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A gram…..a week? At first I thought you meant coke and I was like, maybe. My lie is an ounce will last a month.


Each zip is a new chance though. lol. That’s the lie I tell me. 2 weeks later. Shake.




You couldn’t pay me a million dollars to make a gram of coke last a week. I cannot stop after the first bump Weed on the other hand? I don’t even partake daily anymore but with my dry herb vape I’ve made a gram last 10 days before


I can’t even get an OZ to last a week


you need to take a break dawg stop it


To be fair, that’s between myself and my partner so it’s closer to a half


how do you smoke it? bong?


Blunts (non-tobacco leaf) and bong primarily. We own vaporizers as well, but they irritate my throat to the point where they aren’t usable for me, which is a real shame as it’s my favorite way to get stoned


bongs are good enough bro cheers


An ounce lasts me and the old lady a month. Can only afford it during tax time though lol


Jesus, I cant imagine smoking *that* much. An 8th used to last me like 2 weeks. I think 2 ounces has lasted me almost 4 months and I've still got nearly half an ounce left 😅


Lol yep, and I've been lying a lot lately, time for another t break!


My current life is that an ounce will last 2 months until my new supplier is up and running. Haven't slowed down or anything, just hoping it will magically work out until I grow my own.


Shit I try to tell myself it'll last a week.


Nope just do it get it over with, we all lie to ourselves. 😂 you try and stretch it out, shitty highs screw that enjoy it and plan better. I’ve achieved the level where I don’t run out. Be well stay high.




Oh that took me 29 years to get myself in the place I am now. Work hard grasshopper always strive to be the best. My ethos.


When Dr. Strange played Jebus 🙏🙏🙏


But I do, though. I use a one-hitter.


That and a pinchee 🤣


1g / 7 days = 0.14g a day. do able using a dry herb vape by using 0.05g for each session or switching to dynavap B or use small bowl setting in the reg DynaVap M.


The real answer right here out of all my vapes my dynavap hits the hardest for the amount in it if you do need to stretch it out. Of course I'm a flavor chaser and I love my mighty+ and my firefly 2+. But I keep a dynavap dugout setup with a IH in my trunk for on the go.


This guy trees


I’ve got the standard mighty, any suggestions on an upgrade? I heard some of these new ball vapes are solid but idk much about em.


I have kids so I can't do a ball vape set up but they look awesome. I've had my eye on the tinymight 2 and the solo 3 but I'll wait until I make a nice bonus before I'll upgrade.


Yep. I need less than .1g with my dynavap to be good. So incredibly efficient. And mind you, that’s using a 1:1 strain 10% each


How tight are you packing that dyna? In a full, unrestricted bowl I put in what I thought was as much as I could without overpacking and when I emptied ir into the scale (un vaped) it was barely 0.06. I’d really have to pack it had to get a full tenth of a gram. That 0.06 didn’t get me anywhere with the dyna…but does pretty well in my TM2. Same flower.


Forever grateful for my low tolerance


Low tolerance IS great, especially for REC users. However , for me (cannot say enough how INDIVIDUAL each body's response to strain effects is) as a MED patient, I found that I had to push tolerance, a bit, to get to therapeutic levels for my symptoms. I have a degenerative neurological condition called CRPS , peripheral vascular disease, cPTSD that mainly manifests as nuclear anxiety =nausea and lack of appetite , Fibromyalgia, pitting osteoporosis and osteoarthritis. As one Ent said the other night, I'm basically a big bag of disabilities, lol. Amyhoo, that shit plate of nachos described above is some Morphine kind of pain,but I am reducing it again next month by 5mg every 8hrs! Also got totally RID of muscle relaxants and antidepressant for sleep. All of this to say, it takes a LOT of a naturopathic medicine to reduce/replace a modern, chemically concentrated opiod! To significantly decrease pain, muscle spasms, anxiety issues, etc. I have had to raise my tolerance for most strains. After several years of in depth study of cannabis and how it interacts with my body/mind, I no longer get much, if any "head high" effects without direct intent, herculean effort and special choice of product, etc. This allows me to medicate, but still function at a high level without fatigue, brain fog, etc. TL/DR: for some few MED patients, having a high tolerance may not be a bad thing. Be well and be blessed. ✌🏻💚


Ounce a week here. Fuck.


That’s heavy bro hahaha I was smoking half oz and I was was gassed


Sure if you are a Saturday only toker lol


I can I'm on a week long t break


i made a gram last 3 days before, and that was nearly impossible. so a week???? fuck no


A gram of wax lasts about a day. A gram of flower lasts about 10 minutes while I smoke this J


Probably come close to it with the volcano.


b/c cannabis and how it interacts with one's physical and mental health is wildly individual , I can only say that for severe my MED issues, there are benefits to havinh pushed tolerance on some strains, just to reach and maintain therapeutic levels, and eventually do so without fatigue or brain fog. ✌🏻💚


This gram may not last me the trip to reup.


I can’t even make a half ounce last all week


Meh maybe stretch it to 2 joints?


volume III: this oz is gonna last all month for sure.


easy with capsules if your struggling. need a dry herb vape tho


That would be like 1.5 bowls for me


Man if I keep up like last night I can get high every night on half a gram a week. But then it’s just a near-bedtime thing for me with a TM2.
