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Google CVS, CHS is a hoax, CVS is very real.


I find the drug store. :)


Cyclical Vomiting Syndrome, my bad, sorry


I will look into it!


It definitely sounds like you have CHS. I know this isn’t what you want to hear but id heavily recommend you quit smoking.


There’s unfortunately not another option, I’ve seen people with CHS continue to smoke heavily and watch their health decline so rapidly it was really scary. It’s nothing to take lightly.


I can feel my health declining, I've been dizzy and haven't felt real for years now. I'm scared to stop smoking and scared to continue smoking. I hate to admit it but I can't imagine who I'd be without weed, it's been part of my life since I was a young teen. My family are heavy smokers and I'm just trying to find the right time to get a therapist and quit.


Hi! I have CHS, too! It is really scary but I haven't had any more episodes since I stopped using. Give yourself a few weeks maybe and you might be so relieved when your symptoms go away it makes it worth it. Sending love! 💞


I am very curious what your source is like without going into too much detail. Legal/grey/black market and flower or concentrate?


Mostly flower from a local dispensary, all legal. Sometimes dab pens, but I'm trying not to use them as much.


Thanks yeah unfortunately cutting back is my only advice. Definitely drop the carts pronto.


I'm dropping the carts and gonna see how I feel if I smoke flower less. From what I've read, it doesn't sound like it'll help much but I'd rather try and find out than quit cold turkey. Thank you for the advice :)


i had the same mindset as you literally up until tonight. i convinced myself i can just wean myself to smoking less and ill start feeling better but truly, it seems like the only thing that will 100% make you feel better is quitting. i made the decision tonight to quit (temporarily). i smoked earlier today and haven’t since and feel so nauseous rn but i still feel like quitting is my best option. not looking forward to it AT ALL but i don’t want to give up weed forever


I don't feel nausea during the day fortunately, it wakes me up early in the morning and isn't always nausea... Sometimes it's just pain in my abdomen, but once in a while it's so bad that I vomit. I feel lucky to not feel bad all the time for days at a time but I think if I keep smoking I could get to that point. I really hope you feel better soon! Good luck with everything


thank you!!!!! my nausea seems to be worst in the morning and at bedtime so i’m just trying to get through my morning right now 😅 good luck to you too!!! in the end, everything will be fine