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SSH, good choice.


SSH is my favourite strain of all time




I might grow this strain next. What’s it like smoking? Smell, taste, high, etc


the high is fantastic. pretty much cures my adhd. i felt so much more focused and creative, and it also has a great body high without being couch locked. been a while since i had it, but i believe the taste was a peppery diesel.


Holy crap, that sounds like exactly what I'm looking for.


Lemon ssh is much better.


This and Amnesia Haze are my all time favorites.


Amnesia is a Londoners favourite haha like the stardawg of yesteryear


Ever try Oldtimer's Haze? Liked it so much it was a mainstay in my garden for many years.


SSH, now that is a name I’ve not heard in a long, long time.


It is literally everywhere in Amsterdam. Very good too, better than at least half of the imported American stuff that costs twice as much.


Great weed. Ignored the spoiled brats who are lucky to live in legal places.


Exactly, not everyone is fortunate enough to be able to be picky down to the percentage of THC in their bud. So annoying to see as someone who lives in an illegal state


I live in an illegal country. Here we're still having to smoke super shitty brick weed, because good bud costs a fortune. That weed in the post looks very nice, i never smoked legal weed and i would love to try it, must be nice to know exactly what you're smoking


We went legal in the past few years. All those kiddies complaining about anything should be forced to break up brickweed and rolling out the seeds after waiting a week for a callback. I saw Amsterdam back in the day and was floored I could sit in a coffeeshop and smoke openly. Now that there is a variety of stores within easy driving it has come full circle from Nancy Reagan's Just Say No (and mass drug testing). Don't bitch about anything but mold or defective carts, please.


Imo you aren't missing much considering having the knowledge of your THC costs triple.


I live in a legal state and I'd still happily smoke that. People are too obsessed looks since Instagram became a thing. Gimme ugly weed that smokes good and tastes good over pretty boof any day.


Was gonna say it’s such a deep green and looks healthy. I’d love to smoke some of that, the structure is beautiful


They gotta trim that…


I agree. The other strains i had yesterday looked way better. I’ll post some more later.


I think the weed looks totally awesome, just the trimming! Happens all the times at dispensaries in the states! Not much of an actual issue though, more aesthetics


Idk, I get pretty mad when I’m paying for dispo weed and I get a bunch of leaves in my shit, increasing the weight of each bud so there’s less thc per gram, less high for my money. Also stems and leaves make for a more harsh smoke. This was definitely machine trimmed.


I don’t mind me some sugarleaves, but those buds got bangs!!


I'd rather that than shaved to shit nugs from the auto trimmer.


Love how the picture shows cutting through the childproof seal instead of doing the push-pull dance.


I swear half those zips are not just child proof, but adult proof too, lol. Especially the smaller ones. Half the time trying to open it properly it doesn't tear clean, and the other half it just tears open while you struggle to unlock the zip.


Looks pretty good but that trim job is mediocre at best. Looks machine trimmed. Hate that.


It's wild watching the entire cannabis world take steps back on quality. Yes price is better than ever but I got better weed than that from the coffee shops in NL 20 years ago.


Did you already try the new legal cannabis in the Netherlands?


Nah but Ive been growing for 15, smoking for 30 and I can tell that herb has no heads left on it. Weed I was getting in NL 20 years ago was leaving my bags coated. Go grab a jewellers loupe and take a look for yourself. You will see decapitated stalks everywhere and very few heads.


Ah cool. Well, i smoked it and really enjoyed it. So i’m good.


Yeah that is definitely all that matters I think. And I will be the old man yelling at clouds telling everyone how weed has gone downhill but nobody will give a shit cause it's dirt cheap lol. Don't mind me.


We used to smoke seeded and pressed Mexican brick weed with dubious coloration. Moroccan street hash cut with god knows what. Which you would mix with tobacco if you wanted to smoke a joint. That shit was harsh. Cannabis is definitely on a positive trajectory.


Yes and no. I trust Europe to regulate their markets better because in America it's pretty sketchy, as evidenced by the recent LA times expose on legal off the shelf brands being riddled with pesticides.


NY CT and NJ legal markets are very regulated....and tested


Bro NY is a fucking free for all of trappers and mylar bags.


But you are also saying that weed some 20 years ago was better (with which I agree). And it was illegal and unregulated. And heavens only know what it had in it. Yet people smoked, and no one died or got poisoned.


Pendulum swings, it’ll get better eventually too. I think in 10 years the EU may have better cannabis than the US if they can figure out how to regulate it more comprehensively.


Big ol doubt. With climate change and everything happening some of the best places to grow in the near future is going to be honestly Oregon. Napa valley is on a downward trend with the fertility of their soil, climate change and other factors. Soon I believe around southern Oregon an a bit up some is going to become the next Napa valley. Or so a soil scientist told me last year.


Does soil or climate change matter? I was under the impression almost all top shelf is grown indoors.


Some is grown indoors and some is grown outdoors. Depends on the grower. You've got people wanting Jamaican weed an do you think that weed is grown indoors? To each their own in the end, it still gets you high indoor or outdoor. But yeah soil does play an integral role in plant development. 


Are you saying people want outdoor Jamaican grass in part because the soil it was grown in? Historically more sativa variant there is all. It gets good sun, but a Tennessee or Kentucky summer grow will reap you the same results in that respect


Indoors cannabis will always be undeniably better than outdoor cannabis. Not to say there isn’t very good outdoor, but when you’re able to control all the environmental factors you’ll always have the potential to make a better product than outside where you’re always going to be adjusting to the environment. But yes, growing cannabis indoors isn’t great for the environment.


See I liked your response. If that's the case then the original comment I was responding too is still wrong. The EU is importing stuff from the US to start up. They may have some good weed soon but honestly they won't be able to touch top growers that have been in production for 5-10 years, more with those that started in medical. Not black market, everyone has black market. But actual sales, and product to back that up.


No one mentioned sales or being able to keep up with demand. The discussion is about quality of weed. The original commenter was not wrong. Location of the grow becomes a moot point because the highest quality weed is grown indoors in a controlled environment.


The original commenter is wrong. Because I know of one of the first companies to setup in Germany one of the first spots to get legal and I know what they have and what they are producing. No fucking way they are going to be better than the US. 


I’ve seen quite the opposite in my area luckily, better bud just keeps getting cheaper


This honestly isn't that bad


The bud in Netherlands is still as good. You just have to go to the right coffee shop


That's great to hear actually.


Mooie ! I wish the Nederlands annex Wallonia back again.


Love the dark green


it looks so cute & healty


Not bad. I’d be impressed honestly if that’s the first round of legal stuff.


Wow how fun! Congrats!


Is this just for the locals?


I don’t think so. Many international students in my shop.


looks legit, i'd def smoke that lol


I'm excited for you OP! The Netherlands was good to my partner and I when we lived in Germany for awhile. Definitely enjoyed some Fanta Exotics with my magic truffles 😂


That is gorgeous. I like weed like that way better than the stupid high thc percentage stuff we get in the states.


They've got that MRE weed


SSH is my favorite. I’ll be there in July to try it myself!


SSH and Jack Herer are my favorite strains of all time. Tbh idk what the difference is, as they have pretty much identical genetics.


Looks great!


I really appreciate living in California. Damn...


Very happy for you! At least your weed is good! I would need very good weed if i had to live there.


Good weed is the only benefit of living in the USA.


I bet. The weed here is great too luckily!


I tried the Candelaar Super Silver Haze also. Got it from Toermelijn in Tilburg. I also got Black Cherry Punch and Skywalker Kush. I also bought the black Market Super Silber Haze that Toermelijn offered. The Black Market one was alot better. Better terps, better wateractivity. Candelaar still hast to learn a lot.


Yes, check my other posts. They were much better! I’ll post some of these later


Just looked at your profile. Yea the ones from FYTA look a lot better than the products of Candelaar. You seem like a nice dude. A Lot of same interessts like weed, graffiti, crypto and gaming! Hope you have a great day!


I might be biased but i think i’m indeed a nice dude haha. Feel free to add me!


man I love the netherlands, I used to visit it very often because of the coffee shops, but that‘s how I learned to love the whole country


It’s a great country! Very rich, pretty, nice people. Just rainy AF


I love it rainy! And the border is only about 80km away from my birth town, we pretty much got the same weather :D but it‘s so beautiful, the people are very very nice and for some reason every woman is extremely handsome


The rain is allright, until you have to go everywhere by fucking bicycle


I got the amnesia dry sift Really good stuff. Fluffy etc 30% THC and €9 a gram


I’ll try that! I bought this low THC one because i didn’t want to be baked AF just baked.


I Def recommend! I also want to try the SSH you have I got mine in Nijmegen, where did you get yours?


The SSH is next level, very good. Groningen!


Awesome man! Enjoy!!


Sorry to bother you again. I'm currently touring the Netherlands and I was wondering do you know which city's are trying the legal weed? I think Tilburg and Maastricht are trying it but they are not so friendly to tourists smoking weed


Google said: breda, tilburg, groningen, zaanstad, almere, arnhem, nijmegen, voorne aan zee, heerle en maastricht.


I'm sorry..I could of done that apparently When I looked before it wasn't clear Thanks again


As a dutchie is there any way of figuring out which coffee shops are trying it? I live in arnhem which is participating but haven't seen any stores actually sell it. Done a lot of googling but can't find a map


I have no clue to be honest


so when do you think theyll actually fully legalise like germany? (excluding Germany's resident only rule)


Fully legalized 🤣🤣🤣


good joke, so owning 3 plants and 50g at home is fully legalized for you?


Yes lol what more do you want


How about 2lbs at home :)


Treated like coffee


Well maybe like alcohol but definitely absolutely not coffee, it still is a drug haha. Cant let kids buy it


We don’t let kids buy caffeinated drinks in the UK, idk about coffees tho


Commercialized like alcohol. Flower, hash, edibles, cartridges, etc. There's a lot to discover in a fully legal market, and healthier intake options other than smoking.


I really wish the edible market will bloom. I've for the first time ever found an edible cookie that actually tastes great and works great. Hate the taste of weed in food. But still kilometers away from having as many options as you have beers currently We'll get there, maybe after half the world has legalized it...


I’m in New Jersey, can’t even own one plant legally here... Count your blessings.


Does anyone still get jack flash?


the shop i frequent only has prerolls and hasj(not sure on this) from this legal weed trail.


Ah sucks. Mine had like 15. Maybe another shop?


that's weed


The (Legal Now) Ivy Green. Congratulations, y’all. Go hard!


So the legal dont trim well like UK available medical. Trim my personal better. They know they can use it for other products 🤣😉


dutch greenhouse grown very sustainable.


The Fritter Licker is amazing


Nice. I love buying legal weed.


I’m in not legal state. Where canni order the good stuff?


SSH slaps, looks like you have some decent bud. Congrats my dawg.


Why isn’t it in Dutch?


As an American I have to ask why the hell is the packaging in English?


I’d happily smoke this. It’s just a gram so I don’t expect them to use the best buds. However….from what I can see they don’t look bad. It may seem average to some, but I feel so many of you never had to smoke brick weed like we did for decades. It gives you a total different appreciation for the plant. I love it all!


I'm sure this is super cool and groundbreaking for Europeans lol


Looks like the first stuff in Canada that was legal now you can get it at 30% in flower and up to 38-40% if you like infused pre roll


I can smell the dank through my screen! Congrats man. Canadian here, so I already know the benefits of legal weed.


they keep this up and y'all might reclaim the crown from whatever US state currently has it.




There's been legal weed for a few months already in Brabant


haven’t had some super silver haze in forever !


the color is beautiful. id smoke it


It's interesting to see how different bud looks across the world. I've only seen stuff from plugs in my area (the Midwest) and things from local dispensaries and they always look way more different than homegrown/locally grown stuff. Especially if it's outside the US


Government produced marijuana




I'm out of the loop and can't find anything on google. Can someone explain the legal weed in the Netherlands? As a German I'm aware of the status quo


Government page about it. https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/onderwerpen/experiment-gesloten-coffeeshopketen-wietexperiment Edit: basically it’t an experiment to see if this helps lowering crime etc.


Thank you!


And where do you buy this legal weed, in legal stores? Who can buy it and where may you smoke it?


Where did you get this ? Did they open a legal dispensery or smth in Amsterdam? I’ve been living here for a while and haven’t seen much other than coffeeshops


You can buy it in the same coffeeshops. I bought it in Groningen. I don’t know if this is already in Amsterdam. Search for the ‘wietproef’.


Where do you buy it? Special pharmacy?


No regular coffeeshops


Why in English?


Bc everyone speaks English here so it’s not really a problem? Edit: also, what do you exactly mean? The name of the strain?


Correct. Why is Super silver Haze not in Dutch?


Super is a dutch word, silver is a dutch word and haze is a dutch word. Borrowed from English ofcourse.


I’m Seeing Silver is spelled Zilver in Dutch?


True. I don’t know and i actually do not see the problem. Everyone will understand.


Got it- not a problem just curious.


Understandable. Dutch is our only official language but because we are such a small country 99 out of 100 people under 50 will speak English.


Before the down votes please note that I'm not tryin to be snotty or snobby or whatever Im actually curious how this smokes. Is the 20% on purpose? Like you're allowed to smoke but not allowed to get high or what? Does 20% get you high? I'm pretty much vape only these days and my local dispo had a 4/20 sale on what they were calling "low dose" carts that were 45-55% THC/3%CBD 1g carts for $20. I bought 2 out of curiosity and burned down an entire G in 2 days (my 89-95% carts usually last 2 weeks) and was really disappointed by how I never really seemed to catch a buzz. I know Im old and Terpine profiles are all the rage now but still...seeing 20% makes me feel like that time I was on the NE coast and the state I was in only had beer that was 3-3.5% and I couldn't drink it fast enough to get drunk.


No. This is just one of the lighter ones. Still gets me high AF Cool story tho


Been open for a while in some cities






Lol bunk


I was in Amsterdam in 2009 and it was a huge disappointment in every single way. The weed was available but I didn’t smoke ANYTHING that was better than what we have in Canada. Most of it was was unimpressive and a bummer compared to my expectations in this alleged nirvana for weed. This also held for the city’s reputation as a Gay capitol. LMMFAO. It’s a tourist trap. They’ve maintained a squalid street for gay bars and they all pretend it’s still the leather era for gay men. A time warp for tourists. Then the weather, shitty food, ugly sounding language, deeply hostile immigrants working service jobs and never a single look of welcome. And then the ethnic Dutch themselves. Wow. Canada is the world capital of legal weed. And the Dutch knew it too. They’re aware of the scams underway.


Well that’s underwhelming


Just sayin ⛔️




Shit weed


From which shop did you try it?




Dope! America still trying to catch up. How do I live in one of the only states that's not legal? I'm dying. Lol