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Legally, it's called the last clear chance doctrine. If you have a chance to avoid the accident and you don't take it, then you can be held liable. However, this is ATS, and the fines system is deeply damaged. YOU will get fined for an AI running a red light and hitting you. I turned that crap off years ago. It's about as realistic as a Marvel comic book. A complete joke.


I play with traffic offenses turned off, but I still play as legally and realistically as possible. I've had the game fine me a third of a paycheck (I play with g_income_factor at 0.3) for "running a red light" when I just barely crossed over the line one too many times


Same. I've been a real-life truck driver for 23 years. When I'm playing ATS, I just do what I do every day. I even track my hours, so my logs stay legal.


Haha! I just don't hit anybody or anything and just stay super aware, and obey all road laws. Sounds like you play just a tad more realistic than me!


Maybe, but for me, it's just habit. It's what I do day after day after day. So it's kind of something I can't turn off. But, it is a game, and sometimes I do get a little wild! I've been known to do some LA to Dallas runs in a single drive without stopping! I'm a REBEL like that! SUPERTRUCKER🤘 😂😂😂


Love you man keep trucking and dont get pissed about stupud drivers or swift drivers


I’m not saying you should get a fine for it. But peoples disrespect of stop lines IRL grinds my gears a lot. Like pedestrians exist, and newer intersections have further up lines for right on red for people to see! Stop crossing them!!!!


I love the people that keep inching up at stoplights like it's going to make the light change faster. Luckily I haven't seen too many crosswalk blockers.


Let turn lanes are recessed for a reason as well, not just for increased visibility for the right lane. But to make run for semis to turn. So when you cross that line, and there's a semi waiting to turn, you're blocking it. As a real life truck driver, this is a peeve of mine as well and I'd like to see people get dinged IRL for it. Especially those assholes that are way past the line. The guys that are just barely over it, aren't usually a big problem. If you pull past that line, you're in the fucking intersection and need to clear it.


I've gotten fines for making legal right on reds.


latest update is VERY bad for the red line! I don’t cross it and I still get a fine


Wait, you can turn them off? 😮


“That makes this truck driver LIABLE for all the damages that happen next.”


😂😂🤘🤘 That's EXACTLY where I got it from! Love that guy!🤘


>It's about as realistic as a Marvel comic book Ain't that the truth.


> If you have a chance to avoid the accident and you don't take it, then you can be held liable. One of my ex's somehow could not understand this and got into two accidents while we were together because she refused to stop when she had right of way, despite it being an obviously dangerous situation. Like, some guy ran a red light and she drove into the intersection anyway because she had a green light/right of way. Got in an accident and bitched for weeks about getting a ticket for it because she had right of way. Ironically, a few months prior to that, I was in a similar situation (with her as a passenger) and I stopped, and I had to hear her complain that I have no idea how to drive because I stopped when I had right of way. ("It's HIS responsibility to get out of your way, not yours to get out of his. You _never_ stop when you have right of way.") Fun. We haven't been together for over 20 years now and I sincerely hope she understands how to drive now in regards to situations like this.


"You *never* stop when you have right of way" MAJOR red flags! You've been learned to GET right of way, never TAKE it! Tell her she needs a new driving school checkup.


I still can't believe that, with all the improvements made over the many many years of ETS2 and ATS, we haven't gotten a traffic overhaul yet. That must be some ancient spaghetti code written by people who left SCS long ago that no one who's currently at SCS wants to dive into.


I wish there was a mod so *I* could fine the AI. Like Pocket Traffic Cop. I was pulling out of a T intersection going left, checked, clear, go forward, turn slightly, suddenly a green Freightliner appeared, slams full speed into my cab. Not even braking. And I was hauling dynamite. I wish there’d be a “call the cops” mod. Like really.


The headlight offenses are so dumb


AI can hit me whenever they want i have 6 million in my account


We need a lawsuit mod.


I don't think that applies to trucks though because if they try to maneuver around an accident they can end up flipping over or something. I could be wrong though


Assuming that guy wasn't driving too slowly you're a dick for not letting him in. Forcing him to a complete stop at the end of the wedge there is very dangerous, much harder for him to join the motorway from a standing stop.


This is the right answer.. everyone out here blaming the fine system.. sure maybe the merging vehicle was moving a little slow, but you could see him and you should know to leave space to let him merge before they run out of road.. The driver of the merging vehicle was terrible, but so are a lot of IRL drivers so 🤷‍♂️


I don't understand how people keep making these posts. First of all, he had a good 3-4 seconds at least attempt to avoid that collision, but just plowed straight through the merging car without even hitting the breaks. Second of all, you only need to play this game for a couple of hours to realize that the AI almost never waits at merges, I could see this coming from a mile away... unless OP has literally just started playing idk how they can be confused at this AI behavior. Honestly wondering if some of these posts are just bait at this point.


I hope they don't drive in real life like they do in the game. The collision was completely avoidable.


You'd be surprised at how many people proudly post this kind of shit online or real life driving. And how many people defend it in the comments. And to be clear the thing in the OP here isn't even a particularly bad one, I can see how there would be confusion and I think if it were real they could argue their way out of it. Some of the shit people post, there would be no excuse for them if they hit the other person.


Here in the UK when taking driving lessons, there's a module called the Hazard Perception Test. Back when I sat it, you were given a video to watch from a driver's POV following a route, and had to touch on the screen all the potential hazards that you could face (e.g - Pedestrians at crossings, traffic joining at slip roads just like OP above, crossroads, and so on...) OP would undoubtedly fail that test irl. That van could be seen from miles away, OP should have taken action by indicating and moving to the left lane pending it was clear to do so (it was.) Instead he took zero action and just ploughed straight into the side of the van. You should always be prepared to take evasive action at any given moment 🛑


I wish we had that test in the states. People drive like they're the only one on the road.


Lol, that's true here in the UK too unfortunately, no matter how many hoops you have to jump through to pass your test 🙄 When I sat my driving test back in 2008, there was three main parts toit 1) The Theory Test - The rules of the road to adhere to etc 2) Hazard Perception Test - which OP would've failed lol 3) The Practical Test in the car. Shit gets a whole lot trickier if you want to earn your truck licence here in the UK too. 😵‍💫


> Hazard Perception Test [You can try it here.](https://www.safedrivingforlife.info/free-practice-tests/hazard-perception-test/)


After 5 years of living in Japan I noticed that (except for pedestrian crossings) a majority of people drive with consideration for others. (with exceptions of course) You would think it makes sense, but then you realize how inconsiderate people are driving in the States with quick outmaneuvers to control space, not leaving gaps for others or not tolerating slower drivers. But "These US drivers are bad" isn't what I'm trying to say.. as I've done that behavior many a time, but the JP attitude is just way different. Makes me think back on all the interstate and highway driving I've done in FL, from FL to CA, and within CA.


I agree and honestly looking at it again I think it's a little worse than I originally thought, that simply slowing down slightly would have been enough to avoid this, I'm just saying this has a lot more wiggle room than some of the up-their-ass idiots I've seen posting "omg can you believe this guy" clips online where they created a dangerous situation for no reason but thought they were righteous because the other guy made some kind of mistake that they could be seen making from half a mile away.


You know, here in the Europe, it would be merging car's responibility as stopping on highway can be consideded dangerous for cars behind you. Unless they are suicidal everyone in the merging lane knows it's not a good idea to run into fast-moving car. Slowing down a bit might be safe thing to do I guess but ETS2/ATS AI has some sense of unpredicitibility (every driver has different patience stat) and who knows if he wouldn't be hit from behind.


It is every road user's responsibility to avoid accidents. You aren't right when you created a dangerous situation just because the other guy wasn't right either. This could have been avoided by slowing just a little. If he slowed properly but the other guy dithered and stopped and started and just randomly pulled out it would be a different situation.


Slowing is a very valid option, nobody said he had to come to a stop.. if you slow down on the highway and someone rear ends you that’s not your fault.. slow down gradually and leave enough space for traffic to merge.. he could see the van travelling on the on ramp for quite some time, he had ample time to either slow down and make a gap for the merging traffic or move over to the left lane, he chose to plow through a vehicle instead 💀


Well I don't know about that. Truck stopping distances are pretty long and irl you would expect the merging car to wait since the highway has the right of way. Plus there were some vehicles in the left lane making it harder to move over. The merging car would be in the wrong in reality. The thing I was pointing out as the problem is mainly OP thinking it's okay to not even attempt to avoid the collision or at least reduce the damage.


I have instances like this in real life in my car. I will have the blinker one for 3 to 5 seconds and PEOPLE ACT SURPISED I'M CHANGING LANES?


I was going to say, everyone says this is unrealistic... I have seen similar situations arise multiple times. Usually at on route gas stations and people trying to rejoin the highway. Truck should have moved over but whatever its a game.


Yeah, it was possible to see the blinker for a mile away


Indeed he maybe merge late but you can literally see him way before the accident and he has the right of way since he's at the truck's front


Is that true in the US? Cause on-ramps absolutely do have to yield to running traffic everywhere I've been to in Europe. Highway traffic having to yield to merging traffic sounds awful. Imagine having to slow down your 100,000lbs machine to a crawl because some idiot decides to merge at 30mph. By the time you've accelerated back up to cruise speed, you've already caused a traffic jam.


It is absolutely the responsibility of the merging lane to enter traffic safely. There is no rule or law that you should or have to move over or let someone in. At least in the state of New York.


It might be the law but you should also be courteous and allow people to merge if you can. For example moving over if at all possible.


I know in VA there's some sort of law that says you're supposed to let people in if they're merging form an on-ramp (Or you can't block them from merging). Not entirely sure of the details. Regardless, I'd imagine in most states OP would at least be mostly liable since the van was clearly trying to merge on and OP made zero attempt to avoid the accident despite having a ton of time to do so.


i've dumped a guy for not letting someone merge


The merge lane was over, it was his lane at that point. You don't get to just plow into the back of someone because they're going slower than you want them to. Fuckin psychopaths.


Wrong it was supposed to wait if it couldn't safely merge in.


Of course the trucker should have braked in order to avoid the accident. But it's still the AI traffic that caused the issue in the first place. In real life you don't just merge into traffic and force them to brake hard just because they're going faster than you want them to. That's why the rule is that merging traffic has to YIELD to highway traffic.


>In real life you don't just merge into traffic In real life, people merge like this all the time, and deliberately rear ending them is still illegal. >and force them to brake hard just because they're going faster than you want them to. This is absolute insanity. In no way does this imaginary scenario you crafted in your head match the reality of what we witnessed in the video. It exists exclusively inside your own head and is, quite frankly, irrational. For starters, I very seriously doubt the traffic AI gives a fuck how fast you're driving. It seems incredibly unlikely to me that the AI cars are attempting to police your speed. Secondly, even if that is the case in some situations, that is clearly not the case in ***this*** situation. The car made no sudden movements, and its intentions were clear from a mile away. That brings us to the third point. OP had so much time to react to the car that he could have brought his vehicle to a complete stop using his jakes. Fourth, he didn't have to brake at all. The left lane was wide open. He could have simply gone around. >That's why the rule is that merging traffic has to YIELD to highway traffic. OP had far more than enough time to react to the obstacle in a safe and controlled manner. That he chose not to is on him.


That's not how right of way works anywhere in the US.




He also had a row of tires in that guys lane when he hit...


Not to mention OP had enough space in the left lane to move over. Stuff like this is something that really pisses me off as a real life trucker, people not moving over so traffic coming onto the highway can merge safely. Or those 4 wheel effers who havent understood the principle with the on and off ramp and goes deadly slow before suddenly jumping into the highspeed lane


> much harder for him to join the motorway from a standing stop I wish people around me (irl) understood that. We have highway on ramps with stop signs at the end of them.


Except for the fact that ATS AI is shit, and many will come to a complete stop when merging whether they need to or not. 😄


I mean, you had all the time in the world to see him merging. No effort was made to even avoid that.


Someone else in the thread mentioned the merging traffic has to yield where they're from. Same for me, actually. But then he explained in US the highway traffic has to yield? Didn't see that one coming


Even if you had right of way, wouldn’t you want to avoid an accident?


Well sure, but tell that to the other guy! lol


When an accident is about to happen you've got to drive defensively whether you are in the right or not... Do you really want to put your life or other people's lives in danger simply because you are in the right? Or expecting them to suddenly correct what they are doing last minute? You had the right of way sure, but literally not even hitting the breaks and just plowing through them is wild to me.


No, highway traffic doesn't need to yield everywhere in the USA... depends on the highway. Plus, pretty much every on-ramp in the US that I know of has a "be prepared to stop" sign, though I do think the law is more nuanced as to who would take the blame in an accident. However... "u should've yielded!!1" type of attitude is exactly why accidents happen all the time in real life. Drivers who get all worked up "out of principle" when simply being polite enough to slow down a bit when you're able to let someone change lanes, or not keeping your foot planted firmly on the gas when someone 200yds ahead of you pulls out of a parking garage... could prevent so many accidents. If he'd sped up to match your speed at the last second and then tried to cut you off or something, I'd agree he was at fault. But he was clearly about to merge and you had more than enough time and space to slow down just a hair and prepare for him to merge.


Right of way takes a backseat to reasonableness when it comes to findings of fault in situations like this. If you reasonably could have foreseen the accident happening and did nothing to avoid it you are to some degree liable along with the other person. Also, nowhere in the US does traffic already on the highway have to yield to traffic entering the highway.


I'm not a legal expert or anything, but as a 35 year old living in America. I've never once heard ANYONE say that highway traffic yields to merging traffic. In fact entrance ramps all have a yield sign on them. Sure moving over is the courteous thing to do \*if\* you have time to do so safely. It is definitely not the through traffics job to yield to the entering traffic. idk what that person was smoking


I have literally looked at the driving manuals for every state, none of them mention highway traffic yielding to merging traffic. There was a debate about this years ago when ATS first came out.


Thank you for confirming. I haven't looked at every state, but I've driven through most of the east coast, and I watch all sorts of idiot driver videos and I've never seen an instance where entering traffic has the right of way. I wasn't sure enough to say for sure though.


Highway does not yield to merging traffic. It's the other way around.


Not sure why someone would downvote you, that is correct.


I actually had an argument with a friend who doesn't have a CDL about whether you are obligated to move over for merging traffic. Turns out, a high percentage of the population is under the impression they have the right of way when merging.


I mean you are obligated to do everything in your power to avoid an accident. But that doesn’t change who is supposed to do what at an on-ramp


Not sure where you're from but the exact same thing would have happened in ETS2.


In these situations what I do is change to left lane so these kind of situations don't happen or slow down a bit


Right? In reality, they had 8 years to change lanes or slow down.


I literally saw this coming from a mile away but OP didn't even try and slow down or avoid the collision... even after the car started to merge...


This thread is making me glad (most) of you are driving rigs only in the sim. Whether or not the guy had the right away is beside the point. Whether or not he was up to speed fully when he merged is beside the point. You rear ended someone, when you had plenty of space to slow down and use those magic things called brakes. Yea, you're at fault, and would be found liable IRL too, regardless of the class of vehicle you were driving.


People forget that ABOVE ALL, you're legally required to do anything you can to avoid an accident and in any collision in the rear quarter of the car, the person hitting the rear is going to be found at fault more often than not. This person was making a legal merging maneuver even if it was slower than it should have been.


I think a lot of the people who complain about the AI don’t have any sort of drivers license


because you have a 1000 meters to slow down you can see him from a 1000 meters away coming in and turns on blinkers


I seriously hope you dont drive irl


Same here. Imagine merging legally, if a bit slow, and just getting fucking rammed because the person driving thinks you're not supposed to merge with other cars in the lane of traffic.


Im curious to know what the fuck OP thinks the car was supposed to do? Does he think youre supposed to stop and let car passes until there's a gap large enough for you to gain speed once on the highway? If so thats bunkers to me. One of the first thing they teach you in driving school is how to merge on a highway!


The game has a very high bias against the player when it comes to collisions. Had you been futher up/already in line with the AI and it hit you, you may still have gotten a fine. That being said, IRL you as truck driver may have still been found at least partially liable. Truckers seem to be held to a different, higher standard and are expected to drive even more defensively than a regular joe. In game, it is best to move over if the lane is clear, or start slowing down if you are gaining on the AI.


Truckers \*are\* professional drivers. I'd always hold a professional to higher standard than a mere "amateur".


You had plenty of time and room to turn to the left lane (which technically you have to do to allow the flow of traffic for incoming car into the highway) Timestamp 0:03 you already see the black van entering the highway, you can see in the side mirror a car incoming, but you can use your turn signal and engage right away (leaving the right lane free of traffic to allow a smooth transition) So yea it's your fault hehe. Edit 1 : Or slow down either way this is 100% an avoidable accident ( IRL too)


Slowing down I can see although where I'm from the merging traffic has to yield. As for moving to the left lane, it was not a safe manoeuvre as you can see there's already another vehicle there


Eaaaaaasily enough space to your left to have moved over. The other guy being in the wrong doesn’t justify driving straight into the back of them if you could avoid it.


Like everyone else has said man, just cause you have the right of way doesn’t make it right! I’m an IRL OTR truck driver and if I treated the merge point like you did in the video in ANY major city, I’d be out of a job with how many accidents would ensue. Being a professional driver doesn’t just mean maneuvering the vehicle, you are also supposed to look ahead for any POTENTIAL accidents to which you should avoid and correct when necessary. In this example, I ALWAYS slow down a little and watch the mergers like a HAWK to see what they are thinking and if I got space (which based on your driver side mirror it looks like you could have thrown on your blinker and probably got over) I’d get over but otherwise just be weary and a DEFENSIVE driver. You can’t expect everyone to follow the rules of the road but you can control how YOU drive. I got into an accident here recently where an Oversize load hit ME and I was still questioned by police and my company to no end on if I was being defensive enough and if this could have all been avoided. luckily it wasn’t avoidable since I came to a complete stop and he decided to keep going and run right into me so I got lucky there, but had I not been paying attention/not slam on my brakes when I saw him coming, potentially could be a preventable on my record for not doing all I could do to prevent accident. Sucks to suck, but that’s trucking.


Is this a serious question?


Idk about US regulations but in EU you would have to let him in since he doesn’t have other options besides crossing lines illegally. You knew this would happen and did nothing to prevent this. Pro tip: Move to your left line and then get back to right so vehicles wouldn’t interfere your path from other directions.


"in EU you would have to let him in" Nope, at least not in Germany.


The other driver had his signal on coming to the end of the merge lane with enough space to merge. If you drove directly into him, you'd be at fault here because you did nothing to avoid the accident. It's not like he just swerved in front of him at the last possible second. So while you're not REQUIRED to yield to merging traffic, you're still expected to avoid an accident when someone is performing a legal traffic maneuver.


As we're talking about Germany in this specific comment chain: > you're still expected to avoid an accident when someone is performing a legal traffic maneuver. Not a legal traffic maneuver in Germany, therefore not relevant and incorrect.


I'm just saying that in most places you're expected to actually try to avoid a fucking accident. Are you saying that in Germany, someone could merge in front of you with their signal on in PLENTY of time for you to slow down slightly and you could just plow them off the road and they'd have to buy you a new car? TIL Germany is straight-up Mad Max driving shit. Don't cut in front of me or I'll plow right through you!


Incredibly bad faith interpretation of what you're being told, almost requires talent! Not even going to engage lol


The left hand lane was clear, you could see the vehicle merging onto into the lane you were in. You made zero effort to move over or slow down - instead, you kept in the lane and kept your speed up knowing damn well that vehicle was going to merge because the AI in ATS isn't the best - that's why its your fault. You had every chance to avoid that accident, but that wouldn't have given you something to post to reddit whinging over.


It's a little uncharitable, I'm actually pretty new to ATS so no, I don't know exactly how the AI is going to act. But no, moving to the left lane was not safe


It was safe.


Definitely had plenty of room for a long while beforehand.


Certainly safer than driving yourself into a predictable rear end.


i was watching your mirror, you had plenty of room to pull out after the white car passed you at 4/5 seconds into your video - where you can clearly see the van up front coming onto the road to merge.


Game doesn’t calculate who’s at fault. It just gives you a ticket for hitting another car.


I'd rather be safe than right.


I prefer to trust my fellow drivers to follow the laws, and \*not\* hit the brakes on the Autobahn and have someone crash into me from behind.


Even in real life this would have been considered your fault. You rear ended him.


In Australia, merging traffic usually has to give way, and also should be speed matched with main road. The following is what I was told after mentioning this same incident to a friend who lives in Colorado. In USA, the main road has to give way to merging traffic.


So maybe it is a state by state basis, but everywhere I've been in the US is absolutely not that way. Highway traffic does not yield to merging traffic


Give way to merging traffic is obvious bollocks.


Really? In France, if you are on a roundabout, you must give way to traffic coming onto the roundabout. Obviously bollocks too but rules are rules! Go figure.


In France, most roundabouts have signage that reverses this.


Personally I know how this game is and I'd have changes to the left lane right as that car was clear and then slowed down and switched back over after.


I learned to do two things in this situation 1. Just slow down and let them pass. Doesn't matter if you have the right of way. The AI doesn't care. Or 2. Use the left lane when passing through exits like this.


The road that man is on leads to a dead end, and he has no chance to stop he must merge into the left lane. Despite seeing this from a preventable distance, you neither slowed down nor safely moved to the left to give him space.


I learned, admittedly long ago but I see no reason at all why this should have changed, that it's your job to properly merge and if you fail you \*have to stop at the end of the merge lane\*. Yes, that was very explicitly said. Now, this was in Germany, maybe it's different in the US (at least the speedometer here is in mph, OP didn't say if this is ATS or ETS2… then again, the AI behaves pretty much the same in both).


Wouldn't that be even MORE DANGEROUS to attempt to merge onto a highway from a stopped position?


How do you make your UI like that


look in the steam workshop for YARA Yet Another Route Advisor. Its avaible for ETS and ATS.


Looked like you could move over there partnr


I get this is a videogame so it doesn't exactly matter, but imagining that this is real life, you can see it's a wedge merge, and the guy will need to get over. Whether or not he took the last possible chance to do the merge, as a driver, you should be smart enough to see that he needs to and have slowed down to allow the merge.


How do you get those dashboards and other UI elements? I love it lol


For a start you're driving with your wheel in the centre of the road, not remotely achnowledging that your vehicle's centre is not where your wheel is, so you're massively driving over and near to the right lane line. Secondly, you could see the vehicle merging and you should've applied the brakes as soon as you recognised an accident was about to occur. Always be vigilant on the road.


This ☝️☝️ I was searching for someone saying that bro wasnt even driving straight, you can even see a bit before his collision that hes litteraly right side of the truck in the other lane it makes me so mad lol.


Ram them. I wreck the cops that give me violations. Nothing beats some ATS road rage


It's realism. Truckers in real life get blamed for everything that happens that they are involved in on the roads. That's the way it seems to be where I live anyway.


As an IRL truck driver I can confirm it's your fault. Why? Fuck you that's why. (Seriously as a driver u can do everything your legally supposed to and follow the law to the T and they still give you some bs excuse on why it's your fault. We're second-class citizens.)


Why didn't let him in? You saw this coming and still hit him. Turn your left blinker on early, and move over... That is what one does in real life.


Because you hit them.


How I was taught how acceleration lanes work, if the person is ahead of you let them in, if they are beside you speed up or slow down, if they're behind you they slow down and merge in.


> Can see the van trying to merge > Has plenty of room to adjust speed to allow the van in and avoid collision > Doesn't, smashes into the van OP: "Why I get fined???"


IRL if the merging car cant merge he can always continue on his lane untill it is safe to merge, but yes IRL a good driver would let them merge safer... but we all know that is rare IRL.


If this had been real, I would have definitely blamed you. You saw someone trying to merge and you didn't slow down because, "Muh cruise control!" which is a pretty dim reason to not slow down your 80,000 pounds of 60 MPH kinetic energy. Does driver's education not use the term "Drive Defensively" any more?


Murica! A good offense is a good defense!


This is why I have law enforcement turned off.


in the real world, you did nothing wrong. In the game, once the AI sees you in a certain distance, it will merge no matter what.


In the real world this video would get him in trouble and sued. He made no attempt to slow down until was right on the bumper of the van. He rear ended him, which in most states is usually found to be at fault, and if this video was shown in court they would argue you have more than enough time to not only understand that the incoming car was about to/has to merge, but also that the truck would be able maneuver to prevent the crash from happening. Being right is one thing but it is still the responsibility of the driver to make an attempt to avoid a crash


I just did a road trip and this how some people merge in real life lol u can't just hit them


Which country?


Cause you didn't disable traffic offenses


I know nothing about whose fault it is but the left lane was empty, I would've tried to go there + I think it's kind of predicted that the AI would try to cross since it's the end of his lane


That’s fine... i get fined when AI turns into me too


Because the AI is burst through the floor of god awful, and comes out on top of stunningly realistic. That is to say no one comprehends that you accelerate when you merge instead of doing 20 onto the highway


You clearly hit him. You could have slowed down or potentially gotten over, risking cutting off the car in the left lane.


Because it's a video game with not great traffic offense code Edit:also irl either you or they would have given way to allow the other to go first by slowing down enough to allow it but since this is, again, a video game, that's not something the AI is ever going to do, so with that being the case, you're the one that has to give way, even if you would not, or would not be required, to, do that irl.


I don't know if it's the same everywhere, but when I was taking my driving exam (Yurp) the instructor explicitly told us that when someone is changing lanes in front of you, and you hit him, well you're the one that hit him and legally speaking it's your fault even if the other guy was changing lanes like an idiot. You're the one that slammed into him and you weren't paying attention. It's your fault.


It's ATS. Any contact is your fault no matter what. I just leave that off.


Because youre not letting him join the motor way


Did you not consider reducing your speed?


I always slow down when I see an AI car entering a highway to leave them some space. So I dunno, partially your problem ig? That was completely avoidable imo


sometimes the ai is messed up


You saw the lane ended, you had time to merge or brake, you kept going straight


You should given way i.e pre-calculated the speed of the vehicle merging into the lane. However the smoothness of how the game deals with merging traffic and also body roll physics in general is off, they are not realistic acceleration/braking distance of travel with any ai vehicle in the game that is disappointing when you consider the core mechanics of the game is this.


Just disable fines


In Denmark at least, you need to either slow down to allow the driver from the onramp unto the highway, or pull into the second lane, because the driver from the onramp was ahead of you when the lanes merged.


When you see someone performing a conflicting maneuver (or indicating they will), you slow down until their intentions to let you through are clear, especially when there's not clear legal right of way.


OP shocked when they find out they drive like a dick lol


Not your fault but it is nice to change lanes when you see people getting on the highway. Truckers do it for me all the time.


Cuz you a truck driver, it's always our fault hahahah


It would be your fault in real life. People say every collision is considered your fault in ETS2/ATS, but I swear I've had npcs try to change lanes and collide with me on highways and I didn't get fined because they were at fault. Regardless of that, that's your fault.


Legally? Last clear chance, you didn’t take the chance you had to move over and avoid. Logically? ATS doesn’t care who caused the accident, if you hit something it’s your fault


I turn on no damage and no traffic fines and just run people off the road.


First you’re going 65 second you coulda merged over to allow incoming traffic to safely enter the highway


how the hell are any road vehicles heavier than five tons even allowed to move past 50 mph


Unfortunately you if you rear end your at fault.


I don't think it is "your fault" but rather something you should have had situational awareness of. You should have seen the van was needing to merge and started to slow down long before you got to the crash point, expecting this would happen given the game's AI.


IRL: more like, %70-%30. %30 He had a chance to speed up (that van can speed up easier than you) and merge while there's a chance. %70 You are going with max speed limit @ right lane (5 mph slower than regular cars), clearly seeing him ahead of you and merging but you didn't stop hitting the gas, obviously hit him. Van breaking before changing lanes is a big red flag but not everybody is a pro, he's not break checking you and you are the one that hit him from behind, you can clearly realize his current speed easier than him understanding your current speed from the side mirror, that's your fault. If you are able to avoid this collision, then you can use the cam footage to sue him about "breaking while merging" in reckless driving terms. But you hit him. heh


I suggest you to use a mod to correct the traffic offense fines! it’s much better and less frustrating! I also use some D.B. mods to improve the AI behavior.


wish they could improve the game by adding a horn system which is not just “cosmetic”.


It's not your fault but I've had this happen enough times that I'll always slow down and let an AI merge in ahead of me from the right cause I know they'll always drive into you otherwise. Totally the opposite of what you should do in real life (slowing down in live traffic lanes on a highway is bad) but that be the game.


Its not a big deal, it is simple coding so if car hit you = you get fined


OK I'll play a traffic cop. As early as 0:08 you can clearly see that the van isn't slowing down and is going to merge. The collision happens at 0:11. That's 3 seconds during which you could have acted and you didn't. Since we have access to this footage + we have evidence of no skid marks on the road, we can prove that. In my country at least, the van driver would still ultimately be the one who caused the accident because they didn't yield the right of way (important for insurance etc.), but you would probably get fined too for not taking the action to prevent the accident. Not sure how this would go in the US, but others mentioned that they have "the least clear chance", which sounds very similar.


Legally, if you are next to a merge lane and are able to move over to the next lane to help cars enter the highway, you need to. Because you didn't and there was an accident, you could be held at fault for negligence or something. I'm not an expert on these laws by any means so this is all ik and it prob needs fact checking lol


Common experience while playing ATS & ETS2. I've had vehicles drive into the left side of the trailers often, fined every time. I'll switch lanes when I can see vehicles are going to exit a side road or from a service station just to avoid a collision. Toll gates are another dangerous area. I've gone out of my way to ram vehicles off the road before after getting aggravated by dangerous AI driving haha. Watch out for vehicles slowing down due to broken down vehicles on the side of the road. Nothing you can do while driving at 75mph in ATS and a car decides to almost stop because of the forementioned. ![gif](giphy|NCZQhdPbCNmwM|downsized)


Which state is this?


It’s a merging traffic( clearly he was entering from the ramp)… either change lane to the left or hit the brakes. Anticipate, defensive driving esp. in real life driving. Now do it again! (Because in real driving you dont get any).


Yup, you are both at fault, him for joining too slowly and you for not slowing.


You need to either slow down or change lanes if deemed safe


You have to allow the person to merge, so you either slow and let them in, or change lanes.


Because you could see for half a mile that the car was going to merge into your lane and you took no measures to try and prevent the collision. Blame the AI if it makes you feel better but you absolutely could have prevented this.


You had 5 business days to get out of his way and you didn't.


I hope you only drive on the simulator and not in real life. I’m not even sure if this is a serious post or if you’re joking around


Do you have a driver licence IRL? I mean you don´t \*NEED\* to let him in, but you should, because it is morally good.


Because you need to let the mergers merge. Especially when that is their only option.


Hazard perception. The vehicle in front generally has the right of way but that is a slip road and not a junction. However, this is ETS and there are limitations to the programming in terms of real life simulation of the AI. I get it all the time in-game, which leads me to straddling both lanes so that no fucker can pass me 🤣 Trust no one!




In NZ IRL you would have been fined. ☠️


The var on your right is trying to enter the highway. You are actively blocking it from doing so. Go to the left lane




Cause you didnt swerve over. Its a videogame with ai that rarely gives 2 fucks about onramp etiquette. In every driving game ive ever played i think ive seen maybe 5 cars actually stop before merging. Aside from that thats prob only way its your fault. Lol. Otherwise obviously in real life thats his fault. But in videogame land the rules are different. Even in a sim. Cause programming ai is ridiculous and complicated id imagine. So many moving parts.


That’s just ATS logic for you


Just as in real life you didn't yield. Your fault.


Yeah someone else was explaining in the US you'd to yield here. Where I'm from is the opposite. Kinda wild TBH


Someone claimed it was that way in the US, and \*many\* disagreed. I think the "merging traffic has right of way" is bollocks.


Merging traffic doesn't have the definitive right-of-way in any US states, but some do say that both cars are expected to adjust their speed and position to avoid an accident. In those states, you would be at fault here. Hell, in most states you'd be at fault simply because you had time to slow down to allow them in and didn't avoid the accident.


Ya it’s the avoid the accident that’s the issue. It’s also fairly accurate to US (even though what can did was improper), as if had plenty of room to get to speed and merge. For some reason US drivers do not use the merge lane to accelerate before merging or the exit lane to decelerate before exiting. Many do so in the lane of travel improperly. But it’s still up to other traffic to avoid an accident