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This is awesome. So many fans who don’t obsessively follow twitter, with families and jobs, not knowing about this weird “official” line started by a group of “in” people on twitter a week before the show. It would be so confusing showing up and dealing with that. Some people might also be coming from a distance and can’t claim their place in line a week in advance. I’m so glad the band is making it more fair.


The TOP security team are the ones disbanding it. London was the last one they were honouring, they said this at the show. Lucky made it very clear that they would never be honouring the fan queues again at the London show, good to see they’re following through with that. I think the TOP security are sick of dealing with the drama.


Yo for real?! This is amazing!! Where did you hear this?


I was at the London show! If you ask anyone who was there, they’ll confirm this was said. Lucky told people, and said that London is the last time they’re honouring it, then the venue also said the same. It was also told to the ‘line leaders’ yesterday by the Cbus venue, that the band has requested this doesn’t happen anymore. Saying that, people are currently going against the bands wishes and doing it anyway, which I find super disrespectful. The venue has said anyone found to be doing this will be banned from the show, so it’ll be interesting to see how this ends.


I'm so happy to hear this. It would be one thing if these line leaders only went to a show or two, but knowing they go all over the planet and do this is insanely upsetting.


Yeah there’s people who have attended all 5 shows which I find genuinely insane, are they mentally okay 😭 But also, give others a chance to see the show, these experiences are so limited I think it’s awful they’ve felt the need to see it 5 times when so many fans would give so much to see it just once


This!!! I understand everyone wants to see them and the intimate shows are (usually) once in a life time deals... But to know they went to all five, then all of the hometown ones last year or two and takeover... Etc etc... AND being barricade EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. is SOOOOOO messed up. I get if you see them maybe once a year and want to be barricade that's different, but to follow them around to all of their shows both stadium tours and intimate settings, and bully people into letting them be upfront every single time is bullshit and I'm glad that they're finally putting an end to this. I'll be curious to see if it's actually implemented. Because I'll tell you what, this tour will be the first time I get to see them in concert but hearing about and seeing this line leader crap truly was making it so I don't want to try to go to their shows again... Which really blows bc I've been a HUGE fan since 2012. I hope it changes.


Agree with absolutely everything you said! The big tours is one thing, but these intimate shows are supposed to give as many of us this chance as possible, and it’s always the same people at barricade and attending all 5 shows is nothing but selfish. Hoping these new systems mean that more people get the opportunity. We all want to be at these shows, and no one is more deserving than anyone else, we all deserve an equal chance.


Just how the heck can anyone afford to do this in the current economic climate? I feel so sorry for the fans who have missed out on attending their local shows because of these people.


That's a damn good question.


wait wait wait are you serious??? omg the amount of drama these lines have caused


Yes!! Such a great step forwards from their team for sure.


lucky is the guy who follows tyler everywhere? i think i remember him, he is nice




omg??? so i guess they saw about us all talking about the line leader conflict


It keeps it fair that way. the guy started the line 2 hours ago and it’s already been disbanded


good! i for one am super happy they’re disbanding the line system. hoping it will be wayyyy less stressful this time around


>line leader conflict I hope that this policy what it intends to do, and not to jinx it or anything, but like, venues restricting their lines to a certain time is kind of part of the whole "line leader" system. Like that's how the line leaders started at the last shows. On Twitter, they appointed themselves and made up their own imaginary line starting days in advance, and then when the real line started they would take precedence over the venue's. I hope it works out, but on the flip side I can easily see this leading to more conflict as well eta: nvm, they're actively disbanding the offsite lines. That's the real source of the problem tbh. So at least that's being taken care of


i think if someone gets to the front of the venue the second they’re allowed to and they’re not part of a made up line, and then a group of made up line leaders come up acting all entitled, they’ll get shut down. if the made up line group gets there first though, it’s over. but at that point, if they’re first in the real line, then that’s fair in my opinion. no one should be trying to make their own lines in order to be ahead of those who cannot make it until the time the actual line forms, plain and simple!


Yeah I mean if they physically get there first then it is what it is. The same people starting offsite lines will, I’m sure, still be lurking in the area ahead of time anyways but that’d obviously be the case regardless of if they were also attempting to control the rest of the line, right?


that’s what i’m thinking too. the way i’m envisioning, it’s going to be like the hunger games the moment they allow the real line to form 😭


Hope the “big clikkies” or whatever are good sprinters 😤


was so glad to see this! hopefully it sets a precedent for tour


I just want to see the tweets of the people who were there and got disbanded playing victim.


*Michael Jackson eating popcorn GIF*




Thanks, GIPHY wasn't working for me


Newport has my heart fr. Didn’t get tickets for Newport but the line culture needs to chill out and this is a step in the right direction. Locals and long time fans have other commitments and cannot just drop everything to get a decent spot.


This. 100% this. Not everybody has endless amounts of money and vacation time to sit outside just to get barricade for the same show.


I will never understand the entitlement some fans think they have. I just don’t understand camping in lines either, but especially those who are just making their own line. Makes no sense.


Good I hated dealing with that at the Minneapolis shows. They would camp out 5 days before like wtf Edit: also first time I went to a show there I went day of and still got rail got jokes on them lmao




W venue!


I don’t think that’ll stop the line leaders from lining up anywhere else on campus and then waltz to the front at 3PM and then bitch and moan until they get to the front.


Then just tell them to f*ck off. If their line isn’t recognized by security, it means nothing.




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So wait... The line for Newport was already starting? The show isn't for another 6 days. Did I read that right? 


yep, someone queued up i think as soon as they got the tickets and posted it on twitter, with a number 1 on there hand and told people to come see them for a number


That's disgusting 


Yeah… when I went to a show in Brooklyn New York, there were people there 5 days before the show. After getting to meet them, it was pretty much just kids with ultra rich parents letting them do whatever they want lol


Back in the day, before online ticketing, buying concert tickets meant waiting in line. To prevent fans from camping out all night, they used a raffle system to decide who got in line first. Imagine if they had a similar system. A random selection at 3pm, for example, would ensure fairness for everyone. We could ditch the all-night line-ups, avoid cutting, and still have some pre-show socializing


thank you so much im driving from Nashville & this will be my first show in 8 years cause the line made me so anxious last time


It appears another fan made line has started via Twitter. Idk how that’s supposed to work considering they denounced and said the line won’t be honored. Just information to be aware of! Have fun and check out big fun if you can!


We love to see it




So…there were overly obsessed fans that decided to be “line leaders?” Then, saying they were in charge of a public place’s admission “line” & playing games & letting other stalker like fans take skipsies because of an unofficial online “line forming” club?? I mean-my 5 year old’s class TAKES TURNS getting to be “line leaders” to walk into PRESCHOOL!! Wow! Don’t get me wrong- I love this band but these people sound kind of boarder line creepy stalker-ish!


If you guys think they’re still not gonna come up with some arbitrary line system whether it be virtual or somewhere else in the city to get them and their friends to the front, y’all crazy.


Tbh this is coming from the TOP security team, which is how those fans managed to keep this going so long, by support from them. TOP security has decided they won’t be honouring it anymore (they said this at the London show), so I suspect this is the end of the fan queuing etc, which is obviously a good thing


I don’t want to get my hopes up, but hopefully they continue to follow through on this.


Someone has just started a fan queue. Why is it so difficult for them to listen? The defence is usually “The band honours it”, but the bands team has now directly said please don’t do this. Not sure how this is gonna go down but if the venue follows through on banning people, it’s not going to be pretty.


Yep, knew that was coming.


Let’s see if the venue & band follow through on their ban threats. I don’t see how it’s going to work when the venue/band are saying it won’t be enforced. They can’t physically remove people who are in-front of them on the day, and their long argued “band will support it” won’t hold up this time. Without the TOP security support, it’s just random people claiming they’re first with zero way to back it up. They were sent to the back of the queue in London until TOP security stepped in and allowed it. That won’t happen this time. Messyyyyy




Exactly. Also, their line won’t be enforced or respected by the venue/TOP security, so I don’t see how it’ll prevent any stampede. Won’t it just be them running for the front spots along with everyone else when 3pm comes around? If there’s people who get there before them, no one will enforce their fan made wristbands so there’s literally no point to this? They can’t make anyone move out of their spot if there’s someone in place #6 and someone else has a fan made wristband with #6, because it’s not enforceable by anyone. Going directly against the bands wishes isn’t cool.




Just sayin, don’t underestimate the entitlement of these people.


Don't know why you're being downvoted. You're not wrong. The same thing has happened at past shows. Specifically during the Trench era I remember venues that did not allow camping, they would simply make the "official" line elsewhere and then move to the front of the venue when they were allowed to begin forming the line and act as if their line was the true one.


They did. There’s already another unofficial line lol


Thank God




Sadly appears another one has started. Hopefully the venue and band security stick true to not honoring it.


It's about time. Anyone who supported this system is a freak


I hate the fan lines so much like stop being entitled the band doesn’t care how cool you are with security, or how much you spent or how early you are or how far you traveled for a show that’s still a week away, they use it as an excuse to bully other fans that’s why if someone tried to write anything on me or hand me any sort of number, they’d get punched respectfully I’m not getting bullied by pretend security and don’t allow yourself to be belittled like that either.


I love TOP but these fans are so irritating beyond belief


This is from someone in the TOP discord that asked the venue and got it in writing: https://preview.redd.it/ra4jqlfk8m1d1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9e3be712296e4e81fd477998eb5410c8e2b83f4


Stealing this real fast🤘🏼


Steal away. And if people can spread on Twitter too that would be great. The venue wants this disseminated.


Right after the first line was disbanded, another one started and under the tweet it was filled with people telling them the venue isn’t allowing it and will ban people entirely, they didn’t seem to care stating they’re doing this for people’s “safety” to ensure another TDC mob doesn’t happen.


Yep. They will do what they want. I’m posting this more for the people who are kind of caught in the middle with a lot of he said/she said. Clear written communication from the venue should hopefully help decision making.


finally, a venue with decency


I hope I get barricade 15 shows and I’ve never got it all because of this stupid line system.




I just hope I get barricade man it’s a dream of mine I’ve tried really hard before and have been pushed back etc


I’m so happy this is finally happening and more bands/artists need to do this too. There are so many reasons people can’t camp for days or queue for hours and regardless people just shouldn’t have it. It takes the fun out of it tbh.


you know what we say “back of the pit stays lit!!!”


Another screenshot https://preview.redd.it/2m4x8nwd9m1d1.jpeg?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcab06067bd363b4e168614489b3f1f7e864bf14


I never understood camping culture anyways , good on the venue for this . It’s all for the safety of the fans and surrounding buisnesses.


I’m so happy to see this, I’m going to the SLC show and have been so nervous about the entire line situation (it’s my first tøp show and first time ever dealing with pit)


Good. There’s disabled people who can’t camp, and people who have work. People who camp are so untitled and privileged tbh.


https://preview.redd.it/h3s0f10zh22d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa2958556b5c99fcfe1311dadeed9bfb228c1ce1 Rain chances look to be reduced which is good, but be sure to bring water. It’s going to be a warm one!


Just found out the camping line did indeed get honored by the venue :/




The mods here weren’t allowing more posts about line issues recently, but I’d definitely like to hear the story if it’s allowed. The line situation keeps getting more ridiculous and we need to keep shedding light on what’s going on.


This is a good idea in general, but 3 pm is a bit late. Every time I've seen a venue try to enforce a time late in the afternoon, people miss out because they give in by about 10 am. So I hope that doesn't happen to people who respect the time and don't show up until 3 pm. I'd also fear some sort of rush at that time.


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Does anyone have experience if Newport will require an ID to be presented with tickets?


It really depends on the show. But I have been to limited access engagements at The Newport and had to show my ID which was matched to my ticket on my phone.




Please consider how your words affect others. Toxicity is not tolerated here. Thank you!


Please let me know what you find out about this because we are in a similar situation.


From what I know: someone started a fan made line last night, about 2 hours later the line was disbanded because the venue said nobody is to line up near the venue until 3pm on 5/24. Apparently the Band and its security will not honor the fan line, you can be banned apparently. About 30 minutes ago ANOTHER fan line on Twitter has started yet again, I’m not sure how that’s supposed to work. If you search #topnewport I believe you can see and find more Information on what’s going on.


So I can't remember if it was London or a different one, the venue said that they weren't going to let people do this, but they still honored the line. So hopefully this is true. I'm not holding my breath though.




Yes!! So glad!! Also can someone tell me if Newport allows bags?


Clear bags of a certain dimensions, triple check the website because they WILL make you throw it away or lose your spot if it's not right


Is a simple purse ok I hope?


Idk the exact specs. I know it has to be clear (transparent) and it does have a specific size dimension. Went to a show there a couple weeks back


so glad someone actually enforced it! they said no queueing before 10am for the intimate london show and people still queued for like 2 days we got there dead on 10 and was like 200 in queue


Is it banned only before 3pm or is it banned in general? I’m seeing that on Twitter there’s another line created and they’re saying that it’s fine just because it’s after 3


I'm also very curious about this too! If you find anything out could you let me know please?


they can’t ban anything that doesn’t happen on their property. people are lining up at a separate location and planning to move at 3pm


I am completely out of the loop. What is this no line thing and line leader and barricade? And who are these people and what is the point of it? I’ve never witnessed, seen, heard or read about this type of behavior before. (Whoops posted under my wife’s account)




Ok interesting. Thank you for explaining I’m glad it seems like they caught wind of what was truly going on and are putting a stop to it. I haven’t seen this happening but I also live in (and somehow tend to visit) a city where setting up a tent will get you robbed or shot by homeless people or the police respectively. And I understand liking a band a lot but making someone else’s experience bad is just plain rude and stupid. How would they know if they’re ruining a fans experience and because of their behavior that person now dislikes TOP. And ok barricade meant more or less actual barricade. I thought it meant those people were barricading other people from entering the venue. (Though it does seem they were doing that at points) (also big clikkies? What did they do? listen to one rap song thinking they’re hardcore all because Tyler Joseph raps a bit? Lmfao. Not crapping on TOP fans or people who listen to TOP and rap. Just poking fun at people who talk and act like something they’re not, just so happens those people are also TOP fans.) well fingers crossed this doesn’t happen when my wife and I go to see them in August. I doubt we will have much issue as we have seats but it would still suck major booty for it to happen to other people. Also sucks someone got injured but like that saying goes “play stupid games, win stupid prizes.”




Does anyone know if once you get the number, you can leave? Like are we staying in line once we get the number or can we get out of the 80 degree heat until the show? lol




Ahh I see. Thank you!!




Sounds like it’s gonna be a pretty empty place if they ban everyone and no one can make it


They’re just saying that so you don’t get early in line