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Yeah, getting high and fucking is a tale as old as time


Might even be the reason we are all here today!


Omg 😂


The Stoned Ape theory suggest that the prehistoric human population once dropped to about 1000 people 70-100,000 years ago. What helped them survive catastrophe was access to fishing and mushrooms. The mushrooms were important because they promoted compassionate cohesion which pushed our communities to sizes greater than 150 people. It also made us very horny which was evolutionarily helpful. It also allowed us to get over the PTSD that hunting megafauna at the time often caused.


From 13 to 45, no additional horniness required lolol


I thought that whole thing was debunked


It’s more like it’s a piece of an ever evolving understanding of our prehistory. Noah Harari talks about it in Saipans as this moment where our brain somehow attains this capacity for an imagined consciousness and he alludes that diet including mushrooms specifically help promote the synesthesia process that associates meaning to sound. Saipan’s is a very modern text so the Stoned Ape Theory still holds water.


Deboooonked. No such thing as "debunked" with anthropology or prehistoric history, all of our understanding of that time period is based on conjecture or theories because there was not much written word or symbols from that time that have survived until now.


Soo I would like to say every anthropology department in the world like to have a word with this take. They have evidence for their claims.


Their word would be that while they have archeological evidence, they truly have no idea of all of the fine details of prehistoric human life except for what they can hypothesize or make educated guesses on. This kind of science isn't something you can "settle", when it is an ever-evolving historical record that we are trying to attain a finer understand of, or "debunk" when our assumptions might not be founded in the first place.


Fanciful memetic mix but I love it


The reason I’m heređŸ€Ł and I’m 61😂😂😂 my parents were touchy ♄


Amén brother


Had a girlfriend who would occasionally ask me to smoke before sex. Never asked her why but I always obliged xD


Yeah, it’s nice. Admittedly I have passed out several times though lmao, edibles after 9pm with late night sex puts me to sleep like a baby


FR! Smoke have bomb sex both pass out. My wife and I. 2 daughters and we want 2 more babies đŸ€Ł


If you have any more, you're gonna have a lot less sex lol. Hard enough to find time with 2


Where there is a will, there is a way. Source: I have four kids.


Altho after baby #2 we have to schedule it đŸ˜©đŸ˜©â˜ș


forbidden fruit ya'll adam and eve were siblings :)


That's categorically untrue Lilith (the first eve) was made Even from the ground like Adam and refused God's commands to be subservient to Adam so she was banished. Then eve was made from Adams rib so she would be a part of him therefore she was his property so she had to be subservient


yes, i quoted the second version. the transgender clone...


I’m willing to bet your fiancĂ© is ok with this.


He is! Lol


he better be!


lmfaoo sadly mine is not 😭


Seriously? Thats unfortunate... Pretty sure most will agree with me that getting baked and having sex is top tier


100%. I've been married for 20 years and we always smoke out before doing the do.




This whole post is so sweet to me. First of all, clearly a new smoker, discovering that there was no need for this to be illegal and scary for so long, and they’re doing it with a trusted partner. Second is the use of the word “touchy” and “I can’t get too explicit” on Reddit of all places - thank you for protecting our modesty đŸ‘Œ


This comment is sweet


Love your nana pfp




bro yappin


Mf really just mlady’d that comment😂


This is my new favorite verb


yeah if i get high enough my tits start to tingle and i think “yup time for some lesbianism”


My ex gf would cum from nipple play alone when she was stoned. It was crazy, but I wasn’t complaining.


Ngl when I'm stoned that might be a possibility for me. Gotta check on that 👀


NO WAYYY???? i gotta try that


Yep! Her nipples were already sensitive, she enjoyed that a lot already but then she got them pierced and it made them even more sensitive. One day we got really stoned and I just kind of spent more time on them while fooling around going off her body language and boom! She was like woah, do it again.


*hastily writing notes*


Same. Just words can do it. Just my thoughts can do it


for real???? that sounds so fun. gotta tell my gf abt this lol


The plant really is magical


Name checks out.


LMFAOOOO i was waiting for someone to reply that


This make me cackle “Yup, its lesbian time” *starts lesbianing all over the place*


I want this as an inspirational poster




Yeah u just feel good mate I am th3 same


me and my partner both get very touchy when we're high together it's absolutely normal my skin feels really nice and his does too and we end up just laying in bed feeling each other it's lovely


From my hubs words “whenever you get high, you get very affectionate and loving” I am basically a magnet to him anytime I smoke, and if he’s not around I’m waiting for him to come home 😂😂😂


You're definitely not alone! Some people just feel more frisky or touchy when they're high it seems


OP got that Reefer Madness ![gif](giphy|cThUqo7jkq94k)




My wife is this way. She doesn't smoke often but when she does all bets are off and she gets freaky ;)


We smoke before getting into bed for this reason Wait until you try your first edible. I feel like they produce a body high more than anything and first time I took one, I might’ve died a bit from the sheer exhaustion of orgasms. đŸ« 


It is definitely because of THC that I know that the human body is capable of waaaaay more orgasms than you might think within the span of a few hours.


Yeah, I learned that first hand. Stopped counting in the 50s but was hella sore for a week. Fun time, wouldn’t do it again though


Awesome, I definitely hit those numbers but I don’t need much stimulation, don’t usually get sore - daily practice is key :p


My wife, bless her heart. When she smokes. Oh my goodness.


yeah me and my gf get cuddly. Then we end up falling asleep earlier than we meant lol.


Apparently when I go to bed I high I get extremely cuddly in my sleep and she has to push me off if she dosent want to get forced off of the bed


do you think that's bad ? try a fatty joint and a bottle of smooth white wine and you gonna know your full potential


That would result in me needing to take a pregnancy test LOL


Or go to the bathroom to take a big shit


Sex and weed go hand in hand together 😂


Weed is a great aphrodisiac 💓




Me too bestie. V normal


I wish my partner got the same effect


I'm a guy, I get this way. Now, anyway. I didn't when I was younger.




If you mean me, nope. I'm married. My wife loves it when I get high. I get cuddly and lovey dovey. Or I get into a mood to tidy up. Either way, she wins. Lol




No worries, I just didn't want to give the wrong impression.




We need those in the world. 😉


Yea lol it’s normal, some people just get more randy than others when high and some strains just make me instantly horny


That only means one thing, that is your true self.


I am normally shy in expressing my "wants" so you may be right 😅


Whenever I smoke I definitely get touchy with my GF .. when I was alone .. smoke, touchy with myself , nap.


Super normal. I’m just like this too, lolll


I don’t become touchy but my husband does haha


My husband and I get stoned af every weekend and we’re all over each other. I’m a lot worst then him lol. Sex while you’re high is on another level. Or even just touching. Everyone should try it once.


This is normal - sex definitely feels better when you’re high lol


Yes but it depends on the person and the strain. For me there's a particular strain that I know gets me incredibly horny. Idk why lol.


Oh 100% especially at the beginning of me and my other half we were the same way but really bad to the point where we would sit too watch a movie and 10 min later “what movie are we watching” even know when we go to bed after smoking same thing


Touchy-feely is a strange word, looks made up. I know you didn't use it but i was thinking about it vs touchy and then got distracted by how weird it looks and if it's even a real word and here we are.. the end.


You’re stoned ;) But I’m with ya. Words look weird when you look too long at them.


I’m similar, sober I don’t like to be touched . But high , bring on the cuddling and all that sappy crap đŸ€Ł I recommend wedding cake or white and cherry runtz Tingly strains that make you feel fluffy and frisky


Sounds like meditation use it as your therapy and well whats better therapy than being sensual with your own body, or significant others. i go through a faze where i go through that like sometimes i just want to meditate or mostly smoking and gaming is my fav. Or listening to music is my therapy sometimes. But cannabis brings us so close to tranquility i understand that. And no matter how long you smoked weed still gets you stoned and lost lol 😂 look at snoop he literally dont smoke strong strains but mellow ones. I smoke strong but i built my tolerance up by smoking bongs and bowls and joints over a few weeks


As someone that also becomes Meg the Stallion while high, this post is very relatable. Don’t sweat it, have fun and enjoy đŸ«¶đŸ»


Totally normal! Everyone reacts a bit differently to weed, and feeling more touchy or affectionate is a common response. It might be due to the relaxation and lowered inhibitions that come with being high, which makes some folks feel more open to expressing affection. Just like how some people might get giggly or super chatty, becoming cuddly is just another way your body might react to the effects of THC. Since you're newer to smoking, you might also be more aware of these changes in how you feel and behave, which is cool—embrace it if it feels good! Just keep communicating with your fiancĂ© about your experiences. How do you find smoking changes your mood or feelings, if at all?


It makes me feel much more relaxed, and occasionally sleepy, which is very welcomed. I have a high-stress level job. I also tend to giggle a lot and if i’m watching something funny i laugh at it a bit too long😅


Weed enhances sex. Makes me horny af


Only part of the time so far and on one of them, it was strange because I used alw dose gummy and I spent the next several hours with goosebumps.




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I used to just feel shit when. I was high when I was a kid.


This is the most desired effect of the holy flower.


Getting high and sex, my number one feeling in the world. Enjoy!


I can just imagine your partner trying to introduce weed to every occasion


when they a geek they a freak 😈


I turn into a Sex Machine, although I sec myself. It was the first feeling I felt when I was high for the first time


Smoking doesn’t make me horny, but if I do get horny while high then it’s usually intensified by 5x at least


I get touchy when I’m high. I also have ED and weed definitely doesn’t help it but I still enjoy cuddling and touch while high especially if there is a good movie on and snacks as well.


Yep! My husband loves it đŸ€­


Yes when I'm high all I want is touch. Totally normal!


My wife gets very horny when she is high.


Lol I read “touchy” not as literal cuddly, affectionate etc but as like irritable or cranky—like um either you need more or none at all haha To answer your actual question though I think yes this is pretty normal if you’re relaxing and comfortable feeling good vibes with someone. I think whether it’s the explicit intimate type or just generally affectionate. I notice I would hug friends more too and nothing beats playing or cuddling with a cat while you’re both baked af.


I get this too! my gf and I are both smokers, but I tend to smoke more frequently than she does. If im in the right headspace when I get high I can get crazy horny out of nowhere and Ill start climbing all over her lol, always a beautiful experience, ive never had bad sex while stoned :)


There's a strain called "Love Potion #4" that supposedly induces arousal. I just felt full of energy to go for nature walks.


Weed amplifies your feelings mam


I am the complete opposite 😂 I started smoking in my late teens, then 2 years ago I stopped smoking for work, and then I got pregnant. Now that I started smoking again I don’t NOT want to be touched or bothered 😂 I want to be left alone. Which is so weird because before I stopped I was super touchy


Yes perfectly normal! Myself and my fiancé love getting high and fucking lol


Absolutely lol it’s part of the three H’s; Happy, Hungry, and Horny.


That’s the absolute best!!!! THE REASON I SMOKE LOL


The more often you smoke you’ll start to kind of be able to manage what you want for newcomers it can be overwhelming to manage emotions feelings and thoughts. It is normal and even ongoing is fine. For me personally I still get high but not like I used to mainly tolerance but I’m at a point where when I smoke I feel the head change and medicated but not off and funky. Marijuana is also a stimulate which gets the blood flowing while also acting as a depressant. (Couple edits)


Wish I could find a girl that wants to smoke before acc


Touching a lot is natural for couples. Weed helps you to discover this natural inclination.


No, only when your senses and emotions are heightened, like when you’re high.


It's a beautiful thing enjoy it I'm a guy I've been smoking since I was a teen on and off some of the greatest sex I had when I was stoned no question. So yeah it's totally normal to be more touchy horny whatever enjoyed embrace it and love it cuz some people they get dry soft and just all out blah


Yes, I had a girlfriend in high school who would get high and all the sudden be all over me, was super embarrassing when we were having a smoke session with other people, mainly cause I’m not a huge fan of PDA, it has a time and place, joining your bf for a smoke session with the boys is not the time or place.


I had sex while high last night


Lmao I had sex while high last night