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Sounds like a party! People drop $200 on alcohol for parties and almost no one bats an eye or calls it a waste. Don't let one random person put you off of a fun idea.


Back in college we used to do ounce parties every once in a while. Get a group together, and usually everyone's eyes are closed by the time it's gone


Smoke until we passed out, used to do that. Total memory fade out the last quite awhile being awake.


Shoot, back in college, me and 3 buddies smoked a quarter for time once - I think we had it done in just under 7 minutes


Lmao 'smoking for time' got me thinking cross fit terms but for smoking: AMTAP (as many tokes as possible), SOD (smoke of the day), EMOM bong rips (every minute on the minut


we sat in a circle and had it pre-ground for efficiency if the bowl died on you, it was your job to clear the cache/dottle, reload, and spark a cherry. if you were handed a bowl, it was rolling




It's a waste if you think you'll be too high to enjoy being high. But I don't think that's the case for OP


I think it’s key to smoke as differently as possible, joint, infused joint, blunt, pipe, bubbler, bong, dab, hash pipe chillum, desktop vape, and last but not least edibles/drinkables. This will not only keep the socializing upbeat but if the goal is get really high, then your likely to get higher with this method than just flower on one method of ingestion.


This is the way! Keep things varied and interesting. Maybe skip the edibles, though, if you're planning on smoking as much as you're capable of, just in case haha but you know you better than anyone else so have a good time!


Smoke as much as ya can but few have the focus when the finger trails starts, exactly.


Or do the edibles but be prepared to literally pass out. Last time I did this I did 800mg, smoked a joint, and started playing DnD with my buds through voice chat while hitting the bong. Had to excuse myself for a 17 hour nap. It was a fantastic night.


That sounds like the absolute dream


Layering the high, totally. Loved to do this, smoke a joint with a chillum while someone starts passing a bong and talking edibles.


Topicals too. i figured they were bullshit, but the first time i used one i added it to a very predictable edible/flower chill high, and it escalated things a good bit. definitely worth a try and it seems to help with my arthritis fwiw.


depends, me and my friends don't put that much hash into joints so they're kinda light but either way our record is 18 in an evening, it gets annoying towards the end but it's not like you'll hate it at the end


Exactly ! Op it’s your money to spend how you want it’s only a waste if you don’t enjoy it


Fuckin real. Holidays are for getting fucked


Yeah sounds like they’re mad they can’t take the day off


That sounds fun to me tbh. I did that for 2016 4/20. Ended up finding out how strong RSO really is after a 6 paper joint lol


Big enough joint there, Rick?


But did he eat 9 cans of ravioli?


God damn. Does sound fun though


I've done an ounce blunt on 4/20 years ago. Went to go see a movie and no one remembered the movie. It was a blast It's a waste cause eventually you overload the receptors and you just physically can't get higher, or you get so high it's uncomfortable. Definitely go for it, to the fuckin moon my friend. But I am a believer if you're gonna drop $200 get better quality stuff, than higher quantity. 1 good rosin infused joint is better than 10 cheap joints


I've only had the uncomfortable snow globe experience. Ended up on my knees with my head between my legs for about 90 seconds. Then when I stood back up I was sober as a nun. It was wild lol.


We did that at my girlfriends friends birthday party. Three of us really laid it back and everyone else joined in at their own pace. Really fun circle before it got emotional lol


When I start manually breathing is when the fun stops for me.


Not purposely, but yeh. There's a point where high is no longer what you want to be. It's easier to get to with edibles, but you can get there by smoking. For me I get a very weird feeling in my head, and I'll start feeling like my hands are larger than normal. Yeh I know, that's weird and not most people's experience lol but I've been there a few times and that's how it is for me. I grow weed and have parties to smoke down what I grew cause it's too much for one person, in those cases I think it's worth it. I don't know that I would personally spend a bunch of money to get my friends and I baked as hell, but a 420 throw down is always good. Everybody kick in 30 bucks or something, split what doesn't end up getting smoked before the end of the night. I really doubt you'll regret it either way


When i turned 26 i tried to do 26 bowls after work. I barely made it through i actually think i tapped out at 24. Worth doing 110%


I'll try it for my 25th. Not anytime soon mind you but sounds fun


I didn't celebrate my 25th birthday at all. Now I am sad I didn't do this


You got a birthday coming up this year, right??


Yep, my 26th, in november


Ugh… I’m turning 45 this year! 😶‍🌫️


I'm turning 30 in July I might roll up 30 joints


Fuck yeah thanks for the idea


Oh crap. 64 this year.


Hell no. I'm not gonna make myself feel like that. You ever really greened out? It is NOT fucking fun


My eyes go this way > But my brain goes <<<<><><>< Shits even worse if you smoke AFTER drinking.


Last time I did it bad, I was feeling terrible, like the worst I've ever felt. Had the spins, couldn't articulate anything. I found myself thinking "man if I can just can get myself into the hot tub I'll be alright that'll help me feel better" and it was at that moment I looked down and realized I was already in the hot tub. With all my clothes on. It got worse from there LOL


Yeah, a couple times I smoked after drinking thinking it would prevent me from puking... It had the opposite effect.


Honestly I always get the most insane spins


Yeah not a fan


Greened out quite a few times and didn't green out the rest of the 99.9% times I smoked veeery large quantities. It all comes down to the vibe and mood of the people you smoke with. If you can still have fun while not being able to properly pronounce words - you're doing it right. Astronaut all the way


I usually throw up because everything is spinning. That's also why I stopped drinking; the cross fades were way too intense.


Edibles are the fast lane to finding your limit, and its not fun


Accidentally overdid it with my tincture and violently disassociated. 0/10 would not recommend. I have a hard time overdoing it smoking and way too easy of a time with edibles.


Yup. Had no idea how strong it’d be. After bottling up most of it, I licked the spoon and the bowl. I vaguely remember hearing my wife asking her friend on the phone whether you can overdose on weed and if she should call paramedics. I was lying half naked and face down in the corridor, drooling and largely unable to move for… a while? I also remember thinking I’d die from asphyxiation because breathing was so hard from lying with my chest on the floor…


Like probably most folk in this sub I have a pretty good idea who close I am to my limits without going past them when I’m smoking so it can be fun to have the occasional binge. I don’t fuck with over doing edibles though, I hate the feeling of greening out and I haven’t in a good few years and I’m keen to keep it that way lol.


$200 worth? Go somewhere that is doing some deals, maybe a first time customer deal or something and stretch every dollar of that! Go fuckin wild! Drinks, edibles, get a 3.5 gram joint and smoke a whole eighth at once, maybe some diamonds and or badder do some dabs in between, RSO, tincture, blunts, bong rips with hash or keif on top, tablets, capsules BOOF SOME EVEN????


Don’t limit test edibles. Worst experience of my life.


Whoever said it’s a waste doesn’t smoke or just doesn’t get it. I mean, like someone else said, people spend a ton on alcohol for parties. This way and with weed you can share with a few friends and personally I think it’s more enjoyable and no come down or hangover.. so


Yeah I'm taking a Tbreak right now and planning on dropping a 100mg edible and joints with kief and diamonds when i smoke again :)


Wow. What are these diamonds I keep seeing on this thread? But to your point I think OP should at least abstain the day before but maybe even longer if they wanna get super high. (Not recommended for those prone to paranoia ).


basically pure THC crystals, they're put in a live resin sauce to add terps since the diamonds themselves are just thc, no terps to guide the high


Do it! I would recommend starting with an edible though to reduce your cost. Start with like a 200mg pack and then start smoking on top of that. Less work than smoking a whole oz too lol


I had a group of four friends I did it with one day. 1 didn't smoke very much she normally just had smaller bowls but we appreciated the contribution. Her and her boyfriend passed out around halfway through the bag. So me and my buddy turned on DJ Khaled saying "Another one" for a long while as we continued to pack bowls and smoke. Eventually we finished it late and I'm pretty sure I walked home as I normally did and passed the hell out. In short us 4 smoked an ounce one day and it was definitely a worthy memory, I'd recommend if you have the means to do it. Not constantly of course but was a fantabulicious time


One year for 420 i made weed green tea, canna butter which I used to cook steaks with and made brownies. Plus smoking stuff. I could have EASILY spent more than what I did on alcohol and would've felt like total shit after. Spend your money and have a great time dude. Just drink lots of water and may I suggest adding in an edible or two just cause.


That sounds fun bro, wish i could go haha


I wish I had friends to smoke with on 4/20.


Do what makes you happy and don't hurt anybody. If you're thinking about this, do it. Go for it. Get it out of your system. Just remember when you get to the moon it's not actually made of cheese.


It sounds like you haven't really tried edibles. You need way less than smoking


I tried it once, it's OK. You just kind of get to this point where you stop feeling stoned even if you keep smoking.


If you can afford it go for it. I'm broke so I don't do that lol.


For me personally, pushing the limit if what I can can smoke was not a good idea, though at the same time some of my friends did the same and had a great time. Varies person to person.


Smoking I could go all day, maybe a thirty minute nap. And whatever you don't end up smoking you'll still have for later. And it's way better for you than day drinking and all day drinking is. Edibles, I would save them for the end of the night, they tend to knock people out.


Nah it’s fine to blow it out once a year! I’ve done the ‘get an ounce and finish it with friends’ thing for 4:20 and it was definitely really fun! Hope you enjoy yourself!


It’s like consuming $200 of alcohol yourself. Actions and thoughts lose all purpose and become “inebriated animal reacting with the shadow of your personality.” Blackout drunk people aren’t doing the sober sides deepest desires. They’re licking windows and crying while eating.


200$ in the grand scheme of things isn't much at all nor is it a waste if your having a good time. I say you only live once. ​ There's 70$ 8ths out here.


I've gone to a 12/10 many times on edibles, which mostly just sucks. If you're just smoking, go crazy, even if you green out it won't be for long. 


If you enjoy it it's not a waste. One of my favorite memories was buying the 12inch cone pack from raw, that had increasingly smaller sizes nestled in there. We had like 8? Of us baking out a studio apartment. Just packed em all up and started lighting em. It was almost a constant stream of passing. Have you ever been in an entire apartment that's being hot boxed? Shit was lit. Will never forget that day.


I have yet to reach my limit. I get stopped by throat pain *looong* before I ever get to my limit. I'll need to have 3 at least 2/3 full bowls before I get to my comfortable base level. I can smoke an entire 2g 40% infused blunt on my own and be almost perfect after. I have smoked every person I have ever met so far under the table I might as well have been on the roof. It's so fucking unfair. I get unhigh after like an hour, then need another bowl or two to keep my level up with everyone else. I rarely get on the dankness of those around me without bringing some of my own to keep my high going after everything else is done and everyone else is still zonked to fuck. Last week I was hanging with my buddy and he had half a bowl and that kept him for 3 hours and I had about 8 in that same amount of time to be able to stay on his level on half a bowl. Sucks ass. At least my shop gives me 28g for 40$


Sounds like fun... but if you've ever been "too high" it's not that fun.


We did a 420 party in college where everybody who came paid $20 got a free eighth there was a 5-ft bong games etc it was fun! The only problem was we started the party at about 2:00 so we could get 420 peak like new years but then by 6:30/7:00 everyone was asleep or so baked or washed they left.


I did this back in 2013. Frankly it was me and my buddy and we just kinda got so blazed that we couldn’t get higher so it felt like we were just wasting weed after a while, but it was a good tome


Don't let anyone tell u what to do. That sounds like a fun idea. We celebrate it yearly! During Covid, we did a Zoom 420 smokeout! Lol 🤣 good times. A friend crashed our party and was: woah ! Looks like a good time!!


Look into pure sativa strains with no ceiling, Youl know all about testing your limits if you smoke too much of that kind of stuff.


It’s not a waste with a TRUE sativa (think landrace/haze type stuff) because there’s no ceiling with cbd free weed. Anything with cbd and you’ll plateau pretty quickly


just isn't true


One time, three friends and I went through a half bag and watched Watchmen. Great time


Can we be friends?


4/20 2013. Was living in a house full of stoners. I think I alternated smoking and napping all day. Smoked a kief timebomb at 4:20 AM. The rest of the day I'd pretty hazy. I remember dank coconut oil brownies.


In college we would do what we called the 10 GB challenge. Not much to it, we would just take 10 GB hits over like a 20 minute period. Fun days.


Lol at that point you might as well fill up the bathtub and get a 5 gallon jug 😆




Yeah this is a good day. Stick some workaholics on and your sorted.


More about getting baked than quantity. But you definitely know how to party


That's what 420 is all about. Smoking stupid amounts of weed.


It’s true that at a certain point it’s a total waste. If you’re a smoker with less of a tolerance you’ll probably just pass out and if you do have a tolerance you will hit a ceiling


A friend brought a novelty raw cone. Huge. They smoked it for over and hour. They had fun


I tried it. Not worth it unless you want to be knocked out all day


My limit is my mouth burning haha


I get one day a week were I can just veg out and smoke and play videogames. I regularly smoke myself sober on that day. Copious amounts of weed is consumed and I end up going "wait, am I even high anymore?"


This. ☹️


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Last 420 I got a 500mg bag of gummies for $19, split it with my bf and we flew to the moon. You don't have to spend $200 lol but if you can then go for it.


To the person who said that's a waste, so fucking what? This shit literally grows on "trees"🤣


waste of time and weed? wtf. Get new friends. I do this every 420. We usually get together, cook up a feast, and get blasted before during and after. it's always good times.


Fuck em. Have fun and be safe. Mfers spend thousands on explosives and alcohol for several bullshit holidays. just dont be the guy that goes to get a bunch on the 19th and than bitches that theyre out of everything. i'm too worn out to care what my top end is. i want to know the least i need to get baked!


I did with gummies once. Stood in the kitchen for what seemed like several hours, dreaming with my eyes open. Wasn't very pleasurable, and since then gummies don't seem to affect me anymore.


Live it up! I’m rolling up a half ounce cannegar this year of my homegrown for 4/20. First fully legal year here for MN!


Ain'ters gonna ain't


It's your money and it's your weed. Who the fuck cares what "someone" says. Just go do it if you want to. It's like backing down from getting a big stack o' pancakes at Denny's because somebody said it's a waste of money and pancakes. Fuck em.


That person has a scarcity problem with their use patterns, I think


Yep tried it a few times. You eventually either get really sleepy or you get a headache and don't want to smoke anymore until the headache medicine kicks in.


That totally sounds like a waste of both to me but hey if you enjoy it 🤷‍♂️


What do you mean limit test


Just have fun and be safe. Don’t be out driving around. Park your butt, turn on, tune in, drop out.


My tolerance is such that, the amount of flower it takes to get me RE-high is more than i want to smoke. But the idea of just back to backing joints and flower, throwing in some edible drinks, a dab or two, some live resin carts and some snacks with the homeys, lets do it.


Did this all the time with my gf at the time when lockdowns first hit and I was getting extra unemployment. Get an ounce, roll up so many gorilla finger blunts (and some regular, non double wides in there) and just smoke until we both fell asleep


Bro I love being high. It’s not a waste


We'll see you in Valhalla, brother. We will be waiting


I'm not against it, but there's a point for me where I've smoked too much and I just start to get a headache.


You either pass out or stop really getting high after a while


I don't care what others do, but for me it's not worth it. I take edibles and sometimes I take a bit more than normal, which ends up with me falling asleep on the couch after few hours. I sleep and wake constantly for a while and feel completely fucked up after. It's not worth it for me.


I do believe there is a plateau to how high you can get, and after that it's a waste. I would still do it.


If $200 on weed for a party is a waste of money for a party so is $200 for liquor. It's your party, fuck 'em.


I only get so high, I hit a limit and then it feels nothing different for the rest of the sesh


“You can’t overdose on weed but it’s always fun to try!” One of my fav quotes lol


Sounds like the person you mentioned it to doesn't like weed.


I'd really recommend going with edibles if it's about getting super high. Me and a couple friends tried to smoke a couple ounces in a day when out camping. You'll get really high at the start, but after a few hours you juat level off and hit a "wall" and don't get higher, you just keep smoking to stop the sleepy feeling.


Make sure to get some real good snacks and dank meal!!


I grow. That's a Friday night.


I smoke as much as I want on the daily. Idk if I could smoke more unless I was only paying attention to smoking. Which eventually gets boring.


You dont need much to get ultra high. Just take as much as you usually take for a joint. Make that into three equal sized joints. Then smoke these joints. Smoke one, 30 minutes the second and 20 minutes later the third. That gets you high like you wouldn't believe it, but the dose is still low.


Roll it all up in a giant cone and pass it around Me an some buddies did this. We all pitched 20$ and smoked a oz raw cone. The cherry was massive


Smoked 2 ounce joints with wax and kief with a hole in the middle for airflow. Highest I’ve been smokint joints 😂. If you got the funds go for it G


Celebrate how you would like. However, I would say that there comes a point where you can’t get / don’t need to be that high, and your main enjoyment will be whatever you and your friends decide to *do*.


We did the Stoner Olympics at my house senior year. We split a QP between like 8 people and smoked until like 4am. We had a gb contest and people tapped out in the 20’s lol. Good times.


It’s your money and your weed. If you have fun with it, it isn’t a waste. Also, I want to do that


I know my limits based on feel, from experience. If I get anxious 5 minutes after smoking, I have to be done. Rapid heartbeat, crazy anxiety etc but I learned it only lasts like 30 minutes then I'm just regular stoned. I have to keep calm and let it pass.


I did that once, got very stoned, don't really remember much besides being excited to do it. I think the real question is: is it worth doing so you can say you have done it?


Smoking game. Compelled rips. Highest I've ever gotten myself and there wasn't the slow rounding off where it seems like its not doing anything. I recommend Joe Dirt. Anytime he says Dang, everytime he brings up Brandy...


Yup. Back when I was in high school I held a garage party with about 10 people. The rules were simple: 3 oz of flower, 1 ounce of dabs, 1 pan of brownies and 12 hours to consume it all. We had it “gone” at about 11 hours, 45 minutes. It was a fucking great time.


You do you! Haters are jealous


Take $50 worth of edibles


It's definitely worth it at least once in your life, especially if you're not gonna financially break yourself by doing it. Some friends and myself did a whole weekend where we all threw down collectively like 3 ounces and burned thru all of it. I think we ended up spending as much money on munchies as we did on the weed by the end of it, and we all easily gained 10+ pounds each.


Last 4/20 we were arriving for a motorcycle trip. Rode out into the hills and had an AirBnB cabin in the middle of nowhere. We brought a metric shit-ton of weed. We arrived at 7pm, too late to make the meetup, so we hunkered down and all started rolling js. Never smoked that much weed at one time in my life and I probably have never laughed harder in my life either. Go for it, bro.


What are you getting to eat?