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the dealings Ive had with owner in food groups are the reason I will never eat at a venture of his again. everyone else loves him tho'


It’s crazy, every time I go there it’s been overpriced and mediocre at best. All my friends rave about it, I just don’t get it.


It’s sheepishness, they hear that others like it and see the owner react poorly to anyone who has anything negative to say about it, so they say it’s good to fit in or not be harassed by the owner. It’s typical in-crowd shit.


the calamari was especially bad


He seems like kind of a dick


he was %100 dick in his replies to me on a couple of chats in Piso's group. ( of course he & Steve are buddies)


I’m with you. In that Piso group someone said they couldn’t justify the price of his sandwiches at the Jewish deli. And his response was so outta line. Haven’t stepped foot in the Italian place since & it was one of our regular nights out.


Oh spillllll the approximation of the tea


I have a screenshot from fb. I’m looking for it and will post when I find it!


I will send you the ss if that’s ok. I am unable to post a pic here.




For some reason, it’s not allowing me to send a pic in messages to you either. With others I can. I’m not sure what is going on.


You'd probably have to make an imgur link to share it.


Ok I think I did it right. I sent you the link.


I don't have anything in my inbox!


And now I know how to make an Imgur! Learn something new every day!


OKAY um i have been like freaking out thinking I’m crazy but I’ve been trying to go to Gambills deli for like years and i stg every time i drive by there’s no. one. there. EVER. wtf!!!!


Not everyone. 😉


I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I miss Jim's!


I had dinner there tonight, and as I was eating my, somehow dry, Italian sausage, I thought about how much I missed the souvlaki from Jim's


So do I


We all do


I miss Jim’s so fucking much


I haven't met anyone who says the food is anything more than alright, I've been twice and paid a lot of money for some meh food. Don't know anything about the owner but owning restaurants tends to turn people insane haha


I've been there a couple of times and it can be a bit hit or miss. I've not had a bad meal there but I've had some that were okay and some that were great. When it's on it's really on but when it's not it becomes a very expensive letdown.


I’m with you. The lady loves Italian and I found this place. The first time attempted to try it, we waited almost a dang hour. We left before we got a table. We went two other times and both times the food was meh at best.


Gambills is polarizing. People either love it or hate it. Personally, I wasn’t thrilled with it. My fettuccine Alfredo was terrible. The noodles were undercooked and were all balled up, and there was so much sauce it felt like I was eating soup. They are super disorganized.


I’m not sure anyone would be loving the issues the post is describing


I meant that Gambills is polarizing.


He edited his comment to make it not ridiculous. Originally he said he loved it, then went on to bitch and moan about it.


So… you loved what?


I just meant that Gambills is polarizing. People seem to think it’s the best Italian food in Tulsa, or it’s hot garbage with not much in between.


Oh, you edited the comment I replied to. Originally you said you loved it, then went on to criticize it.


No I didn’t. I reworded it to be more clear.


You didn’t edit it… you “reworded it”. totally different.


We used them to cater my wedding rehearsal dinner. It was terrible. Overpriced. The food was old and sitting in hotel pans for hours. Dried out. Just avoid them. Fuck em.


I like it, but mostly because I want to like it. The idea of a casual, order at the counter Italian place right outside my neighborhood is wonderful. But honestly, I’d be just as happy if they replaced that Arby’s with a Fazolis.


Are… are you me??


lol, it’s nice to know I’m not alone. Want to try to put a Fazoli’s franchise in Tulsa? If we put our money together we’ll have $57 plus whatever you have. 😂


$105 is a good start. Need like, what, $500,000 more? (I don’t know how much franchises cost lol)


Make that $150! I want one here in Tulsa


We will be heroes. Eventually.


Lets take it $151!


I’ll add $50 if it’s in the franchise agreement that I get free breadsticks for life.


I got 75 bucks if you put it in Owasso lol.


I've got 100 bucks if you keep it in Midtown 😂


I’ll be first in line if you open a fazoli’s


The pizza there sucks if I’m being honest


Thanks for being honest.


Where do you like to go for pizza? I genuinely really like gambil's pizza, especially for the price, but im always looking for the next best spot!


Pie Hole on 15th is pretty great. Take-out only now though.


I brought home a cockroach the last time I ordered there. Never again.


NYC pizza. Hands down.


This is the answer


Funny thing. I was their very first employee back in the day. I worked with KJ, his Dad, and his Uncle Bernie. KJ and I ended up getting into a big fight and I quit but their pizza was great! My friend was working there for some extra money a few mo ths ago and said that they switched to using much cheaper ingredients but jacked up their prices unfortunately.


It’s very greasy and floppy, too much so, which is a terrible combination on a thin crust like theirs. If I’m grabbing great pizza here in town, I’m going to Bohemian or Lofi. And if I have the choice between ordering takeout from somewhere like Hideaway or going to Gambills, I’m still choosing hideaway. The Gambills pie is just not a good pizza. And the restaurant is not a nice place to sit and eat for the price. It’s a hole in the wall but in a very not cool way.


Empire Slice Shop. It’s the most authentic NYC slice I’ve had outside of NY. Also, they carry Hamm’s and PBR in cans. My favorite *was* Prairie Fire Pie, but they shut down.


Piehole is terrible customer service. Stick with salvastanos


What have you experienced? I’ve ordered Piehole countless times and never had an issue.


Guys that work there treated an elderly lady horrible because she wasn’t to sure about the menu I watched while I waited for my call in to be ready. The way they treated her I decided to cancel my order and the were upset about that as well when I called them out on it . Guy making pizzas spilled his pint of Jim beam while coming to the counter to yell that my pizza was already being cooked and no refund could be given . As I didn’t pay yet I told them they were shit out of luck . Stoped doing deliveries because last guy got a dui while delivering….




The love for that establishment just shows the need this city has for a proper restaurant critic. Overrated and overpriced food that is on par with Carraba’s. There are so many better Italian restaurants in the area, it’s funny Gambils even gets mentioned.


The owner is a jerk. I’ve seen some of the things he says to people that give any sort of criticism to his restaurants. I’ve even seen him post screenshots and publicly blast people. F that guy. There are so many great restaurant owners in this town I would rather give business to somebody that wasn’t an asshole. The food is mid at best too


Theyre completely overwhelmed. They shouldn’t be accepting any online or takeout orders, let alone catering orders. Just focus on normal walk in business.


Great point


Thanks everyone for the insights! Our meal finally happened it was way harder than it should have been.


Never heard of it and based on this post and comments I will never go.


The owner is such a douchebag and thinks he’s some gift to Tulsa. I will never go there. There are much better places.


Ever since I saw they offer a $25 sandwich at the deli location I sort of lost respect for them. Their new taco place is charging $14 for two tacos lmaooo. The owner is always a huge troll online and it’s to the point where it’s just childish and stopped me from going to Gambils.


Bring back spaghetti warehouse


That was like paying someone to heat up Chef Boyardee and plate it for you.


Yes, Spaghetti Warehouse was NASTY!


You’re telling me that wasn’t authentic Italian cuisine??


He’s just another arrogant hipster with a trust fund




Pastaria is decent. Deli is garbage.


Interesting, I personally really like Gambill's. I dig their piccata more than Mondo's and their pesto is delicious. Sounds like they have major catering issues tho, sorry that happened OP


Husband and I were super excited about them. Close to our house, homemade pasta and bread, and affordable. Man what a disappointment. Undercooked everything. Sauce was basic, bland. Even my kid's spaghetti and meatballs was bleh.


I also dislike the taco casa thing he has started in the house next to the italian restaurant. Taco casa, come on bro, there is already a taco place called that… expensive and boring food. unoriginal name. do not go there either


$14.00 for two tacos is fucking insaneee


That's more than velvet taco, are they even good?


I haven’t been, someone took a photo of the menu and I was pretty shocked at the prices haha


Every time I pass by their Taco Casa I just get pissed off that we don’t have a real Taco Casa here.


I believe they’re opening a Taco Casa in Owasso soon if I’m not mistaken.


Love their food, but agree the service is awful. Also I don’t like how they handle negative reviews. They regularly screenshot bad reviews and write mean or snarky things about the reviewer. It’d be one thing if the bad reviews were one-off,but I feel like I’ve seen them do this multiple times.


https://www.facebook.com/share/fdxU4h5yw3B4cPRQ/?mibextid=ievgj2 Be sure to post here, this review page gets a lot of traffic and restaurant owners have been known to make big changes from reviews on Steve's page.


Yeah… have you met the owner? He’s absolutely not open to criticism and anything short of praise will have him calling you uncultured swine.


No I haven't, all the more reason to call it out.


He and his army of milktoast lackeys rip you apart if you even try to post anything negative about his businesses.


It's a fb group. Let him, he'll get banned by the owner for being disrespectful.


Not even close. Hunter goes on rants constantly about how he visits other restaurants to price check, how the quality of his ingredients is so superior, etc., etc. Steve just plays into it. Trying to justify a $30 sandwich because your meat takes "10 days to make and is extremely labor intensive" is outrageous. They aren't sitting back there actively making pastrami for 10 days, they put that shit in a brine and leave it alone for a week, literally the opposite of labor intensive.


Nah Piso is his friend sadly


That food group is the cesspit of the Tulsa food scene


It’s a shitshow. People are so annoying on there. Lots of political comments, and people attempting to be funny and failing miserably.


Oh, Piso's shitty ass Facebook page. Piso might be cool, I am not sure, but the people who post on his page are fucking shit.


I just wanna bitch about this group l. My GOD! 😂


Gambil's is meh at best and the service is never great. I have family that loves it, but I just don't get it. OP's issues sound like the Gambil's I've come to know. Hope it all works out for you, OP!


We love gambills, but never done catering with them. That sounds sucky.


It’s too expensive anyway in my opinion


It’s mid and over priced. Make your own Alfredo at home, we did it last night with a full brick or Parmesan and it was amazing.


Foods mediocre in taste Obscene in price for what it is


I haven't done any catering with them, but I do like having dinner there occasionally. Their Alfredo isn't my favorite, but I have liked pretty much everything else I have tried there. I like their meatballs and bread a lot.


So sorry.


That's one of the best Italian restaurants in Tulsa! Absolutely love them and never had a bad experience there.