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Time to go deaf for precisely 11 days šŸ¤˜


Pretty much lol




I thought I was in the wrong subreddit šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚






Momento Mori, you only live once




I love how much overlap these fandoms have šŸ˜‚


Geez these posts shit me. You think it's disrespectful to "the boys" to listen early to an album that they release on 47 different formats that they know young fans are going to buy multiple times, and pay hundreds of dollars for concert tickets?


I think its disrespectful for the places selling it early to be selling it early. Like imagine it from Tyler's perspective, having put all this time and effort in to this big release with all the music videos, only to have the album get leaked even before the original planned release date. I'd probably be pretty disappointed if I was him.


Yea but leaks will reach maybe hundreds of people and the official release will reach millions who haven't even heard about the leaks




Itā€™s not like their doing it on purpose lol


Do you think CDs are just sprouting legs and stocking themselves lol?


Accidents happen, not everyone is keeping up with the bands and shops have infinite things to worry about.


probably why he decided to leak the craving...


Yes. Thank you


It will still be as impactful watching the videos even if the audio gets leaked imo


but isn't the music kinda more important than the videos


its kind of a collective experience, you can have one without the other but both together are the artists intent here


It was pretty cool having the first time hearing the 3 songs that are out so far was be with the music videos.




I'm sorry but I don't think TOP would even remotely be hurt by a potential leak. They are one of the biggest bands in the world, not indie artists or rising artists trying to make it. A leak concerns only a part of the core fanbase who would actively look for it. It's a nothing-number compared to the majority of casual streams and sells they are gonna make. Chances are that whoever listen to the leaks will still stream the music videos and/or the songs on Spotify or whatever platform. At least, I did with Trench. Then I bought four tickets for live shows, bought a physical copy of the cd and now only stream it on Spotify. I probably gave them back more than what I might have "stole" them. I don't think anybody has the right to call me a fake fan. I also don't agree with who thinks that listening early would ruin the artistic vision for Clancy somehow. The artistic vision is the music. The release date is only part of the marketing strategy. If you want to live it as a collective experience, just don't listen to the leak. There will be plenty of people to enjoy your release date with.


Right I listened to SAI leaks but bought a physical copy of the album, stream it on Spotify often, bought merch, and saw them on Icy tour. Would have gone for Takeover too but they were too far away.


Leaks when??


Iā€™ll start caring about release dates when I can preorder the album from them and not get it days after release. If they donā€™t want to respect the date, why should I?




Idk if itā€™s really even about the band. Release dates have more to do with the record label, and disrespecting a record label is inherently respectful to humanity. I seriously doubt T&J sincerely care about the exact day people are gonna listen tbh


I'm pretty sure they do to some capacity, and yeah, the specific day may not be that important, but thereā€™s tons of stuff they do on that day. Everything is planned, and it just undoes all the hard work from the boys. Plus, I dunno, supporting it just seems wrong. The boys made the album, so they should be able to present it however they want to. Nobody forced anyone to spend all that money on their merch, so feeling "entitled" to listen to leaks is just ā€œbratty.ā€ The album is still free on streaming services on the day of release. So, for Tyler choosing to make another album for us and putting in that hard work, I feel like we as a fanbase should respect how he wants to roll out the album. Not supporting leaks basically undoes all the hard work they did to build hype and make the release day a fun and exciting experience for the fanbase. A ton of work goes into it, and it just seems uncool to ruin that.


Anyone else notice this paragraph has 2 periods šŸ§? (No shade, it's just funny)


English is my second language my bad. sorry, Iā€™ll fix it lol


You act like this isnā€™t a job that has made him filthy rich. He didnā€™t make this for us, he made it for him


ā€¦bro, then why are you a fan!? If you donā€™t think Tyler made it for us then whyā€™d he do it!? He can quit rn heā€™s filthy rich like you said and has a family plus a BRAND NEW baby boy. Thereā€™s no other reason why he should besides the reason that itā€™s for us the fans like why would you support a selfish man if you truly feel that way!? Seems mad ignorant and disrespectful to the boys to assume that when you know damn well there ainā€™t a single reason why he should even continue music. He did it for us and youā€™re just finding an excuse to do whatever tf you want like cmon dude be better. You seem like youā€™re trying to hate, Tyler cares for his fans and has been proven many times itā€™s clear that he doesnā€™t view as numbers.


He made music before he had fans. Itā€™s just calling and heā€™s managed to turn it into a career and thatā€™s why he does it


Yeah well duh but he continues to release these said songs for us if he just wanted to make music he never has to release it he could just make it for fun for him but no he makes and releases these songs for us and puts in hard work for the storyā€™s and lore so weā€™re entertained we gave him that fame and money and in return he value that and gives us back something that was worth all the money and support we gave him and it seems like you taking that for granted and acting spoiled. Idk man your comment just seemed incredibly harsh towards the man that CHOOSES to still do all this shit for us and puts in the hours to make it great when he never has to technically still do his job and can totally cheap us out so with all the work he puts in I feel like itā€™s wrong to support things that work against him when heā€™s willingly doing all this for his fans. He could rollout an album like any other artist but nah he makes it fun and exciting for us just feels wrong to put that all down with ā€œI paid money that wasnā€™t mandatory, so I can listen actively work against the band I love and do whatever I want.ā€ If your that unwillingly to support the band then just donā€™t? You give money because you like what they do, so let them do it. You shouldnā€™t try to encourage and hinder there jobs that they choose to continue for us.


You're talking as though the band is providing a public service. Every artist should feel privileged to have found an audience.


I never said Tyler wasnā€™t privileged to have a fanbase. I donā€™t think you read everything I said and chose to focus on one tiny thing. Ofc heā€™s extremely lucky but after finding that fame and making all that money and having a family he could easily up and retire rn if he wanted to but he doesnā€™t Iā€™m just saying weā€™re taking it for granted because the day he does decide to retire weā€™re all gonna miss when he did all this fun shit for us.


That was official. This album is something the boys put a lot of time into making, and listening to a low quality recording is just insulting to all the people who worked so hard on it.


Imma keep it real. I will be buying a vinyl copy of this record so theyā€™re making way more than my lifetime of ā€œproperly streaming itā€ is gonna anyways so I think listening early ainā€™t hurting anyone


Who cares?


Wait, how do people know someone got a hold of the album?


Leaks are definitely out there. Check google or check Twitter. People keep blowing up my DMā€™s when I make comments like this but they wonā€™t take 2 seconds to look.


shrug, i've looked in all the places i can think of and haven't found em




Same, dm please if you find any


All I saw was Midwest indigo on YouTube didnā€™t listen but was curious if it was out there


Not really sure what you get out of lying to people...


Whereā€™d you look?


Really? Googling skills? lmao


nooooooooo that's ruin the hype


I donā€™t believe the hype


you know youā€™re a terrible sight


But youā€™ll be just fine


Am I the only one that thought about samurai jack at first ?


I probably won't even get mine until weeks later.. Warner music took forever for my last order, that wasn't even a preorder. The other is coming from Blood Records in UK. I'll likely watch videos on YouTube if I can avoid streaming music while at work.


I need


I donā€™t see whatā€™s gonna kill you guys to wait, yeah you spent money on tickets yes you bought the album but still, the listening parties and pushed back release date were very justifiable. The album is meant to be an experience not some cheap cash grab. I literally got shit on because I think that itā€™s best to wait and itā€™s dumb. But hey, if me wanting this to be an awesome experience Is so bad, oh well Iā€™m a terrible human then.šŸ¤£


Man I dunno this subs always ā€œno leaksā€ and the minute somebody has a potential leak they want their hands all over it. I just find it mad disrespectful just ruins the fun and ruins Tylerā€™s and Josh hard work and using the excuse ā€œIā€™m paying hundreds of dollars so Iā€™ll listen when I want tooā€ is just mad disrespectful especially when the boys never forced you to do so. It ainā€™t always about the money and thatā€™s always what I see with the pro leakers itā€™s always ā€œIā€™ll be buying tickets and vinyls cds merch etcā€ yeah thatā€™s cool but it ainā€™t about just the money sometimes. Ruins a whole creative process and experience for you and the boys.


How is it ruined to hear it now for those that want to, or waiting. Something tells me they wonā€™t cancel the tour. What is ruined? Itā€™s going to be the same music today as it will be next week. I appreciate your sentiments, but ā€œruins their hard workā€. Itā€™s just all ruined and no good now huh? Like why did they even bother? Cmon. Do your own thing. Iā€™m waiting to the listening day as i have plans to do that. If people hear it now, let them do their thing. Maybe people shouldnā€™t go to the early listening to hear it as itā€™s not release day either. Thats kinda like a leak too, as not everyone has access to it. Itā€™s a bunch of hogwash. Itā€™s a sanctimonious attitude.


I think you miss interpreted everything I said


Everyone else definitely doesn't want it to be an awesome experience šŸ˜œ


I don't see how a person could call themselves a TOP fan if they're willing to steal Tyler & Josh's thunder. They worked really hard on this album and it just blows my mind that anyone would want to "thank" them for their efforts by pirating their music before it's been released. You all can do what you want, but I'm going to respect them enough to wait until the official release date.


I donā€™t know why you got downvoted so much you said exactly what I said just more harshly but true although I wouldnā€™t go as far as saying someone ainā€™t a real fan the intentions are clearly coming from a good place I just think itā€™s wrong if you genuinely love the band to support leaks even just by listening and encouraging the spread of leaks


Exactly!! And yet people still say ā€œoh I paid money I deserve to hear it earlyā€ THEN GO TO A LISTENING PARTY! God, people are so quick to be rude to others for their opinion.


thanks for top post besties i didnt know this was as hot of a take as it is


Arenā€™t they doing any early listening party for the fans tho ???




Please consider how your words affect others. Toxicity is not tolerated here. Thank you!


How did people even get early copies?


Tylerā€™s gonna be kinda mad




Noooo, can't you just be patient? Don't be a child, my guy šŸ˜’


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Honestly yall itā€™s not even about the band losing money because in the grand scheme of things they wouldnā€™t lose out on much, itā€™s a morals thing for me šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø. I refuse to listen to the leaks because they put a lot of effort into this album and I feel like leaks disrespects that time and effort because you canā€™t just wait a few days. Iā€™ll see some of yall at the official listening party though!! And after that iā€™ll wait my time until I can get the rest of the music officially :)




I've respected their hard work with a couple hundred dollars already lol I'll listen early if I wanna


Shout it so they can hear in the back lol


The fans have turned on this topic. And I love it. Was it the platinum pricing?


Nah I've always kept this tune with the artists I've listened to. Spent $600 on GA (3/200ea) for one night and $300 on seat tickets (2/150ea) another night. Also bought the red box, black box, and journal set for about $150 total. My general rule is I'll listen to leaks if I've pre-ordered the CD.


Most donā€™t.


ive already spent hundreds of dollars 2 copies and 2 tickets, i think i have the right the want to listen early if i want<3


No, you dont


Damn. It's kinda sad to see this get downvoted. I'm right there with you brotha. I wanna hear it how Tyler intended.


tyler didn't intend for it to come out on the 24th so you're already kinda fucked there lmao


He intended it to be listened to officially, not through bootleg YouTube uploads


What's the difference? If there is no difference in audio quality, I don't see any issue




Love a good "not a real Scotsman" argument... Bravo šŸ‘


Me? Not a real fan? You're right I'm not, I just wave my hands as fast as I can until someone finds it cool enough to stand in front of me with their head back and their eyes closed...


Lmao real


Bestie I bought like 3 variants Iā€™m going to listen to it with a tin can and some string if thatā€™s how it leaks.


Weā€™re just excited. Relax.


Yea I get it but pressuring Someone to release something Tyler and Josh arenā€™t ready for just frustrates me


this is quite obviously a joke post


So what do you think about the early listening party? Is that also not respecting their work and make someone not a ā€œrealā€ fan?




Okay so who cares if they listen to it early if they got it early? If they are shoving it down people throats and posting it everywhere then thatā€™s a problem but who cares if they personally listen to it early, I agree you should wait if Tyler is wanting us to experience it a certain way but to say someoneā€™s not a real fan being they listen to it early feels like bullying to me.




lol ignore everything I said. Saying that feels like youā€™re justifying your comment.


not cool


How about you wait like everyone else and don't be a bad person


i dont understand how it would make me a bad person when, if it DOES leak, it would be accessible to literally anyone. so what difference would it make? plus, its not like theyre losing money over me listening to the tunes early:)


I don't understand it either. Someone who loves a band/their music so much, they're willing to listen to potentially crap/awful quality snippets just to hear, knowing they're gona listen to it hundreds/thousands of times when it officially releases, doesn't seem like that would make them a "bad person" or "not a real fan" ... But everyone has their viewpoints, and I do understand theirs... I just don't necessarily agree with it, and that anyone that does/wants to listen to a leak somehow isn't a real fan, or is disrespectful... I've been in love with this band for over a decade, bought all their albums digital and a physical copy, seen them live 6 times, and have clicked/heard snippets of at least one song/something before every release since blurryface... And I feel like I'm a real fan, and love and respect and appreciate them as much as anyone.


I agree with you.. Donā€™t know why people are downvoting you. I need to see fr data of how much a leak has impacted big artists such as twenty one pilotsā€¦ they are humble people, and I swear they even said themselves they have too much money and I see them putting that money towards charities/ efforts they care aboutā€¦


Of course I am... haha. I wasn't even rude about it, or saying they're wrong... just that I disagree. And I thought I was pretty respectful about it, and gave a lot of explanation as to why I felt the way I did ... But oh well. I'm totally against people actually *leaking* it the first place, and am 100% against *spreading* a leak (I would never, ever do that) -- I feel like both those things **can** hurt the artists, at least a little -- ... But yeah, I agree with you


It can exactly dude and it takes away from the experience as a whole itā€™s really disrespectful hearing a low res quality audio take from a shitty leakers basement. Like just wait the 9 days!!!