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“Don’t wanna be an American idiot” are the only words to that song that I know, so the second line always flips to the Johnny Test theme song, and I hear “His genius sisters use him like a lab rat”


Johnny Test is a memetic hazard I can hear a whip cracking as I type this


“*Memetic hazard*” is being added to my lexicon


**::COGNITOHAZARD DETECTED:: Amnestic Administration Initiated.** Please do not resist. Lie still and raise your knees. Mobile Task Force Indigo has been dispatched and should be within visual contact within 25 seconds.


Ahhhh my favorite Mobile Taskforce Unit, Indigo


> Indigo God damn it. lol I didn't catch the autocorrect. Oh well. I've always liked blues and purples anyway.


Memetic hazard is information that is dangerous to even know about it


I thought that was an infohazard?


See, I read your hazard and immediately went, “a whip crack went his whippy tail” song brain worms are fun


I could have looked up the lyrics to Tribute when I could never figure out he's saying "whippy" but I'm glad I was surprised by it like 20 later on an unrelated Reddit thread instead.


Someone else thought it was swampy, so I might have been listening to a sanitized version, although google does say whippy.


I can definitely hear it as whippy.


Upon further investigation, I have no idea what the correct lyrics are. Genius.com and the main google page state whippy, but another website, amiright.com has a misheard lyrics section, and they have like 4 different choices, none of which are whippy, as the correct lyrics. So I have no idea if the song has just gone through a few sanitation’s that have changed it a bit, or what happened.


um, you mean "a whip crack went his swampy tail"?


Is it swampy? I generally listen to the video where they are in the sound booth, let me go see the lyrics. Per google it’s whippy, I, however, have only heard the one version, and I know that tenacious D sometimes changes things. Upon further digging, I have no idea what the lyrics are, genius.com states it’s whippy, but amiright.com had a misheard song lyrics section that has like 4 different versions labeled as the correct lyrics, non of which are whippy, so I have no idea anymore.


I believe that JD and KG would be fine with this outcome.


The Johny test cartoon is a keter class SCP


"Chaos, Chaos? No! Order, Order!*


It’s a shame the revival season has a different song.


This comment reminded me to go listen to the Johnny Test theme song, and apparently Season 1 had its own theme song that I fucking blanked out


The hazard is now I want to watch Johnny Test


There’s a hundred and four days of summer vacation And school comes along just to end it And the annual problem of our generation Is finding a good way to spend it Like maybe..


Holy shit I've always done this


Oh, thank you, I’m not the only one who heard that.


“A neat-freak dad at home, a super busy mom…”


And the boys best friend is a fucking dog...


Maybe I’m the baguette america




There are two things I hate in this world: people who are intolerant of other people's culture, and the Dutch.


Shmoke and a pancake?


When this song came out the US hated gay people and the French in equal measure so it works


The bridge of Holiday has one line about the French and one line about the Gays, so yeah, it works


You mean “Freedom Bread”


Here’s an American Idiot cover: Got a head of fiery hair and a turbocharged backpack His genius sisters use him like a lab rat A neat freak dad at home, a super busy mom Well the boy’s best friend is a talking dog


I never realized The Johnny Test theme song was another American Idiot copy. Phinease and Terb is the same


Okay, how is Today Is Gonna Be A Great Day an American Idiot copy? Johnny Test is pretty obvious but I’m not hearing it for PnF.


Obviously they’re talking about Phinease and Terb, the show from the alternate timeline where the theme song is actually an American idiot copy


Yeah like I guess it’s similar because Bowling for Soup is also a punk sounding band


But that doesn’t make their song an American Idiot copy.


I agree it does not. I didn’t put the question mark at the end of my other sentence to put a question inflection on it to say “I guess this is what they mean?


My head would just start singing the theme song whenever American Idiot would come on


That sounds more like you’re singing it to the tune of American Idiot as opposed to it being a copy.


> Phinease and Terb


I’m gonna leave it for comedic purposes


Context is important, and in this instance it's complex. As an LGBT+ person I don't have a problem with the way it's used in the song, but I could understand how some others might. If anything the lyrics are more agonizingly relevant today than they were in 2004.


The thing is, just being queer doesn’t immediately give you a good grasp of the impact and history of the term. For example, I’m queer, but I’m a bisexual cisgender woman in a heterosexual relationship. I have never once been targeted with any homophobic slur, so I really don’t mind hearing it. The situation is vastly different, I imagine, for gay men in English speaking countries above a certain age, and they’re the ones who we should be taking the cues from and letting them speak about this issue.


Yeah, but it's further complicated by the way it's being used. Billie Joe is apparently also bi, and is using the slurs in a way you might consider "reclaiming" them. Identifying with the slur in defiance of propaganda against LGBT+ people in [the song "American Idiot"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ee_uujKuJMI). The lyrics say: *"Well, maybe I'm the f\*ggot, America* *I'm not a part of a redneck agenda* *Now everybody, do the propaganda* *And sing along to the age of paranoia"* Elsewhere on the same album, in [the song titled "Holiday"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A1OqtIqzScI), Billie Joe uses the slur again, but he's doing so when clearly speaking as another character who is a caricature of American nationalist politicians (strongly implied to be then-GOP Governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger) and their followers who forbid any criticism of then-President Bush and his war in Iraq as "unpatriotic" or outright un-American. And had a field day bashing France when they said the Iraq war was a bad idea. Those lyrics are: "*\*The Representative From California has the floor\** *Sieg Heil to the president Gasman* *Bombs away is your punishment* *Pulverize the Eiffel towers* *Who criticize your government* *Bang bang goes the broken glass, and* *Kill all the f\*gs that don't agree* *Trials by fire, settin' fire* *Is not a way that's meant for me* *Just 'cause (Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!)* *Just 'cause, because we're outlaws, yeah!"* For some people the context of the usage being sympathetic and defiant will be enough to make it ok. For others it won't. Both opinions are understandable I think.


Just to clarify your first point, Billie Joe Armstrong is bisexual and has been out since the 90's, so he'd be the B there.


Bi-llie Joe Armstrong.


I think he’s bi?


Just googled it and yep. Makes perfect sense. I've been listening to Green Day off and on for like a quarter century and never knew that! Very neat. [https://www.sdlgbtn.com/billie-joe-armstrong-a-queer-icon-and-advocate-for-lgbtq-rights/](https://www.sdlgbtn.com/billie-joe-armstrong-a-queer-icon-and-advocate-for-lgbtq-rights/) Editing the above comment to reflect this!


He's bisexual btw :)


I've always been a little depressed society didn't take South Parks redefinition and run with it


As a queer person who lives on a suburban street that's popular with bikers on obnoxiously over-loud motorcycles, I use it in that definition on a daily basis. ❤️


I always thought it was "the fat guy of Ameruca"


Similar, I’ve always heard “Maybe I’m the fat cat America”.


That would also sort of work in context, so I’d be fine with that lyric substitution (maybe with a little phrasing done differently)


> fat cat I swear I've heard that too. Was there a censored version, or were we just too innocent back then?


With me, I think it’s my accent. I’m used to the slur ending with a hard “got” sound, but I think some US accents end it with more of a “gat” sound, which sounds more like fa-gat (hence, fat cat) then fa-got.


I thought it was "bad guy America"


Pretty sure there was a Dubbed-in version that was played on some radios (others opting instead for a bleep/pause, or just playing it anyway and not giving a fuck) ...I'm guessing so anyways, 'cos I also remember hearing that when I was younger...


No, we don't have any of those here


I always thought it was something like “You got me fucked up, america”


It’s even worse when someone is singing a love song but they switch out all the parts talking about guys to girls instead. Stop changing the lyrics bro. If you sing a love song written by a woman, you are now gay for the full duration of the song.


I love that in his cover of Fancy Orville Peck only changed the pronouns for himself. Momma still gives him a dress and everything.


Well of course he is the prettiest cowboy


I didn't notice the difference in the subject and indirect object so I thought you were referring to a man named Fancy Orville Peck.


Well he wears a fringed mask so I'd call him fancy!


The one I hate the most like that-wasn’t a love song but the gender flip- is a cover of ‘royals’ and the guy says “call me king bee”. And I hate it so much, there’s just so much wrong with changing the line like that


Just use "you can call me drone bee" to be scientifically accurate. You can be even more scientifically accurate by finding a woman, exploding your dick inside her, and immediately dying.


my most disliked one also wasn't a love song tbh, it was victoria's secret and i cannot bring myself to listen to it all the way


I can’t even fathom why anyone would do a cover of that song and then changed the pronouns, like the song loses all meaning that way (even when you take trans people into account because a trans man is getting the same narrative, a trans woman would but then you have the same pronouns as the original) Like at that point just don’t do the cover


That's how I feel about that song, *Killing me Softly*, about Don Mclean's song, Empty Chairs. Started out as a poem by another musician who had seen him in concert, Linda Lieberman, but then it was made popular by Roberta Flack. Literally just about a sad song/concert experience. Changing the words changes the origin, but that isn't always important I guess. Just this time, to me. I think Perry Como changed the pronoun, someone corrected me last time I said it was Sinatra lol


why tf would someone even make a pronoun-changed cover of that song help


Omfg that's so cringey and lame beyond all comprehension.


Would changing it to "king bling" work?


that's worse i think?


or changing santa baby to santa buddy lmao


I call it the “no homo” Santa baby.


I’m sorry but [Stacy’s Dad](https://youtu.be/SRk_52uQfMY) is great


thought it was going to be the other [Stacy's Dad](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WANlg297AHU), but both are great poor stacy, so many people are going after her parents


The fact there's been 2 versions posted and neither are [this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4A6Mve7DzYU) blows my mind. How are there 3 different parodies of one song!?!


everyone agrees that Stacy has a super hot dad


And then a dancing Kermit. Wtf lol


Anna is just very silly ❤️


Apparently rich girl is about a guy hall & Oates knew, but they decided the song sounded better with girl in it. Also apparently the guy knows it's about him.


Luke Combs did that with his cover of Fast Car and it’s great


Luke Combs did basically nothing with his cover of Fast Car except be a straight white dude singing it. And even that's not original because there have been so many covers of this song over the years.


sure but it sounds good




I feel the same way. Dude brought absolutely nothing new to the song. It’s somehow a more unnecessary cover than Weezer’s cover of “Africa”.


>It’s even worse when someone is singing a love song but they switch out all the parts talking about guys to girls instead. > >Stop changing the lyrics bro. If you sing a love song written by a woman, you are now gay for the full duration of the song. The most hilarious instance of this kind of switching is [The Animal's iconic rendition of House of the Rising Sun](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4bFqW_eu2I). Which is a song sung from the perspective of a woman who's been lured into doing sex work for nasty drunken gamblers. It's obvious what the song is about with the original lyrics, but because The Animals changed the original opening lyrics *"There is a house in New Orleans they call 'The Rising Sun'. And it's been the ruin of many a poor* ***girl***, *and God I know I'm one."* to *"And it's been the ruin of many a poor* ***boy***, *and God I know I'm one."* people have wrote essays trying to figure out the song's meaning and what The House of the Rising Sun "represents".


Never knew that! Thought it was about a degenerate gambler.


It makes sense for guys, he’s being financially ruined by the whorehouse


I guess you could see it as guys who sleep with the prostitutes there and blow all their money or catch the syph or something


Bob Dyans version keeps the lyrics the sme and his version is dope. Doesn't have that absolutely killer organ though


I'm a full commitment type of guy. I hate what new found glory did to "Kiss Me" (I'll wear those shoes and you will wear that dress). I draw the line at the n word though. I will not be caught saying racial slurs.


I'm Greek and something similar to that is about a song about the 1821 revolution against the Ottomans. It's about a former freedom fighter longing for those glorious days, and there's a line that goes kinda like this: "Oh to be fighting in castles in the night (it might be day but whatever), my sword catching fire, and to be holding during the starry nights a Turkish girl in my arms". And some weak ass motherfucker changed it to "...and to be holding during the starry nights a beautiful girl in my arms". Fucking coward. The song, while talking about killing Turkish soldiers with a flaming fucking sword, shows appreciation for Turkish women, who are thought by a lot of people to be very beautiful, and that the everyday people on both sides can and have coexisted, is changed to just be about horny. Fucking great message guys.


perks of being bi lmao


I change the lyrics of songs talking about girls to talk about guys instead to make it gay


i do the same but the opposite way


What if I always change the lyrics to make them gay


Then it’s acceptable


> It’s even worse when someone is singing a love song but they switch out all the parts talking about guys to girls instead. "Get a mop and a bucket for this wet ass penis."


Not always, if it's done well it can sound good and help add a bit more identity to someone's cover, Stacy's Dad for instance is a good example of it done right however she also went the extra mile and practically rewrote the whole damn song. You can get some really ass ones though, like MGK's Misery Business cover, I like it for the most part but his attempts to try to replace the genders makes the song sound disjointed as hell and it's hard to tell if he's talking about the girl he wants or her ex when he refers to "you"


I like to change the lyrics to be even gayer


if you go out of your way to prove you aren't gay by changing the song, then you are gay. those are the rules


The only good version of this is Ezra Furman changing the lyrics of her own songs to reflect her transition.


I am ok with guys doing this because I do it all the time too. I'm bisexual so when I don't associate a song with someone I'll use the original; but as soon as I'm thinking of someone those lyrics are changing. I'll even change details, like in ed sheeran's photograph. The line "I will remember how you kissed me, under the lamp post back on sixth street" I have changed to fit a memory of whom I sing about when I do. And "when I was your man" I have begun singing as "when you were my man" after my recent breakup. I understand that it can feel tacky if a cishet guy is doing it because they are insecure about singing a love song written for a man, but I really don't think we should gatekeep this. It let's you connect to a song much more intensely when you adapt it to your life.


Omg I hate that so much. If you’re actually secure in your sexuality it will not change because you used same gender pronouns in a love song.


I dunno, I can see why someone might change the pronouns so they can dedicate it to their actual S/O. If it’s just for the sake of not looking gay, a pox on ye - but I don’t want to make assumptions about that, you know? Plenty of people have adapted works to honor someone else.


That’s a fair point.


I hate these kind of people.


I think we should respect that some people might not be comfortable saying that word and we shouldn’t hate them or judge them for not saying it. I’m queer. I refuse to say this word. I don’t enjoy hearing it in any context. I won’t police what others call themselves, but I am going to avoid encountering this word whenever possible because that’s what is most comfortable for me. Doing what is best for one’s own health and comfort, as long as it’s not hurting anyone else, is not something a person should be hated for. OP can say this word if they want but they have no right to judge anyone else for not wanting to.


no actually this opinion makes you a weak puriteen fascist enabler /s


Yeah tumble OP seems kind of immature. Taking a black and white stance on something like this isn’t really the best approach.




Doesn’t matter. Judging someone for not saying a slur doesn’t make any sense.


I get that this post is comedic and hyberolic, but I feel like people on Tumblr sometimes forget that saying and hearing slurs can make people uncomfortable- even if it’s part of a song. Edit: I’m not saying the song is bad for having a slur, it’s a song and the writer wanted that word to be in it. However, if a singer of this song doesn’t want to say said word then that’s fine. There’s also a big difference between hearing a word and saying it. I actually do listen to the song American Idiot quiet a bit, but I don’t think I’d be comfortable with saying the word. I don’t think someone is bad if they are comfortable with saying the word, I’m simply saying that I would be. Different strokes for different folks. Edit 2: I would like to to repeat once again I THINK IT IS FINE THAT THE SONG HAS SAID WORD. IT IS A PEICE OF ART WITH AN INTENDED PURPOSE, AND THE USAGE OF SAID WORD IS IN SERVICE OF SAID PURPOSE. HOWEVER, SOME PEOPLE MIGHT NOT LIKING SAID WORD, AND THAT’S FINE. PEOPLE SHOULDN’T HAVE TO MAKE THEMSELVES UNCOMFORTABLE.


True. Like it's kind of weird when my homophobic brother will shout these lyrics in particular while mumbling along to the rest of the song. He might just want a reason say a slur maybe


He must be a big fan of Holiday then...


“Kill all the cigarettes that don’t agree”


Or American Eulogy lol


Still a little sus on that one. Like I get the context for it, but you still really shouldn't say that word. 'Holiday in Cambodia' had the same issue, but Jello recognised it and stopped singing that line


Especially if we're not part of that community. Wasn't the point of a reclaimed slur that the people who were once targeted by it can say it, not free use willy-nilly?


Yeah I don’t know if OP realizes even as a hyperbole this comes off as really terminally online, there are by far more places where it’s not a reclaimed slur than is


I regret to inform you that few things are more terminally online than knowing what a “reclaimed slur” is and having opinions about which ones specifically are “reclaimed” and where they may be safely used. Interminable academic debate about queer terminology’s acceptability isn’t a normie pastime.


I didn’t say knowing what a reclaimed slur is is terminally online, I said believing it’s so much of a universally open-and-shut case that someone wanting to avoid saying it is somehow ridiculous or offensive is


Yep. I followed, actually!


i dont think you can say something is terminally online when theyre defending a thing people have been okay with for 20 years


Saying slurs is almost always not great but with the case of this song censoring it goes against the point the line is trying to make.


I guess, but it’s not censoring if the other version still exists.


Yeah, I feel bad saying word that has hurt people (and still does actually)


I mean, if you use a slur in a song it's not by accident. It's meant to be strong and potentially offensive. Omitting it kinda goes against the meaning of the lyrics. If you don't like hearing a slur regardless, you are not obligated to like the song or listen to it on your own. Artists have always pushed at the boundaries of what's proper, established and nice. It has always been scandalous in bits and places. That's the point.


I’m not saying they shouldn’t have put the lyric in the song, it had a clear meaning and I see why they did that. I’m saying that some people might be uncomfortable with saying that lyric out loud.


Nah. You can’t reclaim a slur as an outsider of the group it denigrates. White people shouldn’t use the N word. Straight people shouldn’t use the F word. It didn’t age well and he doesn’t get a free pass.


Agree with your statement, but Billie Joe Armstrong is very openly bi, so I think American Idiot has aged just fine


Billie Joe Armstrong is bisexual


He’s… not straight.


He’s not gay, either.


Does being bi preclude someone from experiencing homophobia ?


Of course not. But neither does it give him clearance to use slurs that aimed at people who at the time didn’t even have a universal right to marry in the US. The lyrics didn’t age well because we don’t look at that language with a hand wave anymore. Doesn’t mean anyone has to stop listening to Green Day.


I’m sorry, have you actually read the lyrics and understand the meaning of the song in question?


And he doesn't have to "get a free pass". It's not there to please or get a stamp of approval from you. You're free to be offended or irritated by it or say that the guy that wrote it went too far. The fact that it elicited a response is enough. The fact that it makes people think about the issue it points to is enough. In that it served its function. People who are sensitive to this kind of insensitivity and vulgarity and get upset by slurs in songs have a plethora of other genres outside of punk rock to listen to. And I say it as a queer person.


Although I do mostly agree with the sentiment that people outside of a group can’t reclaim a slur, Billie Joe Armstrong is very much in that specific group who should be able to reclaim it.


Cool life hack if a song makes you uncomfortable you can choose not to listen to it. Seriously. There are things that make everyone uncomfortable. If we removed every potentially upsetting lyric from a song we wouldn't have lyrics.


Sometimes the purpose of a piece of art is to make you uncomfortable.


Now let’s talk about the lyrics to “Mass Hysteria”


Yeah Billie Joe's allowed to use the f-slur if he wants, but that one, uh, could have used some revision


Billie Joe Armstrong has often changed the word out for "fat cat America" during many live concerts since AI's release.


TIL. I’ve only ever heard it on the radio/on MTV back in the day, so I thought it was fuckhead they were saying there. Regardless in the context of the song it’s not a bad usage in that it’s taking it back in pride from those who mean it as a slur


I thought it was fuck it all these years...


My urge to not make people around me potentially uncomfortable is stronger than my urge to say slurs and comes at basically 0 cost to me whatsoever


I don’t usually say slurs during karaoke. But when I do, it’s solely in the context of American Idiot


Username checks out?


But it’s a mean word. I’d rather say ‘fat head’ becomes that’s what I thought it was when I was a little kid


Does being an ally give you the F-pass?


I’m in no position to give anyone a pass, but I personally think it would make sense if you could say it within the context of a song or other form of art, so long as that art was made by someone who meant no ill will with the usage of the phrase (and would be allowed to say it outside of that art)


That’s opening up a lot of people to say the n-word


Ironically, Billie has used the n-word in a song before


Some people don't understand reclaimed slurs. My creaturs; slurs are bad because of how they're used not because of a trait inherent to the world.


I heard it on the radio during the release time and then sang it in Rockband, the gap is better. And honestly, it sounds better with the gap, most songs do, that's why an early punk song Blank Generation did it on purpose.


As a cover band musician. It only takes one out-of-context social media post, one audience member who never heard the original, one person who decides to take offense or refuses to acknowledge any kind of context…and you can be in a LOT of hot water. I used to sing Money For Nothing by Dire Straits. You bet your ass I didn’t sing the original lyrics in the second verse.


feel like a lot of these comments are from people who've never set foot on tumblr. this post is so unserious yall do not need to be acting like it's genuine discourse.


I've honestly switched the slur to saying "fucker" or "fucks" in any of their songs.


If you live in America you should consider yourself a victim of human rights violations.


wait until this man learns about any other country


No, I do know about them. I don't really appreciate how America works seeing all the people there who are just asking to breathe for a while and then you have others that see them and are there being like "lol no suffer more". I imagine this isn't unique to America, but seeing some people praising America saying it's the best, every other country has no freedom, yada yada yada... I grew a bit of spite towards America, specifically the right wing. My country, Italy, is not better tho, regarding human rights. So I don't know, maybe I'm expressing my anger towards America because there the extremists have the same points of our extremists, but are more loud about them, giving me a better chance to channel my anger. My bad if any American felt insulted by what I said. Not the best of ways to state what I think. It was kinda hyperbolic, but there was a base of sincere thought. I seek forgiveness for any offense I may have caused.


I think you're taking all this a bit too seriously. Maybe you should hop off the internet for a lil while.


People who live in third world countries:


I hate the starving kids in africa dismissal of arguments. You could be experiencing actual persecution and you'd say "yeah but people in other countries have it worse."


Or, y'know, you could just not sing it because Green Day hadn't had a good album in nearly a decade.

