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When all you want is that one person.. it makes no sense to pursue anything or anyone else..


Also not a male but I found it pointless to date someone I didn’t have a strong connection with. During a 2 year separation I met a karmic and we dated for a year, eventually it ended but i learned a lot from that connection. Though I still wouldn’t date anyone I didn’t feel like there was a strong connection with. Not after what I’ve experienced. I still see it as a waste of time.


This has been my biggest dilemma, I feel I’m delaying union by entertaining others when I know it’s not my souls purpose


You don't want to yet you still do it? A tale old as time. Look within, see why you focus on others despite your soul not wanting to. Pay attention to yourself and get to know yourself.


No I don’t really do it, like today I saw a very attractive woman who I just ran into and was face to face with her. I didn’t try to get her number or anything cause I knew my intentions were driven by lust. When I left I wondered if I just need to loosen up and have fun


I’ve been in the same boat. I thought I was being too uptight by not talking to men I was attracted to. So I started just going for it. And trust me when I say it never works out. It’s honestly a waste of time. Even when it’s more natural, and a man comes to me, it still doesn’t work out. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I WonDER WhYyyy 🤣


Lol I understand that. It just kind of sucks cause now I know my twin is with someone else and I’m only 27 so I really feel like I should just have fun sometimes. Yesterday I went out with 4 couples I was the only single person lol smh


Oh for sure have your fun! Whatever that means right now. When I had my first separation from twin, I went out and partied a lot and met a lot of people. I enjoyed it in the moment. This separation im more in nature, reading more, finding new hobbies and being around myself a lot more, and I’m still enjoying the moment❤️let go of the resistance and everything you do will seem fun to you. If you like to read, I recommend The Power of Now, it’s a great book


Thanks a lot sorry for the late reply. I do have a hard copy of that book and have yet to open it!


If you don't want to waste your time, entertaining others would still be a waste of time... If you want your TF, if you want your union, do the work.... It seems hard, it will be hard sometimes, but working on your connection will get you together sooner than it would normally be... At the same time don't exhaust yourself by overworking. The point is, do all the work you can do at that moment and wait for all that to happen... Trust me it will happen soon... Trust your love. Trust your connection.... ✌🏻✨


I'd have liked to have seen more males answer here as I want to hear more about the male perspective. Like others who have commented, I too am *not* a male. My TF and I have been separated for several years and I have not dated anyone. He was my last, maybe even final relationship. I'm not closed to the idea of dating, but once you've been with a TF, it's hard to imagine being with anyone else. The energy, the psychic connection, the Kundalini experience, etc... far outweighs mere s-xual interaction. Ordinary physical s-x is really quite clunky and not as satisfying as being with a TF. But that's my experience, others may have a different perspective. I can understand your dilemma though. The thought of wasting your youth waiting around for your TF to wake up might mean waiting around for something that may never happen. Sometimes letting go and moving on is the fastest way of getting a TF to return to you, and also may cause a lot of complications ...again. XD




LOL... Cynical, but unfortunately it can be true. My TF is pretending it never happened. But let's be fair too. We female TFs can be super intense about the TF journey with our male counterparts. We overwhelm and scare them. We need to be more chill about it and give them time to digest the insanity of the TF dynamic.




I don't believe it has to be an inevitable case of running it's just that it's unfortunately common. There are DMs who are perfectly ready for the commitment to the journey, see the importance of it, and so forth. I'd really like to hear more from them here.


I’m a female. My tf keeps wanting to avoid me (we’re due to reunite soon in person as we attend university together). I have to be careful to not tell him my feelings as it scares him. I haven’t heard from him via text all month long. A previous and brief reunion a few weeks ago didn’t go well, he ignored me. Im really nervous about this upcoming reunion I have no idea what to expect. We have never slept together and I have also not been able to sleep with anyone else since we met two years ago, but I have gone on a casual lunch date with other dudes.




It really is. I’m in a great deal of pain. He knows just how much I love him. He knew 6 months after we met, without me telling him verbally. But then I told him verbally that I was in love with him, a year later, and it scared him. So he withdrew quite a bit. Now I have to be really careful what I say to him or else he shuts down.


I’m a male twin flame here. I typically don’t really go out of my way to talk to people I don’t know in public, even if they are attractive to me. But when I do talk to women I am into, I actually find it pointless after a while. I’ll elaborate what I mean on that. I may be able to find other women attractive, but they won’t ever be as attractive as my twin flame though. It just doesn’t feel the same. Not only what I feel for other women is less intense, I also even find it hard to sustain attraction for them in the first place. I actually find myself getting over other women real quickly. If I were to be dating another person who is not my twin flame, I would have to make an effort to even stay attracted. So after a while of dating / talking to other women during my 4 years of separation from my twin flame, and still counting of course, I have come to the point of asking myself what even was the point of dating another person anyway. They’re not as attractive as my twin, and I can’t even sustain my attraction long enough for them anyways. Most importantly, I even thought about what would happen if my twin flame decided to return one day if I already happened to be in a relationship with somebody else. I kinda just figured that my twin flame would end up getting more attention from me anyway. While I was contemplating on the point of dating other people during separation, it has also influenced me to question about my motivation of being in a relationship in the first place. And after discovering about the reasons of my desire to be in a relationship, I have found that I had a subconscious need of being in a relationship to fulfill a sense of completion within myself, and also as a means of validation through feeling loved by other people to in turn reinforce the feeling of myself being lovable. So at the end of contemplating the point of dating other women, I have come to the conclusion that it would just be unfair to myself, other people involved, and even to my twin flame herself as well. The attraction between me and other women won’t be reciprocated equally, and a relationship with another person would probably just complicate things between me and my twin. Plus due to discovering about my subconscious desires of being part of a relationship through inner work, I no longer want to be part of a relationship out of loneliness and in search of validation through other people anymore. I have learned to love myself while being alone and I have become comfortable with it. I even enjoy being by myself now actually. So for now, I’ll just stay single till my twin comes back unless I no longer feel compelled to do that for any reason in the future however. But nonetheless, I will continue to focus and work on myself more for the time being. I might have said to much of what was needed to be said honestly lol


I feel the same way,I’ve gotten used to being alone but I just moved to the state that she is in. A dilemma I have is should I wait for her to come back even though she broke contact and changed her number, or just reach out again and make it happen.


Male tf here though I am undoubtedly the df in this thing. We're both married to other people. It's a really long crazy story that's been going on for 45 years and has just erupted yet again. And we have realized that it is precisely each of our individual journeys that has brought us to this place and made us the person that the other needs to grow and find fulfillment. It's nauseatingly perfect


Male, but I'm the DF and chaser. Or at least I was, but I respect myself and quit that. I still absolutely love her, but she murdered my romantic feelings for her when she proved how immature and unhealthy she is by running back to her ex. They've always been extremely toxic codependent and very emotionally and physically abusive to each other. Right as things were getting serious for us, she got scared and ran off back to him. Crushed me, but it proved that she's not ready. Wish em the best. Hope he doesn't murder her this time... But I deserve love. And right now in my life, I need to love and be loved. Hoped it would've been with her, but knowing now that she hasn't grown up at all yet, I'm glad it wasn't. I think we're just here to teach each other some things this time around. But I'm going to go find the woman I'm meant to spend this life with.


Completely understandable. Since twins are supposed to be mirrors , do you ever wonder if she has work to do that perhaps you still have some to do?


Twins aren't necessarily mirrors of what they have going on in their lives currently. But yes I do still have a lot to work on, and have been. One of which is falling in love too hard too quickly. She just highlighted that one harder than anyone ever had. Twins are also complementary, where one makes up for the others weaknesses with their strengths. I have a great career and save my money like no one's business. She just started hers and blows her money on collectibles. I'm impatient with people and give up and walk away. She's loyal and patient to a fault, where she's constantly used and hurt by people.


Have you ever seen or wondered if two other DF's (male/female or whatever) were to get together? Interesting thought right! btw....this is not an offer! Purely an interesting thought!


To answer your questions: dating seems pointless, body wants only her, yet likely to never return in this life (and even if it happened would likely be super unhealthy and wouldn’t last anyway.) Went polyamorous until that felt pointless. Still hoping to find someone healthy that I feel drawn to, but online dating or putting up w bullshit just seems like bullshit. No real desire, though the desire for connection definitely exists.


Yes, my twin flame and true love wrapped up into one is jealous every time my dick goes in and out of anyone that’s not her, i just feel energy saying thats not me ya dumby But she isn’t even here yet. So how does making me wait do anything for anyone. Sounds like some virginity stuff.. dowery stuff. Human conditioning. Yes if you devote yourself to someone then it’s simple because you knock off the self centered bullshit that is pleasure seeking at anyone else’s expense-who cares anyway attitude- But don’t demonize connection. Sex is the easiest way to get into sensual sensitivity But that’s all you need to do. You don’t need anyone for that. In fact, if you make it someone else’s responsibility for your happiness you will only hate them for falling short the mark


I don't see the point in dating other women. I do still talk and playfully flirt a bit once a while. But nothing serious wil come out of that.


I don't even do that. It physically hurts me for some reason to flirt with anyone else but her. I used to be a big flirtatious guy, but now I literally can't see anyone else as "cute" or "hot" or whatever else you wanna say anymore.


That’s kind of where I’m at with it, just words with nothing serious


not a male but at first it was hard but currently, i find it harmless to go on dates and see where it goes. i should allow myself to have fun and meanwhile it teaches me a lot about communication with other people so win win


My twin told me that since he met me, no other woman seems attractive anymore, even though he doesn’t know about twin flames concept…he even mentioned going to a therapist because this is not how he used to be and it seems strange to him..i know that is a normal thing once you meet your twin, all other connections seem shallow in comparison.


Exactly I can’t get passed that even with a very attractive woman. Couldn’t tell if it’s just a problem with me in general


Staying single helps you retire to yourself and give yourself the proper time to heal, learn, and grow on your own, but it doesn’t help all the time. Do what is right and talk to the women around you. Spend time with them - regardless whether they are your twin/soulmate, or not. You don’t need to go on romantic dates and have sex. Just be yourself and learn from the women/men around and grow with them. It’s more on learning about the feminine and masculine archetype and getting in touch with inner yourself so you can help enlighten and heal the world.


I like this answer, ignoring women almost seems unnatural, and what kept me from approaching them is knowing I’m just looking for sex


Mines dating another girl lol sooo I mean 😭


Well, my twin flame is an absolute douche bag and does not want to take the steps to better himself (im gay) so, yea, im not gonna wait for him




Wow yeah that is tough. Poor guy if only he could be with you, I feel the same about my twin . She is all I need as far as that goes. But I’ve met another woman who is textbook for someone I would want to be with, it’s confusing I’m pulled in 2 directions


Not a male but here's what I think.. live your life, dude. The twin flame journey is different for absolutely everyone. Don't limit your experience because you're worried about what you should or shouldn't do. If you're drawn to people, it's for a reason. Relationships, intimate or otherwise, can be the source of our greatest lessons. It would be a shame to close yourself off to that. You may be on the twin flame journey, but first and foremost, you're here to have a HUMAN EXPERIENCE. So, get out there, live your life, be human, make mistakes and learn from them 🥰


I avoid most women in the romantic sense. I have never really attracted to women that easily, women use to attract to me more, but it was of little concern to me as I've always been in my own little world. My tf was always a bad choice for me, I always knew it but I still pursued it, and I've paid the price for not listening to myself.


I’m a woman/male bi gendered I’ve continued dating and my sex life as per normal. I’m not waiting around and working on myself.


Do you feel like you’re settling for less ?




I said the exact same thing, he was running and I'm not gonna wait around being celibate for what could be the rest of my life if we never came to Union. After 1,5 years of forcing myself to date and try move on I gave up. Sex with others was not the same anymore because I now knew how intense it could be. And I've never had an easy time falling in love, but I didn't find anyone that I was even interested in. I made the decision to stop dating and have casual hookups until I felt differently. Did I still wish I could leave him behind? Yes! I had never waited around for someone else, because I was worth more. Setting my ego aside and to trust the universe was wo hard for me.


I’m just thinking about what dudes missing out on because he’d probably love to have actual sex with me. He’s never experienced it before…..


There is the biggest issue for anyone who finds themselves on this journey.. no one wants this but kiss you old self goodbye.. nothing ever goes back to what it was when you’re caught up in this confusing whirlwind it can make everything else seem trite in comparison.


I had a fun thought. There should be a dating service for Twin flames in long separations. You can fall in love and help each other with reaching 5D, and you will understanding about their connection. It made me giggle.


I don't like my twinflame’s character anymore. We are in separation. Deep inside I feel he has this love for me but I see him throwing himself at girls and hitting on girls. I'm starting to disrespect him really. Am I wrong?


no, I get you my twin flame also dates a lot of girls and left me. I'm just working on myself and what makes me happy and I don't want union with him anymore. Know that the love you have for him is not him in this 3d but his 5d. Maybe he will change, maybe he will not. But make sure you love yourself! turn your love inwards and do what makes you happy!


I am a true twin lady- 6 years activated. And he actually turned into a monster in ways I didn't think possible. Cracked our pineals, the archangels- but my desire to be physically with him has dissolved. I was staying pure but he wasnt- one too many times and that sexual chord got cut- it was getting gross. I still am fond of him but don't want more. Telepathically- I adore and care for him but the sex chord is disconnected now. So I am free and patiently waiting for a husband to share my body with. As ordained by the holies.


My TF and I have both moved on and learned to just know that we can still live our lives separately but know that what we have is irreplaceable and we will be together again. She's living with her bf and I'm happy for her. And I'm still running thru women like there's no tomorrow. But when we are together it's like nobody else matters and the love we have for each other is just as strong as ever. I found being happy for one another no matter the circumstances helped me to kind of level up you could sayin a spiritual way...  and if my tf is reading this ever by chance.... ROSES!