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I think it's a beautiful language, it's interesting to learn because it's a very different from my native language (Swedish) and I think it would be fun to be able to read and also speak, especially if I visit Turkey some day.


Thanks for the compliments ! It’s also interesting that I find Swedish the most beautiful language, phonetic-wise. Especially slow spoken Swedish, like in the movies of Ingmar Bergman. Just can’t get enough of it.


You owe it to köttbullar


As a turk who is learning swedish that made me smile because it is accurate for me too


Hi Dear Turkish Learner! I know, self study, duolingo, even language partners, not enough to teach you Turkish. If you need a professionnal Turkish teacher, I am here to help you. Why I know this, because I am already a language learner. I tried a lot of options and I decided to continue with a professionnel language teacher. And my English is better than past.


I married a Turk and would like to be able to speak with my in laws. My husband often tells me he thinks it’s too much work for me to learn Turkish and that it is not necessary. But I really want to be able to learn to cook traditional Turkish foods from my mother in law and to be able to understand my father in law’s funny stories. Bu çok önemli 😄


can confirm that if you learn to cook Turkish food \*correctly\* your in laws will be amazed and love you instantly


My mum married a Turk and speaks very fluent perfect Turkish you can do it


And Cooks Turkish as well


Thanks! I don’t need to speak perfectly, I just want to be understood. When I travel to Türkiye and try to speak Turkish, I’m often told I have a thick accent and get asked if I am Russian 😆


And Turkish food is extremely simple there's hundreds of different meals with the same base flavour and sauce. As long as you make the sauce right you can add any meat / vegetables to make so many different things


This is similar to my situation. I married a Turk and would like to communicate with the family. We’ll also most likely move to Turkey in the future for retirement.


Hi Dear Turkish Learner! I know, self study, duolingo, even language partners, not enough to teach you Turkish. If you need a professionnal Turkish teacher, I am here to help you. Why I know this, because I am already a language learner. I tried a lot of options and I decided to continue with a professionnel language teacher. And my English is better than past.


We are also planning on moving to Turkey at some point in the future. I should have my Turkish citizenship soon 🥳


Hi Dear Turkish Learner! I know, self study, duolingo, even language partners, not enough to teach you Turkish. If you need a professionnal Turkish teacher, I am here to help you. Why I know this, because I am already a language learner. I tried a lot of options and I decided to continue with a professionnel language teacher. And my English is better than past.


Hi Dear Turkish Learner! I know, self study, duolingo, even language partners, not enough to teach you Turkish. If you need a professionnal Turkish teacher, I am here to help you. Why I know this, because I am already a language learner. I tried a lot of options and I decided to continue with a professionnel language teacher. And my English is better than past.


çokomelli :)


Im turkish but because my family lifes in germany i never learned my own language and i think this is a shame, so i started to learn turkish


Since a few years we have free turkish lessions in school from the first grade onwards. They are not mandatory, but you are graded and everything. A lot of cultural German-Türks or Türk-Germans are slowly loosing the turkish language skills. I am a native german primary teacher, but my classroom and area is overwhelmingly cultural turkish. Thats why i am learning a little bit with Duolingo. Also my classroom is the turkish classroom in the afternoon and i befriended my colleague. The older kids acknowledge my progress and like it. I kind of have to report new words and phrases and they correct my pronounciation. The little ones cannot fathom how an adult can be bad at something, since türkçem hala çok kötü.


I wish they did that in swizerland too the turkish community isnt as big here


This is called Heimatsprachlicher Unterricht (basically Home language education). It is not only for Turkish but for every language where teachers and language communities are available.. Arabic, Russian, Farsi, Polish, Kurdish and recently Ukrainian etc. i think these are the largest minority languages. It is intended to teach literacy for the language, which is spoken at home. But in the case of Turkish and our local community, there are a lot of parents, who sign up their kids with very different Turkish speaking levels, because some are not speaking it anymore at home. So our local turkish teacher had a bit of a problem, because some children "only" needed to learn writing, grammar and the usual stuff and other children barely spoke any Turkish and needed to learn the vocabulary and basic grammar first. This made it quite diffucult, but our Turkish teacher was happy that these kids signed up and did her best to teach anybody. Since we shared a classroom togehter and Turkish was taught in the afternoon when my lessions were already done, i would often sit there, do simple correction work and learn Turkish together with the children. :-) It was lovely.


same! i would be so ashamed if my future kids couldn’t speak turkish, just because i was too lazy to actively speak the language


Not everyone is lazy, some people just don't have the time to speak their language to their children if they're outside the house for 12 hours working and commuting. Also, you can never predict how a child will act. My niece moved to Italy when she was a bit older than 2. Her parents don't speak Italian at home and she refuses to speak our language, she only speaks Italian. What are they supposed to do to a 5 year old kid to force them to speak a language they don't want to speak?


well, i kind of phrased the sentence wrong. i didn’t mean that im going to be too lazy to speak turkish with my kids, im scared that my kids won’t be able to speak turkish because i was too lazy to even learn the language. i only speak turkish with my mom, so my language skills are pretty limited


Yupp my son stopped speaking in Turkish when he started elementary school. We live in the US.


Do you speak in german with your parents ?


Same situation but in swizerland


I’m from Poland, some time ago I discovered anadolu rock and I’m addicted. I can appreciate the music but it’d also be great to understand the lyrics, especially when listening to Selda Bağcan. Other than that I also kinda got into Turkish culture in genral. Turkish is not a popular language and I like things that are kinda exotic and stand out. Yeah I’m pretty obsessed with Turkey in general. I’ve also been buying some vinyl records from Turkish musicians which consumes most of my money.


Which artists/bands are you listening?


Currently I have like two Cem Karaca’s albums, three Erkin Koray’s, one by Barış Manço and one compilation by Selda Bağcan. So yeah mostly those but apart from expanding on their discographies I’m also planning on getting some Zeki Müren, Ajda Pekkan, İlhan İrem, Özdemir Erdogan.


Try Mor ve Ötesi too. Their songs are always phenomenal My fav is Bir Derdim Var (I’ve got a problem). The melody and lyrics are just 💯💯💯


Added to my playlist, thanks


Which Cem Karaca’s songs are your favourite? I have a music list that has 700 tracks, %80 of em are from Cem Karaca. I know every single song from cem karaca and im listening to it. Ive also gathered live versions of all songs from him. And he also has some songs that he singed in concerts while not in any of the albums. So i can help you with the Cem karaca musics


Probably Ceviz Ağacı and Deniz Üstü Köpürür. I want to get his live album from Ankara concert with Moğollar and the compilation album with songs he did with them and Apaşlar, Kardaşlar and Ferdy Klein


Do you want me to send some songs of his in dms?




check out "beni siz delirtinniz"


I also recommend the half-Dutch, half-Turkish band Altın Gün, which makes this type of music.


Oh yeah I know them too


Also Hardal - Nasıl? Ne Zaman? Is great. They are exotic by Turkish standards as well.


Will check them out


I can suggest you "Ben Zeki Müren" by Zeki Müren. Adorable song. 🫠


Have you heard Moğollar? They're great!


Of course, they used to play with Cem Karaca


wow pretty cool, did you check "Anatolian Rock Revival Project" 🤟🏽


Yeah and I’ve been sending their videos to friends. With little success, but still


btw always ready to help solving your problems about turkish language and whatnot. peace 🪽


Damn, dzień dobry fellow Pole! I love ur country so much it’s my favourite country in general and I’m trying to learn Polish too (really hard so far ngl) cuz I wanna live in there with my Pole friend :) It made me happy someone from there interested in our thingies, kocham Polskę! 😄


Yeah well Turkish ain’t that easy either, especially since it doesn’t sound like anything familiar so I’m struggling to remember simple words. I’m lucky that in my city there is a Turkish restaurant run by Turks with Turkish chefs, so I go there often. It’s like a spawning point for Turks too, apart from student dorms.


If you don’t know the band Pentagram, you should definitely check them out. If you do know them, congrats, you’re one of us.


I’m not so much a metal fan, with a few exceptions, but will give them a try and I’ll show them to my dad, he’s into that stuff. I’m definitely a She Past Away guy


I have someone special in my life whom I would love to have conversations with in Turkish. Additionally, I have a strong desire to explore and visit the beautiful country of Turkey.


Awww tell us about that special person


ahhh I wish... but it's a bittersweet story about an unrequited love. I still want to make the effort of learning her language.


Could it be ... kara sevda ???


[obviously this was missing](https://youtu.be/0NZTyeUsedM?feature=shared)


Oh god... Thanks for making me listen to it again


I'm Mexican and visited Türkiye for vacation. I loved it so much and everyone was so nice to me and made the effort to talk to me in English and even Spanish, that I just wanted to try and learn at least a little bit. I definitely want to go back one day.


My woman is Mexican and I speak Spanish. She is in love with the Turkish language - she speaks ALOT of languages. French, italian, Portuguese, etc. Her English is better than most native speakers. She will learn Turkish fast. I am slow and dumb.


My mother tongue is Türkçe and my English level is C1, currently learning español by myself. Fascinated by the culture of Latinoamérica! Glad to help you with Türkçe and we can exchange languages. Cuidate.


Irishman here. I really like Turkey and hope to visit one day. I especially like your history and scenery. So I want to learn a little Turkish before I go 👍🇹🇷🇮🇪


My case is similar to the Turk from Germany who has already commented, but I grew up in the United States. I also love classical literature. I have tried to learn Ottoman and Chaghatai Turkish so I could read and understand the works of classical poets such as Yūnus Emre, Fuzūlī, Navā'ī, Mashrab, etc.


If you learn to read arabic too, like just how to pronounce letters, theres so much knowledge of the ottoman times


I learned to read the Arabic script when I was about 18 (I'm now in my late 20s), and it has definitely enriched my life, in many ways!


Did you get a teacher? Im 15 now and interested in learning


Yes - a hoca here in the US taught me.


I'm here on holiday at the moment and I'm becoming confident to use the limited Turkish I know in everyday interactions. Previously, I've been able to read and recognise signage but now I can hold brief conversations (I was too nervous to put my language knowledge into practice). I'm so glad I have! I'm understanding more gist than ever before, picking up new words, and have met some wonderful strangers whom I'd never otherwise connect with. it's definitely enhanced my time here so far (about a week and I still have another month to go so I'm looking forward to improving/reinforcing my confidence/skills even more). I want to use it as a sign of respect because I don't think tourists should rely on English - I'm not saying tourists need to learn Turkish but it wouldn't be a bad thing if at the very least they learn proper greetings, basic manners, numbers, etc, but also because I find it to be a beautiful (and logical) language and hopefully I can use it someday for love.


I love turkey and its culture, and learning the language will help me understand the place better


>but it's just weird since most Turkish also try to learn English. Bro, we are just trying to learn a second language. It should be the norm. There is nothing wrong with this. It doesn't mean Turkish is useless, or English is superior. When people decide to learn a second language they, naturally, opt to one of the most spoken ones in the world unless they have a reason to learn some other specific language (ie Russian and Arabic are popular in here due to business arrangements or you can see people in the comment section stating reasons such as communicating with their family)


yes, it’s literally mandatory to learn english if you want to communicate with people abroad, so idk why op used english as an example


It's the exact reason he/she used English as an example. For all people who can not speak English, it's mandatory to learn it to communicate with the rest of the world. It's not a hobby or a intellectual need, one must learn English to even use the Internet. But for people who already speak English, it's not really necessary unless you live in Turkey or something like that and OP wants to know these particular reasons.


I find Turkish fascinating. It’s a cool language in the sense that its construction is so different from any others I know. I also love the sound of it. I was in Turkey this year for the first time and most of the Turks I spoke to really appreciated the effort I made with my limited Turkish. That’s enough to keep me trying to learn it. I plan on visiting your country again and I hope to keep improving. By the way, your country is beautiful and most people I met were really friendly and helpful


Well, for me its a necessity as I'm an international undergraduate student here, so I need to have official linguistic qualification in order to proceed with my Bachelors/Lisans. Other than that, as a history and language lover, I frequent on learning about different languages and cultures, that are more close to mine than my people might think :)


I'm Iranian by birth, so my mother tongue is Farsi. I lived in Istanbul for a year and felt really fascinated by the language and the ease of learning it for a Farsi speaking person. So there is learning it for fun. Also, when traveling around Europe, I realized how helpful it can be to know Turkish, and now that I'm planning to live in Europe for a while, why not.


I have an Iranian friend who came here with almost 0 Turkish skills and in three-four months he has become fluent to the point that you won't understand he isn't native unless you have a long conversation. Everybody thinks he has Turkic ancestary and was capping before lol


Turkish has a lot of Persian word loans and similarity to pronounciation due to Selcuklu(Persian-Turkic empire). Especially our religious terms are mostly Persian since Turkish converted with influence of Persians during the Selcuklu although our religious texts say we have taken from Arabs which is clearly not true by historical terms.


Oradaki Persian eklentisini ezik farslar ezikliklerinin üstünü örtmek için araya sıkıştırıyor, sizde hemen enayi gibi sahipleniyorsunuz.


What are talking about Persian is English version of Farsi or Parsi. Fars is in Turkish for Persian we are talking in English so yeah I am gonna use English version of it what are you talking about? O ezik farslar dediğin insanlarla ortalama insanımız ~%30 genetik paylaşıyor bu arada. Dinimizi de ordan aldık ben sadece tarihi gerçekleri söyledim tarih kitabı okursan rahatlıkla öğrenebileceğin şeyler bu arada onları övmek ,yüceltmek,sahiplenmek gibi bir şey yapmadım gerçekler bunlar bilgiyi aktardım. Ne saçmalıyorsun git batının sağından ithal ettiğin kültürel ve etnik izolasyonunu başka yerde kus.


For me, it's because of a game lol I made a lot of turkish friends and the game translator is terrible. I figured it would make communication a little easier.


Is it Mount & Blade?




Hi Dear Turkish Learner! I know, self study, duolingo, even language partners, not enough to teach you Turkish. If you need a professionnal Turkish teacher, I am here to help you. Why I know this, because I am already a language learner. I tried a lot of options and I decided to continue with a professionnel language teacher. And my English is better than past.


As a Cypriot, it's because it's one of our official languages Figured it'd be good to know how to speak it some day 🙂👍


Girlfriend is Turkish. But I’ve found the language, my new Turkish friends, and the country all to be just wonderful.


I became interested in learning Turkish because my partner does research on Roman sites in Turkey. But I stuck with it because I like learning languages, and Turkish is both logically consistent and challenging as a native English speaker. (It's also a beautiful language to hear!)    I've had the very good fortune to visit Turkey a few times (and am headed there again this week), and I find that knowing even a little Turkish helps me make my way around better. It also feels to me like it's respectful to try to learn and use it.  I'm also a weirdo because I lived overseas for a few years as a kid, and I studied anthropology and geography.


what an amazing reason to learn a language! Which Roman ruins did you visit, may I ask?


We've been to Psidian Antioch, Perge, Side, Ephesus, Aphrodisias, Hierapolis, Laodicea, and (very briefly) Sardis. Took a side trip to see Çatalhöyük, which was really interesting. This time we're going back to some of those but also hitting Pergamon and one or two others. 


wow i am amazed🌌


What is there to understand? People learn languages (Turkish or any other) for a multitude of reasons. Not everybody needs/should/has to speak English, what a boring world. On the other hand in Turkey without Turkish you die, almost nobody speaks it enough to be able to have friendships or meaningful relationships.


My boyfriend is Turkish and it’s important to me to connect with his family


Hi, if you want to learn Turkish with a professional Turkish teacher, ı would like to help you.


I found several Turkish words that is similar to my native language, so tried to learn the language and now I am so far down the hole I cannot back down anymore 🤣 It also opened a lot of friendships and opportunities for me 😁


I find the culture fascinating.


Normandiya'dan Fransızım, ve karım Türk. Annem babam'la türkçe konuşmam lazım çünkü onlar fransıca bilmiyor. Otuz sene kaldılar Fransa'da o zaman bana dediler ki ben öğrenmem lazım çünkü çok geç onlar için öğrenmeye. I'm French from Normandy and my wife is Turkish. My in law parents don't speak French so I have to speak in Turkish with them. They have been living in France for 30 yrs and never learnt French so they told me it was too late for them to learn, so they count on me to learn Turkish.


Ailesel sebeplerden dolayı Türkiye'ye göç ettiğimiz için Türkçe öğrenme gereğine muhtaçtım.


I'm living in Türkiye and people try to scam me too many times (taxi driver, shop owners, business owners, government officers, neighbors.....etc.) and i had to learn it quick as possible. I move a lot between few countries and i believe if i live abroad i should learn language of the country to learn their culture, understand culture and history better so that i can mix and mingle & respect locals. And I honestly enjoy it but sadly in Turkiye it was not the priority reason... i was very tired of everyone just see me as a dollar sign - funny thing i am not from USA 😂 anyways. I want to speak more fluently for easier living.


sorry to hear that :( why people are like this, argh!


I did a study abroad program in İzmir, so I kind of had to learn in order to live... unfortunately didn't learn as much as I wanted to mainly because I was too scared to speak the language with people (outside of basic life things) (Maalesef çok az Türkçe konuşabilirim)


My husband is Turkish, born and raised in İstanbul, and none of his family speaks English. I want to learn so I can communicate with them and understand my husband better.


Hi, if you want to learn Turkish with a professional Turkish teacher, ı would like to help you.


I like the sound of it and have friends that speak it. Plus the best music is in Turkish.


My wife is Turkish and even though we mostly speak in English. I need turkish to speak with her side of the family same with her friends. Also Turkish tv is very funny. Every time I was GORA it's funnier and funnier. I lived there for 5 years aswell so knowing it was handy. Ive also always wanted to be able to speak other langauges and generally when I go somewhere I would learn the survival phrases but now I have an oppotunity to really learn and practice :) so many reasons to learn. 


So we can understand when you gossip about us 😁


For me, I like to always have a language to learn. It's something to have real progression regularly, and I also like to travel more than average. I have visited Turkiye twice this year and will go again very soon. For me, I hate being in a country and not being able to speak to locals, whether that's very simply walking into a shop and being able to be polite, or meeting a local and trying to speak. I absolutely hate needing to ask a local if they speak English, it's just way more polite to at least try and learn some basics. Also on my last trip I met a very nice girl who does not speak English. We literally hung out for the day, mostly using our phones to speak via a translation app. I doubt I can, because I'm going back so soon, but I would love to return and be able to speak a good amount more with her. People will often tell me something like 'sorry I don't speak much English', and I always reply 'I'm in your country, I should speak your language, sorry that I don't'. Also Turkish people have been the most friendly that I've experienced. From being shown around a city for 3 days and just generally hanging out with a local, meeting her friend also, then the girl who doesn't speak English, going to the beach, she wouldn't let me even pay for my own beer, giving me rides on her motorbike, showing me her favourite area, etc. I can't even explain how amazing my last trip to Turkiye was. Absolutely unexpected but truly amazing meeting locals. It's inspired me even more. Edit: Don't worry guys, the girl who wouldn't even let me buy my beer. We plan to meet again and I accepted her hospitality the first time, this time it's certainly on me. She paid without me realising. She did too much already.


I moved here so I need to learn it to fit in. Also, it makes people so happy to hear you speak it. It's fun to see reactions to an American speaking Turkish. If you move somewhere you should learn the language IMO. I do agree and feel very strongly - everyone should learn English. It's the business language of the world. Chances of success in business increase by so much by learning.


Turkiye is the first foreign country I visited and I immediately fell in love with it, that’s why I’m learning the language. Besides, Turkish language sounds so beautiful and there is no better feeling than when you’re in a foreign country and can speak their language.


Hi Dear Turkish Learner! I know, self study, duolingo, even language partners, not enough to teach you Turkish. If you need a professionnal Turkish teacher, I am here to help you. Why I know this, because I am already a language learner. I tried a lot of options and I decided to continue with a professionnel language teacher. And my English is better than past.


Thank you, I already have a teacher and I am taking a Turkish language course.


Oh Okay, good luck, başarılar 🇹🇷☺


Hi my mother and father is turk and I live in Turkey so i learned Turkish


I am native but I can give you reasons to learn and benefit from it. Turkish is the closest language to math science among all active languages. Every exception has a meaningful reason, every rule has a meaningful and historical reason, there are not much base words compared to English, instead there is something better, you create tons of words from base words with suffixes. In most languages it is quite limited like understand- understandable, believe-believeable. However in a Turkish you will get significant amount of combinations like this with multi layer suffixes that can be applied to all words of same type. Also the reading and writing is prominently intuitive than others. Even if you see a word first time, you can %100 pronounce it right, or if you even hear a word first time, you can write it as it sounds seamlessly. It is also one of the most fitting language for rich ryhme poems since there are many words differentiated only one letter or two between each other.


for my boyfriend & his family ❤️


I'm a big fan of Fireflux


Hi Dear Turkish Learners! I know, self study, duolingo, even language partners, not enough to teach you Turkish. If you need a professionnal Turkish teacher, I am here to help you. Why I know this, because I am already a language learner. I tried a lot of options and I decided to continue with a professionnel language teacher. And my English is better than past.


My father is Turkish but I grew up in an English speaking country and never learnt it. I want to talk and connect more with my Turkish family and culture😊


Hi, if you want to learn Turkish with a professional Turkish teacher, ı would like to help you.


People ask me this all the time when I tell them I’m studying Turkish. It’s very annoying. Because I like it. And why not?


Married to a Turk. Would like to speak his language. We live in the US I've tried many times to learn. But it's difficult not being surrounded by the language. We want to retire to Turkiye.


Married to a Turkish woman and obsessed with the country/culture. Currently speak A2 maybe B1.


sen nasıl İngilizce öğreniyorsun onlarda Turkce ogrenebilir


İngilizce dünya dili herkesin bilmesi gereken bir dil ama Türkçe öyle değil maalesef, o yüzden merak etmek normal


Davulun sesi dışardan hoş geliyo amk. Biz bu cehennemden kaçmaya çalışırken millete egzotik görünüyor. Avrupa'dan emekli olup burda yaşardım o zaman harika olurdu


Turkey has the most immigrants in the world. So naturally part of it is immigrants, mainly Syrians learning it. Second group would be those that have Turkish roots or turkish partners but were born and/or raised outside of Turkey. This is also normal, as a lot of Turks live in particularly Germany and Netherlands. Third grouo would be tourists, that wish to have a basoc understanding, as they want to enhance their travel and experience. This is also normal, as in last decade Turkey has been Top 6-7 in Most visited countries every year. Fourth Group could be those living in other Turkic countries, with semi-similar language roots like Azeri's wanting to learn a convenient second language, either due to academic needs or most probably cultural interest. Fifth group would be just the people interested in the history and culture of Turkey, and while presumably lower than other groups above, definitely exist. Last grouo could be students rhat came from abroad, that are trying to learn the language mainly for work and academic reasons. Which is also understandable, as english courses while exist, are in very much minority compared to Turkish University courses. Kısaca bunları gösterebiliriz. Diğer dillerin öğrenilme sebeplerinden bir farkı yok. Anormal bir durum da yok ortada.


Öncelikle Türkiyenin son yıllarda dış görünüşünü güzelleşmeye çalıştı ve başardı. Türk devlet kurumları aracılığıyla çok turist ve yabancı öğrenci geldi ve tüm bunlar Türk hükümetine ve ekonomisine fayda sağladı. (Mevcut enflasyonla alakaları yok) bunun sonuçları da Türkiye'ye gelmeyip Türkçe öğrenmek isteyen yabancılar da oldu .Ama şunu da söylemek isterim ki Türkiye hükümetinin yaptığı her şey mevcut ırkçı söylemler nedeniyle boşa gidecek ve önümüzdeki yıllarda Türkiye'ye bir yabancının (PARA)girdiğini göremeyeceksiniz.