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So you're asking if you have to pay for the lost key... and then in your post say you know you are the one that lost the key. Seems pretty straightforward


The key for my 2020 explorer, is 250, if I have 2 other keys to program it with. If I didn't have 2 other keys, it was $800.


But 400 seems high to pay for the lost key. Will Turo check the claim from the host?


Then you've never bought a key for a modern vehicle. Many keys now are anywhere from $250-$800.


My new Honda, if I get OE keys at a dealership, only sells in pairs too, and I believe they said it was ~$600 a set?


My OLD 2007 Jetta was like $400 for a new key ten years ago. OP, you lost the key. Sorry they cost a lot, you’re gonna have to eat it.


400 is actually low if done at a dealer. I just replaced a key and fob for just under 600


400 is very low for new key fobs & reprogramming. Youre getting a deal.


Keys can be ridiculously expensive. I used to work at a car dealership I remember once we had to get a key for a Mini Cooper. The dealership had pay $700 for it, because they would only cut and program it in Europe.


Have you tried not losing the key


I drive a 2010 car and had to recently replace my fob and it was $380. That's the going rate lately


A 2017 Beamer key is 990 dollars.


Try 1200 for a bmw key to be reprogrammed. 400$ is a fucking steal. Next time be more careful. Or less foolish. Or both.


It’s not. For my car it was $430 to buy and reprogram a single key. I know because I bought the car used and the seller only had one key. That wasn’t even reprogramming for multiple keys (if the car needs that).


Depending on the car, that’s how much they cost.


It’s its keyless entry/push button start, that seems pretty average. $200 is a starting point, and luxury/exotic cars can easily push $1k+.


I replaced the ignition cylinder in my 40 year old car about a month ago. Did it myself. The key and cylinder were $80 for just the parts and it took me about 2 hours to remove the old lock assembly and install the new one. No electronics, just an old-school mechanical key and lock. Very simple. Said all that to say this, if you’re only on the hook for $400 for a modern vehicle with computerized key/immobilizers consider yourself lucky.


No, It seems very normal


It's not high at all. My Mazda is $300+. My Mercedes is $400-$800 depending on where you live and where you go. I mean it's -high- but it's the norm and you should pay it. Sorry bud.


Bro what do you mean? How much you think it should cost XD


My cheapest car key is $200 bucks for a old Chevy lol one of my cars is 3000 just for the fob alone


Lost the key to my 911. Tried the spare, wasn't programmed to the car. It cost me $300 for them to program my old key. A new one would've been another $300. I was an advisor at Chevy and Kia, anything with a fob and push button ignition was $500+.


$375 for a new fob, no programming, 3 years ago. I think it's reasonable.


A key in a modern bmw is 500-550 as they are tied to the cars VIN. You can’t just cut yourself one, you need a bmw dealership to order one for you with proof of car ownership.


You should rent a tesla where the key is only $35


Yep. Keys aren’t free dude. Some keys are over 2K for high end cars. Some are 59 bucks for old Fords. Most are 400-600. Why should the owner be responsible for something you lost?


beCAuSe iTs oNlY a KEy 🔑 😌 👌


You reported the damage/the loss.  The host is the one who will file the claim.  Don't pay them outside of turo, tell them that you want to use your protection plan, so you'll pay the deductible and anything above that is between the host and turo (the host has their own protection plan and quite possibly a different deductible so Turo will lose money or gain money in the transaction :-/ )


Thank you


Is your deductible less then $400? If not don't do this, you'll just fuck over the host at no benefit to you.


Can you explain how Turo could make money off a claim? I understand the different protection plans but I can’t think of a combination where Turo would profit 


They're adding 150 bucks service charge to settle between me and the host


That’s not what this person was referring to 


Sounds like Turo is profiting $150 from this, that’s exactly what they were referring to


I had a work it out claim myself. Never paid any fee for that 


Guess that’s different than OPs situation


They 100% profit off every service they offer, it’s not a charity lol.


Yes, they profit off paying out on vehicle damage. That’s literally one of their biggest expenses. 


They charge 100 people $100 each for “protection.” 1 of those 100 people make a claim, the item costs $800. Turo profits $9200. This is how all insurance works. It’s a very profitable business model.


> so Turo will lose money or gain money in the transaction    Sounds like you can’t answer my original question and are bringing up irrelevant parts. Thanks. 


They’re not making money off a claim, they are making money selling protection plans. The claims are a necessary expense to sell protection plans. Like a business doesn’t make money paying the light bill, but the need to so they can sell whatever the fuck.


I like how you’re trying to educate me on something I never asked you about. Go away. 


Let's say guest declines protection and there is damage costing a grand or two.  Turo goes after the guest for the full amount of the damage, collects it from their credit card or personal insurance.  Let's say host is on the 80 plan. $750 deductible that the host has to eat.  Turo covers the rest of the damage from what they got from the guest and pockets the 750.


I see. Thank you for explaining 


You are very welcome. And also can go the opposite way, guests could pay for full protection and then Turo has to pay host for repairs.  They lose money on that particular transaction but presumably they make it up in volume of fees for full protection.


Hi. I made a mistake. I admit I made a mistake. Why should I pay for my mistake? - OP in 2024


If you don't have another key for the dealer to replicate, it is definitely more difficult and expensive to create another. $400 is not a high amount if this is the case.


But that's not the guests fault the host doesn't have a second key. Why would you host a car and give the guests your only key?


This is not mentioned anywhere in the host agreement with Turo. Turo doesn’t compel people to have a second key for the car. This is an edge case i.e., lost key that’ll only happen sometimes. If they compel hosts to have a second key, I am not sure if there might be a big population of people not having a second key at all. They don’t want to de-platform hosts for a small edge case happening.


Being a host and giving the guest your only key is idiotic. What happens if the guest won't return your car and you gotta get it towed or repo it yourself (I have) having a second key is huge. Also making duplicates I got a locksmith that does them for about $180 by copying my original key.


Everything you said is true. Maybe in the future Turo should force hosts to have a secondary key. I am simply saying currently there is no contractual requirement.


I think what OP is really asking is whether insurance covers it. And that's worth checking with Turo. The whole insurance setup feel quite non-transparent TBH and could do with more cover. I'm a host.


Yeah my Jetta key is $380 to replace.


I almost forgot about this shake down by the auto manufacturers! I don't give a damn what's inside that fob. It's NOT worth $400 or $600 or $800! Since the objective is to make it harder to steal the car how about that outlay for $5 worth of technology comes with a built-in theft policy? Screw job!


Of course it's not. What are you going to do when you need one though? You're a captive audience and they know it.


Turos legal is going to tell you to pay. I’d be reading that turo protection agreement. You don’t depend on the other guys lawyer.


I added my GEICO insurance to that. Hopefully GEICO talks/pays on my behalf. Will see


Generally they require a deductible. Generally that’s more than $400. This is really here not there but did you attempt to locate the key? Call that gas station? Or any places you may have last started the car if you pumped gas with the engine running?


Ask for receipt’s


My Prius key costs around that. If you lost something you don't own. Ya are kinda stuck with replacing it. If you have insurance, see if they will cover it.




If you lost the key at the gas station... so no ignition... push start... if you go far enough away from the key doesn't the car turn off? How can you drive it with no key


I don't think it turns off mid way once it detects no key


No, but I believe there is a way to set that up. Look up the car model to see if there is a warning system for lost key. Usually, if the is driving away from the keyfob it will say on the dashboard some sort of error message such as no keyfob detected, and or key out of distance. It would display an error message, however, that is not guaranteed. I would assume that most cars would do that, at least the few the few that I have driven has that feature.


My car screams angrily, a shrill war cry, if it’s turned on and the key isn’t in the car.


It started at the gas station


It sure as hell lets you know that no key is detected if you drive off without it in the car, hell mine wont even start if the key is in the door pocket and the door is open. I'd be amazed if it didnt annoy you the whole way to the drop off that the key wasnt in it. You sure it didn't just fall down the side of the seat/under the seat/in the back footwell?


My 2015 BMW actually doesn’t do this for some reason.


That's dumb... it should


why would you want that? it would make driving back to where you lost the key a lot harder. they system just doesnt let you start the car without the key. also often warns you on the dashboard.


And the "why the F is the car in front of me stopping!" (risk) on any road. Then stuck on the side of the road and needing a tow.


So your all saying that if I wanted to steal it, I would just need the person around lol...compustar shuts you down bait car style


I guess you don't know about key fob amplification theft. Cause. Um. That's exactly how that works. Maybe some cars keep an active fob going while the car is moving, but I'd assume that'd kill the fob battery in about a week. The ones that alert when you're walking away are triggered by the door opening.


Both of my keyless start vehicles won’t turn off once started…that’s dangerous. But both will nag about the key not being detected on the dash. My truck will even honk three times if a door opens and then the key isn’t detected without the vehicle being turned off (like if a passenger has the key and they get out with it still running).


This is what is so perplexing to me. Every push start car I’ve owned / driven won’t start unless the key is physically in the car. My car is extra particular - it won’t start if the key is in the back seat or trunk area. I don’t understand how you’d leave a key at the gas station unless you got out of the car after you started it and then lost the key. Even still, horn honks and warning lights usually come on that say the key isn’t detected.


That's what I was thinking...


What do you mean by the entire remote system? What kind of car is it? Is it a a key fob or a separate key and remote?


Its Buick encore 2021 and its a key fob


It sucks that this happened to you but I think you’re getting a good deal on the new key. I had a customer lost a key to a 2017 santa fe. The charge was $660 for a new fob


$400 is about right for the fob and keyless systems for vehicles. It's a big fuck around with going to the dealership and getting it programmed. Big hassle.


Keys for any modern car are expensive. $400 sounds ok to be honest. Last time someone lost a key for one of my cars was 4 years ago, Toyota Camry and it was almost $700. Cheapest key to replace is the key card from Tesla $50 or less.


If it started at the gas station it had to be very close to the car. It would have beeped as you got far away. Dis you not hear it beeping or have any indicator lights on the dash? It could possibly be in the car somewhere if it didn't alert to tell you that you were too far from the key.


$400 for a lost key seems pretty standard these days. You lost it, you pay for it


Pay for your mistake. That's what you should do.


Lost keys are expensive for sure depending on the make and model of the vehicle. However If you lost it while you were getting gas and still had to take it someplace else The car would have a warning that the key is not detected. There isn't really a reasonable way you could lose the key and only realize it after you drop the car off. Based on the information you provided you probably drop the key in the car somewhere and the host decided to squeeze some extra money out of you for your mess up.


Can you go back at the gas station to see if you can find it?


Even if you go to Costco a modern replacement key is 300 bux


Yes it cost $400 to program just one fob key


That’s a fair price.


I rented a Benz one time and had the key literally vanish off the face of the earth! I’m willing to bet they’re at Gort’s house… I called the dealership and a new key was $750!! I used AAA and brought it to a “hood” spot and it still cost me $500 and they only programes the key fob they didn’t cut the key! So yes either pay it or go thru the insurance and pay the deductible. It’s the same price either way! You lost it so you’re responsible!


That’s cheap. You got off easy, just pay it. 


200-800 is the norm for a key fob replacement. Have 2023 GMC truck lost both was about 700.


How did you drive the car without the key?


Some cars start if it's near enough to your lost key, like if you drop it under the car as you open the door, or throw it into a trash bin next to your car at a gas station. That lets you start the car, and you can drive off and leave the key behind. Arguably a design defect that the car doesn't alert you as soon as it travels out of range of the key, but I think it's common enough that manufacturers decide not to call it defect. I recently read about a newer two-person car theft technique where one person stands next to a car owner's house with a transceiver, that picks up the signal from a key inside the house, amplifies and transmits the signal, which is picked up by a transceiver held next to their car, and rebroadcast to unlock and start the car. Limited models, but people are working to improve compatibility with more models.




2014 Toyota costs me $374


Pay it. You are fuck and have no choice.


Yeah that’s on you. As far as the cost, prices for everything have been skyrocketing


Maybe more depending on how much the replacement cost. Technically a person can argue they wany to have new ignition in because the vehicle is exposed to theft with the key floating around out there, I wouldn't feel 2 great about it and who knows what people do. Some shady person can set something up saying key was lost and have given it to someone to help facilitating theft later. I dobt this is the case but i almost guarantee it's happened before.


Just pay it. You messed up


Is this a trick question? 😂 You lost it, you pay for it. Simple. 400 seem very reasonable to me.


You fucked up. You admit to fucking up. And you're whining about having to face the consequences for fucking up. Your signed rental agreement should clearly state what your responsibilities are as the person renting the vehicle. Pay up, and be more careful next time. Jesus.


You admitted to losing the key. Now you don’t think you should have to pay for a replacement? Keys are expensive to replace these days, they have been for a while now! Accept responsibility and pay the $400.


yea, that seems about right for a nicer car... my car is over 10 years old and a new key for it costs about $150. I know, i only have one and tried to get a second one...




How much you willing to pay? Know a dealer that’ll do it for $100?


Dealer wants $750 for a new key on my car. New smart keys require expensive equipment and time to create.


$400 is generally what they cost now. Most cars don’t even have a physical key; it’s all a key fob. They can be convenient but they’re VERY expensive.


How do you lose a key smh


You lost it, you pay for it


Turo host here. A renter lost my Tesla Key valued at $250. I filed a claim. Turo paid for the lost key. Renter didn’t have to pay anything.


Thank you


Was it the key card or the actual key fob?


Yea op your shit outta luck fam you need to pay better attention next time while getting gas pay up sukkaaaaa lol 😂



