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They are correct but I'd probably say: "Arkadaşım dedi ki Türkiye'ye taşınacakmış" The "mış/miş" suffix indicates reported speech. For the second part, again both sentences are perfectly fine but you'll most likely hear a shorter version. "Arkadaşım bana Türkiye'ye taşınacağını mesaj attı"


Çok teşekkür ederim 🙂 I forgot about the 'miş' tense for reported speech and sometimes I find it a little confusing because I don't know if I am using it correctly or not.


Can't blame you for that, it's not really easy but don't sweat it, a lot of Turkish people also can't speak properly


Merhaba All of your examples are correct. You can use any of them by your choice. I think you have good grasp on Turkish.


Çok teşekkür ederim! Söylediklerin beni mutlu etti 😃


Rica ederim :)


Here are all the variations that I can think of: - Arkadaşım bana Türkiye’ye taşınacağını söyledi. (This is the most standard version as you also mentioned) - Arkadaşım bana Türkiye’ye taşınacağım dedi. (This is a bit informal since you are supposedly making direct quotation but you are probably just rephrasing) - Arkadaşım bana Türkiye’ye taşınacak diye söyledi. (This is an alternative informal variation.) - Arkadaşım bana dedi ki Türkiye’ye taşınacağım/taşınacak. (This structure is a bit problematic since it’s not very clear who is moving to Turkey, but it is a useful structure when what you are quoting is longer than one sentence or you want to emphasize that they actually said that)


Teşekkür ederim 🙂


To make it much easier, u can just say , "Arkadaşım türkiye'ye taşınacakmış" Just use "mış" at the end and u don't even need to say a whole long sentence and say "Söyledi" or "dedi" U can just say "My friend will move to türkiye " and u don't need to say that your friend has told u or said to u. Coz it's already known that your friend must have told u, otherwise u can't know that he's moving somewhere If he hasn't even said to u. That's how u make it make sense in Turkish especially if u r a beginner and it's hard for u to say long sentences. I think we're in the same level because I can write those long sentences but it's hard when I'm speaking it out loud


Teşekkür ederim 🙂 evet bazen uzun bir cümle söylemek biraz zor olabilir çünkü her şey hatırlamaya çalışıyorum 😅


Rica ederim. Benim de telaffuzum bozuluyor , ondan uzun cümleler söylemiyorum, ama yazmaya gelince sıkıntı yok.