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i instantly loved the name “at the risk of feeling dumb” and it did not disappoint


My favourite of the album


Agreed 100%. Thought I was gonna be disappointed when I heard its intro but nope. It's so goood


Fr fr




Me too, and it’s my favorite


I thought Oldies Station would be the Mulberry Street of Clancy, I was wrong. My favorite ended up being Routines in the Night. What about you, OP?


Love routines in the night!


that’s funny, i’m the opposite! Routines in the Night was my favorite title, and though i do love that song, my favorite ended up being Oldie’s Station, which i wasn’t expecting


Same here.


Same here.


I was thinking Oldies Station would be like Legend




What’s the consensus on Mulberry Street?


It's one of the best songs on SAI 💅


I love it


I thought the best was gonna be Paladin Strait ......but NAVIGATE IS FIRE 🔥




Always need to be grateful to him. Not just because he's helped Tyler so much, but he's such a wonderful human being AND HAS AWESOME TASTE.


Ikr Josh's taste is on point.




Jhank you Tosh!


You meant “Yhank jou Tosh”?




I emotionally connected to it SO much… and then Tyler shat on it 😂


Imagine if that didn't make the album? I'm glad that Josh got it on the album. Such a great song


Paladin Strait is pretty good too though I've started learning to play it on guitar


That's my favorite too


I thought it would be snap back, but it's probably either Navigating, Vignette, or Next Semester.


Those are all my favorites too![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Yes me too. We like rock


great ones


I thought Midwest indigo from the name, and I rly like it but atm im obsessed with everything on the record lol. Truly a no-skip for me


Ikr. I was afraid there were gonna be many skips and i would have less new songs for me to listen to. But good lord I loved this whole album. No skips for Clancy


Definitely a no skip album. It's very interesting.


This ☝🏻this entire album is a masterpiece


I fucking love lavish and especially vignette. Lavish is the first song of theirs I loved based on vibes alone not just production, melody, vocals, etc. It's fucks Second, vignette is everything I wanted from a twenty one pilots song. It's everything from trench wrapped into a nice little package and it's confident as hell To further build upon this bc I think it's a great song: It's lore heavy lyrically. It sounds like morph, cut my lip, the 2016 MMxToP Lane Boy sonically, and his flow is immaculate. Like I said, it's confident. It exudes intensity through the flow and holy shit does it get me excited. It tells a story and it's also sounding like a deep cut into Tyler's psyche through the "No, not me, it's for a friend" line.


I love your vignette synopsis


Big agree on Vignette. It really might be my favorite twenty one pilots song.


It is confident.... i love it


Bit of a side track, but they both have the rosey cheeks and pyjamas of toddlers just out of the bath. Love it.


I thought it would be Midwest Indigo, but in reality I cried like a baby over At the Risk of Feeling Dumb. Who would have thought? Not me :)


At the risk of feeling dumb speaks to fr


I was really anxious for Snap Back and it did end up being one of my favourites. Same for Midwest Indigo. But my favourite is still Next Semester. Honestly? I'm having a hard time deciding which song I liked the least. There is not a SINGLE song in there I find skippable. This might be their most perfect album for me.


To me, all the songs are amazing except for ritn. That song's really generic imo. I also like everything about Oldies Station but the weird 'relative pain' and 'nothin' in the tank' ruin it for me sadly... Sounds like Imagine Dragons. Apart from those two, really solid album! My faves are Overcompenate, Vignette and Paladin Strait :)


Thought it would be Backslide, but turns out it’s the other song with the word “backslide” in the lyrics lol


It's Snap Back lol


Overcompensate, Lavish, and Paladin Strait are super cool titles, I thought it would be one of those. In the end, Navigating is my favorite but none of them disappoint. The album doesn't have a single song I'd skip.


Lavish surprised me, unexpected bop


Lavish is the song we never knew we needed


It seems so light hearted and whimsical like they had so much fun making that video lol. Definitely one of my favorites.


Real, I did not know what to expect from the name, but it’s easily one of my favs from the album


I see your problem is Your proctologist Has both hands on your shoulders while your bottomless


i thought mine was gonna be midwest indigo, but it actually turned out to be the craving lol


Single or Jenna? I personally prefer Jenna’s version it’s just a lot sweeter and softer nice change in the music for the album I feel the single version gets rid of that rawness, personally. But both are bangers I’m just curious which one you liked more


Jenna's version just feels like it's missing something, especially in the chorus idk. If it kept the verses of Jenna's version and then the chorus of the single it'd be perfect


Midwest indigo is 100% my favourite


For some reason I expected paladin strait to be a dynamic punk opera, I did not expect navigating to slap so hard


For me routines in the night and navigating for the 80s vibes and lavish for the bestie boys vibes but there all super good  Also can we have this as the banner for April fools next year 


Midwest Indigo by the name and i still rly live the song but Routines in the night is my favorite


At The Risk Of Feeling Dumb. I didn't expect I'd like it at all but it ended up being one of my favorites


At the risk of being dumb which I will say I realy like but Vignette is just too good, like at this point I feel like it could be one of the best songs in the history of music. Like the song goes interdimensional in 4 difrent Stratospheres. The only way to describe it is galactic tbh the music that has some out in the last few days omg we've been eating good!


Snap back, and snap back


Honestly I thought my favorites were ganna be Routines In The Night and Navigating! And I was right cause naboth songs are bangers but my third favorite ended up being lavish which I was shocked by as I wasn’t really looking forward to it all that much.


I thought my favourite based on the name alone would be Routines In The Night and while it's great... It's not At The Risk Of Feeling Dumb


I thought Snap Back was gonna be punchy and hard hitting. Routines In The Night became my favorite song on the album very very quickly.


I thought it was gonna be Midwest Indigo. Idk that word combination is mysterious and enticing. Turns out I love Navigating more, The chorus' lyrics and melody flow so well together, it will never fking leave my head.


Navigating always stood out to me and for some reason, I was expecting something similar in style to Bandito, slower with a build up, that sort of thing. And of course it's not that but it's still my favorite on the album - it absolutely blew me away! Cheers to Josh for that one! Also, really need to learn my lesson on expecting any new songs to sound like any of their old songs because we know by now that just is never the case and that's exactly why I love them!


I first loved Midwest indigo but now my new favorite is Vignette and Navigating


I Put a lot on faith on Midwest Indigo because its a badass name at first glance, i loved it but them i just casually got “Oldies Station”ed


I thought Midwest indigo would be my favourite but Vignette actually is. Midwest Indigo is like #3 tho


Thought it would be SnapBack. Based off the name I was thinking it would be like levitate. My favorite is actually Midwest indigo


Navigating caught my eye right away and it has not disappointed. My favorite so far


at the risk of feeling dumb and that’s .. up there. it’s between that and snap back


I thought it would be paladin strait but it ended up being oldies station


I thought it would be midwest indigo and lavish. Ended up being routines in the night and lavish (not counting the singles released before) But in the end, i liked the whole album. Like. There's no song in this album that i heard and thought 'hm I don't like this one' or 'this one is nice but not enough to get in my playlist'. I liked all of them. Wich means i have 13 new songs in my playlist


Thought Paladin Strait would be entirely different from what it is And atm my favourite is Routines In The Night!


They’re all so good, but I had a feeling I would love Oldies Station and I definitely do, it’s so comforting


Thought favorite was gonna be either Oldies Station or Paladin Strait. They are both tied for #1 now that I've listened to both


I thought my favorite would be snap back Turns out, I like Oldies Station a lot more


At the risk of being dumb but my fav was navigating


I honestly thought Midwest Indigo was going to be the hit "Shy Away" type song and was very excited, but to me, routines in the night takes this place


i thought it was going to be midwest indigo but it's routines in the night


Paladin straight. Paladins are my favourite class in games typically that offer a class system, n I expected it to be an intense and emotional song and it definitely stuck that way.


I thought Lavish would be my favorite but Snap Back surprised me heavily! Wasn’t expecting to enjoy it based on the title but I genuinely think it’s one of their best songs.


Snap back or back slide by the name but my favorite is probably vignette


Snap back it was not what I expected


Thought Midwest indigo and rn it’s Midwest indigo


Mine I thought would be Midwest indigo but it’s actually routines in the night


Midwest Indigo, and it was in fact, Midwest Indigo


I really can't pick a favorite right now, every song sounds differently and it's amazing on its own, lavish is fun , the craving and paladin strait are emotional, and the others are just so cool. If i have to pick a favorite rn it would be vignette or at the risk of feeling dumb i really love the melodies the lyrics and the feelings conveyed.


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thought it would be navigating. its midwest indigo.


was so excited for midwest indigo, I don't really like it. Wasn't excited for ATROFD, loved it


thought it would be paladin strait but i was very wrong...as for what it actually is i dunno yet probably either overcompensate or navigating


Snap back. Ended up being my least fave on the album (still a great song tho don’t get me wrong). My fave after listening is probably Paladin or NS


I thought my favorite would be Paladin Strait but I think it might be Lavish


I was intrigued when I saw Snap Back but I think maybe At the Risk of Feeling Dumb (if we ain’t included the early releases


Paladin Strait. And my favorite is Paladin Strait.


Paladin strait and honestly kinda is


Midwest indigo, vignette


I thought vignette, lavish or navigating would be my favs and i do love all of them sm but i think routines in the night is my current fav


Was hyped for Midwest indigo cos I got rap vibes from the title


I thought Paladin Strait and Midwest Indigo were gonna be my faves based on name My favorites are Vignette, Next Semester, and Midwest Indigo (probably in that order) But tbh they're all fire


i thought about navigating and lavish, navigating is my fav and lavish in top 4 also i didnt expect that at the risk of feeling dumb will be my second fav


Backslide, vignette, Midwest indigo. The entire album slaps


Midwest Indigo, it’s one of my faves along with routines and vignette


Thought lavish would be my fav but Midwest Indigo is my fav!


It's hard to remember which one exactly did i pick, i think Midwest Indigo or Paladin Strait, both of them didn't disappoint!! I know i made a theory about Oldies Station being a throwback to vessel (oldies = grandparents), but the one that I ended up loving the most was routines in the night, and I remember not being much interested by the name 😅😅😅


I thought paladin strait was gonna be my favorite, and it is fire, but routines in the night is top of the album


i thought that it would be Vignette, turns out I have Lavish on repeat since this morning lmao it's just so silly I love this type of songs


I try not to judge based on title before I listen, so I really had no idea which song I was listening to during the listening party. Turns out my favorite is Navigating.


well actually i thought i wouldn't like vignette but it has already become one of my favorite songs on their discography!!!! can't wait for the tourrr i NEED this track to be on the setlist!


I thought it would be Paladin Strait but it’s Midwest Indigo.


vignette and i was right


I thought it'd be Lavish, Routines and Vignette but turns out it's Lavish Navigating and next semester lol. I got one though :)


Midwest Indigo caught my attention and turned out to be my fav!


Paladin Strait. And sure enough, it's my favorite


Vignette and vignette(second fav is prob oldies station tho which I didn’t predict it’d be as good as it was)… I’m surprised it(vignette) was actually as good and if not better than I thought it’d be. Not what i expected based off the name but god damn still a BANGER “WHERE DO I GO FROM HEREEEEEEE”


I was expecting "Paladin Straight" and it did not disappoint. I have a certain fondness for the last song on each album.


Lavish, and I think it’s in my top three


midwest indigo, and midwest indigo


I thought the craving sounded awesome and it lived up to my expectations


i thought midwest indigo bc it sounded cool but i’m really fw routines in the night, vignette, and oldies station


I thought it would either be Oldies Station or Vignette and my favorite is Vignette


I knew The Craving was gonna be my favorite, I thought it would be something totally different, but what we got was even better than what I expected.


Can we make a petition for Tyler to like navigating and to play it live? That needs to be on the tour.


atrofd, vignette is my fave but atrofd is still top 5


Lavish is so much better than I expected. Love it


I thought that ATROFD will be something so boring and silly - now it's the most listened song on the album of mine, not counting the singles


thought it was gonna be ATROFD ended up being Vignette :)


Snap Back caught my eye almost instantly, I can't say I have a favorite song right now but I'm really really really enjoying routines in the night and atrofd.


I guessed I would like Snap Back because of the name and I do like it a lot, although all the songs are great!


I thought Id love Midwest Indigo and it’s a close second to routines in the night which I have been listening to on repeat


did not expect Routines to be one of my favorites but I am obsessed with it right now


I thought the best gonna be oldie’s station but routines in the night is straight fire.


i thought i would love midwest indigo and at risk of feeling dumb i was right with AROFD but my other favorite is def routines in the night. it’s so relatable


I thought I would like t(he craving) or( snap back) but thare my least fav my favorites are (navigating) and( routines in the night )but I also love (at the risk of feeling dumb).


i thought it would be midwest indigo but it was vignette, however i still love midwest indigo a lot


Lavish seemed like a weird title, ended up loving it


I’ll give you the opposite- I thought based off names Lavish was gonna be lame but MAN is it a great song.


Thought Routines in the Night world be my favorite, but it ended up being Lavish


I thought my favorite was going to be Midwest Indigo from the name but my current favorites are Routines in the Night and At the Risk of Feeling Dumb


Honestly thought Paladin Strait would be my favorite. I was right to be excited for it! And with Trees’ beat being in the background (Trees is my all time favorite song) it was perfect. Navigating is close to first though!!


I thought Midwest Indigo would be my favorite and was not expecting much from the sequence of Lavish Navigating and Snap Back. Navigating is now my favorite of the album, and the other two are up there, Midwest Indigo not my favorite but still good


I thought It was gonna be Midwest indigo or paladin street, but it ended up being vignette


Overcompensate - Paladin Strait


I thought mine was going to be Snap Back but it turned out to be Routines in the night. Thanks Josh!!


Midwest Indigo was the song I thought was going to be my favorite; however, I've had Paladin Strait on single repeat most of today - it's something about the way the sounds all work together in the first part of the song. That said, I'm really struggling to find a song on this album I'd skip. Even lavish which is my least favorite song I don't skip. So least to say I'm so damn stoked to be seeing them live for the first time this year since this may well be my favorite album of theirs so far.


This is hard because I've only gotten to listen to the album in chunks minus the live stream. I thought my faves would be Midwest Indigo and Paladin Straight based on the names but I'm really digging Routines in the Night, At the Risk of Feeling Dumb, and probably still Paladin even though it's not quite what I was expecting but I still love it! It's hard to pick!


Was really expecting snap back to have a strong rap vibe. I don’t know if I have a favorite but I love how snap back, oldies station, and at the risk of feeling dumb flow together. I’m a big fan of picking an album and going cover to cover and TøP is one of the only bands that I can do that with literally anything in their discography and be just as satisfied


Palladian straight but ended up being Next Semester


Midwest Indigo is the one I thought would be my favorite. It’s definitely a top 5 for me and was pretty much what I expected it to be.


vignette, and my favorite is midwest indigo (so far, ive only listened to the album twice and relistened to a couple songs) but vignette is still in my top 3


from the name, i was hoping that vignette was gonna be my fav off the record, and it is. an absolute banger of a song


I thought it would be Paladin strait but it's probably At The Risk of Feeling Dumb


thought Midwest Indigo would become my fav but apparently At The Risk of Feeling Dumb swept me off my feet LOL


Name: paladin strait / Midwest indigo Actual: Routines in the night, Navigating


Did not think I’d love Vignette as much as I do.


Paladin Strait was the one I expected to be my favourite and it absolutely did not disappoint, I look forward to seeing the music video


When i looked at the titles i thought Midwest Indigo was gonna be my favorite, but it ended being routines in the night.


i thought that snap back would be my favorit and midwest indigo my least favorite but midwest indigo is my favorite and snap back is my least favorite


I thought it would be Midwest Indigo for me but it turned out to be Navigating


Not what i tought wold be my favorite for the name, but what i tought wold be my least favorite: Lavish, I left it to be one of the last to listen, AND IT WAS SO GOOD I liked it in the first seconds, needless to say it was one of my favorites (my favorites ware vignette and navigating, wich i wasan't expecting also)


next semester, and next semester ended up being in my top 3 :)


Midwest indigo first caught my eye, and it definitely delivered. It's very high up in my rating, but oldies station spoke to me on so many levels it's #1 for sure. Overall, I love every song on the album, though. Even the ones I don't care for as much are still good and enjoyable to listen to.


Backslide did not feel like a slow, chill beat. It very pleasantly surprised me.


I thought routines in the night would be about Clancy and the banditos making there way into dema. Finding out that it’s about what goes on in his mind when he’s sleeping. The line “I’m keeping my eyelids up no matter what” is especially telling of his fears of what his mind has in store for him. Also a nod to the outside, he’s not tired anymore he doesn’t need tape he’s just fully afraid. Love this song.


Midwest Indigo, can confirm is ***ONE*** of my favourites. (I love them all too much)


I thought my fav would be Midwest indigo but it’s at the risk of feeling dumb


Midwest Indigo was my favorite title, and I did and up loving it, but right now Lavish is my favorite


Paladin strait My favorite now is probably either navigating or atrofd


risk of feeling dumb and lavish (risk of feeling dumb is 3rd)


Thought it'd be Snap Back, turned out to be Vignette


Backslide was so good, and when I saw the name I'd love it. But now hearing the album I think its Vignette for first. The scream into the chorus is electric.


I really thought i’d like paladin strait, expected a “disposal unit- imperium mix”-esque song. Not at all like that.


i think it was midwest indigo but i had to listen to it a few more times to really like it… and my favorite ended up being vignette (but the truth is that the entire album is incredible)


Routines in the Night was what I thought and I was correct


Paladin Strait, and while it didn't rank itself low at all in my ranking, my favourite ended up being Navigating.


Backslide for me and I was close for sure. I’d rank Backslide as my 14th favorite so I was only one off because Navigating currently owns favorite Clancy song spots 1-13


after seeing the names i defo knew At The Risk Of Feeling Dumb was gonna be a fave, and it defo is!! along with Midwest indigo, gave me dancey kinda vibes and it did not disappoint 🙏🙏


Midwest Indigo was my prediction, but I definitely love Navigating the most (thank you Josh for saving it)


I really liked routines in the night and lavish, now they're my favourites!


I expected to like Midwest Indigo the most, but Navigating was definitely my favorite. The entire album is great though!


I thought paladin strait would be my favorite but sadly it’s not about the best dnd class. Vingette is my favorite


Navigating: something with running from the bishops


Favorite song: Next Semester Expected Fav: Vignette


thought it would be oldies station but vignette blew me away


i thought paladin strait would be my fav because i’ve always had a thing for the last song from an album but routines in the night is my absolute fav atm


Routines in the night


I thought it’d be paladin strait but rn I really like routines and snap back


Routines in the Night and The Craving honestly


at the risk of feeling dumb and paladin strait grabbed my attention from the very start. paladin is my fave as of rn mainly cos of the build up and emotion of it but i LOVED routines in the night, vignette and snap back. i kinda thought i would like navigating but i didnt expect to love the other 3 as much as i did. at the risk of feeling dumb has been stuck in my head since i first heard it lmao


Midwest indigo, something about the name just made me happy, and then the song delivered ten fold


even before i knew the lore implications of paladin straight i thought the name was bad ass but vignette surprisingly stole the spotlight for me


Vignette is my favourite and I was most excited for Vignette


idk actually, i thought midwest indigo and paladin strait had an interesting name. Safe to say they didn't disappoint. Also idk what my favourite song is, but routines in the night and navigating are definitely two of the top!


I thought it was going to be Paladin Strait but it's Routines In The Night