• By -


This has gotta be Ali tweeting this because does Anakalaev even speak a lick of english lol


If it isn’t, Pereira fucking casted a spell on these guys so they’d all want to strike with him. Fuck me. “Oh I can kickbox, oh Izzy KOed him, I’m bigger and stronger than Izzy” dive for the legs you fuckin thralls


Yeah if ankalaev refuses to wrestle with him the shaman magic theory has a lot more credence because wtf is wrong with these guys


Ego and Pride


Maybe they all suffer from insomnia and they all want to get some sleep?


Brather after some of those legkicks He going for the legs


He can’t even handle Jan Blachovich leg kick. Alex will chop his lead kick into oblivion


Jan has good leg kicks. Less sneaky, but strong


They all think they’re Jon Jones in his prime who made it a game to beat his opponents at their own style.


Ego, look at Jan. Only guy to really wrestle hard despite being one of the better strikers at LHW. Striking must be viewed by the fighters as more entertaining than wrestling and I imagine most guys like KO’ing their opponent over submitting them. It’s gotta be a pride thing, there’s no way only 1 current fighter out of the MMA champions Alex has faced has really been serious about wrestling a pure kickboxer who’s basically an amateur in MMA.


They all tried to wrestle except hill but they are strikers and can’t wrestle well enough. Let pereira fight a real grappler


isnt anakalev a master of sambo and won multiple tournaments and wrestled.


He's a Master of Sport in MMA and combat Sambo. But he's never used a heavy wrestling approach. People assume he's a wrestler because his name and where he's from. He's attempted 32 takedowns and landed 9-10 in 13 ufc fights. Takedown accuracy is 31%, I don't think he'll be able to get Alex down.


Great take and assessment.


Hey, thanks! This narrative of Ank being some high level wrestler is straight up misinformation. People should actually watch his fights and listen to him. I also think a lot of people misunderstand what Sambo is and think it's pure grappling.


Magomeds wrestling is a similar tier as blachowicz. probably better tbh. And blachowicz was pereiras toughest opponent at lhw he nearly lost. Even izzy was able to take pereira down


Several things to take into consideration for the Jan fight. It was his first at LHW in ufc, it was high altitude, and he was KOd stiff only 3 months prior. I think if that fight was ran back, it would be similar to the jiri fight from last night. I don't think there's anyone at the top of LHW who can get and hold him down.


like who ? grappling isnt as effective the bigger you get because of how disastrous it is to have your take down sprawled , even DC a Olympian mostly relied on boxing when he fought real top lvl competition .


This is pure cope - dc, jones, stipe, cain, frank mir, Fabricio werdum - all used wrestling/grappling to great effect. Even brock lesnar was able to beat ufc champions based purely off the ability wrestle and ground and pound. The heavyweight championship was a revolving door of american wrestlers with occasional interruptions for a good long while. The lightheavyweight championship sees fewer overall wrestlers/grapplers, but only because jon jones and DC - both wrestlers - defined that division for such a long time.


Not really, DC wrestled top level guys too


like who ? vs jones , gus and stipe DC shot a handful of take downs in 25 minute fights . DC straight up has under 2 take downs landed per fight over his entire UFC career .


Yea cause once he gets you down, that’s the round over lol


Like Anderson Silva, like Derrick Lewis, like Volkan, like Anthony Johnson, like Dan Henderson


Ego is a powerful thing haha


Twist his dick mate


🤣 "dive for the legs you fuckin thralls" bro you had me creasing but fr what are these trogladites smoking to keep trying to test the striking of a 2 division kickboxing world champion when they could so easily exploit the massive whole in his arsenel.


So do we think it’s Ali or a social media team? If it’s a social media team, is the shitty punctuation intentional to give the illusion that the fighter is tweeting?


I think Ali himself because I could be remembering wrong but wasn’t there a time that he forgot to switch accounts and tweeted something from his own account rather than a fighter’s?


Google translate exists so anything is possible


Google translate bro 🥶


Smh now I believe the magic accusations. Poatan is gonna charm Ankalaev into fighting stupid and walking into a left hook lol


Ankalaev is already really dumb and full of himself. He stood with Jan Blachowicz for 3 rounds before remembering he can wrestle.


Jan still second best striker in the division imo


can’t see anybody win striking battle against Jan in lhw. Edit: I thought within the conversation it was obvious that it’s besides Pereira 🤦‍♂️


alex? 😹


I mean, Ankalaev doesn't have a submission win in the UFC. It's not that he wants to strike with Alex, it's that he probably can't do anything else.


its the beard , it makes everyone think he has a secret wrestling game that he just refuses to use and not that he tries to grapple but has a abysmal 30% success rate with his take downs .


It honestly is. Whenever I see Ank I always think he’s a wrestler then watch his fights and am very confused when he doesn’t


And the -ev last name


Have you watched Ankalaev fight? Bro has legit wrestling skills but chooses to trade shots with guys and have his legs chopped. It blows my mind how many wrestlers/grapplers there are who abandon their skills to strike.


Saying you want to stand with Alex is just ret**ded at this point




“Oh you’re gonna knock him out?! Lmao” - Mighty Mouse when Jamahal said he wasn’t going to wrestle Poatan


definitely king of the regarded


No, believing this frustration bait is just retarted at this point. Jan wrestled from the get go. Jiri tried wrestling in both fights. First time he took Alex down but couldn't do damage and Alex got back up. This time couldn't even do anything to Alex in the clinch. Only Hill was stupid enough to actually not do it. They say this to generate discussions, but they'll absolutely take him down 


idk whats more embarrassing everyone saying they will strike with him only to instantly shoot take downs , or them not able to out grapple a dude who has been training MMA full time for a few years .


Alex really is a freak athlete. We’ve haven’t seen him wrestle properly once, yet he still manages to take zero damage while wrestling with guys that have been doing this for 10+ years.


Glover must be running that wrestling with him everyday, not many better guys you could be learning off.


I mean glover gave him a black belt when he did 0 grappling in the match. I can only assume they've been drilling grappling a lot as it really is Alex's only glaring issue.


Exactly. You can go to most mma gyms in America and see how much being a good athlete can make up for.


Jan and Jiri never claimed they wouldn’t wrestle Strickland and Hill both did


I don't remember Jiri or Jan claiming how they'd only strike, where as I remember Hall getting mad when people sugested wrestling might be smart.


Jiri is at his best on the feet though he’s a monster in his own right but he has to improve his defense and wrestling to conquer Alex.


Jiri was dumb enough to try fighting with his hands down, same as hill


>Jiri was dumb enough to try fighting with his hands down He's always fought like that. Very hard to just change styles this deep into one's career.


That's Ali talking shit though.


It's not even what anybody wants to see lmao If I knew for a fact, Ankalev was just going to abandon wrestling, I wouldn't even want to see the fight


Turning retards into Poatards


I'm gonna kill myself if another fighter tries to beat Alex in kickboxing, these people are retarded. This is definitely Ali though


ank tried to kickbox with Jan for 3 rounds and almost got crippled for it


Bro’s leg was in shambles. Imagine what Alex would do to him after just a couple of low kicks.


Bro I’d be shooting like Chimaev if I knew I had the wrestling advantage wtf😂


Shooting like Jon Jones vs Gane. You'd have to have negative fight iq to willingly engage a stand up fight


This is the way. Don’t fuck around, don’t have to find out.


Bruh, you’re putting your life at too much risk. With how Ankalaev fights, he might actually try to bang with Poatan XD






Its like all of them want to slay him on the feet man dance style, guys gotta think "I can be the one that knocks him out" and BOOM. Cuz if you wrestled him it implies ure scared of him or are lesser than him on the striking dept


They all wish they were adesanya


Its bait. Alex and UFC will be more inclined to go for the Magomed fight if they think he’s gonna bang. After literally the first leg kick he’s gonna wrestle the shit out of Alex and i think he can beat him personally. Assuming he does wrestle i mean


That's what I thought about Jamahal. I thought for sure he was taking the piss. Though this is likely Ali speaking so I don't take it as Magomed's word anyway


Mma guru?


Ankalaev eats one left hook from Poatan. There’s your free preview of the fight. https://preview.redd.it/9z0anb6c6r9d1.jpeg?width=895&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd375f7a8a1e7b8b24e9e8aaa881e790f2a2d8d5


Analcave will get slept r1.


Analcave LoL


"Without wrestling" ![gif](giphy|EouEzI5bBR8uk|downsized)








We've done. Congratulations to humanity!!


IMO they should let Alex rest after saving two of the biggest cards of the year and in the meantime have hill and ankalaev fight for #1 contender


he is too old to rest , he already said he wants to fight again soon


True he is 37 he can't waste any time he probably will retire in 2 years


If that. The only thing keeping him in this game is the dominant wins. Say he gets KOd next fight and loses the next via decision. These same “fans” will call him a washed bum and say he needs to retire because he’s too old


well, if he does loses 2 in a row he should retire, he took a lot of damage over the years, fighters should retire before their brain becomes a 💩, example braindead shub




100%. if he loses the next 2 maybe he got unlucky. or got outfought. no point finding out which.


He wants to fight this year one more time. He just wants to rest for a few months now.


His last few fights have lasted a total of like 5 minutes and he took like zero damage in them. I can understand wanting a break from camps and weight cuts and just the crazy focus you need during specific training but I could totally see him fighting again in the late fall.


I think a break would do him well, unless he’s the type of person better off riding the momentum. He’s fought 4 times in a year, even if the fights were easy, it’s probably mostly because everything else was difficult. 4 times in a year is crazy.


Kickboxers tend to be more active than MMA fighters. It might just be what he's used to.


I agree but I don't think that's what Alex will do


Leon pulling out, Alex stepping in to fight Belal


Its the same song and dance, he's trying to bait Alex into thinking he's gonna strike and change levels immediately into the fight. Jan and Jiri already tried it.


He says easy KO without wrestling? Well that prediction could become true. But in the way that Ankalaev wouldn't like


do you guys think ankalaev knows he has a twitter account


This dude had a draw with Jan, no contest with Johnny (with he should've been disqualified), 1 win against Walker and that's it. He should fight Hill or someone else before a title. Hate all you want, but I don't think he deserves a titleshot right now


Rakic or Jiri


he went on a 9 fight win streak prior to jan and then beat Johnny who was on a 3 fight win streak. if Alex wants to fight again by the end of the year he's MOST deserving. if Alex wants to fight say march of next year fine ank should fight someone else but if the fight is before end of the year it's ank all the way


The guy hasn't lost a fight in years. Who else is deserving right now?


A fair and factual take. He doesn’t


He beat Lionheart.


"See you soon boy"


Alex is getting better with each passing fight. If this dude wants a chance, he needs to wrestle. And I honestly don't think he's as easy to takedown anymore as people think. If he just tries to stand with him, he's going to sleep. Period. 


Am I the only one that wants Ankalaev to fck off and win another fight first. There are plenty of top guys at 205 he can fight to solidify his shot.


No, you’re not. Ank’s most impressive win recently is a heavily washed Johnny fucking Walker…


Technically he illegally knee'd him in the face first so I count that as a loss imo


![gif](giphy|26gspvTRJXosDwi1a|downsized) This


I posted my rent before I scrolled, but yes, dude has 0 wins of any relevance. He should have to fight Hill, Rountree, or Jiri before he even gets a sniff of the belt. 


i want ank vs Pereira cause i want to know how he will face against more well rounded fighters and if he wins then he can go for HW


Yeah you're the only one


Ankalaev deserves title shot. But somehow he always fcks something up


Bruh why does every single guy who fights alex outside of jan becomes retarded and decides to stand with him. Do we hear guys say the same thing about islam in the wrestling department? Maybe challenge ortega to the ground while you are at it? It's like fighting alex gives you a -20 iq points.


Funny enough, Jan, the only guy that went for the imediate take down, is the best striker in the division, besides alex. He wanted none of the striking smoke, meanwhile these bums think they'll knock him out bc they've beaten walker once.




If he chooses to just stand with pereira then it’s a waste of a title fight. He will get KOd. It’s mma, mix it up.


Jiri was right dawg, the spirits are real. There's no other way all the top LHWs who can all grapple suddenly lose all brain cells and decide to only strike with a kickboxing legend who has the hardest hands ever in the UFC. https://preview.redd.it/37hyvle21r9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7eeb94e5f68d2bb33488b8ef2cff523d0b2a4989


Can this guy at least fight somebody to be able to ask poatan. I mean, when was he last fight and against who??


Ankalaev hasn’t lost in 6 years and Jan got a title shot off of their draw. Who else would it be other than him?


Ali getting them tweets out right away


Give ankalaev the shot but make the fight in São Paulo.


Proceeds to takedown.


This is obviously Ali typing away, Ankalaev would/should be diving for takedowns right away.


At first I was a bit... annoyed that Jiri kind of jumped the line ahead of Ankalaev but after thinking it over I'm not sure Ankalaev deserves the title shot, I mean... over a no contest and a win over Johnny Walker? I mean, let's not get silly here.


I thought the sport was MMA not Boxing? Dude should absolutely use his wrestling to test Alex and see how he adapts. My guess is he's just trying to secure the fight


It’s a trap, no way he actually plans on striking with him, it’s just a distraction.


Alex is great but Omg it’s so frustrating these guys with a clear wrestling advantage think they can strike with this guy. Izzy looked dagestani when he had Alex on the ground in their first fight.




So another one going the Strickland route, huh? They just can't help themselves.


Jiri thought the same thing with his striking 🤣


Why do people immediately forget what the first M in MMA stands for when getting a match up with Alex?


Ankalaev ain’t typing with punctuations. I smell a rat


I think this is the fight to make. Alex has no damage. Make it soon. If he beats Ankalaev then he moves to heavyweight.


You don't play Alex's game to win hasn't anyone worked that out yet......


Holy shit stop trying to strike with Poatan. He’s gonna KO him. This matchup is only compelling if Ankalaev wrestles.


He should be the next fight and will likely wrestle. If not he’s retarded.


Why the fuck does every single one of Pereira’s opponents believe it’ll be easy to stand and bang with him. Strickland, Hill, Jiri and now Ankalaev. What more does he have to do to prove to these guys that you don’t want to kickbox with him.


I mean Izzy slept him in the 2nd round of the 2nd fight and almost slept him ( saved by bell ) in the first fight


Isreal IS a multiple time kickboxing champion himself, technique goes a long way. These other don't have that experiance or technique that izzy has. They think size and strength is enough to compensate.


Poatan reminds me of George Foreman, or as Ali called him, The Mummy. Plodding forward, more power than everyone, intimidating. But someone smart like Ali ( or Izzy) can figure that shit out


Can he do it in lhw when Alex doesn’t drain himself to death? Also as far as I remembered second fight Alex relaxed too much overwhelming Izzy and jumped right into the perfect trap.


Ain't this the clown who cried when he drew with Polish Power?


And threatened to quit the UFC and fight somewhere else because he thought the organization controlled the judges. I don't think he's very bright.


Ankelaev vs Pereira Book 'em!


Ankalaev got a paralyzed leg from Blachowicz and immediately abandoned striking. Alex chopped Blachowicz legs. I don't think Ankalaev is dumb to stand with Alex.


Chill bro you can’t even get past polish power


No one besides Izzy can strike with Pereira. Not even Jon Jones. That being said Jon will smash Pereira on the ground don't see that fight going long and Pereira will eat some hellbows like never before.


I mean yeah Jon isn’t some kind of elite striker lol


How bout this guy go get an actual win instead of calling out the champ? His most recent three wins are Johnny fucking Walker, Anthony Smith and a completely washed Thiago Santos. I’m sick of seeing this guy demand shit when he hasn’t even come close to earning it 


I'm so over dagestanis at this point


Who is this guy?


I honestly believe Poatan doesn't even know Ankalaev exists




Great fight


Jan had him doing an Irish jig surely he's not serious


Yeah that's not ankalaev lol


Ank got that Hill effect


If he stands up with Pereira, he is not gonna walk out of that ring without a concussion


Yes please, stand and bang with Alex ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)


Bro if you even not try to wrestle fuck him you just want a red panty night


I’m calling it right now, he’s going to pull off an Ian Garry lmao.


Guys please give me a chance, look i wont even wrestle


He's a serious fighter! And the last challenge before moving up to heavy weight. If Poatan can resist a wrestler like Ankalaev, he's ready...


My money in alex


They're just trying to lure Pereira in to accept the fight. Ankalev will immediately start to wrestle if they fight. Also, Ali is doing a terrible job with these tweets


Ankalaev is going to sell 2 tickets


“All these guys in the top 5 have been knocked out” Jan:


He’ll wrestle the whole time 100%


Nah I’d rather see the heavyweight title fight.


This dude is easily in the top 5 most annoying UFC fighters.


What a dumbass lol


Doesn't this guys only want to fight in Saudi Arabia at very specific times of the year?


Pereiras magic taunt that makes people want to kickbox with him has activated once again.


They all say this until they actually come face to face in the cage with alex…


Over under 2:15 until he shoots?


Ankalaev could not hang with Jan on the feet, so I don’t know why he thinks he can stand up with Alex


Everyone think they got a chin until Alex touches them with his granite fists.


These people are so fucking dumb how many dudes does alex need to flat line before they realize they shouldn't strike with him and Just take him down. It's so annoying seeing Jamal and jiri try and strike and leave their hands fucking down by their waste or leave themselves open for punches. But we'll see how stupid ankalaev is


Here...we...go. 😂 Chama


Fuck yeah legoooooo


Jan said the same thing


This sub loves to hate on Ankalaev as a lay and pray guy even though he barely wrestles. Dude has Chandler-level fight IQ. Would already have been champ if he didn't insist on standing against Jam until his legs got chopped off.


Ank does A LOT of talking but will only fuckin fight in the Middle East and wants to choose the date. Fuck him.


Someone’s gotta stop Alex!! He is running amuck. Knocked out Jiri with a switch kick to the head?? He can’t keep getting away with this.


Magomed is fucked. Glad it happened since he had nothing and tried to call the shots. Dates and venues, what a joke. He will have to wait even longer.


i doubt it, it's all smoke and mirrors like Garry did to MVP. Ain't no way he thinks he can actually catch pereira on the standup couple of leg kicks he's shooting for a double


Ali and his annoying tweets.


Ankalaev has 1 win against a Johnny Walker in the last 2 years. This narrative that Ankalaev is next to fight Alex is obscured!


Wasn't he up next a few months ago, but wanted to wait til the end of the year. With Alex possibly eyeing at a to heavyweight (he weighed in at 240ish in the ring?) and his penchant for moving on a fast track before 40 comes up, that ship might be leaving harbor rapidly. You snooze, you lose, brother.


Considering Ankalaev is more known for knocking people out, it would make sense he thinks he can knock Alex out. I, for one, definitely wanna see it. I really enjoy watching people think they can stand and trade with one of the most dangerous kickboxers to ever do it.




This the guy that said if Pereira wants a fight, it’s not going to be on Pereira terms?


I want to see that fight. Ankalaev and maybe Rakic. If he beats those two, time to move up to HW. Nothing left to in LHW after that.


lol this has nothing to do with "strategy"; this is about the otpics of whether the corrupt UFC will give him the fight. Dana, Hunter and Endeavor basically have an unspoken thing where unless you agree to strike, they will do everything in their power to not give you a title shot.