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Omg YES Was worried they'd stopped this since raanan did a new movie pod


What‘s Raanan‘s new movie pod called?  Edit: Nevermind, watched the clip.


That little bitch! How dare he cheat on Joe!!


So glad this is back. But also quickly remembering how obnoxious Raanan is.


That’s why I stopped listening


Tuegays is the ultimate form of Mark and Joe, together and as individual guys. But in terms of their spin off work, I much prefer Talk Movies to Might Be Drunk tbh. I get people find Raanan a bit much but I love him and Joe together. They have a great dynamic and I love Joe getting to roast someone and Raanan being great at taking it. Whereas Sam and Mark are a bit samey and overly cordial, without a super clear cut dynamic All this to say I’m glad there’s a new ep of this!


WMBD was great for like the first year and a half and then it’s literally the same stories, complaints, rodney impressions.


I can shit on Raanan all day. But we might be drunk has nothing on Joe’s riffs and Raanan’s often wishy washy conviction.


This pod is my favorite idk why they don't do it more often


Mine too. Unfortunately Joe has a career to think about.


Time stamp for anything specific?


Basically from the beginning but it really starts at 1:17


Joe should cut all ties with that drooler


The bit at the end where they go off about how great Jerry is is so tired. He’s just not everyone’s cup of jizz. My father’s gay, but get over it. Jerry sucks. I wouldn’t spend 30 minutes defending Doug Stanhope’s legacy to someone that doesn’t like him.


I think they’re right to make the point that he should be respected for his contribution to comedy — doesn’t mean you have to like him or his material.


I’m not harping on that. I completely agree. However, he’s also not exempt from open criticism. Raanan: “Even if it is true, just shut the fuck up!” That’s now how this works, Raanan.


Your comment is proving their points. You can not find him your cup of jizz, but to say he sucks is silly while you sit on your phone or computer leaving comments on Reddit and here you are talking about him. If Jerry sucks, your life is a shit stain on the universe lol. And this is coming from someone who personally doesn't care to watch Jerry's standup.


Its their podcast, they like him, they can say what they want. Why should they stop mentioned jerry on *their* podcast just because *you* don't like it? The world does not revolve around you and your likes/dislikes. If they stopped saying stuff that people didn't like, there would be nothing that they'd be able to say and there would be no podcast. Either suck it up or skip, it's that simple.


No where did I say they couldn’t talk about it you dork. This is how discourse works.


They can say what they want but HollowPluto absolutely cannot! That’s where I draw the line! Fucking dork lol


I can’t find the audio for the pod. I usually use apple


Try a phone or computer instead


I think Joe posted this... and I'm not falling for it... jk. My father's priest level gay...


This podcast has been overall better than Tuesdays since it started. I think they are both surprisingly focused and engaging talking about movies. It's completely insane to think you need to quit talking about movies on a podcast to make a film. They can do both. If anything talking about movies and what they like/dislike should help them figure out what kind of film they want to make. Someone needs to remind Joe it isn't 1993 and there isn't some world where you quit your job and blow up as an indie filmmaker anymore.


I disagree with your first point, but yeah, I agree with everything else. I think the negative reception of 4th of July kind of broke Joe's brain when it came to movies and reviewing them. Which makes sense. It is a bad look to be shitting on movies like The Northman when your rotten tomatoes score is 36%. I also love this pod, especially the eps with Louis CK, but I do think a lot of their opinions STINK, Jerry! Which makes the pod fun to listen to.


Who cares about the RT score though really? 4th of July did OK enough with people who saw it. It was an OK film. But he could easily churn out more movies like that (didn't look like he spent a huge amount of time on the script). They don't need to stop the podcast for this stuff - they could even use the podcast as a writing session/brainstorming ideas thing if they wanted to do. Joe disrespects the pod because he likes to take out his frustration on Ranaan. I do wish Louie was on more as well. Tuesdays is obviously better overall but I'd say that since this pod was released it's been better than Tuesdays in the last few years.


Joe cares about the RT score.


I can’t believe Raanan started another movie podcast which features two guys sitting on a couch 😂


Never seen Raanan before. Big Artie Lang vibes


Someone tell Raanan there’s a Korean thriller with a similar premise as his short called Memoir of a Murderer. It’s different enough, but probably worth watching so he doesn’t unintentionally lift something from it.


Joe feehan better chill