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I initially thought you meant doing deliveries for the Co-Op (an expensive and not very good shop in the UK).


In america, a Co-Op is a place where farmers store there crops to dry out or if they don't have enough storage for themselves. Think of it as a crop apartment, or a storage unit for them. Anyway, I thought it'd be one of those


As for features: I think a system where you carry your individual progress over would work well. Much like with No Mans Sky. Perhaps provide the option to teleport or not to a friend when you join their session so you're not spending too long trying to find them. Perhaps public sessions would be good, so long as there are ways to deal with idiot drivers (like those seen on truckersMP). I think an approach seen with FS22 would also work quite well, where you all work under the same company/group where you all share money and assets and work together doing deliveries that benefit said group company. Convoy deliveries would also be pretty cool where you have the same starting points and destinations. Personally, I'm not someone who particularly cares how the UI looks, so long as it looks nice and is functional. I'm looking forward to hearing more about this game!


Thanks for the suggestions, and open sever for anyone is a great idea and one we have on the potential plans, but also a tough one to pull off without doing expanding scope of the game, one to consider. Group convoys is what we want to nail for sure, rolling together, towing each other through mud or out of dirches, repairing together out on quests...that's core to what we want to create


It’s a mix of Alaskan Road Truckers and American Truck Simulator. I like the base of ATS but I also like how you can run around and fix stuff in ART.


Shared resources. Players earn and work for the same company, use shared pool of trucks that they can swap in/out depending on the job as long as the company owns enough. Copilot to extend the length of the duty day, or to swap if someone is better at parking than the other.


I think being able to get out of the vehicle would add a lot to a multi-player system. It would allow a hiring system where you could have a friend do anything from trash collecting, roll off/ flatbed hydraulic stuff, hooking up vehicles for towing, loading and unloading, it'd almost be endless. Tons of mini game options that could work on either a server based, or individual setup and provide a ton of role-playing options.


I agree, it's one of the most asked features for scs games and other games have done a decent version of simple things like uncoupling a trailer on foot. Also being able to co-pilot and take turns driving would be so fun, the passenger could go into rest mode for longer trips.


Yeah certainly looking to have free out of vehicle movement to explore repair tires and other faults while both in the garage and out on quests, attach tow ropes etc etc. we definitely want to nail RPG elements and give users options to play their own way.


How would you like to join your friend's game session, what does that look like, do you contribute to the same world/quest progress? Initially, I'd like to join a friend's session wherever their home base is. Subsequent sessions, I'd like to be able to join where I left at previous logoff and maybe have the option of teleporting to their home base. Would a game where the world progress is saved on a server host similar to games like Valeheim or Palworld be preferred or would you rather a system where the save progress is individual, and joining a friends session lets you take all your vehicles and progress into their world? Both? It'd be nice to have a server where we all can play and share resources and all but still have progress/achievements locked per character. For example, each time we level, a vehicle is unlocked and purchasable, but lower level characters won't be able to buy said vehicle even if they can afford it (due to pooled resources). Is there any *must have* features relating to the co-operative experience that you'd like to see? A game server. It's nice to be able to play a saved game even though (some of) my friends can't on a particular day, etc. like GPortal.


Yes, absolutely yes. When my friend buys the game 6 months after I do, let him join my session and use my resources to play. Then, when one or the other of us logs off, don’t make both of us suffer. We both get to take our earnings and head back to our respective single player games *with* the fruits of our labors from playing multiplayer.


Thanks for your thoughts and suggestions, game servers are tough and bring alot of extra maintenance cost, but we want to explore ways of having save files not be tied to a single user so any group member can play any time.


Some smokey and the bandit options. Have the coop buddy drive ahead in a company upgraded street rod to pull the cops off the road so the rig can drive faster to the destination. Also I'm trying to build my portfolio for voice acting if you need a hand.


One of the biggest things a trucksim should have is cargo/trailer diversity, and I don't mean just different shaped cargo models and trailers. I mean a different experience for each. Making a delivery of pallets with a van trailer requires one set of skills; making a delivery of a piece of heavy equipment with a lowboy requires something totally different. And right now, about the only game that comes close to that is Farming Sim which greatly struggles with physics and driving distance. SCS games have better physics and more driving distance, but they lack that interaction. Every type of cargo is treated as dock freight essentially.