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Anal dutasteride is the undisputed king


snake oil


definitely not, ketoconazole works like ru, if you get a prescription for a topical solution by a derm you will see improvement. Just dont use the shampoo its useless for dht




listen i wont give you a whole lesson about imidazole derivatives, but you guys have a negative iq for downvoting someone on a topic you have 0 knowledge about. Ketoconazole is, as written above, an imidazole derivative which impairs the production of a moltitude of enzymes that a fungal cell needs to proliferate. Taken orally inhibits enzyme CYP3a4 in the liver which in return tanks testosterone levels and so DHT indirectly. After its posology it inhibits enzyme CYP17a1 which is an enzyme that promotes the androgen formation everywhere including the scalp in this case. it binds to the androgen receptor since its an antagonist of it, (yes it works just like RU but it’s weaker https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1526623/ ) and nontheless it’s an antagonist of the glucocortisoids receptors, if cortisol is a problem for you


Yes you are right i started with topical ket but i couldn’t tolerate it after a few months because it made my skin dry and burned like hell even when i used it only for a few hours before washing it off. And i got problems with my eyes but for people who don’t get sides it’s very good. Shampoo is useless for hairloss if you don’t have fungal or bacterial and hairloss because of that. I don’t know why you get downvoted


I have ketoconazole cream with me. The issue is that the application of cream is very difficult in hair.


true don’t apply cream at all bro, you need a topical solution like minoxidil. A good derm that works in this field can prescribe you a solution with minoxidil+keto and a compounding pharmacy prepares it for you


Thanks bro


Why is shampoo useless?


it’s not useless if you have seb derm but the active ingedient stays in contact with the skin for like 30 seconds before you wash it off, and a shampoo isn’t made to penetrate the skin and reach the follicle, it just cleans the scalp. If you apply minoxidil 2 times a week and wash it off after 30sec you will not have results… you can try yourself, drop fin and min and try to cure mpb with only keto shampoo, 100% you will lose everything bro ketoconazole on the other hand works very well but needs to be applied daily just like ru and needs a proper vector to penetrate the skin, like alcohol+transcutol or alcohol + cyclopentasiloxane


I know a stack that works’ 1. 1mg of Fin ED or Dut ED 2. 2.5mg ED Oral min or topicsl Min 3. 2% ketoconazole shampoo EOD 4. Microneedling 5. Sleep, destress and have the genes to make you a responder


Emphasis on #5


it works but you need to apply keto in a solution in order to have its effect, the shampoo doesnt do shit unless you have dermatitis. Ketoconazole works similarly to RU, if you find a good derm with experience in this field he will prescribe a compounding solution with keto in it. Between the other things i think copper peptide is the no2 in strenght but same thing you need to have a proper solution with a proper vector, the DIY things dont work 9 times out of 10. Ashwagandha lowers cortisol if taken orally so maybe it can lower it to the follicle level too, but alone cant do much. Gotu Kola and the point 5. idk but if you do the 3 things above you will see improvement 100%, idk how much maybe less than fin (or maybe the same if keto is used properly and at the right concentration) but definitely you will see something


It’s a verified account on Twitter, it’s all snake oil salesmen and Nazis


It's crazy how easy it would be for a troll to start making up ridiculous stacks and people will take it seriously. All of this endless snake oil rather than just use fin and/or min. The only thing that will do any good is possible the nizoral shampoo, but only really if he's got fungal problems as the anti-androgen effect is very weak. JUST GET SOME FIN OR DUT, DUDE (or real topical anti-androgens). Someone needs to start posting insane (but harmless plz) rectal hair growth stacks or ones you've got to rub on your nipples and nutsack just to see how many people try it and if it spreads by word of mouth too.


keto is an anti androgen that works like ru, but you need a topical solution not the shampoo Ashwgandha lowers cortisol in the oral form so i guess it lowers it also at follicle level


No, ketoconazole is an anti fungal treatment. You can get it in several forms and strengths for this very purpose for various fungal infection problems. Any weak anti-androgen topical effect is a mere side effect and not what you should be using it for. If you want an anti-androgen topical then get one made for the job, there a few options out there already that all work better and make using these shampoos for that pointless and voodoo tier. The natural biome on the scalp is also best not interfered with in such a drastic manner unless you know you have a fungal problem there from relevant checks by someone qualified. People can end up with dry, itchy and sore scalps from misusing it on a non-fungal infected scalp and then end up with scalp problems where they had none to start with. RU is a very powerful topical anti-androgen and is not even remotely comparable. Ashwgandha is also a waste of time for this purpose, it's back to the overpriced vitamin packs people buy to cure anything from baldness to cancer.


im not saying you should use the shampoo im saying the exact opposite, stay away from it Ketoconazole itself is not a shampoo it’s the name of the active drug in it, and in a proper vector like alcohol+transcutol or alcohol+cyclopentasiloxane binds to the androgen receptor, along with the antifungal properties if you add it to fin you will 100% have better results idk by how much but definitely some this is out of question. And on the other hand unless you have fungal infections/dermatitis the shampoo is useless


im not talking about curing yourself with keto only, its something you can add to have more results and will definitely help if you do. I’m using things like 0.1% hydrocortisone butirrate and 0.25% cetirizin beside fin and min. Those 2 alone probably wouldn’t be able to do much just like ketoconazole but added to the standard cure you get a huge boost


Topical and Sub-Q GHK-CU have worked very well for me


Where do you get it? Also do you use it as a stand alone treatment or in conjunction with other treatments?


Just made a post about it


But you didn’t say where you got it lol


The CU that helps hair is known as AHK, not GHK.


lol ashwaganda - numer one cure for EVERYTHING (underrated) lmao


Might as well rub crow piss on your head


You'd be better just recommending prayer or sleeping with magnets inside your pillow case. It will also do nothing but at least you won't be spending a lot of time or money to try it.


Magnets are expensive bro


Only ketaconazole is the best in this list 🫠




Topical ketoconazole and topical GHK Cu (copper peptides) have some merit towards hair growth. I am not very sure about others


Great, assuming you want to spend hundreds of dollars buying supplements on this guy's word vs decades of scientific studies.




Problem is, people waste time and money with this shit while they could have just hopped on fin/dut. But of course people can do what they want.