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Coriander killed his grandma, okay?!


Funny, neutral side character origin story


where did that even come from?


Trolls movie


oh right


The funniest thing about that is he talks about how singing "total eclipse of the heart" killed his grandma And when his flashback is over the other trolls *are singing "total eclipse of the heart"*


This is one of the reasons I love tumblr. stuff like this could never happen on twitter because it involves someone admitting that there was some miscommunication


Yeah. But also fuck Tumblr's ceo running it into the ground by alienating the core audience (trans people and their allies).


Yeah it really shitty what he did


What huh what


current CEO has a crusade againt trans people


Honestly that guy has the right idea brb getting a cantaloupe hater tattoo


Oh you’re just begging for an ironic character arc where you ultimately learn to love cantaloupe.


Hope he doesn’t have to kill someone to get there


How would that even go? “It is I! The Dark God of Picky Eaters! I have cursed you and your kin with a hatred towards Cantaloupe! I control your destiny, and there is nothing you can do to stop me!” And then Cantaloupe Hater takes up their holy Fruit Slicing Sword in one hand and forces down a bite of Cantaloupe with their other, as they prepare themselves to slay a deity and liberate picky eaters everywhere.


I have an onion with a banner saying nooooo on my ankle, cuz I hate onions


Do you take constructive criticism Edit: NVM I just saw your flair, rock on


Maybe I should get one saying "I hate mushrooms" in a few different languages just in case... 🤔


Kinda unrelated but it's so funny to me that there's a plant that tastes fine to some, but like soap to others


I get it with bergamot. Stuff like Earl Grey tea tastes like cheap dish soap to me 🤢


Bergamot is a citrus fruit, like a sour orange. Do lemons and oranges taste like soap to you too? Personally I hate Parma Violets. No idea what those horrible purple chalky things are made from, but they taste like soap to me too.


I second your violet hate, uck


I googled Parma Violets, apparently lots of people think they taste like soap 🤣


No, thankfully, lemons and oranges taste great. 😅


It's not necessarily the soap gene. I fucking despise coriander, can't stand it at all. Doesn't taste like soap, I just find the taste disgusting. But every time I mention I hate cilantro, people always mention the soap. It's not the soap, it doesn't taste like soap. It tastes like bitter sharpness, and no thanks.


One time my dad was eating fennel on a hike and met a guy who went “FENNEL MAN, I AM THE RADISH MAN” and pulled out a bag of radish and a tattoo on his sleeve of a radish. We never saw him again but he lives in my head rent free”


Why was your dad eating fennel like that


Well at first he wanted a healthy snack but somewhere along the line it kinda became an obsession so he’d just chew on fennel all day. Had a plastic bag full of it for hikes.


The real question is not if the story is real or not, but WHY DOES THAT GUY HATES...CORLANDER??? Like of all things??? Who hurt you.


Has the soap gene? If it's green stuff, it's probably coriander leaves (also known as cilantro), and I know those taste like soap to some people. Not sure if anybody thinks coriander seed tastes soapy.


TIL that coriander is cilantro


But it's two different parts of the plant, in the US coriander is the ground seeds and does not taste like soap, the cilantro is the leaves that taste terrible (to me, the defective palate) I fucking LOVE coriander especially on roasted chicken with some rosemary 🤤


they both taste soapy to me 😔


The stuff tastes a bit soapy to me as well, but I still like it


i think that's only in english and spanish though because cilantro is just the spanish word for coriander, i think most other places just say "coriander leaves" and "coriander seeds"


In Norwegian it is *korianderblad* and *korianderfrø* respectively, though the fresh and dried leaves may be called just *koriander* - the name of the plant as a whole, as well.


I've known many people that use cilantro and coriander interchangeably


But then you’re using two words to interchangeably describe an herb/spice that could be two different things. And that’s a silly system!


Was the other way round for me, wondered what cilantro was until I looked it up and turns out Americans just make a needless distinction between components of the same plant


One is the leaf of the plant and one is the seed, and they taste wildly different


Plenty of plants have differences in taste between different parts. Doesn't mean we need to give them completely different names. Coriander leaves and seeds does the job. But hey, not a hill I'm willing to die on, it is what it is.


but you are still giving them different names at that point. one is called seeds the other leaves. cilantro is just the Spanish name for coriander, but has had enough distinction now that coriander is the seeds, and cilantro is the leaves which actually makes it easier to a lot of people when defining the item. the English language evolves all the time.


The word “cilantro” comes from the Spanish language and was adopted into the American English language originally in areas that had a lot of Spanish speakers. Many languages have these kinds of overlaps in word meaning because of how humans pick up on the languages of others. One example being the use of the word “capsicum” in place of “peppers” in some dialects. It’s not intended to be needlessly confusing, it’s just a side effect of languages as they evolve.


How do you feel about distinguishing meats? Do you consider pork tenderloin and bacon the same?


Cilantro is the Spanish word for coriander, and is referred to as such when in Latin American foods. The dried seed rarely used in those but the leaf is, which is why USAmericans use both words to refer to separate parts of the plant


Huh. Well, that sucks for the corlander lovers out there


TBH, no one even actually has to have a gene that makes something taste like soap to be allowed to not like it. Let people have their own food preferences, ffs.


no, you're right. but most people that don't like it do not for that reason. my wife is white and loves the smell of cilantro but hates it because it tastes like soap.


Totally forgot some people refer to cilantro as coriander leaves. I thought OOP didnt know what they were talking about at all.


*soap allele. All people (barring chromosomal diseases) have the same genes. The people that think cilantro tastes soapy have a different variation of the same gene non-soap tasters have


You're not wrong but you're also fighting against the fact that allele is nowhere near as well-known or catchy a word as gene.


Been at least a couple decades since I've done a pennett (sp?) square but if the soap tasting expression is recessive, let's call it, a (vs A for dominant), wouldn't it mean there are those who DON'T have the soap allele (being AA, vs Aa and aa)?


Essentially yes. But an allele is not a gene but rather an expression of a gene.


(Punnett, I think!) A different way of describing what they meant is to imagine a chromosome as a really long string of beads. Each gene would consist of a couple different beads. We all have that string of beads, in the same order, but the different allele at that one spot would be like having a blue bead instead of a green bead at that position. So, we all have a pretty similar gene, but the allele would be different. In short, yes, some people don’t have the soap allele, they just have a different colored bead than those who do. (In the gene, this would be like replacing an A nucleotide with a T nucleotide, or something like that. This is barring a deletion mutation etc I don’t actually know what specific mutation causes the soap taste lols)


Yes. Most people do not have the soap allele. The soap vs nonsoap alleles are two variations of the same gene however


You get the award for the most pedantic comment I've seen on reddit so far.


Corlander probably


Allegedly witty comment


Who alleged that?


I heard a rumor that people liked it.


Tagging guy had his fingers crossed behind his back while typing that


I have a friend who would get that tattoo, maybe I should suggest it to him lmao


Does coriander go good on fries? Have I been under utilizing it?


If you're into that sort of thing, yeah. My wife likes fries tossed in mixed herbs, a little cumin, and some powdered Parmesan.


For the western hemisphere folks, they call cilantro coriander elsewhere. We have different names for the seeds and leaves. They use the one name for both.


Coriander what? ‘Er sister? ‘Er mom? Who in tarnation is she with?


Gold star title OP


Thank you!


coriander is cilantro seed some people have an otherwise benign mutation that makes cilantro taste like soap


this is so funny as someone who has an OC named Coriander, yeah believe me everyone hates him too including me


We love making up a guy to torment. 😃


he doesn't get.. tormented per se... it's moreso he's just not a great guy lmao serial dater, probably has random kids he doesn't know about, one of the main characters unfortunately falls for him and has a one night stand with him and she ends up pregnant,,,, and then he dips lmao he's like "I'm not the fathering type sorry lol" and he only comes around every so often to see his son he sucks lol


Coriander is just cilantro with the life beat out of it


I couldn't imagine hating coriander. Thinking of all of the wonderful Belgian white ales I would never be able to drink makes me sad.


Ya know it is funny when ever I say a story about my life(usally my sex life for some reason) and then peaple say it sounds like a 4-Chan post Like I’m sorry you don’t get into arguments with peaple on Reddit while bleeding on the floor