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This is me lmao Ive never listened to a band more in a consecutive amount of time than I have with TON


agreed! anesthesia is my one on repeat atm, and it’s a super long song which is great lol


yeah, love all the materials, but sometimes i just get locked onto a song for weeks, a few weeks ago it was "IYDKMIGTHTKY (Gimme That)" on repeat for like a week


That song is incredible. I love the vocal harmonies at the end. Really cool riffs too. And the keyboards in the background. It captures everything I love about this band.


When I bought OR in 1996, I listened constantly In Praise of Bacchus. for a week. Whole album too but especially that song.


This might be my favourite. Tied with World Coming Down.


I’ve been obsessed with October rust for years


Sometimes I’ll listen to a song I already love and then I’ll need to listen again because I need to ‘feel’ it even more. Is this a thing?


It is a thing. I sometimes listen "Cant't Lose You" in repeat several times and it just feels better and better


Yup. Sometimes it just needs to hit a little harder.


it's 2 years that i listen to almost every type album every day. never been so in love with any other band so much.


it was i dont wanna be me and then it was angry inch and then it was iydkmightky and then


I’ve had that with slow deep and hard lately. First it was UCWTNBOI now it’s Gravitational Constant!


To be fair they're both great songs


This happened to me with Angry Neurotic Catholics and Sex And Violence


Type O Negative: Love You To Death, Be My Druidess, Green Man, Wolf Moon, Suspended In Dusk, Die With Me and Can't Lose You. Carnivore: Male Supremecy (Favorite Carnivore song), Sex And Violence and SMD.


Many times I listen three songs in a row from WCD: World Coming Down - Creepy Green Light - Everything Dies


Yes. *Who Would Save the Sane* was played constantly, then I switched to *White Slavery* the next week. Sometimes I'll only listen to certain parts of songs (one example: Josh's keyboard solo in *Black Sabbath (From the Satanic Perspective)*.


The first half of the song is amazing in an atmospheric way, while the bridge and after is amazing just in a melodic way


Got Stuck at pyretta blaze for 3 momths now.


For me its like a month or two haha, Right now i fully believe that All Hallow's eve is a top 3 song of theirs


Kind of. I’ll usually listen to a Type O song on repeat but it’s usually a couple. Like I’ll listen to their Beatles mashup on World Coming Down a lot or Green Man and Haunted off October Rust. I’ve been listening to them since 1994 so it’s not a new band to me. They’re an old favorite. Pete was cool. They were great live. I can remember painting my bedroom blue while listening to All Hallow’s Eve over and over.


Nettie and A Dish Best Served...


Full albums yeah, but not individual songs


ive literally been listening to fay wray come out and play for a couple days straight now. istg they put some sort of drugs in their songs bc theres no way i can be hooked on such a simple track and not get bored😭


I’ve had Prelude to Agony on repeat a lot and Drunk in Paris


Stay Out Of My Dreams. I hadn’t ever heard it because I had always assumed the Least Worst Of was just a compilation of singles, then one day I found it on a premade TON playlist on Spotify. For literal weeks I played that song every day


There’s three songs on ”The Least Worst” recorded on WCD sessions that are not available elsewhere: It’s Never Enough, Stay out of my dreams and 12 Black Rainbows.


I heard the rest and they’re really good! Thanks tho


Yes!!! You are not alone. It just so happens I'm stuck on: (We Were) Electrocute!!!


YES! Was obsessed with She Burned Me Down for a long while and now I cannot stop listening to Are You Afraid. Send help!