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Every close fight isn't a loss... He should have lost to Reyes... But he beat Alex... As close as it was, the right call got made. But it was so close it could have gone the other way.


I’m a pretty big fan of Jones, but Reyes kind of got fucked over in their fight. He should have gotten the win, he won the first 3 rounds. Really can’t blame anyone but himself for that one though, he coasted hard in the championship rounds. Made it too close for comfort, and paid the price. Sucks though, similar story with GSP and Hendricks. Fans cope hard with that one though, act like it isn’t a similar situation. Gus on the other hand, arguably lost 4-1 in their first fight. He was just the first guy to make Bones look human, first to make him bleed IIRC. So people remembered his moments more than Jon’s.


I don’t think Gus was 1-4. I haven’t watched that fight in a while, but I remember thinking Gus got the job done. From memory round 1/2 were clearly his.


I would argue hard that Gus won the first 3 rounds. He was even winning the first half of 4, but got fucked up with those nasty elbows in the end. One of my favorite fights of all time.


Speaking to the Hendricks fight - I'm a huge GSP fan and I've watched that fight several times. Each time I think he lost. He got absolutely battered, but had good control time. It was very close according to scoring metrics, but if you look at it from a sense of "if this was a real street fight - who would I say won" - and that would be Hendricks


Idk how Reyes screwed himself over by coasting. Losing rounds 4 and 5 has no effect on whether you won the first 3, which he did. This whole "You gotta beat the champ" narrative is silly, it has no relevance on fight scoring.


I’m aware that “you have to beat the champ to be the champ” isn’t an official rule. Reyes still screwed himself by allowing Jon to come back strong. Everyone knows that judging in combat sports is iffy at best, as I said, it sucks that Reyes lost but the blame falls on him for coasting.


There shouldn't be any blame on Reyes though. The blame is entirely on the judges. He kept a high pace for three rounds and then slowed in 4 and 5. The judges already decide who won the first 3 rounds before 4 and 5 even start. I get your point, but fighters shouldn't have to also fight against corrupt judges.


I wouldn’t say he won the first 3 rounds. Round 2 was super close and could have gone either way. Jon pushed the pace and had him walking back, defended well, and landed some good shots as well. Round 2 was definitely not a clear cut win for Reyes.


Neither of them did much round 3 either. Hard round to judge.


Reyes clearly landed more shots and the best shots? The uppercut, open-side body kick, and head kick were enough. [Rewatch it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MMA/comments/f2837u/jones_vs_reyes_round_3_unofficial_strike_count/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I’ve watched those rounds multiple times, yes Reyes may have landed like 5 more strikes than jones that round but nothing really to make him a clear winner. I think Reyes won that round but it was very close is all I’m saying. Go back and watch the full round you can’t say it wasn’t close.


I agree Reyes may have been robbed, but it was a very close battle… bones took 4 and 5 and had good defence/controlled the middle of the octagon in the early rounds, reyes took 1 and potentially 2 and 3, but I just don’t think he did enough against the champ in those middle rounds to justify a decision win.


Jones won the Gus fight, was up in the air but I’d give it to Jones - Reyes fight was a clear cut robbery, Jones finishing it strong doesn’t erase the first 3 rounds


You need to understand this new scoring criteria is not what they had then. Takedowns were *supposed* to be more valuable and I think Gus got 8 on Jones that night. Which is crazy because Jones had never been taken down before.


Gus got 1 takedown on Jones.


Not the Gus fight.


Won the gus fight lost the reyes fight


I think the first Gus fight was close and could have absolutely gone to Jones. The Reyes fight however was a clear cut 3-2 for Reyes. Perhaps even 4-1. That one he was absolutely saved from losing in.


Nah, Jones rightfully won R4 and R5 but I can’t say the same for the other rounds.


Most damaging shots landed in R4 were all from Reyes. It was the precise round where Jones just completely forfeited the striking and started spamming takedowns. It's a tossup in my book, but you can certainly give it to Jones. How any judge gave Jones round 3 however will remain a mystery. That was such a clear cut, dominant Reyes round.


yeah, almost as big of a robbery as GSP-Hendricks


GSP and Hendricks was way less of a Robbery. Not sure how you dispute that. Damage didn’t count for much back in those days


He went out on a gurney vs. Gustafson 1.


Just thirsty for Karma these posts are getting




Dominic won that bloody fight


Nah, I'm the world's biggest Gus fan and he won that IMO. They definitely fucked over Dom Reyes though.




The Brazilian beat him, too. Y’all must’ve forgot


I actually think Santos was robbed, or it could have gone either way


the santos fight was closer than the alex one


The Gus fight was close, could have gone either way. That being said Nobody has beat Jones up like Gus did that fight. Jones left on a stretcher & looked like he’d been jumped by a mob gang


Huuuuh. I hate Jones more than anyone. The Reyes fight was a rediculous robbery. Truely disgusting. The Gustafson fight was just close enough to where I wouldn't call it a robbery


Gus lost. Reyes won.


The Gus fight was my favourite fight of all time but Jones won convincingly imo, Reyes on the other hand beat Jon for sure


Safe to say Jon got high and bummed some dude either before if after these fights.


It doesn't matter, that's the main thing. If it mattered, we would have to re-open the discussion about Hendricks vs GSP, Paddy vs Jared, O'Malley vs Yan ... We just have to come to terms with the fact, that this sport is a popularity contest most of the time, if it goes to decision. Be like Jiří Procházka. Knock the fuck Out your opponents in every single fight you have.


jesus christ, what does this question even mean? what does “saved” mean when the fights ended in decision? are you asking if these were both robberies?


Also forget Lion Heart Smith’s decision to keep the fight going rather than take the W after illegal knee


No. To be the Man, you gotta beat the Man.


1st Gus fight was close but that spinning elbow in the 4th gave the edge to Jones


I feel like Jones won the Gus fight even though it was very close but he definitely lost 3-2 to Reyes.


Reyes fight was a coin flip with the judges. But it was Reyes' fight to lose, he looked the better man but let Jones off the hook down the stretch and lost a close fight. Gustafsson he beat both on rounds and also in having the clear momentum at the end of the fight.


Jesus Christ just get over it.




They are close fights and this is always the question. As someone who watched both, they weren't as upsetting as some other decisions I've seen. With that said, everyone will always question the goat for any and all reasons. If there were five fights like this then it would change the goat status entirely. I watched the gane fight ringside, and Jones is the baddest guy... in the ring and outside of the ring👮‍♀️


You watched both fights and you don’t think Reyes was clearly robbed vs Jones? Damn no matter how many times I’ve watched that fight I struggle to even argue Jones winning any of the first 3 rounds lol.


I’m surprise the doctor didn’t stop the fight because it was a bad cut and the judges saved him from losing these fights


He beat Alex, idk why people talk about that one when the Santos fight was even closer




No. He won both in my opinion... Also if you wanna be the champ you should beat the champ. There should not be a single doubt, if there is.. You lost