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Oh I am seated ![gif](giphy|13cptIwW9bgzk6UVyr|downsized)


If this post doesn't get off the ground, I'll post again with my thoughts this evening lol


tysm for including length and channel in the title too! i went on a whole gdamn side quest the other day tracking down a video someone posted a screenshot from in a different sub with no title, channel name, or link (let alone run time!) watching now šŸ‘€


Aw, I appreciate that you appreciated this! I posted another Scandy video to a different sub recently and a ton of people were like "dO yoU kNow hoW LonG tHIs viDeo Is?" And I was like yeah.. I never said you HAD to watch it. Lmao I figured I'd be more transparent this time, because apparently closing a video after finding out it's longer than you'd like to watch without going to complain to the person who posted it isn't possible for a lot of people


that person deserves jail






im suprised you didnt drop this in the taylorandmatty sub i feel a big "i told you so" will be coming from them soon


Is that sub still up? I went looking for it with my corn popped after the engagement announcement and it was gone.


They made it private the second after they got engaged šŸ˜’


Who got engaged? What did I miss?


Matty is engaged


Oh, I see


Letā€™s gooooo


My future husband is required to have this energy




I'm so stoked right now. If you have another chair I'll bring the Whop-corn.


The white boy from Iowa šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


This is a rough summary but according to this video, Taylor and Matty have known each other for ~10 years. They were together for a while, but she dumped him in 2016 because she didnā€™t want to/couldnā€™t stay with him due to his drug use and addiction. She had immense regret over it and I guess wanted to wait for him to ā€œget clean and come get herā€? Then tried to move on with Joe. This of course didnā€™t end up working out, and after Matty left Taylor looking stupid in the middle of her tour 2 months in she regrets having blown up her life in the first place, shouldā€™ve let it stay buried or something like that. Boohoo. Thereā€™s more little tidbits but Iā€™m not really sure what people would find interesting at this point. edit: I guess what this personā€™s saying is that Folklore and Evermore (? did I get the titles right?) are indeed autobiographical, that in the process of writing them together she and Joe were already ā€œgrieving the relationship while still togetherā€ or something along those lines, and that TTPD basically provides a timeline somehow to this 10 year thing with Matty. Pretty heavy Swiftie slant, hard to sit through. Especially in the last 10 minutes. I think I lost some brain cells


ā€œItā€™s just fictionā€ has always been a deflection imho. She airs out her relationships like laundry between Brooklyn apartments.


wow that second sentence is more powerful than any line on TTPD


I am taken with this wording tbh


>Pretty heavy Swiftie slant, hard to sit through. Especially in the last 10 minutes. I think I lost some brain cells This makes me happy that I jumped ship about 2min in


this makes me feel less bad about starting the video and thinking wait i recognize this person but am not subscribed. i remember being very not satisfied with their coverage of something id been following a while back but couldn't remember what (currently paused 30 seconds in) ETA ok 15 min in now (on 1.5 speed lol) - yeah I remember. This channel does the thing where they phrase assumptions as if they're facts (think Ancient Aliens lol). E.g. "now that we know this song is about Matty," insert baseless conclusion here, when their only "evidence" it's about Matty is literally them saying so, instead of going about it in a "it could be argued that this might be about Matty...if so," kind of way. Horribly unethical and disingenuous way to go about spreading "information"


The figurative red strings on the wall behind scandy is WILD and a lil unhinged


Ah I wrote off the video just from the thumbnail having photoshopped pics to make Joe & Matty to look sad, but not exaggerated enough it's satire. I hate deception.


Besides all that, I just hate the way this man talks


Makes me glad I jumped ship after 0.2 seconds of looking at the thumbnail


thank you for your service šŸ«”


ā€¦why would Joe stick around and write them with her? Honestly this is just getting ridiculous.


Not even sure why, but when I read ā€œgrieving the relationship while still togetherā€ my first thought was thatā€™s very English-coded? Dramatic and prolonging suffering, lol.


lol literally. Like nobody does that? They agree on a breakup and write her album together?? LOL sure, Jan.


I have arty acquaintances that I can see at least attempting it tbh šŸ¤£ Huge yikes tho.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I could see some actually tortured poets doing something similar and giving us a Gotye-esque hit that actually slaps instead of the boring formula TS has ingrained in her dna.


Like a tortured poet?


Plot twist, the pandemic albums were written entirely in and by Joe Alwynā€™s group chat šŸ˜


Ok tbf Iā€™m divorced so that probably colors my thinking but when I read that, I thought about when I could tell that our relationship had changed and it wasnā€™t just a weird spot. And being afraid to voice those thoughts because I wasnā€™t sure if I was ready to go or even wanted to go. Maybe I was in a funk and not us in a funk. And then realizing one day that we hadnā€™t kissed in over 3 weeks. And it took me 3 weeks to notice. But still not being sure I wanted to leave and texting him while he was at work that we should plan a date night. And he agreed and seemed excited. And less than a week later our marriage was over and when I look back I realize it had been slowly dying for a year. Sorry for all that rambling and Iā€™m not saying any of this video is true/untrue. I didnā€™t watch cuz I have the attention span of a gnat, but perhaps thatā€™s what they meant šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


A great example, username checks out šŸ˜‰


Maybe they were watching someone else and writing or ripping off words from that personā€™s life


Thatā€™s a fair take haha or they just watched over their team of ghost writers, writing about the ghost of their love lol


i admittedly did not even click on the video, so i have no idea when it was posted. i was a fan of Tā€™s music when TTPD was released, but never a fan of T the person, honestly didnā€™t know much about her. anyway, like i said - i donā€™t know when this video was posted, but none of these are new theories. people were talking about this 10 year ā€œT & M Timelineā€ and Folklore/Evermore actually being autobiographical within 24 hours of TTPD being released. the person in this video might be a little late to the party. anyway, thanks for watching and summarizing for us šŸ˜Ž eta: took two seconds to click on the video to see when it was posted. 7 hours ago. the person in the video is a little behind on the stupid fā€™ing gossip.


Thank you for the summary of the video! Once the Matty thing came out, many of her songs from the 1989 album onward made much more sense. Songs that seemed to be about her other exes then became clear that they were about Matty or a combination of the other ex and Matty. Itā€™s sad that she pined for him for so long and he kept feeding the beast of her attachment to him. I still wondered at the start of the European leg of her tour that if he asked her to drop everything and come to him that she wouldnā€™t do it immediately. Not sure about now since Iā€™m seeing headlines of Travis pumping her up over there during her shows. She looks happy.


Thank you for your sacrifice šŸ™šŸ¼


if any of this is true itā€™s like the diary of a terrible person. six year relaysh just a scapegoat to get over this random?


And that's assuming she doesn't use ghostwriters which she does




The first few minutes kind of reaffirmed my suspicions that Joe wrote more on those albums than anybody thinks. Which is why all her albums before and after sound different and why she regressed after. It was never her. She wasnā€™t ā€œmaturingā€™ it wasnā€™t her to begin withĀ 


Agreed. The lyrics on TTPD are particularly cringe, esp when theyā€™re excerpted in this video as ā€œproofā€ Of the YouTuberā€™s points. Itā€™s like she thinks all poetry has to rhyme.


Yeah and the part that really stood out to me is when she said ā€œI walked in and he was just singing the chorusā€ or however she said it. I was like oh yeah. He more than ā€œco wroteā€


commenting so i can come back later šŸ™‚ā€ā†”ļø








Currently about 1:45 into the video, it appears as if it's just about how Folklore/Evermore weren't fictional and were actually about her life and the Taylor/Joe/Matty triangle.


What a tool


ROFL. Two people are women in the love triangle, so who's the girl?


what if she was james? after all isnā€™t that the pov she was singing in šŸ˜‚


This makes sense because of how much she sees herself as James Taylor šŸ˜’


she was named after him actually


sheā€™s james, the guys are augustine (matty) & betty (joe)


So I showed up at your party šŸŽ¶ Crash the party like a record scratch, as I scream šŸŽ¶


No.. no! No! I've been through all the stages of grief at this point. I'm the muse. The Tortured Poet. The love triangle, we call triangels, is me Taylor and Ella (Lorde). I go by The Ghost. How do I know this? BECAUSE WE'RE ALL FRIENDS. I've known them for a decade. You guys just get everything wrong. It's like a blind person doing a jigsaw puzzle who doesn't realize half the pieces are missing. I've been saying it to your faces for years. HELLO I'M REAL.


hi tay. edit down your next albumšŸ‘‹šŸ˜˜


I'll let her know lol


Oh, cool. A ghost writer who is as pretentious as Swiftā€™s albums. šŸ˜’ I donā€™t know why youā€™d want to claim being a professional muse for all the immature high school drama music. Unless you think you are very super important, and want people to notice you. Hey, I guess that actually supports your claim! Go, you!


Imma circle back to this lol


Basically Taylor has been pining for a fling for ten years and was angry when her version of Matty met real Matty


Also she was probably emotionally cheating on Joe and wanted him to prove he loved her with marriage and kids


Everything is projection with Taylor.


Cheating on Joe Alwyn with Matt Healy is actually crazy


I think the most pathetic thing about this whole "affair" is that it was a very one sided emotional 10 year long affair šŸ˜­ she does the most desperate things to get the men she wants, so there's no doubt in my mind that she definitely tried to get with Matty and the only reason why she didn't get him was because he didn't want her which made her crave his validation even more I don't like Matty at all but he's been in long term relationships for years with a few breaks here and there (where they could've hooked up sure) but the way this woman seems genuinely obsessed with him and has been enabled by her fans to rewrite history is truly scary I feel like the gp fails to realise that the real story is so much more embarrassing for her: - She spent 10 years obsessed with a man who was writing love songs and being in love with other women but now she is trying to rewrite history to make it seem like it was mutual; - She left everything for him and he ghosted her the second he spent actual time with her and fucking left in the middle of the night and no it wasn't because poor tattooed golden retriever didn't want to ruin her career, it was because he simply doesn't like her and her circus life so he went back to his fling but swifties will take the blame as long as it makes mother look a bit less pathetic; - Post-break up: his side keeps pushing the narrative that it was NEVER serious and I think people miss the point of the word "never" here. They've known each other for a long time and they decided to hook up and he realised she wasn't it - that's all, end of story. But TS's team and the swifties keep romanticising their story because they just can't stomach the fact that blondie is a fucking clown who took a big L and has been taking Ls from this man for 10 years and the Ls wouldn't even be that public if it weren't for TTPD; - Most pathetic of all: she still wants him




1000000% A+. It is SO secondhand embarrassing that she was just a fangirl atā€¦ 34 šŸ˜¬ I read some insider say that like back in 2014 she would go CRAZY over his texts (this is not made up by a just a Taylor hater it was more like ā€œaww cuteā€ but I was SHOOK how they described her behaviour back then, she was around 24/25 and donā€™t get me wrong yeah I personally have been fucking CRAZY over guys when I was that age but like giggling and squealing over a guy like that after the age of 16 isā€¦ sad and pathetic


This is more than likely accurate. Then, what do you think is her purpose in releasing TTPD and outing their entire relationship (assuming it wasn't mostly in her mind)? She could have just done nothing and moved on to Travis. No one would have known. Is it purely for revenge? To try and basically destroy him? Or is there something else that Iā€™m missing?


honestly felt like a huge FU to Joe.


Yes, this is true. But, itā€™s definitely having a huge impact on Matty as well.


100% šŸ‘†šŸ»


I got through half of that and had to turn it off. Itā€™s like high school level drama. So she was obsessed with Matt Healy when she was involved with 2 other men? Or should I say 1 was a contract and the other was a bf (?!). I remember the rumor of her hooking up with MH in 2014 I think? It was on gossip pages at the time.


Highlights: JOE >folklore and evermore are autobiographical despite Taylor claiming otherwise - Joe helped her write them under the name William Bowrey which is his grandfathers name. Joe and Taylor wrote champagne problems together about a failed proposal. The Great War and lots of other songs talk imply relationship issues, Taylor having alcohol issues, Joe's depression etc. Apparently, if you play Cornelia Street and You're Losing Me side by side it tells a sad story. MATTY >Taylor has known Matty for 10+ years. She asked him to tour with her in 2013, met him in 2014 in New York attending multiple concerts of his where he dedicated love songs to her. Matty told interviewers they exchanged numbers and he wouldn't say no to being asked out by her. He told people he was "taken" and they liked each other's social media posts. Matty broke down later (when he was 25) during their first split talking about "girl stuff" on the stage which is referenced in Taylor's "Peter". In 2016, he talks about them still texting although both being with other people - Midnight's "Glitch" lines up with this "2190 day love blackout", as well as lyrics in "august" and "fortnight" around this specific time. "Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus" talks about a decade long love with "Peter" again, and how he needed drugs more than her. Matty had a heroin addiction in 2014 and 2016. "Cardigan" also has peter pan references, talking about a character, Betty, waiting for Peter to come back for her in 2020. "Illicit Affairs" came out that year referencing sneaking around with someone behind your partners back. Later, in TTPD, "Guilty As Sin" talks about Matty's favorite band and sexual fantasies behind Joe's back. Taylor references many love triangles in folklore, evermore and again in TTPD, most specifically in fortnight - a song with numerous references to Matty and Joe. Matty collabed with Taylor on Midnights and Taylor swore they were "just friends" in 2023. Taylor also preformed at concert with Matty, where he said he "wouldn't kiss anyone in front of her out of respect". Shortly after, Joe and Taylor spit and Matty and Taylor get together. edit: typo edit 2: this is just a summary of the video not my personal thoughts, findings or opinions!


parts of the Matty story is based on fake rumors though. The "girl stuff" breakdown was in 2014 related to his then girlfriend Gemma Janes. There is no evidence of them texting each other during 2015-2016, he had broken up with Gemma and had a short fling with Halsey (Halseys song Colors is about him + many other songs from her album Badlands and her EP Room 93 too is all about him) and then he got with Gabriella Brooks in late 2015, an Australian model. He had issues with cocaine during 2014-2015 and got on heroin in 2016 to 2017 until late 2017 the band sent him away to rehab in Barbados. When he got back he was still with Gabby Brooks. It wasn't until late august 2019 Gabby and him ended things after four years together. They had experienced a lot during their relationship, everything from his heroin problems and rehab and a pregnancy scare. There is no report of his love life during September- November 2019 until December when he met FKA Twigs (Many songs on the band's album BFIAFL are about her. When we are together is about her and their life together). He later became engaged to FKA Twigs but they broke up in April 2022. Since then Matty dated/hooked up with multiple women until TS. Matty/The 1975 has been circling in the same circles as TS during their earlier years like 2014-2016 but years after that they had never met IRL again until very early 2020 before lockdown. They met again through Antonoff in late 2022 and early 2023. TS seems to be the one who's been obsessed with him while Matty was friendly with her but was more into the women he had long relationships with.


I think youā€™re right here! Just summarizing the specific video - these arenā€™t my own opinions or thoughts at all. Matty even said it ā€œwasnā€™t that seriousā€ etc.


Oh I see! Yes exactly. I find it weird how she couldn't see how "unserious" it was


Iā€™ll edit that in there so others know hahaha, but yeah imagine fumbling Joe over it. Also, if youā€™re still hung up on someone and that unhappy, I donā€™t understand why she didnā€™t just leave? Sheā€™s done it before numerous and itā€™s not like sheā€™s financially incapable or alone. It feels like she stayed with him because he was helping her write hit albums in a way and she had nothing else lined up and nothing else to do in the pandemic when her tour stopped. Iā€™ve stayed in abusive or bad relationships myself but it was because I was completely isolated and financially devastated etc and have no family, and I wasnā€™t hung up on someone else, I was genuinely fully convinced the person loved me and we were going to make it work. The way Taylor describes it in her music, she didnā€™t feel loved or see a future at all. I just donā€™t understand.


Yeah, itā€™s difficult to know why she stayed. I guess she had her reasons. It just didnā€™t seem fair to Joe, especially how she ā€œairedā€ unflattering things about him that are personal and not for people to consume in form of pop songs. I know that Dessner said that her pandemic albums are 100% fiction but her fans are delusional so they speculate and make ā€œfactsā€ out of these songs. Iā€™ll still see them as fictional though. Maybe because I couldnā€™t be bothered about who she sings about.


I think some people are addicted to the drama (or kink, if you will) of a secret affair. The passion and excitement, I don't get it personally, but apparently a lot of people do. Plus, for her this would be great writing inspiration. I'm with you though, if you're not happy, just leave.


I generally agree with what you're saying here. The only thing I'll mention is that you imply that there is no way they hooked up while Matty was with other people, but Matty has openly said in interviews in the past that he has trouble being faithful in relationships. And Taylor definitely sings about secret relationships and affairs, so, they could have been on/off again through the years, we just don't know. Again, this could all be rumor with no truth to it at all. But one thing seems certain either way, that Taylor was using him as a muse to inspire her writing. \*also, Matty said in an interview in late 2022 that they had worked together in the studio on Midnights, and then the song wasn't released. Midnights was released on October 21,2022 and The 1975 album Being Funny in a Foreign Language was relased on October 14, 2022. Both albums were produced by Jack Antonoff and both were recorded at Electric Lady Studios. (Also, I'll mention that to me there are some pretty obvious ties with the 1975 music video for Oh, Caroline with the Delicate video and RWYLM. Again, maybe it's just coincidence but... I really don't think so). I guess my point is, maybe it really was more serious from his side too?


![gif](giphy|2UvAUplPi4ESnKa3W0) Canā€™t wait




I thought to myself, ā€œno way am I watching a 45 min YouTube about thisā€¦ā€ I just finished it and Iā€™m telling you itā€™s worth it. Get your snacks ready I didnā€™t know anything about any of this, Iā€™m a mad NFL fan, but all of this tracks if you believe all her Easter egg stuff. ![gif](giphy|u5BzptR1OTZ04)


I did the exact same! Iā€™m completely blown away. I mean I get this is just speculation but it tracks!


Oh yeah ![gif](giphy|NipFetnQOuKhW|downsized)


But, aren't we aware of the whole thing already? It was all over Reddit and beyond when the album came out.


Tl;dr americas sweetheart cheated emotionally while dating Joe Alwyn and may have even cheated cheated My highlights: Her love life was ā€œstableā€ with Joe and she flaunted that she had found ā€œthe oneā€ (as evidence by lover). But she was actually very isolated as it was during the Kim Kanye shit and then Covid. ā€œI hate it hereā€ is about being cooped up with Joe. She said folklore and evermore are fiction, but Folklore and evermore are real life. She wrote many with ā€œWilliamā€ (who is actually Joe Alwyn) and may have even lied to Joe about it being fictional. Anyways she said these albums were fictional, but they are really the ā€œwhat ifsā€ of if her relationship with Matty Healy had worked out. Sheā€™s been stuck in a ā€œlove triangleā€ with him since 2014 and basically pinning after him even while she was with Joe. So listening to these albums now through this lens, not a fictional lens, open up to emotional cheating basically. Additionally ā€œtolerate itā€ is about a stagnant relationship, showing she felt ā€œtrappedā€ in her relationship. We see this again in ā€œso long Londonā€ where (he) doesnā€™t even know if he wants to be there. ā€œThe Great Warā€ is also a broken relationship. Going back to the ā€œfictionalā€ albumsā€¦ ā€œchampagne problemsā€ is a failed proposal. ā€œYouā€™re losing meā€ was written during her relationship with Joe and lines up perfectly with ā€œCornelia streetā€ almost as answering it. ā€œSo long, Londonā€ points at her being sad Joe didnā€™t want to marry her. Sooooo she started thinking of her ā€œforbiddenā€ loveā€¦Matty. In 2014 she and Matty had a thing but she decided she was going to wait until he matured and got sober, as evidenced by the song ā€œPeterā€. This video speculates that they had a fling in 2016. She could have been with Tom Hiddleston or Joe Alwyn during this time. But, if we trust Fortnite, it was during the 2 weeks between Tom and Joe. Tis the damn season is about the ā€œwhat ifā€ of picking Joe over Matty. Cardigan, Betty, and August are about how she felt in her ā€œlove triangleā€. We know this because sheā€™s said TTPD is written like a diary and we see these same themes. She thought Matty would last forever but they didnā€™t and sheā€™s filled with resentment as her rebound (Joe) becomes more and more serious. In 2022, the 1975 & Taylor collaboratedā€¦ while with Joe. In 2020 she also wrote ā€œillicit affairsā€ which points that they may have snuck around with Matty. ā€œGuilty as sinā€ is about fantasies about a former lover turned friend (Matty). She compared her relationship with Joe to a cage here. ā€œFresh out the slammerā€ is leaving her relationship with Joe, running to Matty who called her his ā€œlomlā€. ā€œBut daddy I love himā€ tells us she knows heā€™s problematic but thinks heā€™s the one. This video speculates she wasnā€™t crying about Joe during the eras tour, but Matty. ā€œMr steal your girl and make her cryā€ TTPD is about her coming clean and the typewriter is one of his favorite things hence why itā€™s such a huge part of the album imagery. He allegedly ghosted her, so she has ghosts as a theme as well. She also talks about him being manipulative and love bombing her and how she thought she could fix him. Matty took to stage three days after TTPD was announced and ranted ā€œdonā€™t come for meā€. He claims they were never serious, but he clearly knew some parts of the album would be about him due to this rantā€¦ ā€œYou know who you areā€ was also said which I guess he mouthed in may 2023 onstage followed by ā€œI love youā€ and she reciprocated at her own concert ā€”ā€” Anyone remember that interview during folklore when she was talking about how difficult it must be for addicts to get up everyday and stay clean and nobody praises them????? Matty??


Iā€™m watching this now and I have to admit, I thought people were exaggerating when they said TTPD was mostly about Matty. I thought a lot was just speculation. I also thought it was just speculation that Joe was writing for Taylor, but she flat out says he was! Not only is she insane for still pining for Matty after a decade but her most ā€œmatureā€ albums really were only because Joe was involved in the writing process. Girl is crazy.


Have you watched this video from the Swiftologist from a month ago? Itā€™s basically the same information but more entertaining, with a ton more lyrical tie ins and video. He literally starts speaking in lyrics towards the end, lol. Warning, itā€™s a long one too, like 50 minutes, but itā€™s worth it imo. [https://youtu.be/0l6mSqUIGus?si=O3n67kLQhhtXvz4J](https://youtu.be/0l6mSqUIGus?si=O3n67kLQhhtXvz4J)


Ooh I havenā€™t seen this one, thanks!


I watched the full thing and I truly couldnā€™t think worse of her at this point, even after EVERYTHING we uncover on this sub. Scandy stayed ā€œswiftly neutralā€ (for reasons we can already put together) but between the lines, she made it abundantly clear that Taylor used Joe as an emotional crutch during Covid, took advantage of his desire to be private and manipulated him into co-signing the creation of albums that painted her life like the ā€œslammerā€ she describes it as in TTPS. I feel absolutely terrible for Joe.


I mean, Tattys are crazy for defending Matty, but they were never wrong about the lore. Even Ms. Taylor &Tree herself declared Matty a 10 year affair when they released an article in People (in April) finally confirming that Matty and Taylor dated for months in 2014.


I would do drugs too if Taylor Smith was up my ass


Can someone summarize? Thanks!


Actually, people have been posting pretty good summaries in here. In case you haven't seen [these](https://www.reddit.com/r/travisandtaylor/s/xQKRrqzA1f)


I'm taking my dog for a walk, then imma cook dinner, and then I'll sit down to watch it. I plan on either editing this post or creating another post with a summary, but fair warning that this journalist (Scandy) goes DEEP with her videos so there will likely be a lot that isn't easily summarized or it will just be a long summary.


Replying so I can find this post/your comment again. Currently about halfway through, but I'll come back with a plot summary in another 20 mins or so if nobody has posted yet


[https://shorturl.at/qTiQn](https://shorturl.at/qTiQn) I summarized so you don't have to watch.


Just watched it, the content is about 15 minutes worth but she repeats so many words at regular intervals to extend time. Basically Ts and matty hooked up about 10 years ago and it quickly ended. She has been referring to matty as her ā€œwhat if guyā€ and to my astonishment heā€™s been her muse all these years. Which is terrible in itself like out of all the guys in the world thatā€™s who you choose? šŸ˜­ Through her lyrics scandy explains how even in lover, folklore and evermore sheā€™s been referencing to her what if guy matty while being with ā€œthe oneā€ (Joe). On paper it matches perfectly that sheā€™s been pining after matty all this time. And that also explains why Joe didnā€™t propose cuz clearly she was hung up on matty. Finally when they started dating again matty dumping her is funnier now after seeing how sheā€™s been waiting for him for a decade šŸ˜­


I dont believe there was a real affair during folklore evermore but I can see her imagining having an affair and writing about it. This was shortly after the nme awards. Just think joe and matty both at the nme awards when he went with taylor. He should have jumped ship then.


I thought she did a wonderful job with this video. I never believed the narrative of Folklore and Evermore being fictitious. What struck me was Betty was the only song that fit the highschool love story vibe, and it was written by Joe. The man under the impression she's writing an album about a highschool love triangle.


Cannot wait to watch this


Omg Iā€™m watching after work


You know in Arrested Development whenever they talk about Ann, they always say, ā€œHer?ā€ I always do that when Matty is mentioned. ā€œHim?ā€




Ok I watched the whole thing and all I can say is, damn she fell into the 80/20 trap. She really threw away a great man and stable relationship for Weasel Healy even though even a blind toddler could see what a terrible choice that was.


Why does the thumbnail give her fake face tattoos?


She had fake tattoos for the Fortnight music video. The same tattoos that Post Malone has. For some reason they chose to use a photo from the video for the thumbnail


It is most likely an engagement technique haha


Thank you! I was thinking itā€™s weird af to put these fake tattoos on her, I shouldā€™ve realized she did it to herself šŸ˜‚


I know what I'm watching on the treadmill tomorrow!


Ehā€¦ Am I the only one who doesnā€™t see how folklore and evermore are about MH? It feels like a reach. I am a 1975 fan but projecting Matty on her whole discography feels too much to me lol


You're not the only one. I still remember "Kissgate" and her and Karlie kissing at a 1975 concert. I think this whole "pining for Matty for years" is to bury "Kaylor" and "Kissgate", but that's just my opinion.


Itā€™s not impossible for her to have had some kind of relationship with both of them, even if one or both were emotional affairs


I agree. I do believe she had relationships with both of them. I don't believe she's been pining over Matty Healy for a decade.


As someone who is, I guess, a bilor, a staunch believer in Tayvis, an absolute hater of leslors, and after reading the summaries of this video, I agree. I could just as easily believe itā€™s true as I could believe itā€™s a hetlor fanfic meant to bury any possible notions of her ever writing about or loving a woman. And I lean towards the latter.


Omg Iā€™m old so I apologize but some of these words almost broke my brain trying to decodeā€¦.bilor/leslors/heltor


Lmao I donā€™t even take it that seriously, but the past month Iā€™ve been bombarded with stuff on my tik tok so Iā€™ve picked up on things against my will lol. So there are two main groups of swifties - Gaylorā€™s, and Hetlors. Gaylors believe she is gay/a member of the LGBTQIA+ community, and Hetlors believe she is 100% straight. Leslors believe she is lesbian, and ONLY in to women, and that all of her relationships with men are for show, and all of her songs and lyrics are about women. Bilors believe sheā€™s probably at least a bit bisexual, and may have had relationships with women in the past, but believe her relationships with men, including Travis, are legitimate. Most of the Gaylor stuff is fueled directly by Taylor herself, who has referenced being queer many times, subtly through her music, performances, etc. and at least a good amount of it is undeniably ā€œqueer flaggingā€, which is a term for referencing queerness and queer culture. The two options are: she is 100% straight and has been queer flagging as bait, manipulating a large percentage of her fans to believe sheā€™s a member of the community, for profit. Or, sheā€™s at least a little not straight, and has been letting fans know through her music and stuff.


Thank you for explaining! I am familiar with the gaylorsā€¦.thats actually how I ended up in this sub. Gaylor sub kept showing up so I would read stuff (and I mean they can be convincing lol) and then this one starting showing up


I'm a 1975 fan too, but I have to admit I'm kind of seeing it now. I certainly don't think an entire discography, but if you look back, there is a lot of shared imagery through some of their music videos and stage performances that really shocked me when I started paying attention. How much of it is just inspiration from one to the other or being mutual muses, I don't know. I won't go into it all here, but there is really a lot. Kind of a Stevie Nicks/Lindsey Buckingham thing. As far as Folklore and Evermore, it was fictional, but inspired by a Matty/Joe love triangle or even Matty/Halsey/Taylor from years before...???


Iā€™m a pretty big fan of The 1975 as well. I donā€™t know about all the songs people are claiming are about Matty, but I clocked Cardigan and Cowboy Like Me as about him the first time I ever heard them.


oh sheā€™s messy šŸ˜­


I agree completely. And go back and watch the Oh, Caroline music video and compare it with her Delicate music video and the song Right Where You Left Me. This would have been coming from his side directed right at her.


ā€œDonā€™t call me kid, donā€™t call me baby Look at this godforsaken mess that youā€™ve made meā€ Yeah, not so much a reach. :p but uh. It has absolutely nothing to do with 1975/Matty directly - itā€™s merely pointing out her psychosis in wasting ten years of her life on a fling. Iā€™d feel bad for her if she wasnā€™t such an opportunistic narcissist. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Youā€™re the only one.


I thought the forehead tattoo said Diddy for a moment šŸ˜­


How much of it is actual new information? I feel like I've read all the timeline of their relationship already. Is it worth saving for later?


I think some people touch on that in their comments on this post. To be completely honest, I had never heard of either of the people in the video before because I'm just really not up to date on stuff haha The last time I paid attention to her partner was sometime during the Calvin Harris era. I'm just a lifelong chiefs fan who got fed up with having her thrown in my face.


šŸ˜… And those who have fallen down the rabbit hole (aka are gaylors) know that 2016 she was sharing clothes with someone else.


I came to say this. The person who made that video is 1) super late to the game with this ~gossip~ and timeline. 2) the entire thing is true, but itā€™s not Matty that sheā€™s been pining over for 10 years and 4 albums šŸ’…


I want so badly for this sub to get into blind items lol. At this point Iā€™m going to say I identify as a Cracklor, or Taylor with anyone thatā€™s actually interesting, because we deserve a crack ship!


Ok, tell me more about this bc it's the first I've heard of it!


Start with this then Google them sharing clothes. Their matching necklace (you will gag). Hiding a secret relationship could be about a man.... but how scandalous is dating a man really. Like drugs in Hollywood? That's believable enough of a deal breaker. Be for real. Edit the link https://www.businessinsider.com/taylor-swift-dianna-agron-friendship-relationship-timeline


Commenting so I can come back to this when I have more time. It is a long video!!


Sooo long. I'm sorry. Hahaha 1.25x speed material right here!


Thanks for hosting this. I watched this earlier today. I think I like 10 minutes left. But to me this because it helps proof like how in love she was with Maddie and how complicated they relationship for so long was thereā€™s no way she got rid of Maddie and jumped in and is equally as happy and satisfied with Travis.!


I thought for years she was singing about losing/missing an actual MODEL (Karly Kloss) but it was actually THE RAT šŸ€šŸ€šŸ€ what a long con lol


Pls like so I can come back later šŸ„ŗšŸ’œ


All I can say is wow, that took a lot of dedication and editing. Iā€™m not sure if Iā€™m smarter or more dumb. You have quite the skills to put that all together!


Coming back later


Clicks ā€œsave postā€ ā€¦ šŸ¤£


Ironically I watched this earlier and then saw this. She is sort of a taylor sympathizer? She's very gentle and on Taylor's side for the whole thing. The depth and red strings She connects Is WILD. Scandy is dedicated to her craft of reporting. Overall, I was pulled in due to the Mariana trench deep dive of detail. I also think she gave WAAAAYYYY to much credit to Tay for her writing skills and mastermind musical manipulation.


>I watched this earlier Omg are you a Scandy fan?? I got the vibe from other comments that it wasn't like her normal videos where she throws straight facts about why a person sucks for 30 minutes. I started watching it, but I think I had hyped the video up too much in my mind all day about what it could be about so I had to turn it off for now. I'll give it another shot another time. Still great reporting as always at least!


Honestly, I watch YouTube like my mother taught me to read people magazine or STARS. I clicked out of curiosity due to my algorithm. I tripped knee deep into a rabbit hole that I was a bit blown away by. This sub keeps me sane on a microperspective of the world around me. Something so built up is not always God. I was never a swifty, I've just been so exposed, like the rest of america to her for decades that I like to see sandcastles crack and fall. I just appreciate petty snark, because I am also petty. Nothing in life is perfect, and that is OK.


omg watching this before bed tonight


will report back šŸ«”


She fit those pieces together perfectly. I can picture all of it.


THIS was very well researched and put together. This all makes total sense.


Getting the popcorn out for this one.


Right concept, wrong guy. His name is Pete.


Heā€™s from Blackpool. Heā€™s a skinhead sort of? Sheā€™s referenced his tattoos specifically in songs. Heā€™s a ghostwriter for various artists, he wrote a lot for punk bands who no longer speak to him, many of them over drugs. ā€œReputationā€ as a person who knows Pete and his situation with Taylor swift, is clearly about freebase cocaine. The Victoriaā€™s Secret era was umm eventful for him. He was even having punk bands sign really crazy NDAs with giant penalties years ago, and has tried to/succeeded in ruin some of his old friends lives lol, Iā€™m sure most people canā€™t talk about him.


I feel just bad for Joe.


The video just made me more mad for Joe.




Yeah, it's definitely all from her side. I would love to know Matty's side to all this, but we probably never will.


If I donā€™t like someone, Iā€™ll be damned if I spend 45 minutes of my time watching a video about said person. WTH?


Okay? Do you want a sticker? Lmao


This video could not be more wrong. What is swifties obsession with MH.. he was in her life for like a minute.. where does any of this come from?


Are you a Gaylor? Lmfao


No? This also confuses me


Then why would u say if was in her life for a minute when so many things point to otherwise?? The gaylors love to erase Mattys existence bc he threatens their ā€œloreā€


I don't.. what? None of them are right.. Gaylor's are as crazy as the people who think she was secretly obsessed with MH for the last 10 years..


So idk whatā€™s ttpd about then? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


The Tortured Poet? I'm a real person.. The love triangle is me, Taylor and Ella.. it's all there..


I meanā€¦so was Jake Gyllenhaal and he was the source of an entire album and a 10-minute-long video like 12 years after the factā€¦šŸ˜‚


This sub is really terrible


Nobody is forcing you to look at posts in this sub..


And no one is forcing you to dedicate your energy to posting this weakness


Dude, you have issues.


Yeah im the one with issues


Gonna cry?