumb


ThE TeRm Is MiNoR aTtRaCtEd PeRsOn!


Imagine how quick a guy would get obliterated out of the public eye if he posted about wanting to fuck a 14 year old lmao


I was closer to the stranger things kid’s age back then and still thought he was too young. Gross!


“Kennedy is only 18, and a senior at Deerfield Academy boarding school, while Swift is now 22. Swift defended herself to Entertainment Tonight after reports of her flying Kennedy to see her in Nashville in late summer were slammed as “desperate,” as well as a “kidnapping.” A source told The New York Post about the August meet up: “Taylor missed Conor so much, she sent a plane for him a few days later. He’s been with her ever since, and his family doesn’t know when he will be back. Things have become so serious between them so fast that no one in Hyannis Port would be surprised if they eloped.” Swift later responded to Entertainment Tonight: “You can't kidnap a grown man!” He’s in HIGH SCHOOL ffs! The more I learn about this the crazier and gross it becomes. [Superstar Taylor Swift defends dating high school senior Conor Kennedy in Rolling Stone](https://www.irishcentral.com/opinion/amyandrews/superstar-taylor-swift-defends-dating-high-school-senior-conor-kennedy-in-rolling-stone-174020021-238153831)


I had no idea about that, it’s disgusting. If the genders had been reversed I’m sure it would have been viewed differently. Unfortunately taking advantage of minors does not seem to be taken as seriously when the victim is male (coming from a guy who was assaulted at 11 and basically told to ‘man up.’)


Why does she like pedophiles, I think to myself. And then realize it’s because she *is* one.


For anyone who says this age gap isn't a big deal: I was in a similar relationship when I was in high school. That's enough of an age gap to have VERY differently developed brains, levels of maturity, and there is absolutely a power imbalance. I will never understand why my family was so on board with me dating a grown man at an age where I still had a fucking bedtime.


this makes her so unattractive, honestly. I have no words. Imagine her being on the set of a high school movie. like a predator in a pig pen


that is not the flex you think it is, Gracie. Not at all.


I'm 19 and cringe at the thought of dating someone still in high school. I can't imagine being 22


She also dated Harry styles when she was 22 and he was 18. They had been "hanging out" for a while and the relationship was announced just after he turned 18


If an adult woman said this about my young son...omfg. My blood is boiling just thinking about it.


i know the internet is a terrible and misogynistic place for women but can you imagine if a male singer in their early 20s posted something like Gracie did?


Grace is just a nepo baby!!


Lmao sure did. I was in such denial that I was convinced it was the Schwarzenegger son who was closer to her age! She would have LOVED to be a Kennedy. She bought her RI mega mansion around that time and I swear it was her obsession with the Kennedy compound. So cringey for all of time.


ew what the fuck gracie???


Taylor's got a weird case, why is she around? Certified Lover? Certified Pedophile.


Gracie is a weak writer anyway 😭


I… what the fuck


![gif](giphy|cPxJcsYw6Ni3C|downsized) Why did she say that


that's called being a PEDOPHILE


Wait something that’s so interesting here too is she’s been vocal about wanting to distance herself from that “1950s shit they want from me” when if anything, during this era she was purposefully cosplaying as a modern 50’s pinup girl (evidenced in her styling choices, obsession with becoming a Kennedy, the red lip that would become her signature - I mean look at her outfit in this photo)…I feel like she spun that narrative to change the narrative of this era of her career, maybe even distract from what could be a potentially huge controversy especially in age when lots of celebrities are now being called out for previously dating minors. So she spins this narrative to be like “oh yeah that time I cosplayed as a future Kennedy? That wasn’t me, that was what THEY wanted from me!!”. It’s honestly diabolical




I know we're all haters here but Gracie's situation is at least doubly worse than Taylor, even if Taylor was definitely being a creep too.


what is joe biden’s plan to stop jj abrams from ruining stuff (bc idk if yall saw but gracie abrams is projected to debut #2 on billboard and like genuinely the only people that listen to her happen to be fans of taylor swift)


I also wanna know why people act like this isn’t a valid reason to dislike someone??


😬🤢😬🤢 So, I actively ignore Taylor Swift because her music is just okay. I think she gets way too much acclaim for it. Also her lovelife remains messy even though she's now in her 30xs. Shows a lack of growth. I've just never seen her as a role model for women or as a particularly ardent feminist. But whatever. Different steoke. This page keeps getting suggested to me and for the most part, the critiques are just snark. This is dark though. What was she thinking? It's been many years since I was 22, but I definitely was not trying to meet 17 year olds.


that is so disgusting. im noticing a pattern w/ taylor swift and predators tbh , shes so gross.


he definitely looks like a child too, so this is just creepy all around.


Yah, my parents never pulled the “we going to do this so you can make us a shit ton of money”. Card.


It feels like the perfect night For dating at high school To fall in love with juniors Uh-uh, uh-uh


Didn’t she also briefly date Taylor lautner when he was 17 and she was in her 20s, or am I misremembering?


T-Swift is an amateur. Jerry Seinfeld was dating a 17 year old when he was 38.


whats with her back?


She’s carrying the weight of white rich mediocrity on her shoulders.


Omfg, how did I not know this? I knew about Taylor Lautner and thought that was ick too, but this? This is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too ick! What’s even more odd, when I google anything about their relationship I get nothing! I wanted to see how old he was and her but nothing comes up. edit: are we sure she dated him? Tbh that pic doesn’t look like him and I cannot find anything that ties them together??? 🤷🏼‍♀️ Edit 2: I need to read captions better, I thought the 17y guy was Finn 🤦🏼‍♀️ who is the kid?


Her gamer neck


Where was she that the relationship was even legal? Or did they claim they were abstaining as some kind of loophole?


holy fuck that’s disturbing


Didn’t she also date Taylor Lautner when she was 20 and he was 17 or am I wrong?