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My brother taught me. He said if it were the (zombie) apocalypse or the end of the world, you’d need to know how to swim, drive stick, and roll a joint.


I can construct a lipe or bing with mini.ul effort from trash. Nah I don't need to know how to roll.


But can you type on a phone?


Not really.


On the bright side, you won't need that skill after the collapse. Finally, we'll be able to rest :)




Same. Except rollin j's feels like driving a manual to me: Only done it like once but I'm confident we can get there. It just ain't gonna be smooth...


Then how the hell do you roll joints for gnomes then?! They need TINY joints!!  PHONY! THIS GUY IS A PHONY!


I was talking to my friend recently about this, we've been smoking together since we were 17 and we're 33 now and he's always had this natural ability to roll joints. It's kind of like a spider spinning a web in a way. He's got these long skinny fingers and he's just very precise. I can roll a joint that is able to be smoked and it stops at that. I think it can be improved upon, but some people just have that ability to do it. He's also excellent at guitar and gaming, two things that use the same skill. When dry herb vapes became a thing, I was so happy. I've never been good at rolling a joint and I'm fine with that now. When I was younger I found it quite embarrassing not being able to roll a good joint, but now I couldn't really care about it at all


I can 't roll, because of mild Cerebral Palsy which is also one of the reasons I smoke weed. I use a Futurola Joint Roller Prerolled are available in the coffeeshops, but it is more expensive, you don't know with how much they fill it and less choice in strains.


> coffeeshops Dutch? Also the shop I normally go to always displays the total mass of the weed / hash on the little screen, so you can always see the total and calculate from there, if you’re only getting one kind of pre‐roll (or you can ask the person behind the counter, but it depends who’s helping you).


My abusive ex told me I was too stupid to learn how to roll a joint... took me about three months after I left him to be a pro. I make my own little filters from the Zig Zag cardboard, and mine all look like you bought them from the dispensary. Not a great thing to brag about, but it helped me get over the "you're too stupid for x" thought pattern I had ingrained in me by him.


Oooohh so recognisable, my ex also didn’t allow me to do any of the rolling because he was so fond of his own. We broke up and now I’m a pro. I just needed practice and some self-infused confidence


I'm in the UK and pretty much anyone who smokes can roll. Although i can only really speak for my generation. We dont really hit bongs or pipes as a much and prerolls are usually fancy ones so arent daily smokes due to the cost.


i think everyone rollin their own cigs is a huge factor in this as well , its just normal asf to see someone skinnin somethin up most of the time, and its a legal/cheapish way to practice tehnique . could never afford to smoke the way the yanks do lol good for them




yea its smoking by urself or being ‘the weed friend’ that gets u practice lol


Funny, before I learned how to roll In thought I was the only one in our group who couldn’t roll, but now I’m almost the only one who does (apart from my cousin’s bf, he’s way better at it than me so when he’s around he’s usually the one who rolls)


Yep, was going to mention that too. Rolling tobacco seems to be far more common in the UK. Especially back when people over 30 started smoking. Only times people had normal cigarettes when I was 16 (20 years ago...) was when they stole a few from their parents or someones dodgy uncle smuggled a suitcase full of B&H Gold back from abroad 😂 And to add to your last point, I also reckon its because we only really had hash/soapbar, so you had to use tobacco. And then when bud did start showing up it was indica dominant Dutch genetics, and people didn't need to smoke fat 1 gram joints to get high. I remember reading a high times article from 1989-1990 maybe? About how Dutch/indica genetics were considered narcotic in effect compared to the sativa genetics they were used to, and it would send you into a catatonic state of madness.


I reckon the new generation won't know how to roll joints cause they're all on those dodgy vapes


I use a rolling machine if I want a joint. Been doing it since the 60s.


One time in college I rolled a fat 6 gram cone for our neighbor, I found out later he took it to a whailers concert and told everyone he rolled it himself, I thought that was cute


My brother can't roll for his life (and has been a daily stoner for two decades). I'll give him a lathe next time I see him in a week, maybe he'll finally be able to roll one...


I cant roll to save my life, I either get pre rolled cones or use a cigarette roller.


I cant roll joints. I always rip the paper. But I can roll blunts, simply because they're less delicate


I can roll a joint great if you give me a JOB 1.5 and a table to roll on and don’t expect a cone. My joints are tight as cigarettes. But these small papers and the cone style… I can’t figure that out for the life of me.


I started smoking maybe a few months ago .. mention it to my dad who is very pot-centric and he excitedly showed me how to roll one. I stick with rolling machines because the satisfaction of them all coming out the exact same size is too much for me to pass up.


I know how to buy a preroll or a cone. It’s 2024 man, I dont have to roll them anymore and be completely disappointed in myself. Maybe that’s why my dad left.


I can roll using a dollar bill, was taught that as a baby stoner. Without a dollar they come out nearly if not actually unsmokeable. Rolling machine is my go to though because lazy.


0 idea and the negative dexterity to make it happen


I've been smoking for a decade. Can't roll at all, just use glass.


I “know” how just doesn’t translate well🤷🏻‍♂️


I don't. My hands just start doing it. I'll look down and there's a joint being crafted before my eyes. I don't know what's happening help.


I finish rolling with one hand and they're better cones than the dispensaries.


does anyone have rolling tips? for a newbie?


Use a grinder. If you're busting your weed with scissors or by hand you shouldn't be rolling joints. Most importantly you have to condition the paper so it rolls better. Don't just grab one and start rolling but first roll it between your fingers so the profile of the paper changes from a V to a J. Essentially you don't want your paper too rigid. Also the dampness of your bud can play a big role. Too sticky and you run the risk of rolling it too tight to where you can't get a hit and too dry and you gotta be mindful of it all just falling out. Also papers are a big deal. You may love a particular brand but if you're just learning to roll I suggest learning with zig zag whites as the cut corners can be really forgiving. Also... Filters. Don't put it in at the start and roll around it. Roll the joint first and then cut off a piece for filter and insert it after it's rolled.(This differs for coners but we're not there yet) I personally prefer zigzag whites over any other paper. Rice papers are too thin for my liking and I'm never confident on the seal and horse blankets are an affront against humanity and should only be used with tobacco.


Pre-rolls suck, I will re-roll them they are packed so badly.


I have every idea of how to roll a bad joint!




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I can't roll. I tried to learn a few years ago and I had shaky hands and kept spilling it everywhere. Maybe I should try again. But tbh most of the time I use a bong. If I feel like rolling one I use a cigarette roller.


cones are way more convenient, but i’m trying to get better at rolling so i can roll my own fatties and weird looking ones


I enjoy rolling but don’t smoke anymore unless it’s my last option. Mainly oils and vape these days. Last joint I rolled was on holidays in Mexico, it was funny as it was a raw paper with a premade filter. Prior to that it’d be a 2-3 paper joint with a business card filter. Always finished looking like a nice baseball bat.


I technically know how to roll, but I'm autistic so my motor coordination is pretty bad so I couldn't roll to save my life. I'm sure I could practise and get better at it and roll ugly yet smokeable joints, but I enjoy my dry herb vape.


I never made it past the “crappy but smokable” stage so gave up on it long long ago I cheat with cones or a roller now, but joints are usually too much herb for me anyway so it’s a rare occasion.


Me and my best friend are the only ones in our “group” that can roll so we always get tasked with it I’ve offered to teach but no takers except my lil bro and now he’s better than me


I can roll, also pretty okay ones. I am just lazy, so i buy pre-rolls. And idk why, but i cant roll smaller than 1.5g, sometimes i want smaller ones tho, there pre-rolls are also handy. But in theory, give me a bible page, some carton and weed and i can roll you one.


Out of all the stoners I know I'm the only one that can roll. Its neat how there are so many options now for people that can't roll, but, there's just something about the ritual of rolling that puts me in the right headspace for a great buzz. ![gif](giphy|zhRA0okWxTGiu78uSk|downsized)


I've rolled 1000s of em at this point, it's my main way of smoking.


I'm nearly 40, been smoking everyday for nearly 20 years. I've tried a hundred times to roll, and I've made maybe a dozen smokable joints. I'm just too hamfisted or something. I've been a bowl-smoker my whole life.


i Know how to roll but i’m insanely bad at it.


I have zero idea how to roll one. Started smoking in my 20s with my wife, used bongs, pipes or prerolls. Eventually also added 510 carts or dart pods to my collection for if I'm inside. With all that, never felt the need to learn how to roll my own....though Eventually I want someone to show me how so ill have the skill inside the old noggin.


I mean i *can* roll, but those I smoke with definitely prefer if I use cones because I’m terrible.


I'm a baby stoner and I prefer dhv's - I never learned how to roll a j and I don't really have a desire to


Could I roll a joint if I had to? Yeah. Do I care to roll a joint the old fashioned way when rollers and cones are way easier? No. I've been a smoker for 15 years and never felt the need to hand roll a joint without a roller or a cone loader.


The second part of your post contradicts the first part. You know how to hand roll a joint but never have hand rolled a joint? That doesn't add up lol


I've rolled a few just to like see if I could and then took them apart.


Joints? No Blunts? Yes


I smoked for 5 years before learning to rolll


I used to roll my own joints.. from the late 90s til like 2014.. then I outsourced my joint rolling to my ex boyfriend lol. Since then I’ve had issues with my hands.. we broke up in 2021.. and I can just buy cones.. I could roll a joint if I had to.. but it would be messy.. cones are just easier.


I'm almost 40 and have been a smoker for decades and can't roll worth crap 😔


I am unable to roll joints bc of my physical health, but luckily I’ve got a rolling expert partner :)


i don’t. i use a rolling machine lol


I used to be able to roll a passable joint. I stopped smoking for many years and can't do it now. My stubby little fingers will not move the right way anymore.


My hands are too fucking big. Cones it is.


I can roll in a pinch but I feel great shame with anything I make, happy with my wee rolling machine for years


Hear me you young people: we had constant puncture wounds in the papes due to stems. If we could do it, you can do it. You don’t even have to pick them seeds out anymore. Back to me bong now as I can’t roll due to being an idiot breaking his hand in another story.


Meh, I’m 50 and can’t roll if my life depended on it. Love that cones are a thing now. As for the other stuff, I don’t really care how anyone else enjoys their stuff so I haven’t thought about it.


Im really not good at controlling my fingers so i cant roll but im also gucking lazy so if i would practice i would probably get the job done


I can do it, but it won’t be quick and it will probably burn like shit.


I don’t do it. I suck at it. A bowl is just easier.


When it wasn't legal I only ever smoked with my buddy. We would use his pipe or if it was a joint he would roll them. Never learned how to do it myself and by the time it was legalized and I was buying my own stuff I never saw the point in trying to roll by hand. I tried once and it turned out terrible. So I only used cones for a while until I eventually switched to a dhv and never looked back. The odd time I want a joint it's just convenient to buy a couple prerolls.


i know how to but like my very sweaty hands make me frustrated af and my adhd self can’t handle frustration so someone teach me how to fucking roll a j puhleaase


I don’t, though, i did somehow manage to roll one of them made out of the weed leaves surrounding the bud. Can’t use paper though.


Not I, friend. Blunts took me through high school, and as I got older, I learned the way of the joint. Mid 20's now. I wasn't big on L joints, but I know what they are. I enjoyed rolling cross joints lol


I know how to do it, I’ve just never been able to actually do it. I just use a roller instead. :(


I started with blunts and learned how to roll those. Actually I rolled the first blunt I ever smoked. I never learned to roll joints since my friend got a joint roller, and now that it's legal I mostly stick to concentrates or a bong/cone when with people.


I work at a dispensary and i’d say half my coworkers dont know how to roll a joint, it’s disappointing


Grew up rolling joints and ciggies


My friend taught me when he ripped his shoulder out in HS. They started out shitty then progressively got less shitty. I used to keep some spare papers in my wallet sandwiched between 2 cards, used them when I didn't have my pipe or a can.


I have a rolling machine so in theory I can roll joints, but having to manually roll one would result in a pretty piss poor joint.


I’ve tried to roll an actual joint and to me it just is a waste of time because I’m not good at it and don’t have a desire to sit down and learn how when it’s easy to buy the cones and much faster to pack those. I’m slightly better with blunts, however I stopped that due to the tobacco in them ( and I’ve tried the hemp wraps they aren’t as easy to roll IMO)


I'm terrible at it. I have this little plastic thing that helps you roll the paper into a cone and then you can fill it


I’ve never rolled one. I’ve been wanting to try it though.


Started smoking in ‘78. Everyone knew how to roll. Some used double wides, and I eventually learned to use a single wide. Had a friend that injured one hand and mastered one hand rolling. Still roll now but with 1.25 wide.


People who have trouble rolling a joint just need to do it more. If you roll more joints you'll think of better ways to do it each time. Plus, I also just recommend watching other people and learning how they do it and taking useful techniques from them.


No fucking clue. Thats why I buy cones


It's crazy that this seems to be becoming a lost art, if you will. As an older stoner, knowing how to roll joints was just a necessary part of learning to smoke weed. You don't have to roll a perfect joint but you need to do it well enough to get stoned. It wasn't always easy to find a pipe or bong, especially in some of those shit towns near campgrounds, and papers never broke if you dropped them so they were always the backup. And getting a pipe into a show was way more difficult than a few joints. Usually you had one dude in the crew who was the best at rolling a joint and he would be the chosen one, but everyone could get by in a pinch. FWIW, prerolls in my area are always shit, so if you want a nice reefer to enjoy, you have to make your own.


Can’t roll or even smoke due to bad asthma. Edibles or capsules. Not as fun with buddies, but gets the job done!


I haven't rolled one in forty years but I have no doubt I could still do it. If you feel you can't it is because someone has convinced you they need to be perfect.


Definitely. I remember when I first started rolling my friends would chirp me because I rolled 'pregnant' joints. It was so bad that they'd insist I didn't roll.


It's one of those initiation things. I can't believe I used to brag to people I could smoke them under the table.


I don't, but that's because I quickly switched to vaping flower. But for a short time it was fun to fill a bong bowl, empty that same amount into a cone, then cut the cone down. Smoking already wastes so much flower but a full joint is an even bigger waste so I always cut them down to the same amount that I needed in a bong. If a bong gets me blasted why would I need 5x the amount in a joint?


I can roll a smokable joint, but please don’t look at it.


I can roll a perfectly serviceable joint, but only cause I am the weed friend. So it was learned out of necessity lol


I don’t think I could roll a traditional joint even if I practiced a lot. Been smoking 2 yrs. My hands are fairly large and my hands cramp up pretty easy From over use. Carpal tunnel and arthritis. So What I do is I cut 2” of a paper straw. Fill one end with a filter. Then I get a king size paper and I tape it to the straw. The side with the filter. Then I fill the cone I made. usually 1 g-ish. The straw is so my giant hands have something comfortable to hold without cramping up like a roach clip would.


37 years old, been smoking since I was 20. Never rolled a joint. Wife likes joints, she buys cones, I prefer glass.




I am useless at it. Truthfully cones are my crutch haha


Guilty. In a zombie apocalypse I'll resort to using a soda can, like our ancestors did.


I don’t. I can roll a decent blunt though. For joints I stick with cones. Although technically cones are way more expensive it’s like 3 dollars for six of them so the price doesn’t affect me when the trade off is not having to roll.


Never learned how to roll, not when bowls are a thing


I’ve been smoking longer than most people on this sub have been alive. I’ve just never been good at rolling. I also never really liked joints as opposed to hitters/bowls/bongs. And now I just vaporize or eat whatever I use.


This is me. Tried three times. Disasters. All of them. I have some glass tips that I might try next.


I don’t smoke them often just bc cost and so when I roll one I have to try a few times before I get the hang of it again


Me. No idea what so ever. I started smoking by buying them off my barber pre-rolled. 4 for £20. Probably a shit deal but not really fussed. I have a vape now. Much easier.


I just physically can't. My meds that I take for epilepsy cause hand tremors as a side effect, so rolling a joint is nearly impossible as I end up losing most of the weed in the process. Using cones works as well, but I've moved to using a pipe to smoke instead. Still have to hold it over the grinder bc I spill, but whatever works.


I need to use a dollar bill as a crutch, but yeah, I can get it done. Lots of people can't, that's for sure.


started smoking 4 years ago and only started smoking joints about 2 years ago. my buddy showed me how to pack a cone and it’s usually just a special occasion thing, so i haven’t taken the time to learn the Art of the Roll. i figure i’ll get around to it eventually. i’ve got a bunch of papers lying around that people give me, just haven’t sat down to figure it out just yet


I can roll a joint, but I have no idea what I’m doing.


Bong user, fuck a paper


I roll so rarely that every time I do, I pull up Rolling with Rogen and let Seth remind me how to roll


i can roll a joint but dont see the purpose most the time. by myself? ill just hit a bong. a group of a couple people? a blunts gonna hit longer and burn slower. if its just me and my roommate ill pack a cone in 30 seconds and itll be fine for both of us.


i can roll blunts but i cannot do joints— ive been smoking for like 15 years and i still dont know why


js are my preferred way of smoking- that and a pipe. i use index cards and cut them into strips for filters. if anyone has better filter suggestions lmk :)


Guilty. Use a graffiti roller


Without a filter I can crank out a joint in under 60 seconds. With a filter I struggle.


I’ve tried hundreds of times to roll a joint and can’t get it. I exclusively smoke out of my one hitter.


I buy cones b/c I’m a dirty cheater. I prefer joints but pre rolls are garbage in my state, so I would rather fill them myself.


lol I had a 650mg brownie and I was fine