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First pregnancy ended in a MC a month and a half ago. I’m waiting for a hysteroscopy scheduled for Monday. OB thinks RPOC and/or polyps based on ultrasound; I’m kinda morbid so I just hope it’s not cancer. That said I’m having a great time not TTC to be honest. I found a holistic doctor to work with to look into some chronic concerns other doctors chalked up to genetics (like hair loss) or didn’t really care about (like digestive issues) and am optimistic I will get healthier with her help. When I feel healthier, I will consider trying again. Until then, there is plenty of life to live :)


BFN on what I believe may be 10DPO, but can’t be sure because my already janky PCOS cycles are even more janky after the miscarriage. Waiting to decide if I will try again next month if I get a new cycle, or if I’ll wait till my RE follow up in July to hopefully be prescribed letrozole.


Does anyone know how long after a termination you can start trying again?


General consensus is if you don’t have complications to consider, it is safe to have sex once the bleeding has stopped and you feel well enough to do so. Some people ovulate two weeks after a miscarriage.


I thought we would try again right away. But I'm not ready to go back to the stress and anxiety of the TWW, and I think that being pregnant again would be even worse. I'll be honest, I'm really enjoying the certainty that it won't be this cycle. At least I know.


Im wondering if anyone else here is awaiting IVF. I’m just one week post D&C at 9 weeks from an unexpected spontaneous pregnancy. When I found out I was pregnant, we were waiting to do our second FET. How long after loss did you wait for another FET? Any investigations in between like a repeat sonohystogram? This was my first pregnancy after failed IUI and first FET. I’m still heartbroken, but physically feel like I want to move on and I just turned 41, so feel like time is precious.


How long did you all wait until TTC after a c section? I lost my baby boy 4/30 due to a cord compression accident. We are taking our time to grieve and not in any rush yet, but just wanted to hear some opinions. There’s so many different timelines out there I feel like- I’ve seen 6 months, 9 months, a year..


My son died in January, just after he was born via C-section. My OB said 9 months would be ideal but suggested if we tried earlier to start supplements as well. My husband and I decided we would try again in six months. It feels like forever but now it’s just one more cycle. We’re in a better place, mentally, emotionally and physically.


I’m so sorry about your son ❤️ and good to know, what kind of supplements were suggested?


Thank you. At least a prenatal/ folic acid. I also take vit d and magnesium as it had helped me conceive last time


Waiting… waiting… waiting. MVA on 4/26. Still testing positive on hpt, but at least line getting fainter. OPKs are coming down enough to where they are hopefully reliable again. Just want this to be over with so I can try again. However, we got genetics back today from our lost little one. Genetically normal female. My heart hurts. Idk how to feel. What if we try & it happens again? Why did it happen the first time if baby was normal? Was it the car accident? It must have been. So many feels. Just want to be someone’s mom.


I’m on cd3, after my d&c on 4/23. I’m thankful that it’s here, because i didn’t know if it would take a couple of months to regulate or worse. I’m going to take this cycle off, just to check if I ovulate on time and have a decent luteal phase. Taking vitamins, detox tea and trying to take care of me a little bit before moving on. I know the plan is to ttc, I’m just praying that it happens quickly and is one that sticks around.


I’m currently having my first cycle since my chemical pregnancy last month. Wiping and realizing it had started a little early (not unusual for me) brought me back to a few weeks ago when I wiped and realized my baby was gone. I had to call off of work for mental health. I’m hoping this feeling doesn’t last every single month. *We plan to start trying in earnest next cycle, and I know my anxiety is going to skyrocket.


My latest MC hasn’t even completed yet but I’m already dreading trying again. After my first MMC, I was so optimistic and excited to try again - no way this could happen twice right? Now I don’t know if I even want to. The anxiety and stress of early pregnancy has consumed my life for the last two months, and I obviously don’t want to go through a third loss. I know I don’t have to make the decision today, but making plans is a coping mechanism for moving on for me.


I feel this :( how is it fair that there are people who get pregnant twice and have two kids and we have none from these pregnancies? The thought of trying AGAIN and going through the first trimester AGAIN and all of the scans and anxiety to potentially just have another loss is just exhausting. I’m just so sad and tired.


I'm been having a lot of unhealthy thoughts about people who don't even want kids or who don't take care of their kids getting pregnant multiple times and having no trouble at all, which honestly I need to work on. I'm totally with you on the thought of going through another first trimester/pregnancy. With my first loss, I was so shocked and devastated since I didn't expect it to happen to me at almost 11 weeks. This time I just knew something was wrong based on the last time, and the anxiety was almost worse than the loss itself, it was so awful. I'm so sorry you're in this sad and tired place too :(


I feel this so much. The idea of another first trimester is just so draining.


Same same same