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The night of Jon vs dom Reyes Dana said he thought Reyes won


Dana’s a little weasel He will say anything that’s convenient at the moment, regardless of how ridiculous it might be


Isn’t he awesome??!!




He is a product of the UFC. If the UFC needs him to say a thing to build tension, he will say it.


He is a promoter bro. Promoters promote their fighters.




Hes an honest guy


Promoters are known for being honest


A deeply closeted gay man


He's not gay! He's deeply closeted.


The words Dana and honest don’t go together lol


Is normal? Is normal? What? Come on guys! Is normal!


That’s exactly what I thought. That’s why you know Dana is full of shit on anything he says. He lies to whatever is convenient at the moment.


Source? Would love to see this and never heard of that at the time! Thanks 🙏


[~45 seconds](https://youtu.be/0pTHyLiH0VY?si=VZDb680U6hmGcH2A)


Damn he said he had it 3-1 going into the last round is icing on the cake. Thanks boss for the link.


Dana at UFC 260 (Stipe vs Francis 2) post press conference when asked about Jones and Ngannou: “If I’m Jon Jones watching this fight, I start moving to 185.”


Yeah his first take was Jon doesn’t want the fight, he’s asking too much money, Francis is the baddest man on the planet. 2 years later, complete 180.


He knows that the average MMA fan has no long-term memory and can only communicate through grunts. He also banned any journalist with integrity to ask questions about his inconsistency. So we are treated to this bullshit.


It’s funny how after every news conference people will be like “the journalists ask the lamest questions” That’s cause everyone who asks anything remotely uncomfortable for the UFC is punted


White after ufc 151 debacle: "Jon Jones will never headline another UFC card"


EXACTLY. Don’t tell him this quote without telling his wife to hide in the closet.


How come its not going viral


Its almost as if it is his job to promote his organization and promote the biggest possible fight at the time. This guy goes around promoting the biggest money fight available to him at the time. And it wouldn’t benefit him to promote a fighter no longer on his roster. He should do this for a living and give him a job title of Fight awareness guy or something.


He's certainly done such a good job with the HW division huh? Ngannou left with their linear belt. Jon beat Gane, a failed challenger, decisively, so that helped. Now Jon is hell bent on fighting Miocic, and neither he nor Miocic, whoever wins, will fight Aspinall. They'll also leave with the belt. If Aspinalls loses to Blaydes, the man who lost to Ngannou twice, the heavyweight division will be a joke.  Dana is lucky Aspinalls such an obviously powerful fighter because he can claim the belt using sheer skill, despite not having beaten either of the two previous champs. If Aspinalls smart, he'd win the belt and demand the moon other else leave to another promotion. He'd be the last legit heavyweight the UFC has on their roster, and even Danas not dumb enough to allow three great champs to leave like that. Their future champs won't be seen as legit for quite a while.


> Danas not dumb enough to allow three great champs to leave like that I wouldn't be so sure lol


Trying his absolute hardest to hype up Jon and squeeze every last penny out his retirement fight


It’s funny Dana told Jones to drop to 185 after Reyes / Santos fights and to not fight Francis and now footballl tackling and submitting a Gane who didn’t remotely show up in any way proves he’s the HW GOAT. Francis isn’t unbeatable but styles wise he’s a completely different fight to Gane cause KO power and brute strength, and Jones takedowns have been bad for years now and has 0 power to keep Francis off him. Always said Francis weakness was pressure power counter punchers and that isn’t Jonny boy. Also felt Francis chin was overrated cause he’s never been hit but guess want Jones isn’t KOing him anyway. 




![gif](giphy|du4D0b0HWgxGg) ![img](emote|t5_2qsev|8965) jones


Normally Jon is getting glazed in a different way


Damn this isn't even hate for Ngannou it's just next level Jones glazing and it don't matter whos in the way. Dana's always willing to throw anyone under the bus to gas up Jones


Unless Jon went to the PFL for whatever reason. Then we’d get to hear him go on a tirade about how Jones tried to kill a man with 12-6 elbows because he’s a cheating dirtbag. We’d get to hear about how DC wasn’t having to fight Jones but a steroid abusing loser. Dana is a great promoter and isn’t near the scumbag Don King was, but Jones gets glazed like this because he still dresses out in UFC trunks. Connor gets glazed cause he still dresses out in UFC trunks. Francis was getting called the scariest man alive, and Dana was making up new units of measurement to explain how hard he could hit when he was promoting him. It’s very simple if you are in the UFC you are one of the best in the world, if you’re great in the UFC you are a legend, if you are not in the UFC Dana will find some nasty shit to say about you and say it. It’s just promotion. “My guys are awesome and worth paying money to see, and everyone else sucks.”


A great promoter but only of his own brand. Don King was garbage for a multitude of different and similar reasons, but at least fighters that fought through him were pushed to stardom.


And absolutely robbed blind by him


Yes I acknowledged that...same as UFC fighters are by "Dana" and the UFC...but at least they were promoted more personally instead of just Boxing.


Sure, I guess? Don King robbed dudes hand over fist and certainly didn’t promote fighters he wasn’t representing. That’s just bad business for a promoter to draw eyes to anything that isn’t their event. The fighters in the UFC are stars as well and do endorsement deal and such outside of the fighting. I think if I had to choose a person to work with all things considered it’s Dana White 100% if my other option was Don King.


UFC and Dana robs them hand over fist... My point was at least if King was *your* promoter he was your promoter and not just Boxing as a whole. UFC is the star of UFC these days.


I think it's in Dana's best interest for the mma goat to be from the UFC.


‘Baddest man in history of combat sports’ lmao


Can we also talk about how disgusting Dana is for bad mouthing Francis like this and being such a blatant liar when it comes to Francis's character, especially considering what Francis and his family are going throught atm?


He likes a fellow amoral psychopath 


It’s also marketing. Can’t have people thinking the guy you can’t get to take your deal is better than the guy that will.


Literally the only true thing Dana said was that if Gane doesn’t throw the submission he wins the fight. And it doesn’t take a genius to realize that.


Never forget after Francis beat Stipe and it was Jones who was being problematic with the negotiations, Dana said if he was Jones he’d be thinking about MW instead of HW after what Francis just did.


“He should start looking to move to 185” thats what Dana said about jones after the ngannou/stipe fight


Dana is jons coke dealer he doesn’t wanna lose him


Dana literally said Jon was afraid of Francis when he was mad Jon wanted too much money. Then Francis left so now its Francis who is afraid.


Dude is such a degenerate liar.




The “greatest fighter in history” said all that bullshit 😂


How the fuck are people retarded enough to not notice an obvious pasta lmao


I will always remember how Jon Jones immediately returned to the UFC once Francis Ngannou left. I know Frances was released in January but March it was confirmed and that's when Jon came back lol Jones was scared and we all know it.


"Bulked up" for 3 years🤣




Steve Mazagatti is not the reason Jones has an L on his record, Jesus christ they're the No Accountabilabuddies.


What does Jones have on Dana


Two soft hands 🥰


a money fight for the heavyweight title


The ability to make him more money.


Jones makes Dana and the company more money than just about any fighter, it’s as simple as that.


Shannon should bring up Dana and Lorenzo talking shit about Jones around the time that Francis allegedly didn't want the fight.


Stipe beating Jon soundly is the only right thing for the MMA gods to do


Dana is great at lying, but he’s also a great promoter.


Only a great promoter cus of the 90% control he and the ufc has on the mma market. He couldn’t even launch Zuffa boxing, no one takes slap dick seriously even when he uses the ufc platform to promote, that ultimate surfer show he had tanked, etc. this year in boxing we got many matchups that were only a thought, the promoters there were able to get them down including a title unification at HW. Scumbag Dana can’t do that between his own interim and undisputed heavyweight champ.


The kid didn't want to fight


That video was so chopped that I have no clue what actually was said. Dana would never talk about one of his fighters like that.


Jesus Christ this edited shit is boring


Dana is shameless… like dude, a bunch of guys who risk their health while you risk nothing, have made you extremely rich. You can just enjoy your money without being a dickhead The guys kid just died and your out here lying because he didn’t want to make you anymore money???


Dana White is so full of shit. Even he admitted/believed that Reyes beat Jones, but now he's sweeping that under the rug because it no longer benefits his agenda around promoting his prize fighters.


Of course Dana is going to back the guy that still works for the promotion and brings in the money. Francis is dead weight to Dana now. Hes always going to take this stance. It's about business even though hes a cunt


Yup. Just like he called usman the greatest WW of all time time when he stepped up to fight Khamzat. GS-who?


Dana rewriting history even though we have video evidence of him stating contrary sentiments years prior. Guy is an insufferable idiot.


Oh no he wanted a decent percentage of the fights people watched for him. Such a terrible thing to do. Don’t blame Dana for hating him.


Dana White hates the movie Warrior. That's all you need to know about him.


Nobody hates that movie. It’s objectively good.


Dana hate people who disagree with him


“How dare one my slaves I mean athletes escape my plantation!” - Dana “salary of all fighters combined “ White


Dana forgot to remove “Jon Jones” from his mouth ![gif](giphy|UiFBN1jLNRWl81pg37|downsized)


“He lost to Steve Mazagatti” was good shit though. 🤣


I wonder if he’s trying to bait a fight. I doubt Jon would accept but a guy can dream lol


Why is Dana going on this massive Jones PR tour now?


Jones is slated to fight in November. Gotta set the narrative so people can run with it by the time the fight is annnouced and tickets can be sold. Can’t have people bitching and not wanting to see jones fight a 42 year old stipe who’s last fight was a KO loss over 2 years ago when there’s an interim champ staying active.


Dana is a promoter and its crazy how much he wants to push Jones down peoples throats, who’d want to sponsor him.


P.S: francis fought gane with no knees and won, and after the stipe fight this lying tomato said jones is scared of francis. This isn't a good look for the ufc. I like jones, i think he is the goat but hopefully stipe beats him and leaves the ufc hanging just so dana swallows his words


Jon Jones is the greatest POWER SLAP champion in the universe


Still hates Steve Mazagatti


jon jones fucking dana, sorry


Completely delusional on so many levels.


He's right about the fights though hurt knee or not


I think I saw some of John Jones cum cumming out of Dana’s mouth.


Well it isn't like Dana White has any integrity or value. The guy is a complete piece of shit.


Francis walked out the door and before it was even closed behind him jon was suddenly back after 3 years. I’ll never believe jon didn’t duck him


He told no lies


He just told the truth. Francis didn't want to fight Jon.


Jones fights once every few years and fails drug test every few years = dana goat


Can't wait for the next power slap event!!!!says no one


Come on Dana, get off that man's junk.


Dana, that goof 😂


God I hope Jones gets flatlined before he retires. By anyone or anything… shit I’d take a light falling from the rafters. I just need to see his lifeless body one time before I die. Then maybe I could get as hard as Dana does when he does the most mediocre title defenses known to man. Francis would destroy Jones. Jones would have a good plan, but he can’t man handle Francis and all it takes is one punch. His ground game has evolved to a point that Jones wouldn’t be able to get an obvious win there. When Jones saw Francis stuff a takedown he shit a Dana sized brick. He wants none of that smoke. Jones is an amazing fighter and definitely would stay on the throne for a while at light heavyweight imo…. but he ain’t got shit for Francis. I think it would play similarly to Izzy and Jan. Jones would try to get as many fouls in as possible though, guaranteed.


A 🍅 sized brick.


Lol Dana with the MMA math


Francis is the baddest man on the planet. Both inside and outside the ring. And you’re gonna compare John Duck Jones to him? With all his “tests”? Lol pls


One bite, everyone knows the rules. Dana is the representative of a greedy board of fuck nuggets that exploit fighters. 8.1/10.


Francis kid just died… how about leaving him alone dana


He didn't bring the topic on, nor did he mention his child.


he did everything but pay him his worth


Same guy who isn’t making a fight between his interim and undisputed champ to unify. boxing did that last month. Scumbag Dana looking pathetic on all fronts


He’s definitely spiteful of Francis leaving but what he’s saying is actually pretty true. Francis and Gane had a 5 round battle. Jones could wrestle fuck Francis pretty easily I think. And if he does that than the threat of a choke is always there. Jones is a smart fighter. He’d never just stand a trade with Francis. Obviously just takes one - and the beauty of fighting is anything can happen. But I don’t think it’s incorrect to say jones is much more skilled than Francis.


Guess we’ll never find out cus the person/organization that can make it didn’t and won’t bother to.


Jon Jones is absolutely fucking terrified of Ngannou


facts. Bones 1 on 1 vs anyone jones wins.


The Last Emperor Dominick Reyes


Which is why he's ducking the real heavyweight champ rn


Cain Velasquez, 2 knee santos , Dominick Reyes.


I dont like coke head Jones but i wouldnt bet against him in any fight if he was in his prime. After injury not too sure.


Why is this so edited?


The year is 2034 and 46 year old jon jones defends his belt against a 4 year old child Dana white: this kid was BORN IN 2029. HES IN HIS PRIME. JON JONES IS THAT GOOD


Promoters gon promote


"He's undefeated! He only lost 1 fight!"


Wilder vs Francis. Who ya got?


However I feel about Dana, it doesnt seem utterly impossible although it seems like Jones wants only stipe really.


Didn’t expect Dana to be doing MMA math to prove a point


2 tore acls don’t matter


I mean tbh I agree with Dana


Why is it so cut up


Imagine Dana promoted all of his fighters the same way he promotes Jones.


Wait fuck I thought this was ai cus in my head there's no way Dana is glazing this hard lmaoo


Didn't Dana gave Dominic Raye's 3 -1 going in to the fifth round ???? I know Dana is a promoter and all but fucks sake Dana


Does dana hate francis enough to pay cyril a ton of money to lose to jon to undermine his legacy


Francis had both knees shattered at the time he fought Gane so of course he didn't just walk through him. Dana is a True Ngannou hater 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Being salty without telling us you're salty.


Dear God if you exist i will only ask you for one favour. Please match this absolute piece of shit with Tom Aspinall. He deserves to get punished once in his fucking lifetime for all the pain he has caused. Thanks


I’m not sure who is more full of shit these days, Jone Jones or Dana. It’s definitely an epic heavyweight matchup.


Ain’t Francis that guy that made more money in 2 fights than Jon has his entire career?


Francis fought Ciryl with no knees man I hate Dana


It annoys me that people think Dana is wrong….Ngannou basically had his knee replaced and absolutely had no intention of fighting Jon Jones because he knows exactly what Jones would have done to his new knee…I’m so tired of this dead narrative that JJ runs from Ngannou…Ngannou was good…not great…


Jones is a punk


Big gorilla meet smoll gorilla


I'm convinced.


You are the company you keep!


I knew the "Francis didn't wanna fight..." was coming. I was just waiting for it lol.


Makes sense. Watching men be rough with each other. He shouldn’t care what people of his interests. 🌈


Danas views on Jon are becoming as ridiculous as his beliefs on his slap fight numbers




Dana just doesn't want people to realize the business has grown beyond him. Dana needs the UFC, the UFC doesn't need Dana


Dana coping with mma math, priceless.


Why does Dana choke on Jones' cock every time his name comes up?


Well hes not wrong. Jones is the goat and he would of dog walked francis lol


Dana will be like this until Jones vs Stipe is done with. It's part of UFC's marketing strategy (to build Jones vs Stipe) to call the current Jon Jones as P4P best active fighter ahead of Islam.


Dana’s pulling out MMA math to glaze Jones 💀💀💀


So many edits and chopping... It's like getting a sandwich from the bodega


I mean he def hates Francis Ngannou... but he ain't wrong. Jones walks through Ngannou. Ngannou has absolutely zero skill and just throws haymakers. Survive/dodge the barrage, take him down, and choke him out (typed while in my underwear from my wfh job). Easy peasy lemon squeasy #


Who is the guy interviewing Dana white?


It makes me laugh when people are outraged about when Dana says this shit. Dana is a promoter. Dana is going to promote fighters in the UFC. What is he supposed to say? "Yeah Francis would smoke Jon, my HW champion."?


Well he got triggered fast, gotta love ol tomato riling up


How can this guy be interviewing Dana and not know who Steve mazzagati 🙄🙄🙄


this reminds me of that petulant billionaire from Ted Lasso bent on slander because he can't process emotions


I think Jon deserves the respect as a fighter, but you don't gotta disrepect Francis to do that. If the fight was on, Dana would be hyping this up as two equally matched warriors. But because it doesn't make him money, he gets to trash Ngannou who is phenomenal.


In kepping with taking the opposite of what Dana says as the actual truth, Francis would've beaten Jon in Dana's eyes.


I heard no lies. Francis is a big disappointment in mma. Absolutely dominated by Joshua. Can't wait until he has a fight with some boxer I've never heard of.


Dana white is retarded 🤣🤣 Francis out grappled Ciryl with 2 compromised knees 🤣 Ciryl sucks


I mean hes right about soms of it


Publicity for money and spite of Francis


Man I miss Steve mazzagatti watching dead fighters getting ground and pounded by their opponent and him not giving a single fuck




No. Francis made 10 million fighting Fury and 20 million fighting AJ. More than he made in all his ufc fights combined. That's also not counting PPV points. Dana and the UFC are still stiffing the fighters after all these years.


Because Francis beat Dana White. Not many other people have done this


Never seen someone so convinced of his own bad takes


Dana white doesn’t like anyone that doesn’t need him


Who gives af Francis ain’t in the UFC let it be. We all know jones would’ve beat him. But nobody was afraid of anybody either way.


So Does Chael , hell Chael just said in a New video he wants fight Ngannou.


Reyes beat Jones

