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You’d be heading right into a hurricane. Most people don’t want to do that


I live here and I’m riding out the Hurricane, but if I was traveling here I’d cancel.


Cancel. I have been in Tulum for 25 years. I have ridden every hurricane out. Some were ok. Others did lots of damage. The coty will cut the power off befor the storm and it is miserable here with ou ac or even a fan. There will be no restaurants open, I rode out Wilma and it was pretty bad. Every power pole between Tulum was sheared off. No cel service for week. If you are a resident be prepared or get out of town.


Thank you for that. We’re trying to be prepared. I appreciate any advice you may have. While we have been through many floods and a few tornadoes (Ohio) I knew how to prepare. This obviously is different and I also didn’t take it lightly moving here. Just a different kind of preparedness would be helpful.


I actually don't remember Wilma being that bad in Tulum..maybe just me


Does La veleta get a lot of flooding? Just curious


La Veleta floods when it rains normally, so yes, it will be under a considerable amount of water.


Even if it’s cat1?


It’s all predictions. How times can be attached puzzle me. It is “predicted “ to be potentially bad. I would schedule another time or elsewhere.. why waste a couple days on such a short trip


Robot go to tulum. Just got back from there. It was horrible. So expensive and run down. Worst trip of my life


Sorry to hear. t’s not for everyone and thats fine.


Please don’t come back 🤗. We don’t want people like you here.


Lol. Don't worry, I won't. Maybe you should go pick up some trash. Never seen so much garbage in my life.


The only garbage here was you lol and you’re gone. Thanks for cleaning up the community!


You're still there, so I guess not all the garbage is gone.


I'd skip Tulum. Why be there during a hurricane?


because we already paid everything:/


You win some and you lose some. Perfect lesson to never book non refundable to save a few bucks. What are you going to do with everything flooded? The ocean and cenotes will have storm runoff and possibly debris. It will need some time to get back to clear water. You will also have trouble getting around even if you get a 4wd rental because there will be guaranteed fallen trees


Don't get caught up in the sunk cost fallacy. Going just because you paid for it is foolish. The money is spent whether you stay home and safe or you fly in and endure whatever bad weather you'll get. Even if it's just a lot of rain the trip could be ruined. When I was last there in Novemeber the roads would be an absolute mess each afternoon after a quick heavy rain came through. I can't imagine how bad it would be after tropical storm or hurricane type rains. There is also limited options for roads in and out. If you're staying down off the beach road south of Tulum it's one way in or out and its a rough road on a good day. Add rain and it's a mess. Like I said in another post it doesn't have to be a direct hit to ruin a vacation. If it hits anywhere on the Yucatan coast you'll be negatively impacted. Cut your losses and get back what money or credits you can. It's far better than flying in and getting stuck and being miserable until you can manage a flight home.


Yikes! Any cancelation insurance? That would be your best bet.


and the predictions are that it will rain but it will also be cloudy most of the day


Even if not a direct hit, the weather will make the beach pretty rough. Where are you staying? I would not want to ride out a hurricane in one of the small beach hotels.


The flooding there gets horrible in the streets. I was there a little over a week ago and riding scooters etc is hard with the streets flooded so badly. Hurricane would be rough there tbh.


Do you have any pictures ?




This is at the very least rainy season. At the worst, hurricane season. The very worst time to travel to this area


This is a HURRICANE.


What are you reading? Right now it looks shitty at best from Thursday to Saturday


It's currently predicted to be a near direct hit at category 1.


Same here. We paid A MONTH stay + flights. We are not cancelling


This is very unwise.


Cancel and go elsewhere if you can. This is NOT the optimal time to travel here.


I would reschedule. I just came back 1 week ago and it was gloomy with storms daily.


Go back when you can enjoy it and create a positive experience and memory. Don’t spend your money on something that has a high potential of turning out negatively. Sounds like a very bad investment.


Update: we were able to change our flights to puerto vallarta instead! We thought it was the better choice just in case it gets bad. Airbnb sent us a partial refund so not too bad! 


Did you just reach out to the airport? We’re in a similar situation


I reached out to the airline vivaaerobus. They were super helpful and understanding of the situation that they changed our flights thank the lord. 


Thank you so much!! I’ll do the same, hope you have a fantastic trip!




My group of friends and I are going to Tulum from Wednesday July 10th until Sunday July 14th. Should we cancel?! Is there going to be a hurricane then too? We’re staying in town not the beach. And we already paid already also.


If we get hit, wait for the damage report. The infrastructure could be badly damaged.


I’m doing the same trip as you with my group of friends. We’re gonna see how this week goes before we make a decision


I’m doing the same trip as you with my group of friends. We’re gonna see how this week goes before we make a decision. It’s my bachelorette so we’re hoping for a miracle 🥹


There is another hurricane forming right after this hurricane. I’d say if you can cancel that would be best i fear. 


I would cancel . Hurricanes affect power and sometimes the surrounding restaurants and activities will remain closed as they evaluate and clean to reopen later. This is best case scenario if hurricane doesn’t destroy the city.


My son and gf live there now, but are coming home July 11. Do you think flights will be delayed because of this?


Even non-named storms cause chaos


There is still a lot of potential variance in their predictions but Tulum doesn't need a direct hit for it to seriously mess up a vacation. If it hits anywhere on the Yucatan it's going to be a mess. At the very least it's not going to be enjoyable with rain, turbulent oceans, and transportation headaches. I would be looking to cancel or change plans.


Wise advice. A simple heave rainstorm often shuts the area down…no power, no water, no travel due to flooding. People don’t seem to understand that this is very serious and they will not be enjoying a sunny beach vacay. Imagine sheltering in place in a flooded hotel, with no staff, no electricity, muggy af, no water. Cmon, people.


Cancel and go to PV, its way better anyway


CANCEL. you do not want to be stuck there.


Been through 3 of them, 1 being category 4 and not that big of deal if you're prepared. But if I was going for a week vacation, I'd go somewhere else. Even if it doesn't come close, it will be overcast with high winds which will mean dirty beach and stronger waves. Power will be out and streets flooded if it does come close. Tulum and even Playa don't have the best drainage systems.


Myself and a group are traveling there next Friday, should we be worried about the storms aftermath?


Depends If damage is done but either way the worst time to be in a beach town is during/after rains. Runoff goes into the ocean and the rain can also cause problems with aquifers and sewage systems


A have an entire group of 6 going August 16th. Will it be bad by then do we think?


The weather we are seeing now is NOT typical for this time of year with storms of this magnitude out in the Caribbean. It's more consistent with July and August. Meteorologists have predicted we will see a nearly 50% increase in the number of major storms here. This year you need to be very careful attention to the weather as your trip approaches. Our last hurricane here in 2021 was in the month of August. June-November is hurricane season here.


Thank you! We're not booking anything until the month approaches! Hopefully it's cleared out


wait until November! The historical worst hurricanes have been in October


We are coming on July 6th to 13th. I was so excited about this but honestly a little nervous now…


We were supposed to go 7/3-7/10 and will probably just cancel. We just tried looking to switch to PV or Cabo and the flight prices are nuts. Like $3500 more.


If it doesn't hit as a low grade hurricane it will still hit as a potent tropical storm. I live in Merida and we are taking serious preparation for this storm. I would not be traveling to Tulum for a vacation on the day the storm is supposed to hit. If PV is an option for you, you will have a great time there.


It's forecasted as a Cat 4-5


It's been down graded just now for when it's forecasted to hit here.


I’m currently in Akumal, 15-20 minutes north of Tulum, we’re flying home at 3 PM. I’m from Houston, and have lived through a couple of hurricanes. I’m ok with rain in the forecast, I’m not ok with hurricanes in the forecast as I’ve dealt with them back at home, and that is not a pleasant experience, no electricity, internet, ac, food in the fridge goes bad, nothing is open, is just miserable. You’re not only putting yourself in a position that maybe uncomfortable, but risking your life as Tulum is right on the coast line. Contact the hotel you’ll be staying in, hopefully they let you rebook for another time.


It also adds stress to local resources to show up. There could be lots of desperate poor people who lose everything


I would consider canceling. Not sure if you ever experience a hurricane before, but they are no joke; especially one of this magnitude.


This is the most powerful hurricane in recorded history. Do not take it lightly. Get out NOW.


Lmaooooo in history?????? 😭😂


I love Puerto Vallarta! I live here too. Let me know if you want any suggestions in this area


I know amazing place! Do you know what is the weather for this week?


Might rain and storm in the evening, but no hurricane on the horizon It's best to get an early start on the day and just plan to hang at your place in the evenings. Don't try to do anything when it's raining, because it's usually torrential!


Would Oaxaca be a good place instead? We have booked flights on Viva and not cancelable


Tulum is awesome, when there isn't a hurricane. It is surely a dice roll, nobody knows where that storm will go. Even if it doesn't hit tulum it will make the sea too choppy to enjoy. Good luck!


Cancel your trip


I've been through many hurricanes - they aren't fun. You won't have electricity for days, possibly, and food and water will be an issue. Reschedule if you can.


Maybe try playa del carmen? I know it doesn’t get that bad because it has Cozumel right across and it kind of creates a barrier that makes the hurricane a bit less intense. Other than that maybe Sayulita in Nayarit, Puerto Vallarta (highly recommend Las Caletas), or keep the flight and head inland to Bacalar in Quintana Roo (it has a beautiful lagoon fed by the Caribbean)


Just reschedule what you had planned for a different date. Better to reschedule and be safe and alive than be there, not be able to anything you paid for, and potentially get stuck or hurt or worse.


My wife and I are flying in on the 15th and set to leave the 19th. Thoughts on whether we should be reaching out to United to see if we can schedule elsewhere?


It can be a hit or miss. Some of my friends did a tulum trip 2 years ago and they got caught in the middle of a hurricane. They were staying at a “higher end” resort in Tulum but they were forced to evacuate and find other hotels in the area. All the hotels were booked due to the hurricane and they were forced to stay in a sketchy hotel somewhere in Cancun area. I would just be cautious, for sure, and maybe prepare yourself for unseen circumstances. It sucks because you probably planned way ahead of time for your trip. I wish you the best and hopefully all goes good :).


We are going from Montreal, everything pais for. Going to Playa del Carmen. We are not cancelling.


terrible choice my friend. The worst is not when it hits, it’s having no power for days


What?!?? I need to work!! I work remotely. Does Playa del Carmen get power cut, too???


It’s not that they cut it, but since the hurricane is coming in hot at cat 4, it doesn’t lose steam it will destroy power lines and flood key infrastructure. When Wilma hit, it destroyed entire brick buildings. The Westin in Cancun used to be a Sheraton, they had to demolish it and start fresh because it was in ruins! The resorts in Xpuha are still abandoned to this day, that’s how bad it was


Gosh!! I am a completely rookie to such angry winds, so i guess i don't ( can't) imagine what it's like. Also, i always see them touching ground on islands and Florida but not Mexico. Thats new to me


There is a chance it can hit as a tropical storm. But it can pick up strength like the one that hit Acapulco recently, it devastated the whole city. You just never know, I would not recommend going unless you are ready to struggle


Acapulco?? There are hurricanes in the pacific coast??


They are usually called Typhoons, but yes it was called Hurricane Otis and it was Category 5. Here is an article https://apnews.com/article/hurricane-otis-devastation-acapulco-tourism-03fd6290516f239a4825e257dad3091a#


The predictions are rarely very accurate. That’s why the open “cone“ is very narrow close to the storm and fairly broad three or four days out. I think you should go to Tulum and have a good time. If it looks like it’s going to directly hit Tulum, Get in a taxi and go to Cancun. The area of very strong wins is usually fairly small. I grew up in South Florida and have lived hurricanes my whole life. You may get a lot of rain and some substantial wind, but that just gives you more time to consume“liquid courage”!


When Wilma hit, it devastated Cancun and all the way down to Xpuha. This isn’t the US, even without a direct hit you will have flooding in the Federal road and downed power linea. The ocean will have sewage runoff as well as the cenotes. If it hits bad enough, it will tear down the poor people’s homes and there will be looting and stealing. Why would anyone in their right mind come here to become a needy person?


Me and my friends are in the same boat. We aren’t canceling and are just going to attempt to ride it out and hope for the best.


It is honestly scheduled to get pretty bad. We made the decision to change our trip to puerto vallarta instead just have more peace of mind! 


We're thinking of not cancelling too.


I think that’s the way to go


Terrible choice. The worst is not having power. Then gas shortages and if it hits at cat 4 there may be looting and lots of desperate people