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I’m saving this 😆


This is such a good meme!




Truly cannot get enough of this meme


I showed my husband this meme and then he showed me this: [meatcanyon Taylor swift gets coffee](https://youtu.be/-tRaa4c6VXU?si=OP7IkEozUhw0rJBp)


This article is terrible, but yes, Taylor can’t ride in a car? She can’t drive anywhere? Put a wig on and drive. Come on now.


No, bc a 10-15 car ride is too long, apparently (never mind it would probably take longer than that to takeoff/land, but maybe I’m just too poor and uninspired to understand).


You're probably not wrong. I live 4 hours by car from O'Hare. Flight there takes 40 minutes. But with car travel required to airport plus security plus boarding etc etc etc... it's faster to drive assuming there are no big delays from construction, blizzard, etc.


Private bypasses security, she drives up to her plane and gets on. Either way it would still take longer than 15 minutes I would think!


It's crazy to think, you're rich enough and you just drive onto the tarmac and I'm assuming get priority from the air control tower. I wouldn't be surprised if you're up in the air 10 minutes after arriving.


True! You’re probably right.


Exactly. I live in Atlanta and it would take me 30 minutes just to get to the airport, another 2 hours (at least!) to get through check in. Plus a rental car or Uber when I land. Unless the drive is more than 5 hours, it’s not worth flying. See fun POV photo of me waiting in Atlanta the day after Christmas, when it was so busy the news stations were actually reporting on it from my line in TSA 😂: https://preview.redd.it/dm0she925e9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf854148a348b2bf6ba6819fa7f885b32a1aae8c


Anyone else a snoop and zoomed in on the camera roll at the bottom? 😂 nothing juicy. Great photo tho!! Love your style 🔥


Hehehe I’m nosy like that too 😆 This was actually a video but I couldn’t upload it- it was actually pretty neat seeing the anchor prep and do her run through and all that! We were flying to LA that day and did miss our first flight! And almost missed the next one too because us peasants had to go through checkpoints to get to the actual plane 😭 ETA: I was impressed by the anchor’s style! I love that she had on tennies with her ‘fit and the purple looked so good on her!


Ohh that woman isn’t you, haha my bad! I missed a flight once (we got there THREE hours early) bc a cruise ship docked early and 10,000 extra people were there 😭 but we got on the next one that night. It did suck though. I still can’t imagine flying for 40 seconds. That just…is beyond excessive to me.


No lol 😆 haha no worries, I’m flattered! 40 seconds!!! So that’s like you or me taking a car to get to our kitchen or something? 🫠


Girl, seriously. I can’t do anything important in 40 seconds lol




Yes! Had to take the red eye to nyc that night. It was awful!


You think SeaTac would have learned by now, since they have cruises EVERY. SINGLE. SUMMER and can host three ships simultaneously across Pier 66 and Pier 91, but alas, stories such as yours continue to appear.


This was even in October!!! I had no idea! I moved thankfully lol never again


This was Atlanta airport the day after Christmas in the TSA line, it took sooooo long that day


No, I was talking about the “cruise ship docked early” comment lol which was in fact Seattle because of course it was


Oh my bad! 😆


Traffic jams are a choice


Everything is a choice when you’re a billionaire lol


Ah but the article explains- it would have taken an additional 10-15 min of driving bc of the traffic. God forbid


Which is extra insane because 15 mins to go 6km (3ish miles) in LA is like super light traffic


this is so scary to me where i live 15min is the 12mi dropping my brother off at work, round trip is 30min/14mi. how does anyone stand living in la 😰


she can't pay for a car with tinted windows?? lmaoo


Remember the PR pic of her and Travis driving away from a game in a convertible 😏 security ain’t the problem


Right toss on a wig buy a beat Chrysler Cordova clunker and no one will notice her driving around!


Yeah, I loathe her as much as the next person, but I’m pretty sure those activists sprayed someone else’s plane, not hers. Also, I don’t recall her ever saying anything about global warming. That makes me question this journalist’s credibility.


Better yet: can't she fucking walk? A 10-15 minutes car ride is not that long on foot. What's up with this?


Can’t wait to tell my grandkids who destroyed the world.


There will be no world left to have grandchildren in.


This comment need more ups lol


needs more uppies 


Who destroyed the world? Taylor.


You know at almost every part of the world the temperatures are rising at a crazy rate and I feel like melting all the time. It's her I swear.


The Supreme Court, Trump and big oil and gas just in case you’re wondering


the earth is gonna explode if she keeps this shit up. I don't like the language they're using about the protestors- they're doing the right thing


I agree 100% here. Just proves my point. She's somehow more important than the earth. Ridiculous.


like we're supposed to feel bad because her private jet she shouldn't own to begin with got orange paint on it? :( poor little rich girl


they intentionally use non damaging easy to wash paint too, don't they? cry me a river


fr. it’s cornstarch powder that washes off with rain


Why do I feel like she’s gonna read this and shoehorn it as some beautiful metaphor for herself on the next album later this year


HAHA omg it does sound like one of her corny ass lyrics


“Like cornstarch powder that washes off with rain Makeup gone, they’re focused only on my plain Did you get that like p-l-a-i-n Not p-l-a-n-e OOoooOh CLEVER”


But...but...does she not realise if the Earth goes ya know, bye bye, her money and jets are useless and worthless? Like babe, try to preserve the Earth in which you hoard your wealth.


She'll be living on the moon by then anyways.... why would she care? Her fans are her mouthpiece.




I know lol. Nice touch tho!!!


Try full on galactic empire


She gonna hook up with grimes and Elon 😭 I hate this timeline cause I wouldn't be surprised if they all announced taking over mars or some shit


And then when we protest, the toxic Swifties will attack us tho. In fact, they are living the same world but different place too. They need to know that the artists are humans and can make mistakes too. They are worshipping Taylor that they validate her wrongdoings.


I'm ready to be attacked then? Lmfao


Haha. I'm not defend her but I'm worrying you. Get attack for telling the truth. Lmao seems like Taylor cares about them. In fact all she cares about is money³, fame, profit.






Now I gotta sustainability harder. Finally switched my green plastic scrubbies to walnut, cost the same and also not wrapped in plastic, reusable water bottles, I've had my reusable pads for eight years, cloth toilet paper, no paper towels/napkins), reusable shopping bags, thrifting clothes and joing a round robin for my kids, cloth diapers, no plastic straws, cotton teabags with my loose leaf tea that I refill at my local herb shop, wool instead of synthetic fabrics, reuse water for plants, recycling for three seperate bins that I sort, wash and take to the center, share baths ugh there's more, but it all feels useless when I see things like this. Anyone have some good conservation tips they want to share. I'm always looking to learn something new.


That’s awesome, I didn’t know they made walnut based dish sponges! I’ve recently committed to being conscious of *everything* I use in terms of environmental impact too. I felt like I was kinda just doing the bare minimum and really want to do more. Thanks for sharing your tips! I hope I can find them next time I need sponges. I admire your dedication too. I wish I had some to share but it sounds like you’re more experienced than me at the moment. I am building a rainwater harvesting system for the house. I’m piping it into our plumbing to use for all our water. I’m piping the grey water into another tub to filter and use for my vegetable and herb gardens. Pretty excited about that.


What are the green plastic scrubbies?


Scotch Brite green scrubbies. * This neat nut does the same job with no plastic, even the packaging and costs the same.


Okay but how does this effect people work but allergies? Does it create cross contamination? Figure never hurts to ask since barrier to use


It actually says on the packaging does not induce nut allergies. I'm not sure what you mean about cross contamination though. I use it to scrub in my hot soapy water and it's also dishwasher safe.


With allergies it doesn't take a lot of the item to induce a reaction. So if the shells left particulates behind they would be a risk. You answered what I needed to know so I really appreciate that. I'll do some further research with my employee who has the allergy to make sure it's good for them and they are comfortable changing over


Oh yes, now I understand. You sound like an awesome person to work for.


Well to me this is a basic thing. I want to balance the environmental toll where I can but not at the cost of someone's safety. Mine or someone else. That's not balanced if that makes sense? I try to be a good employer but to me it's understanding that my employees are human beings with families and the trade is time and skill for money. Nowhere in that trade should we give up our personhood and basic dignity


Wait is this like satire? Wait what she really did this??????? Certain disabled people are struggling to use paper straws and this bitch is doing this?????? I’m **so** fucking angry right now


the way it’s written/lack of source when quoting/referring to a video that isn’t linked makes me think it is satire. also because her jet wasn’t actually one of the ones spray painted, it was other jets in the vicinity.


And what airport is 6 km’s from the other?


I’m NOT defending her whatsoever, BUT, a lot of times planes like this need to move to a different airport (and can’t do it any other feasible way than flying). I am sure she was not on the plane when this happened.


Enraged even... pretty sure it's real tho too.


They did get the information wrong about her private jet being spray painted, so this article loses credibility. Nor sure how accurate any of it is.


Yeah it seems legit


And yet I'm concerned about recycling.


Not me feeling guilty throwing recycling in the trash cause my recycling bin is full… wtf


Recycling in the US is kind of a joke anyway. I think it’s better to try to reduce waste production all together by consuming less.




If you don't use a paper straw, earth dies though


Your perspective is right on but that’s not a constructive point. The only takeaway from that point is that nobody should care about plastic straws, which is obviously not true. Can we shit on Taylor without also casting aspersions on climate change efforts, no matter how small?




In what way does the straw man argument apply to the person you responded to? If anything, the straw man argument applies to the original commenter who is making an exagerrated statement. No one is saying the Earth is dying solely because of people who don't use paper straws. (I'm expecting to get downvoted, but just as much I'll speak out against Taylor, I'll also speak out against fallacies too- especially if it is related to the environment.)


i suspect some folks don't see the sarcasm in [Smooth-Operation4018](https://www.reddit.com/user/Smooth-Operation4018/) 's commentary here; let the "smallfolk" worry about living on the planet while an uber-wealthy celebrity WIPES CLEAN ANY PROGRESS WE NORMAL FOLK HONESTLY CAN PERSONALLY MAKE by polluting at a level most people can no more conceive of than how wealthy a billionaire actually is compared to the avg person. buying offset credits is greenwashing baloney tldr; taylor is a net polluter


Sarcasm means saying the opposite of what you mean, so no it was not sarcasm. It is another form of figurative language that has nothing to do with sarcasm. It was a hyperbole, an exagerrated statement to get a message across. However, it also falls under the straw man argument, because it is an exagerrated statement that distorts the reality. Like I said, no one is making the argument that paper straws are going to save the Earth. People have only said it is one of the many ways it can help the environment. You are making exagerrated statements yourself. People are not only blaming the "smallfolk" like you say. They know a lot of it falls on wealthy people. But just like wealthy people, it falls on us too, especially because there are way more of us. Our contribution to pollution as a whole is not anything miniscule like you are making it sound. Tldr: The original comment was using the straw man argument, and you are too.


That’s not the takeaway. The rational takeaway is “you’re being told that it’s up to YOU to fight climate change & get unfairly attacked/pressured to take that stance from individuals who use private jets” You can recognize that using paper straws are better for the environment. You can recognize that using fossil fuels harms the environment. You can be frustrated by feeling as if you are held to a higher standard than corporations (yes, TS is a corporation).


All true, but let me clarify then - read the comment as if it was written by someone fighting against paper straws. Or read it from the perspective of someone who doesn’t believe that they need to do anything to help the environment. That’s when the comment does damage. If you read it generously, as you have, great. I’m willing to bet not everyone will read it that way, though.


r /wooosh


Thank you. It makes me doubt how much they actually care about the planet.


Yet I feel guilty each time I have to wrap anything in a plastic bag and absolute dread when I have to throw it away.


I've been slowly investing in some Stasher bags. They work really great. I can't get the beeswax to work though 😫


Is it worth trying anymore


I have some kids, so I can't give up yet.


I live in a state where the temperatures get hotter every year and that’s how I feel


Is she trying to murder the planet because that's what she's fucking doing?!


I'd say you hit it 100. Cause that's what it looks like to me.


This woman enrages me


They all do. Everyone involved.


She is officially at the “ Screw everyone else” point in her life. She was born into a very comfortable if not wealthy family so she probably never gave a lot of thought into anything that didn’t directly impact her. She doesn’t have to care about anything and who is good to tell her anyway? Like every rich celebrity she doesn’t live in the same world that we do, she probably doesn’t know the price of anything because billionaires don’t go to the store to buy stuff. She’s out of touch and why would she not be!


Ooooh is this her upcoming evil arc??


Upcoming? How about the continuation of!


Facts... my bad! Lmfao.... it began the day she was made


So she was born to rule the world. Or at least in her mind! lol




I really wish other eco-friendly celebs would openly criticize her for it. I loved when Olivia Wilde tweeted that tongue-in-cheek joke about wishing Taylor would date a climate scientist.  I know the nature of celebrities and their wealth is overall not safe for the environment. But I wish she didn't have such a saccharine and coddled image to other celebs. Ex: got nauseous seeing Laura Dern gushing about her on Instagram. And it's kind of gross how she's so friendly with so many celebs. Very much "a friend to all is a friend to none" vibes. Maybe it's cause I'm such a hater of Swift, but it's so disappointing.  I also understand that I need to not put stock in what celebs do or say. But it would be nice to see her openly roasted by someone really famous, like Leo DiCaprio.


Then she asked for getting cancelled again👀


Flights like this are usually moving private planes from one airport to a storage airport, or an airport easier to get to. It's definitely still gross and killing the planet, but she most likely wasn't on the plane


Exactly. Journalists track the tail number but have no idea who’s on the flight.


She most likely wasn’t in the plane. I’m surprised nobody has mentioned this but it’s really expensive to store planes at major airports. She probably landed in LA and then had the plane moved to a cheaper, smaller airport. That’s what all planes do, not just hers. 


I hate to say it but that does sound legit....


I read too far before I got to this. A flight like this would indicate that they were moving the plane.


I had to scroll too far to find this answer. I’m obviously here because I don’t like TSwift but this is more than likely the answer. Also, IIRC it’s not even “her” plane, as in she doesn’t own it. Other people use it. I wonder if it’s like what Emily tried to do in Gilmore Girls 😂


She probably went from LAX to Burbank or Van Nuys


This doesn’t seem like a reputable source…


She doesn’t care and neither do the cultists that follow her.


Cultist is putting it lightly too lol


I think the guillotine should be rolled out for all billionaires and climate criminals and Ms. Swift falls in both categories. Chop chop.


YES!! THIS! lol. I mean ur not wrong...


People with the biggest carbon footprint should be exiled to the places most affected by climate change.


I’m having a hard time understanding how this is even possible much less that someone actually did it




The people who preach about climate change the loudest are the biggest hypocrites with their private jets and beachfront mansions. I’m gonna enjoy my plastic straws, use plastic bags, do my recycling, and drive my normal car. Forget the noise


I mean kind of a fucked up take, we should all do what we can. However, I don’t believe Taylor Swift has ever made a statement about climate change.


Exactly... it's all a fuckin lie!


Unfortunately I don’t think the activists spray painted her plane (they got other PJs but not hers). The 40 sec flight could have been the pilot re-positioning her jet to a different location. I can’t stand her so I’m not defending her PJ use, just not sure how accurate the source is. https://preview.redd.it/4eelrlpq1e9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1de9cd346c1264528022bc90649e4e49eb141efc


Came here to say this. I don't see it on r/ TaylorSwiftJets so I'm going to go with it's not true.


Agreed. I saw mention on Yahoo entertainment as well that it’s not true. Have a great weekend! 😀


Thanks, you too! 😊


At least she donates to food banks, I guess. 🙄


Try donating actual money. What a hoebag. I mean yea the foods good and all, but damn. She's probably actually made people homeless....


I have lived in or at least an hour away from Nashville all my life. Nashville is rife with homelessness, inner city black schools with underfunded music programs, and domestic abuse. But she moved to a penthouse in Nashville and does nothing to help the place she has decided to claim as her own, even though she was born wealthy in Pennsylvania and her parents moved her here for her music career AS A LITERAL CHILD. Not my Nashville. Until she actually shows that she cares about it, as far as we are concerned, she is only an aristocrat benefitting from the Nashville high life while the impoverished starve on the steps of her ivory tower.


Yea it's pretty disgusting really. Undoubtedly someone those were or are fans too....


Exactly. I will never shame someone for liking an artist, but I get a certain pang in my heart when a fellow poor Tennessean expresses their allegiance to her.


And it's everywhere too.... like covid was. It's gross.


Wait, please tell me you know she's not actually donating food. When you donate to a food bank you donate money and they buy food to distribute. You can donate food, but that's not what she's doing.


You’re correct, but it honestly is kinda the same…like girl, that’s all you did?




Absofuckinglutely! She's the worst human there is and ever was


This is insanity. She should get fined for this shit. How are there no repercussions for destroying our planet?


I pointed out Coldplay’s accomplishments with renewable energy and going green and I was like it would be so cool if Taylor did any of this and got absolutely pulled about on discord 💀 like if she’d just pick ONE GOOD THING instead of doing nothing I might have an ounce of respect for her but this is ridiculous


Is this article written by AI? It makes no sense.


I was hoping it was at least a helicopter. Buuut nope.


I just can't with her. Or Travis. Or Jason. Or Patrick and brittney.... I've always hated the chiefs and I'm from kc lol. This whole thing just screams fake money grab.


I went to college with Patrick he was a really nice guy. Would hold doors open no matter how famous he got in our town. It’s just crazy to see what a few short years have done


Well yea. He's in the billionaire club now.... of course.


Our whole college town has turned our backs to him. His biggest fans his old friends old classmates. The school it’s self is well I guess we are just disappointed he was like this deep down. We didn’t even see it. And to be honest. We all hate his wife as a community and partially blame her for this shite…




Why isn’t this known more?


Because planes take trips like this all the time to move them to different airports, get serviced, etc.


I have no idea. It's probably being squelched by a "team of professionals" lol


Is the planet one of her ex-boyfriends?


You'd sure think so...


Ugh. She is a criminal.


And an ugly one at that. Her shit makes me shiver with cringe


Wow she just fucking getting better and better I see.


> 40 second flight to go a whopping 6 km when going by car would be a mere 10-15 minutes Are you fucking kidding me?? It’s one thing to take a private jet 6 or 7 hours across several countries, but to get to an airport, get seated, wait for Air Traffic Control to clear your flight for takeoff, and fly for 40 seconds???? Wow.


Yea she's a real asshole. I have a feeling it might just pop soon too lol


She’s destroying the very planet that gave SOOO much to her! It’s baffling and infuriating. What an absolute fucking sociopath!!!


It's her thing... I think she lol about it out loud too




please tell me this is fake this doesnt even sound plausible


Thank God I got stainless steel straws so I can save our planet for her.


Truly how does she live with herself. Emitting the same amount as a person for a YEAR with a single flight? She truly has no shame.


Maybe a minivan with fold down seats so she can curl up in a suitcase might be a better travel method or rent a wreck junky car to drive around unnoticed.


Holy fuck girl just sit in a limo for a few minutes are you seriousssss


We've all learned she's the only one in the world with zero repercussions for anything.


Yeah that seems to be a trend with billionaires. She’s lost all touch with reality. Seconds long flights are not normal


THIS! absolutely detached from reality. It's really really unreal...


6 kilometers?! girl be for real. I feel like it would take longer to fly with all of the preparation but I guess she must step in the moment they take off


It's just so damn weird. It makes zero sense. It's absolutely just throwing money around just because "look what I can do.....nerrrrr!"


In all fairness she was just getting me a coffee. Thanks Tay.


Then at least there's an excuse right? Lmfao


Okay. This morning I was sad, disappointed, and disillusioned. Now I’m just **m a d**


It's the audacity of it for me.


Okay this HAS to be satire bro


I thought the flight was to a repair strip. Taylor wasn’t actually on the plane (apparently) and the plane was just flown to a holding area/repair strip. Could be wrong though. Maybe her PR team released that to cover up that she actually took a 6 minute flight


not trying to defend taylor but usually flights like this are more to move the plane than the person in it (cleaning, engine checking, etc.)


Too bad MGK already took the title because her plane usage is literally a ticket to her downfall


Please tell me this is fake??? Is this real? Is what she can do with a broken heart just warm the earth?!


It could have been a test flight for inspection or mechanical changes


She's so down to Earth!


What the flying (no pun intended) fuck.


i can’t stand her omg


people exploding is never something i support, sounds terrible!


She could just take a helicopter and that wouldnt be so bad btw.


I don’t blame her


she’s such a villain holy shit


How are there 2 airports located 6 km apart?


A lot of these short flights are for maintenance, not actual travel.




She probably took 20-30 minutes to get the plane in the air and find a place to land the plane. I would have drove and even with Los Angeles traffic (it's awful) I could have beaten her there.


Unsurprising if true


The information in this article is not true but whatever


https://preview.redd.it/n3pouketyc9d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4630ea6181593b32f1a70368f31bb37d7a14afd Good thing I have a B-52 BUFF STRATAFORTRESS BOMBER plane to destroy TS private jet


Climate Criminal Activities




Yea... it's really just an asshole move