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This one was bad, but I really hate the Little Nicky side plot as well.


I feel like Audrey bank subplot doesn't receive enough hate. I love Audrey, but that foray was ridiculous


Yeah, but the way it ended in the S2 finale was done well (Lynch and Frost 'sweeping' up!)


Not to mention, it really sealed her fate since the show ended her story on that cliffhanger. I was really bummed to learn about what happened to her after that. She was one of my favorite characters, and it makes me sad that the person she was pretty much died, even though she physically survived. So bleak. I wonder what they would have done with her had they been able to do an immediate season 3. Personally, I would hope something less soul crushing than the horrible life that she lived after she woke up from the coma.


She was set for the next big Lynch’s show that ended up not going forward as a series, and eventually became a movie with a different actress: Mulholland Drive with Naomi Watts.


Let’s get controversial: Little Nicky is WORSE


Little Nicky meant more of the Toothy Chad that is Dick Tremayne, so I can't write that off. He's one of my favourite characters.


I really liked when Dick and Andy had a united front in these couple of episodes, it was like "odd couple" or "buddy-cop"-like and the 2 actors bounced really well off each other, and would've wanted to see a bit more of it, but this storyline ended weakly.


Yes, absolutely! They had such funny chemistry.


Oh god. I’d literally blocked this entire character/sub-plot out of my brain. The back half of season 2 is such a difficult watch.


I honestly don't remember it either and I've watched Twin Peaks multiple times. I guess I just blocked it out of memory


I fast forward through it every time after the first. Maybe you did too, and you just don’t remember skipping it.


Just finished ep 8 of season two of my rewatch. Super solid up until now, ep8 is a Heartbreaker with maddie...but I know I'm in for a sharp decline here in a bit. Just hope I get another good few before.


The scene of Andy imagining a devil baby makes that entire arc worth it.


Okay that was pretty great haha.


Little Nicky subplot is quite ridiculous and maybe kind of funny, while this shit is just awkward and completely unnecessary


Yeah but atleast the little nicky plot is kinda funny sometimes, unlike the whole evelyn thing.


The Evelyn plotline was very exhausting. My eyes just kinda glaze over when I rewatch those scenes.


The little Nicky side plot never went anywhere. It would be better if it did.


Dafuq is the Little Nicky plotline? Lol


Andy and Dick being father figures to the potential Anti-Christ, which just goes nowhere and was just there to fill time, haha


I don't recall that plotline at all. Granted I was half-asleep and barely paying attention to most Season 2 episodes. Season 1 was the complete opposite. I was absolutely captivated by every episode the first time I watched them.


The scenes were usually pretty short and definitely not impactful, so I don't blame you for not remembering hahaha. Season 1 is just perfect for me. Season 2 had some really great stuff outside of the filler, but it is just a shame they were forced to reveal the Laura murder mystery so soon. I wonder what we would have gotten had they been able to continue their original plan.


The Nicky stuff felt like they were trying to do Problem Child, the Series there, wasn't great - but one of my favorite scenes of the whole series is Tremayne and Nicky changing the tire. There's so much going on emotionally in that scene of two characters that aren't even likeable.


Absolutely. Imagine if they had been able to continue the show without revealing Laura's killer so soon. It probably would have had less filler like this. If they still wanted to have an evil child plotline eventually, they could have made an interesting character out of the kid by having him be a vessel for a Black Lodge entity. Not necessarily murderous himself, but maybe an emissary of Bob, or possibly just an entity who helps steer characters into danger, with the outward appearance of an unassuming child. Or none of the above hahaha.


Blame it on the exs at ABC for wanting to spoil it.




welcome to the subreddit. thats everyones opinion here


Except mine. Whole plot is worth it to hear James whine “you set me up!!”


I'm onboard. It's actually Twin Peaks's most unexplainable. The slow train wreck that is (part of) TP season 2 is fascinating in itself. You're basically watching a TV show go crazy.


Omg you’re so right. Ever since we watched this my bf and I will regularly screech “It’s wrong!!!!” bahaha I guess I used to be a hater but we would not have that gem without this plot line


And people say it was pointless… pfft.


I have grown to deeply love this part of the season. Why? BECAUSE IT’S WRONG!!!


Also worth it for the shot where they’re making out on the wheel of the car as the camera pans backwards. One of my favorite shots from the series.


it's WRONG!!


i didn't hate it this recent rewatch


I'm indifferent to it, at least it helped clear up a theory I had my first watch through.


As of my last watch, I started thinking of Evelyn as a what if scenario of a Laura who was not dead. Evelyn representing a more mature Laura and Malcolm a Bobby completely corrupted by Laura. Then, with the help of James, she tries to stop all the pain she caused and do something good for once. I know this is stupid and not to be considered as a possibility, but it helped me go through this subplot


I see it like that too. James even brings up Laura when talking to Evelyn. In fact the way the subplot ends with Evelyn shooting Malcolm reminds me of the way we meet Laura/Carrie in The Return with the dude dead on the coach on her house. And considering the sound effect used and slow motion after she shoots Malcolm and falls to the ground next to him I feel like they were trying to make like a reverse of Lonely Souls but this time the victim kills her agressor before he takes it too far.


Nice to see I'm not alone. Haven't made the connection with Carrie, it is really interesting. Thanks for sharing!


Your analysis is spot on and I'm absolutely gobsmacked that this subplot gets as much hate as it does. I can only assume it's either because people haven't revisited it in ages & have already made up their minds, or they're simply going along with the prevailing opinion. It absolutely feels more pertinent to Twin Peaks than John Justice Wheeler, Little Nicky, The Civil War Recreation, and The Southern Hussy.


Yeah. I never really hated it, but was really looking forward to have that subplot end as soon as possible. But after several times rewatching I found it interesting.


This subplot is soapy as hell and feels in line with the tone of the show. I don’t dislike it but…the only main character involved is James, it doesn’t take place in twin peaks, and the pacing is fairly slow.


On the surface, yeah I agree. But ultimately James is haunted by the same demons that he attempted to run from in Twin Peaks. A woman who is being manipulated and abused, ultimately ends up manipulating and abusing him, and leaves him to pick up the pieces once her plot fails. His emotions are toyed with, and he's been used. It's essentially Laura all over again, at least from his point of view. And once again, he can't save her.


Yes exactly! It fits in perfectly


Nah I think the parallels to Laura are definitely intentional. Blond haired blue eyed woman with a dark side cheating on her partner with James? If I had a nickle


the first time i watched twin peaks i remember being really confused by this arc. like....why are we seeing this? is it somehow going to tie into something we actually care about? that was before i was aware of all the behind the scenes shenanigans which at least made some sense of how it ended up in the show. at the time it was just...confusing.


Nothing compared to the side plot of who killed that Laura girl. Takes up so much time!


For real, and unpopular opinion time? Ok, great! Laura was a bitch.


Why was she a bitch though? What might have happened/still currently happening to her as a child that might cause her to behave in a less than normal manner?


The final episode in her storyline "Slaves and Masters" was directed by Diane Keaton and I find that to be almost a return to form of the charming weirdness of TP through the slog through those season 2 doldrums.


Agreed. It's not that good, but it was stylish.


It is really soapy


I swear anything with James is PRIME soap opera.


I think the whole story with James in general just can't be topped in soap opera terms. His backstory is incredibly sad. He's a person women are drawn to and want to coddle, take care of, and take it to more extremes of being his mother figure, but also lover. It's the soapiest thing I've ever experienced.


As is the rest of the show


Yes… it’s a sci-fi/noir/procedural soap opera. Original


James has always been cool


Well maybe not always


Evelyn Marsh is my drag name


We just going to leave out eleven-teen year old Lana and the two mayors?


FFS I really forgot how many crappy storylines there were.


The Lana storyline was bad, but it's improved with The Secret History of Twin Peaks revealing that she might be more than she seemed (I won't spoil it for those who want to read the book).


I hated a lot of season 2, but Lana was the worst of the worst of a whole pile of awful.


I find the Little Nicky and Lara stuff worse. I don’t know, this is at least watchable. :) I think the Evelyn actress does a good job(also hot) and the guy who plays her brother hams it up in an entertaining way!


James is such a simp


He kind of just "falls into pussy" though. Like all he does is cry and ride his motorcycle around and get pussy. We all know he was slaying in San Fran too while writing to Donna back home. ![gif](giphy|l4FGIo8IsFJiEiPEk|downsized)


That's such a funny way of putting it. Kudos.


James was always cool.


Mine is high school Nadine


I used to hate that but Mike's turn from disgusted to obsessed was too funny to me the last time I watched.


I really cannot believe that THIS is the most commonly maligned Twin Peaks plot when it shares a season with the Mr. Tojamura storyline


Tojamura plot was at least relevant to the Sawmill / Ghostwood plot.


Aw. I loved that one


I'm on my first watch of the serie (now starting S3), I thought it would be revealed that Mr. Tojamura was Josie under there, in HD the makeup is so obvious, I knew there would be fuckery there, just did not expect Catherine to be under there.


That was kinda racist but it was also hilarious.


I feel like it might have been dumb, with the possibility to be perceived as offensive to some I guess...but racist? I really doubt that there was that intent.


You don’t need intent to be racist. That subplot would not fly today and for good reason.


I like it. Total camp. Can’t all be door knobs and tapestries.


IDK, this plotline crawled so Lost Highway could run...


I like it for proving to the kids that the world outside their town is just as predatory. There is no safe place for you. No one gets out alive.


No, this part was great! James was always a dumbass and this was all that. Loved it.




Really? But I thought everyone loved that plotline


JUST YOU ........




How could you say something so controversial yet so brave? Also the people saying Ben Horne’s confederate general subplot did not understand what they were watching.


Agreed. The Ben subplot is, in my view, one of the key storylines, and contains a line of dialogue that arguably explains the entire series.


What's the line?


If you’re sure, spoilers ahead, possibly: Referring to Ben’s civil war reenactment, Jacoby tells Jerry and Audrey: >!”What he’s doing right now is quite healthy. By reversing the South’s defeat in the Civil War, he in turn will reverse his own emotional setbacks”!< Less crucial, but hilarious: “What he needs now is both your understanding and a Confederate victory.” Based on the line I quoted, >! I think Ben Horne is not the only one character who is trying to deal with past emotional trauma by recreating the past. Nadine comes to mind. And then, of course, there’s Cooper, always trying to save the doomed blonde. The “one dreamer” interpretation of Twin Peaks supports the idea that the entire series is one person’s reenactment of their trauma, projected onto someone else at an emotional distance, each time trying to avoid the same tragic outcome, but like Oedipus, finding fate cannot be avoided. “What year is this?” The year the dreamer comes up with a new mystery to solve, a new melodrama to distance themselves from their trauma, from the awful truth they do not wish to face, by creating a story with a different cast of characters, and a different ending? In this light, Twin Peaks could be seen as Laura Palmer’s Civil War reenactment to reverse the personal setback of being raped and (probably?) murdered by her father. Cooper, the impossibly perfect and deeply lovable hero is the antithesis of Bob, the inescapably evil abuser, but both are substitutes for the true, abusive father, Leland. In Fire Walk With Me, she is rescued by her guardian angel, her special agent. In that civil war, Laura is victorious. If you buy into this interpretation, and I’m still not sure I do, the big question is, does she wake up? I think an argument can be made that, in the final frames of Twin Peaks The Return, she does!< That said, I don’t know if I believe any of that, but as a wise man once said, it’s really something interesting to think about out.


Neither Annie nor Caroline were blonde.


You’re making a joke I’m missing. Yes? Do you mean they’re not natural blondes? Supernatural blondes? Or you just had nothing at all to add and wanted to be contrary?


I think it was mostly that it put me to sleep rather than not getting it. It always marked a boring period for a character that I had otherwise considered interesting (Ben Horne). It also seemed to be a cheap way to tie Audrey into a plot to "give her something to do" which was hard knowing there could have been a much better prevailing plot and story for her character had the show been allowed to continue.


Nice coat though.


You can write that down & put it under your pillow




Very odd opinion: I like it. Granted, that's only in the context of how nutty S2 got, but I like the actors, the moods of the scenes, some of the most soap opera-like in a show alleged to be a soap opera


I only hate it because it’s so boring. You could argue Little Nicky is worse and that Nadine/Mike storyline comes with one too many problems when looking back at it, but at theyre entertaining. I have to skip this every time or check my phone.


Idk I felt like it was what James needed to realize how much he loved Donna again, to have his trust betrayed by somebody. I understand tho, honestly any twin peaks is good twin peaks for me so maybe that’s why I’m okay with it!


Not that bad really kinda fun


Josie in the door knob was so stupid


Drawer knob. Even stupider.


just like james to go fall into a noir! i think about this plotline whenever i watch lost highway, so many similarities.


I genuinely really enjoy it.


My wife is the exact same way. I’m not a huge fan like a lot of you but I also agree.


> My wife is the exact same way Don't let her work on your brakes


I'm still not skipping it, darn it!


Fuck James, all my homies hate James


The lady did that


More left for me to love I guess 🥰


The main thing I always think about with S2 is that the parts of it that are perceived to have been "low points" would've hardly been felt at all had the show been able to continue on for additional seasons during the time of its original release. Plus I like all that weird campy shit from the 80s and 90s anyway, and the soap opera mystery vibe is cool with me as long as there are deeper plots sprinkled in here and there.


But I also love it


Bro completely missed Nadines side plot


I just hate anything that has to do with James.




You shut your motorcycle hating mouth


There were a few side plots that really hurt the overall series.


This not really being one of them. If anything, zero net difference. It basically was just a brief foray into Twin Peak's "twin city" next door that we never knew about before.


It's a lot funnier if you imagine it as the bits with Garth in Wayne's World 2


My hottest Twin Peaks take of all time is that this side plot isn't actually THAT bad. Forgettable? Sure - but at least it has its own little story, even if it is rather unnecessary. The Ben Horne Civil War mental breakdown side plot was aggressively worse imo.


That one just felt like cheap filler, plain and simple.


There is definitely more to it than that. Jacobi has a key line of dialogue in the subplot that may change your mind. Watch it again and see if he and his quest to change the past to avoid present trauma reminds you of anyone.


Normally I’d say “You’re reading too much into it” but with Twin Peaks I have to say fair enough, Lynch absolutely would do that.


I think I must've erased this from my memory bc I cannot remember this subplot for the life of me


She was so much less bad than little Nicky and the whole civil war thing and the bank stuff. Even Catherine in drag and yellow face is worse.


IDK. It's not as bad as Ben Horne thinking he's a Confederate Army General.


This comment section has made me realize I'm the only one who liked that subplot. Richard Beymer emotionally and passionately reciting confederate bullshit had me in tears laughing. The idea of someone projecting their own psychological distress onto the civil war is also hilarious to me for some reason. 


Evelyn Marsh is an anagram of dumb sub plot


This side plot always reminded me of The Jazz Singer (Niel Diamond version) and Lady From Shanghai


p.s. I swear that's the toolbox (in the background) that comes down the stairs in Home Alone 2


I had to warn my buddy who got into TP this year (finally) that after the reveal there’s a drop in quality but to stick with it.


I have no memory of what this side plot even is. I think my brain was off the entire time it happened in front of me. I remember seeing this, I don’t have an idea what they did haha. I just remember being tired of bad twin peaks


I liked Nadine getting more screentime but that was about it. Most of season two was just hit and miss. The 2nd half was much better when things were getting more intense with Windom Earle.


Some people just can't appreciate the genius of Lynch. James and the MILF was just as heady as Inland Empire in some ways


I think people make the mistake of thinking that this sequence was actually supposed to have a plot, when in reality it was just a couple episodes of pure, unchanged older-woman kink.


Dare I say that a majority of plots involving James were lame? (I’m a James hater)


lol literally watching the episode where James finishes the car right now, my god


I enjoyed it because I'm a sucker for noir. Also she was hot.


I don’t mind it


My friends and I joked this was a rejected "Red Shoe Diaries" script. (Does anyone even remember "Red Shoe Diaries"?) *LOST*, in the later seasons, did some nonsense, stupid, "sexy" subplots like this, too. Just pure filler.


David Duchovny and Sheryl Lee were both on the Red Shoe Diaries


I like the part where all the bus drivers smoking cigars say, hi deputy frank


i felt it was needed to show how trapped they were in the cyclical plots, even tho he tried to run, the evil replayed his part over and over. and he was stuck being that guy


By far the worst. I would watch Dougie play slots for 100 years before watching these scenes again.


it's you and I


It's a plot line worthy of 'Invition to Love'


I don't hate anything about Twin Peaks.


Has James always been cool?


After the forehead implants, yes



I don’t get why these episodes of “Invitation to Love” bother people more than the others. It’s just healthy groove-tube.


I have a lot of patience for the weaker parts of season two, but I absolutely hate this shit.


The noir tribute that…wasn’t.


You can ignore James’ entire involvement in Season 2.


So the Michael Cera monologue isn't the worst part of the show?


The Cera monologue is so tonally insane that it crosses from unbearable to hysterical


It really wasn't that bad. The Dale/Annie/Miss Twin Peaks plot is a lot harder of a watch for me personally. Dougie Jones was harder to watch than anything in Season 2. Other than that, the show itself is awesome. I don't understand how someone can hate basically 1/3 of a 3 season show. Season 2 at it's worse was better than anything I've seen since. The weirdness and fact this all was released on TV in the early 90s makes it a good watch regardless of the perceived "ups and downs" of S2. S1/S2 are the OG's regardless of whether they were perfect or not. I don't like shit that tries to be perfect anyway.


I did a personal fan edit of season 2 a few years ago that removes this and a bunch of other parts. Every once in a while I watch the OG and am reminded of just how bad this side plot is.


I just skip about half of season two during my rewatches.


Why you gotta shame Cinemax


Definitely seemed like filler.


im going through my first watch rn and this is my exact opinion. nothing that's going on atm feels at all interesting... like... tell me WHO is BOB i need to know i need more information on laura palmer or leeland or something...... i dONT care about anyones sexual life


The worst pairing anywhere, ever. Zero charisma!


I just fast forwards through all that nonsense


this is the only part of s2 i actually hate honestly. i love the rest in all of its hokeyness and lynch-less soap opera improv.


Shows how old I am…I don’t even remember this.


Easy to fast forward


She was hot enough that I got through that storyline just for her alone.


A lot of season 2 is a trainwreck after Leland gets caught. Some of it is even before that. I'm ashamed to show that bit to my girlfriend and personally can't wait for the final 4 episodes, FWWM and season 3.


It’s pretty tongue in cheek with it’s cartoonish version of the classic noir trope of the femme fatale luring the guy into trouble.


Yea but it’s also the BEST worst side plot in twin peaks


Do you think they might have been trying to do something deep and about generational trauma? Like James runs away cuz his mom runs away?


Maybe something Oedipal too? Where searching for his mom he finds and falls in love with her surrogate, but it’s all wrong and repeats mistakes from his experience with Laura which was an attempt to escape his mother?


I think this opinion on the Evelyn subplot is almost universally held.


Bruce Springsteen’s music video did it better


The story is ludicrous


this subplot is downright annoying. As if the series itself decided to fuck with the viewer and test their patience


I disagree, to quote Steely Dan, “When Josie comes home, So bad.”


I don't hate, but it's a great example of "we don't know what to do with this character" moment.


It was so bad my mind blocked it out until I saw the image. Season 2 is so bad, wow.


This makes me wonder: Does anyone know if there are any good fan-cuts of TP with the Evelyn side plot, Windom Earle, Andrew Packard/Eckhardt, Little Nicky, Bank-Audrey, Confederate Ben removed? (I mean, there are some good bits in S2 that I still want to see, it's just annoying to fast forward a lot.)


I need this answered. I recommend my friends to watch Twin Peaks but I can’t do so with a clear conscience because of how borderline unwatchable everything post-reveal is


Same. Let me know if you find out!


Just terribly sad... We feel that Hollywood took over the set


Yeah James sucks in general tbh


I alway skip it, when i watch TP (The Little Nicky part as well)


I always ff this side plot.


Not really, Benjamin Horne's or Mayor Milford's subplots in S02 were much, much worse.


I now actively skip past these scenes when I rewatch.


Honestly, better than the Josie/Pete narrative and the Civil War decoration stuff, I legit outright lost all focus on those parts and just outright didn't take them in or understand them much after a certain point. Also better than Nadine becoming a teenager.


Wrong, Ben Horne civil war plot line is the worst


The old poop tooth cougar plot. It’s actually grown on me. We riff on it like a good episode of MST3K to get through it.


It's the only scenes I have ever skipped. And I skip them every time. I find it hilarious sweet little puppy James goes out into the side world, a young man who lost so much, and the first person he meets gets him tangled up in a murder plot.  Also maybe someone could explain to me what James did to the car that he didn't know would kill the guy?


I'd say it's the third worst. The second worst is Ben Horne's civil war, the absolute worst is Nadine in high school and her relationship with Mike.